#include "Configuration.h" #include #include #include #include #include Configuration *Configuration::mPtr = nullptr; /*! * \brief All asm.* options saved as settings. Values are the default values. */ static const QHash asmOptions = { { "asm.esil", false }, { "asm.pseudo", false }, { "asm.offset", true }, { "asm.describe", false }, { "asm.stackptr", false }, { "asm.slow", true }, { "asm.lines", true }, { "asm.lines.fcn", true }, { "asm.flags.offset", false }, { "asm.emu", false }, { "asm.cmt.right", true }, { "asm.var.summary", false }, { "asm.bytes", false }, { "asm.size", false }, { "asm.bytespace", false }, { "asm.lbytes", true }, { "asm.nbytes", 10 }, { "asm.syntax", "intel" }, { "asm.ucase", false }, { "asm.bbline", false }, { "asm.capitalize", false }, { "asm.var.sub", true }, { "asm.var.subonly", true }, { "asm.tabs", 5 } }; Configuration::Configuration() : QObject() { mPtr = this; loadInitial(); } Configuration *Configuration::instance() { if (!mPtr) mPtr = new Configuration(); return mPtr; } void Configuration::loadInitial() { setTheme(getTheme()); setColorTheme(getCurrentTheme()); applySavedAsmOptions(); } QString Configuration::getDirProjects() { auto projectsDir = s.value("dir.projects").toString(); if (projectsDir == "") { projectsDir = Core()->getConfig("dir.projects"); setDirProjects(projectsDir); } return projectsDir; } void Configuration::setDirProjects(const QString &dir) { s.setValue("dir.projects", dir); } void Configuration::resetAll() { Core()->cmd("e-"); Core()->setSettings(); // Delete the file so no extra configuration is in it. QFile settingsFile(s.fileName()); settingsFile.remove(); s.clear(); loadInitial(); emit fontsUpdated(); } void Configuration::loadDefaultTheme() { /* Load Qt Theme */ qApp->setStyleSheet(""); /* Images */ logoFile = QString(":/img/cutter_plain.svg"); /* Colors */ // GUI setColor("gui.cflow", QColor(0, 0, 0)); setColor("gui.dataoffset", QColor(0, 0, 0)); setColor("gui.border", QColor(0, 0, 0)); setColor("highlight", QColor(210, 210, 255)); setColor("highlightWord", QColor(210, 210, 255)); // Windows background setColor("gui.background", QColor(255, 255, 255)); setColor("gui.disass_selected", QColor(255, 255, 255)); // Disassembly nodes background setColor("gui.alt_background", QColor(245, 250, 255)); // Custom setColor("gui.imports", QColor(50, 140, 255)); setColor("gui.main", QColor(0, 128, 0)); setColor("gui.navbar.err", QColor(255, 0, 0)); setColor("gui.navbar.code", QColor(104, 229, 69)); setColor("gui.navbar.str", QColor(69, 104, 229)); setColor("gui.navbar.sym", QColor(229, 150, 69)); setColor("gui.navbar.empty", QColor(100, 100, 100)); } void Configuration::loadBaseDark() { /* Load Qt Theme */ QFile f(":qdarkstyle/style.qss"); if (!f.exists()) { qWarning() << "Can't find dark theme stylesheet."; } else { f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); QTextStream ts(&f); QString stylesheet = ts.readAll(); #ifdef Q_OS_MACX // see https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet/issues/22#issuecomment-96179529 stylesheet += "QDockWidget::title" "{" " background-color: #31363b;" " text-align: center;" " height: 12px;" "}"; #endif qApp->setStyleSheet(stylesheet); } /* Images */ logoFile = QString(":/img/cutter_white_plain.svg"); /* Colors */ // GUI setColor("gui.cflow", QColor(255, 255, 255)); setColor("gui.dataoffset", QColor(255, 255, 255)); // Custom setColor("gui.imports", QColor(50, 140, 255)); setColor("gui.main", QColor(0, 128, 0)); setColor("gui.navbar.err", QColor(255, 0, 0)); setColor("gui.navbar.code", QColor(104, 229, 69)); setColor("gui.navbar.str", QColor(69, 104, 229)); setColor("gui.navbar.sym", QColor(229, 150, 69)); setColor("gui.navbar.empty", QColor(100, 100, 100)); } void Configuration::loadDarkTheme() { loadBaseDark(); setColor("gui.border", QColor(100, 100, 100)); // Windows background setColor("gui.background", QColor(37, 40, 43)); // Disassembly nodes background setColor("gui.alt_background", QColor(28, 31, 36)); // Disassembly nodes background when selected setColor("gui.disass_selected", QColor(44, 53, 54)); // Disassembly line selected setColor("highlight", QColor(21, 29, 29)); setColor("highlightWord", QColor(100, 100, 100)); } const QFont Configuration::getFont() const { QFont font = s.value("font", QFont("Inconsolata", 12)).value(); return font; } void Configuration::setFont(const QFont &font) { s.setValue("font", font); emit fontsUpdated(); } void Configuration::setTheme(int theme) { s.setValue("ColorPalette", theme); switch(theme){ case 0: loadDefaultTheme(); break; case 1: loadDarkTheme(); break; default: loadDefaultTheme(); } emit colorsUpdated(); } QString Configuration::getLogoFile() { return logoFile; } /*! * \brief Configuration::setColor sets the local Cutter configuration color * \param name Color Name * \param color The color you want to set */ void Configuration::setColor(const QString &name, const QColor &color) { s.setValue("colors." + name, color); } const QColor Configuration::getColor(const QString &name) const { if (s.contains("colors." + name)) { return s.value("colors." + name).value(); } else { return s.value("colors.other").value(); } } void Configuration::setColorTheme(QString theme) { if (theme == "default") { Core()->cmd("ecd"); s.setValue("theme", "default"); } else { Core()->cmd(QString("eco %1").arg(theme)); s.setValue("theme", theme); } // Duplicate interesting colors into our Cutter Settings // Dirty fix for arrow colors, TODO refactor getColor, setColor, etc. QJsonDocument colors = Core()->cmdj("ecj"); QJsonObject colorsObject = colors.object(); QJsonObject::iterator it; for (it = colorsObject.begin(); it != colorsObject.end(); it++) { if (!it.key().contains("graph")) continue; QJsonArray rgb = it.value().toArray(); s.setValue("colors." + it.key(), QColor(rgb[0].toInt(), rgb[1].toInt(), rgb[2].toInt())); } emit colorsUpdated(); } void Configuration::resetToDefaultAsmOptions() { for (auto it = asmOptions.begin(); it != asmOptions.end(); it++) { setConfig(it.key(), it.value()); } } void Configuration::applySavedAsmOptions() { for (auto it = asmOptions.begin(); it != asmOptions.end(); it++) { Core()->setConfig(it.key(), s.value(it.key(), it.value())); } } QVariant Configuration::getConfigVar(const QString &key) { QHash::const_iterator it = asmOptions.find(key); if (it != asmOptions.end()) { switch(it.value().type()) { case QVariant::Type::Bool: return Core()->getConfigb(key); case QVariant::Type::Int: return Core()->getConfigi(key); default: return Core()->getConfig(key); } } return QVariant(); } bool Configuration::getConfigBool(const QString &key) { return getConfigVar(key).toBool(); } int Configuration::getConfigInt(const QString &key) { return getConfigVar(key).toInt(); } QString Configuration::getConfigString(const QString &key) { return getConfigVar(key).toString(); } void Configuration::setConfig(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { if (asmOptions.contains(key)) { s.setValue(key, value); } Core()->setConfig(key, value); }