#ifndef DECOMPILERCONTEXTMENU_H #define DECOMPILERCONTEXTMENU_H #include "core/Cutter.h" #include #include class DecompilerContextMenu : public QMenu { Q_OBJECT public: DecompilerContextMenu(QWidget *parent, MainWindow *mainWindow); ~DecompilerContextMenu(); bool getIsTogglingBreakpoints(); signals: void copy(); public slots: void setOffset(RVA offset); void setCanCopy(bool enabled); void setFirstOffsetInLine(RVA firstOffset); void setAvailableBreakpoints(QVector offsetList); private slots: void aboutToShowSlot(); void aboutToHideSlot(); void actionCopyTriggered(); void actionAddCommentTriggered(); void actionDeleteCommentTriggered(); void actionToggleBreakpointTriggered(); void actionAdvancedBreakpointTriggered(); void actionContinueUntilTriggered(); void actionSetPCTriggered(); private: // Private variables RVA offset; RVA firstOffsetInLine; bool isTogglingBreakpoints; QVector availableBreakpoints; MainWindow *mainWindow; QAction actionCopy; QAction *copySeparator; QAction actionAddComment; QAction actionDeleteComment; QMenu *breakpointMenu; QAction actionToggleBreakpoint; QAction actionAdvancedBreakpoint; QMenu *breakpointsInLineMenu; QMenu *debugMenu; QAction actionContinueUntil; QAction actionSetPC; // Private Functions void setShortcutContextInActions(QMenu *menu); void setupBreakpointsInLineMenu(); void setIsTogglingBreakpoints(bool isToggling); // Set actions void setActionCopy(); void setActionAddComment(); void setActionDeleteComment(); void setActionToggleBreakpoint(); void setActionAdvancedBreakpoint(); void setActionContinueUntil(); void setActionSetPC(); // Add Menus void addBreakpointMenu(); void addDebugMenu(); // I left out the following part from RAnnotatedCode. Probably, we will be returning/passing annotations // from/to the function getThingUsedHere() and updateTargetMenuActions(). This block of comment will get removed in // future PRs. // // struct ThingUsedHere { // QString name; // RVA offset; // enum class Type { // Var, // Function, // Flag, // Address // }; // Type type; // }; // QVector getThingUsedHere(RVA offset); // void updateTargetMenuActions(const QVector &targets); }; #endif // DECOMPILERCONTEXTMENU_H