language: cpp cache: ccache branches: only: - master - debug - /^v\d.*$/ - /^deploy-test(-.*)?$/ matrix: include: - name: Linux QMake os: linux dist: xenial env: BUILD_SYSTEM=qmake addons: apt: packages: - mesa-common-dev - libgl1-mesa-glx - libgl1-mesa-dev - libxkbcommon-x11-dev - ninja-build/xenial-backports - name: Linux CMake os: linux env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake_nodep before_install: - ls $(pyenv root)/versions - pyenv global 3.7 - pip3 install meson addons: apt: packages: - mesa-common-dev - ninja-build - libgraphviz-dev - qt5-default - libqt5svg5-dev - qttools5-dev - name: Linux CMake + Deploy os: linux env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake DEPLOY=1 dist: xenial addons: apt: packages: - mesa-common-dev - libgl1-mesa-glx - libgl1-mesa-dev - libxkbcommon-x11-dev - ninja-build/xenial-backports #- name: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 # test that Cutter can be built on an old distro using system libraries # os: linux # env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake_nodep PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH" # dist: xenial # addons: # apt: # packages: # - ninja-build # - libgraphviz-dev # - qt5-default # - libqt5svg5-dev # - qttools5-dev # - qttools5-dev-tools # - cmake # before_install: # - pyenv install 3.5.2 # - pyenv global 3.5.2 # - pip install meson==0.52.1 - name: macOS QMake + Deploy os: osx osx_image: xcode11 env: BUILD_SYSTEM=qmake DEPLOY=1 before_install: ~ - name: macOS CMake os: osx osx_image: xcode11 env: BUILD_SYSTEM=cmake before_install: ~ addons: homebrew: brewfile: scripts/Brewfile update: true # updating brew to get slightly newer meson, 0.54 doesn't work on macOS. - name: Documentation + Translations + Deploy os: linux cache: ~ addons: apt: packages: - doxygen - libgraphviz-dev before_install: - pyenv global 3.7 - pip3 install -U sphinx - pip3 install -U breathe - pip3 install -U sphinx-rtd-theme - pip3 install -U recommonmark install: ~ before_script: ~ after_success: ~ script: - cd docs - make html before_deploy: - cd "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_bd0ed4c1fd75_key -iv $encrypted_bd0ed4c1fd75_iv -in scripts/deploy_docs_rsa.enc -out scripts/deploy_docs_rsa -d - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_df6d16737705c_key -iv $encrypted_df6d16737705c_iv -in scripts/deploy_translations_rsa.enc -out scripts/deploy_translations_rsa -d - chmod 600 scripts/deploy_docs_rsa - chmod 600 scripts/deploy_translations_rsa - export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="/usr/bin/ssh -i $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/deploy_docs_rsa" - git config --global "Travis CI" - git config --global "" deploy: skip_cleanup: true provider: script script: bash -c "./scripts/; ./scripts/" on: repo: radareorg/cutter branch: translate sudo: required dist: bionic addons: homebrew: brewfile: scripts/Brewfile # update: true before_install: - ls $(pyenv root)/versions - pyenv global 3.7.1 - pip3 install meson install: - if [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" != "cmake_nodep" ]]; then scripts/; source cutter-deps/; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export PATH=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH; source scripts/; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`llvm-config --libdir`:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; source scripts/; fi before_script: - cd radare2 - if [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "qmake" ]] || ([[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "cmake" ]] && [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]) ; then if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then INSTALL_TARGET=install sys/ /usr; else LDFLAGS=-headerpad_max_install_names INSTALL_TARGET=install sys/; fi fi - cd .. script: - mkdir build - cd build - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$CUSTOM_BREAKPAD_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$CUSTOM_PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then if [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "qmake" ]]; then qmake CUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON=true CUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=true CUTTER_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTS=true PREFIX=/usr ../src && make -j4; elif [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "cmake" ]]; then cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$Qt5_ROOT" -DPYTHON_LIBRARY="$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/" -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python3.6m" -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_PREFIX/bin/python3" -DCUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON -DCUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON -DCUTTER_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTS=ON -DCUTTER_USE_BUNDLED_RADARE2=OFF -DCUTTER_APPIMAGE_BUILD=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=appdir/usr .. && make -j4; elif [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "cmake_nodep" ]]; then cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCUTTER_USE_BUNDLED_RADARE2=ON .. && make -j4; fi elif [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then if [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "qmake" ]]; then qmake CUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON=true CUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=true SHIBOKEN_EXTRA_OPTIONS=-isystem/Applications/ CUTTER_BUNDLE_R2_APPBUNDLE=true CUTTER_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTS=true PYTHON_FRAMEWORK_DIR=$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_FRAMEWORK_DIR BREAKPAD_FRAMEWORK_DIR=$BREAKPAD_FRAMEWORK_DIR ../src && make -j4; elif [[ "$BUILD_SYSTEM" == "cmake" ]]; then cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_LIBRARY="$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/libpython3.6m.dylib" -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_PREFIX/include/python3.6m" -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_PREFIX/bin/python3" -DCUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON -DCUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON -DSHIBOKEN_EXTRA_OPTIONS=-isystem/Applications/ -DCUTTER_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTS=ON -DCUTTER_USE_BUNDLED_RADARE2=ON -DBREAKPAD_FRAMEWORK_DIR="$BREAKPAD_FRAMEWORK_DIR" .. && make -j4; fi fi after_success: # Do the release - export CUTTER_VERSION=$(python ../scripts/ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then lrelease ../src/ && mkdir -p && cp ../src/translations/*.qm && macdeployqt -libpath="../Frameworks" && macdeployqt -libpath="../Frameworks" && cp -a "$QTDIR/lib/QtDBus.framework" "$QTDIR/lib/QtPrintSupport.framework" && cp -a "$BREAKPAD_FRAMEWORK_DIR/Breakpad.framework" && "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/" "$CUTTER_DEPS_PYTHON_FRAMEWORK_DIR/Python.framework" && mv && cp ../src/macos/ && chmod +x && mkdir -p && cp -a /usr/local/share/radare2 && "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="`pwd`/" -DBUILD_CUTTER_PLUGIN=ON -DCUTTER_INSTALL_PLUGDIR="`pwd`/" -DCUTTER_SOURCE_DIR="$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" && "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/" --prefix="`pwd`/" && mkdir image && cp -a image/ && export VOL_NAME="Cutter v${CUTTER_VERSION}" && export DMG_TMP_FILE="Cutter-v$CUTTER_VERSION-x64.macOS-tmp.dmg" && export DMG_FILE="Cutter-v$CUTTER_VERSION-x64.macOS.dmg" && export SIZE=`du -sh "image" | sed 's/\([0-9\.]*\)M\(.*\)/\1/'` && export SIZE=`echo "${SIZE} + 10.0" | bc | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}'` && hdiutil create -srcfolder image -volname "${VOL_NAME}" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW -size ${SIZE}M "$DMG_TMP_FILE" && export DEVICE=$(hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify "${DMG_TMP_FILE}" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}') && sleep 2 && ../scripts/ "Cutter" "${PWD}/../src/macos/cutter_mac_app.png" "${VOL_NAME}" && hdiutil detach "${DEVICE}" && hdiutil convert "${DMG_TMP_FILE}" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "${DMG_FILE}" && export FILE_TO_UPLOAD="$DMG_FILE" ; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]] && [[ $DEPLOY == 1 ]]; then export VERSION=$CUTTER_VERSION && make install && cp -r /usr/share/radare2 appdir/usr/share/ && "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/" appdir && "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="`pwd`/appdir/usr" -DBUILD_CUTTER_PLUGIN=ON -DCUTTER_SOURCE_DIR="$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" && "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/scripts/" --prefix=`pwd`/appdir/usr && wget -c "" && chmod a+x linuxdeployqt*.AppImage && rm -fv "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/cutter-deps/qt/plugins/imageformats/" && ./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage ./appdir/usr/share/applications/*.desktop -executable=./appdir/usr/bin/python3 -bundle-non-qt-libs -no-strip,, -ignore-glob=usr/lib/python3.6/**/* -verbose=2 && ./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage ./appdir/usr/share/applications/*.desktop -executable=./appdir/usr/bin/python3 -appimage -no-strip,, -ignore-glob=usr/lib/python3.6/**/* -verbose=2 && find ./appdir -executable -type f -exec ldd {} \; | grep " => /usr" | cut -d " " -f 2-3 | sort | uniq && export APPIMAGE_FILE="Cutter-v$CUTTER_VERSION-x64.Linux.AppImage" && mv Cutter-*-x86_64.AppImage "$APPIMAGE_FILE" && export FILE_TO_UPLOAD="$APPIMAGE_FILE" ; fi deploy: skip_cleanup: true provider: releases draft: true prerelease: true tag_name: $TRAVIS_TAG api_key: secure: 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 file: - "${FILE_TO_UPLOAD}" on: tags: true condition: $DEPLOY = 1