#include "ClassesWidget.h" #include "core/MainWindow.h" #include "ui_ClassesWidget.h" #include "common/Helpers.h" #include "common/SvgIconEngine.h" #include "dialogs/EditMethodDialog.h" #include #include #include #include QVariant ClassesModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation, int role) const { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (section) { case NAME: return tr("Name"); case TYPE: return tr("Type"); case OFFSET: return tr("Offset"); case VTABLE: return tr("VTable"); default: return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } BinClassesModel::BinClassesModel(QObject *parent) : ClassesModel(parent) {} void BinClassesModel::setClasses(const QList &classes) { beginResetModel(); this->classes = classes; endResetModel(); } QModelIndex BinClassesModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return createIndex(row, column, (quintptr)0); // root function nodes have id = 0 } return createIndex(row, column, (quintptr)parent.row() + 1); // sub-nodes have id = class index + 1 } QModelIndex BinClassesModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return {}; } if (index.internalId() == 0) { // root function node return {}; } else { // sub-node return this->index((int)(index.internalId() - 1), 0); } } int BinClassesModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { // root return classes.count(); } if (parent.internalId() == 0) { // methods/fields const BinClassDescription *cls = &classes.at(parent.row()); return cls->baseClasses.length() + cls->methods.length() + cls->fields.length(); } return 0; // below methods/fields } int BinClassesModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return Columns::COUNT; } QVariant BinClassesModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { const BinClassDescription *cls; const BinClassMethodDescription *meth = nullptr; const BinClassFieldDescription *field = nullptr; const BinClassBaseClassDescription *base = nullptr; if (index.internalId() == 0) { // class row if (index.row() >= classes.count()) { return QVariant(); } cls = &classes.at(index.row()); } else { // method/field/base row cls = &classes.at(static_cast(index.internalId() - 1)); if (index.row() >= cls->baseClasses.length() + cls->methods.length() + cls->fields.length()) { return QVariant(); } if (index.row() < cls->baseClasses.length()) { base = &cls->baseClasses[index.row()]; } else if (index.row() - cls->baseClasses.length() < cls->methods.length()) { meth = &cls->methods[index.row() - cls->baseClasses.length()]; } else { field = &cls->fields[index.row() - cls->baseClasses.length() - cls->methods.length()]; } } if (meth) { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return meth->name; case TYPE: return tr("method"); case OFFSET: return meth->addr == RVA_INVALID ? QString() : RAddressString(meth->addr); case VTABLE: return meth->vtableOffset < 0 ? QString() : QString("+%1").arg(meth->vtableOffset); default: return QVariant(); } case OffsetRole: return QVariant::fromValue(meth->addr); case NameRole: return meth->name; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Method); default: return QVariant(); } } else if (field) { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return field->name; case TYPE: return tr("field"); case OFFSET: return field->addr == RVA_INVALID ? QString() : RAddressString(field->addr); default: return QVariant(); } case OffsetRole: return QVariant::fromValue(field->addr); case NameRole: return field->name; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Field); default: return QVariant(); } } else if (base) { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return base->name; case TYPE: return tr("base class"); case OFFSET: return QString("+%1").arg(base->offset); default: return QVariant(); } case NameRole: return base->name; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Base); default: return QVariant(); } } else { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return cls->name; case TYPE: return tr("class"); case OFFSET: return cls->addr == RVA_INVALID ? QString() : RAddressString(cls->addr); case VTABLE: return cls->vtableAddr == RVA_INVALID ? QString() : RAddressString(cls->vtableAddr); default: return QVariant(); } case OffsetRole: return QVariant::fromValue(cls->addr); case NameRole: return cls->name; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Class); default: return QVariant(); } } } AnalClassesModel::AnalClassesModel(CutterDockWidget *parent) : ClassesModel(parent), attrs(new QMap>) { // Just use a simple refresh deferrer. If an event was triggered in the background, simply // refresh everything later. refreshDeferrer = parent->createRefreshDeferrer([this]() { this->refreshAll(); }); connect(Core(), &CutterCore::refreshAll, this, &AnalClassesModel::refreshAll); connect(Core(), &CutterCore::codeRebased, this, &AnalClassesModel::refreshAll); connect(Core(), &CutterCore::classNew, this, &AnalClassesModel::classNew); connect(Core(), &CutterCore::classDeleted, this, &AnalClassesModel::classDeleted); connect(Core(), &CutterCore::classRenamed, this, &AnalClassesModel::classRenamed); connect(Core(), &CutterCore::classAttrsChanged, this, &AnalClassesModel::classAttrsChanged); refreshAll(); } void AnalClassesModel::refreshAll() { if (!refreshDeferrer->attemptRefresh(nullptr)) { return; } beginResetModel(); attrs->clear(); classes = Core()->getAllAnalClasses(true); // must be sorted endResetModel(); } void AnalClassesModel::classNew(const QString &cls) { if (!refreshDeferrer->attemptRefresh(nullptr)) { return; } // find the destination position using binary search and add the row auto it = std::lower_bound(classes.begin(), classes.end(), cls); int index = it - classes.begin(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), index, index); classes.insert(it, cls); endInsertRows(); } void AnalClassesModel::classDeleted(const QString &cls) { if (!refreshDeferrer->attemptRefresh(nullptr)) { return; } // find the position using binary search and remove the row auto it = std::lower_bound(classes.begin(), classes.end(), cls); if (it == classes.end() || *it != cls) { return; } int index = it - classes.begin(); beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index); classes.erase(it); endRemoveRows(); } void AnalClassesModel::classRenamed(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) { if (!refreshDeferrer->attemptRefresh(nullptr)) { return; } auto oldIt = std::lower_bound(classes.begin(), classes.end(), oldName); if (oldIt == classes.end() || *oldIt != oldName) { return; } auto newIt = std::lower_bound(classes.begin(), classes.end(), newName); int oldRow = oldIt - classes.begin(); int newRow = newIt - classes.begin(); // oldRow == newRow means the name stayed the same. // oldRow == newRow - 1 means the name changed, but the row stays the same. if (oldRow != newRow && oldRow != newRow - 1) { beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), oldRow, oldRow, QModelIndex(), newRow); classes.erase(oldIt); // iterators are invalid now, so we calculate the new position from the rows. if (oldRow < newRow) { // if we move down, we need to account for the removed old element above. newRow--; } classes.insert(newRow, newName); endMoveRows(); } else if (oldRow == newRow - 1) { // class name changed, but not the row newRow--; classes[newRow] = newName; } emit dataChanged(index(newRow, 0), index(newRow, 0)); } void AnalClassesModel::classAttrsChanged(const QString &cls) { if (!refreshDeferrer->attemptRefresh(nullptr)) { return; } auto it = std::lower_bound(classes.begin(), classes.end(), cls); if (it == classes.end() || *it != cls) { return; } QPersistentModelIndex persistentIndex = QPersistentModelIndex(index(it - classes.begin(), 0)); layoutAboutToBeChanged({ persistentIndex }); attrs->remove(cls); layoutChanged({ persistentIndex }); } const QVector &AnalClassesModel::getAttrs(const QString &cls) const { auto it = attrs->find(cls); if (it != attrs->end()) { return it.value(); } QVector clsAttrs; QList bases = Core()->getAnalClassBaseClasses(cls); QList meths = Core()->getAnalClassMethods(cls); QList vtables = Core()->getAnalClassVTables(cls); clsAttrs.reserve(bases.size() + meths.size() + vtables.size()); for (const AnalBaseClassDescription &base : bases) { clsAttrs.push_back(Attribute(Attribute::Type::Base, QVariant::fromValue(base))); } for (const AnalVTableDescription &vtable : vtables) { clsAttrs.push_back(Attribute(Attribute::Type::VTable, QVariant::fromValue(vtable))); } for (const AnalMethodDescription &meth : meths) { clsAttrs.push_back(Attribute(Attribute::Type::Method, QVariant::fromValue(meth))); } return attrs->insert(cls, clsAttrs).value(); } QModelIndex AnalClassesModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return createIndex(row, column, (quintptr)0); // root function nodes have id = 0 } return createIndex(row, column, (quintptr)parent.row() + 1); // sub-nodes have id = class index + 1 } QModelIndex AnalClassesModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return {}; } if (index.internalId() == 0) { // root function node return {}; } else { // sub-node return this->index((int)(index.internalId() - 1), 0); } } int AnalClassesModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { // root return classes.count(); } if (parent.internalId() == 0) { // methods/fields return getAttrs(classes[parent.row()]).size(); } return 0; // below methods/fields } bool AnalClassesModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return !parent.isValid() || !parent.parent().isValid(); } int AnalClassesModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return Columns::COUNT; } QVariant AnalClassesModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.internalId() == 0) { // class row if (index.row() >= classes.count()) { return QVariant(); } QString cls = classes.at(index.row()); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return cls; case TYPE: return tr("class"); default: return QVariant(); } case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Class); case NameRole: return cls; default: return QVariant(); } } else { // method/field/base row QString cls = classes.at(static_cast(index.internalId() - 1)); const Attribute &attr = getAttrs(cls)[index.row()]; switch (attr.type) { case Attribute::Type::Base: { AnalBaseClassDescription base = attr.data.value(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return base.className; case TYPE: return tr("base"); case OFFSET: return QString("+%1").arg(base.offset); default: return QVariant(); } case Qt::DecorationRole: if (index.column() == NAME) { return QIcon(new SvgIconEngine(QString(":/img/icons/home.svg"), QPalette::WindowText)); } return QVariant(); case VTableRole: return -1; case NameRole: return base.className; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Base); default: return QVariant(); } break; } case Attribute::Type::Method: { AnalMethodDescription meth = attr.data.value(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return meth.name; case TYPE: return tr("method"); case OFFSET: return meth.addr == RVA_INVALID ? QString() : RAddressString(meth.addr); case VTABLE: return meth.vtableOffset < 0 ? QString() : QString("+%1").arg(meth.vtableOffset); default: return QVariant(); } case Qt::DecorationRole: if (index.column() == NAME) { return QIcon(new SvgIconEngine(QString(":/img/icons/fork.svg"), QPalette::WindowText)); } return QVariant(); case VTableRole: return QVariant::fromValue(meth.vtableOffset); case OffsetRole: return QVariant::fromValue(meth.addr); case NameRole: return meth.name; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::Method); default: return QVariant(); } break; } case Attribute::Type::VTable: { AnalVTableDescription vtable = attr.data.value(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case NAME: return "vtable"; case TYPE: return tr("vtable"); case OFFSET: return RAddressString(vtable.addr); default: return QVariant(); } case Qt::DecorationRole: if (index.column() == NAME) { return QIcon(new SvgIconEngine(QString(":/img/icons/list.svg"), QPalette::WindowText)); } return QVariant(); case OffsetRole: return QVariant::fromValue(vtable.addr); case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(RowType::VTable); default: return QVariant(); } break; } } } return QVariant(); } ClassesSortFilterProxyModel::ClassesSortFilterProxyModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { } bool ClassesSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) const { QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(row, 0, parent); return index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString().contains(filterRegExp()); } bool ClassesSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const { switch (left.column()) { case ClassesModel::OFFSET: { RVA left_offset = left.data(ClassesModel::OffsetRole).toULongLong(); RVA right_offset = right.data(ClassesModel::OffsetRole).toULongLong(); if (left_offset != right_offset) { return left_offset < right_offset; } } // fallthrough case ClassesModel::TYPE: { auto left_type = left.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).value(); auto right_type = right.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).value(); if (left_type != right_type) { return left_type < right_type; } } // fallthrough case ClassesModel::VTABLE: { auto left_vtable = left.data(ClassesModel::VTableRole).toLongLong(); auto right_vtable = right.data(ClassesModel::VTableRole).toLongLong(); if (left_vtable != right_vtable) { return left_vtable < right_vtable; } } // fallthrough case ClassesModel::NAME: default: QString left_name = left.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); QString right_name = right.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); return QString::compare(left_name, right_name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0; } } bool ClassesSortFilterProxyModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return !parent.isValid() || !parent.parent().isValid(); } ClassesWidget::ClassesWidget(MainWindow *main) : CutterDockWidget(main), ui(new Ui::ClassesWidget) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->classesTreeView->setIconSize(QSize(10, 10)); proxy_model = new ClassesSortFilterProxyModel(this); ui->classesTreeView->setModel(proxy_model); ui->classesTreeView->sortByColumn(ClassesModel::TYPE, Qt::AscendingOrder); ui->classesTreeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); ui->classSourceCombo->setCurrentIndex(1); connect(ui->classSourceCombo, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ClassesWidget::refreshClasses); connect(ui->classesTreeView, &QTreeView::customContextMenuRequested, this, &ClassesWidget::showContextMenu); refreshClasses(); } ClassesWidget::~ClassesWidget() {} ClassesWidget::Source ClassesWidget::getSource() { switch (ui->classSourceCombo->currentIndex()) { case 0: return Source::BIN; default: return Source::ANALYSIS; } } void ClassesWidget::refreshClasses() { switch (getSource()) { case Source::BIN: if (!bin_model) { proxy_model->setSourceModel(nullptr); delete analysis_model; analysis_model = nullptr; bin_model = new BinClassesModel(this); proxy_model->setSourceModel(bin_model); } bin_model->setClasses(Core()->getAllClassesFromBin()); break; case Source::ANALYSIS: if (!analysis_model) { proxy_model->setSourceModel(nullptr); delete bin_model; bin_model = nullptr; analysis_model = new AnalClassesModel(this); proxy_model->setSourceModel(analysis_model); } break; } qhelpers::adjustColumns(ui->classesTreeView, 3, 0); ui->classesTreeView->setColumnWidth(0, 200); } void ClassesWidget::on_classesTreeView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid()) return; QVariant offsetData = index.data(ClassesModel::OffsetRole); if (!offsetData.isValid()) { return; } RVA offset = offsetData.value(); Core()->seekAndShow(offset); } void ClassesWidget::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pt) { if (!analysis_model) { // no context menu for bin classes return; } QModelIndex index = ui->classesTreeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid()) { return; } auto type = static_cast(index.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).toInt()); QMenu menu(ui->classesTreeView); menu.addAction(ui->newClassAction); if (type == ClassesModel::RowType::Class) { menu.addAction(ui->renameClassAction); menu.addAction(ui->deleteClassAction); } menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(ui->addMethodAction); if (type == ClassesModel::RowType::Method) { menu.addAction(ui->editMethodAction); QString className = index.parent().data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); QString methodName = index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); AnalMethodDescription desc; if (Core()->getAnalMethod(className, methodName, &desc)) { if (desc.vtableOffset >= 0) { menu.addAction(ui->seekToVTableAction); } } } menu.exec(ui->classesTreeView->mapToGlobal(pt)); } void ClassesWidget::on_seekToVTableAction_triggered() { QModelIndex index = ui->classesTreeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); QString className = index.parent().data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); QList vtables = Core()->getAnalClassVTables(className); if (vtables.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Missing VTable in class"), tr("The class %1 does not have any VTable!").arg(className)); return; } QString methodName = index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); AnalMethodDescription desc; if (!Core()->getAnalMethod(className, methodName, &desc) || desc.vtableOffset < 0) { return; } Core()->seekAndShow(vtables[0].addr + desc.vtableOffset); } void ClassesWidget::on_addMethodAction_triggered() { QModelIndex index = ui->classesTreeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid()) { return; } QString className; if (index.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).toInt() == static_cast(ClassesModel::RowType::Class)) { className = index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); } else { className = index.parent().data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); } EditMethodDialog::newMethod(className, QString(), this); } void ClassesWidget::on_editMethodAction_triggered() { QModelIndex index = ui->classesTreeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() || index.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).toInt() != static_cast(ClassesModel::RowType::Method)) { return; } QString className = index.parent().data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); QString methName = index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); EditMethodDialog::editMethod(className, methName, this); } void ClassesWidget::on_newClassAction_triggered() { bool ok; QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Create new Class"), tr("Class Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); if (ok && !name.isEmpty()) { Core()->createNewClass(name); } } void ClassesWidget::on_deleteClassAction_triggered() { QModelIndex index = ui->classesTreeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() || index.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).toInt() != static_cast(ClassesModel::RowType::Class)) { return; } QString className = index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Delete Class"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete the class %1?").arg(className)) != QMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes) { return; } Core()->deleteClass(className); } void ClassesWidget::on_renameClassAction_triggered() { QModelIndex index = ui->classesTreeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() || index.data(ClassesModel::TypeRole).toInt() != static_cast(ClassesModel::RowType::Class)) { return; } QString oldName = index.data(ClassesModel::NameRole).toString(); bool ok; QString newName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Rename Class %1").arg(oldName), tr("Class name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, oldName, &ok); if (ok && !newName.isEmpty()) { Core()->renameClass(oldName, newName); } }