#include "DisassemblerGraphView.h" #include "common/CutterSeekable.h" #include "core/Cutter.h" #include "core/MainWindow.h" #include "common/Colors.h" #include "common/Configuration.h" #include "common/CachedFontMetrics.h" #include "common/TempConfig.h" #include "common/SyntaxHighlighter.h" #include "common/BasicBlockHighlighter.h" #include "common/BasicInstructionHighlighter.h" #include "dialogs/MultitypeFileSaveDialog.h" #include "common/Helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const int DisassemblerGraphView::KEY_ZOOM_IN = Qt::Key_Plus + Qt::ControlModifier; const int DisassemblerGraphView::KEY_ZOOM_OUT = Qt::Key_Minus + Qt::ControlModifier; const int DisassemblerGraphView::KEY_ZOOM_RESET = Qt::Key_Equal + Qt::ControlModifier; DisassemblerGraphView::DisassemblerGraphView(QWidget *parent, CutterSeekable *seekable, MainWindow *mainWindow, QList additionalMenuActions) : GraphView(parent), mFontMetrics(nullptr), graphLayout(GraphView::Layout::GridMedium), blockMenu(new DisassemblyContextMenu(this, mainWindow)), contextMenu(new QMenu(this)), seekable(seekable), actionExportGraph(this), actionUnhighlight(this), actionUnhighlightInstruction(this) { highlight_token = nullptr; auto *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); // Signals that require a refresh all connect(Core(), SIGNAL(refreshAll()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(commentsChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(functionRenamed(const QString &, const QString &)), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(flagsChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(varsChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(instructionChanged(RVA)), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(functionsChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(graphOptionsChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(asmOptionsChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Core(), SIGNAL(refreshCodeViews()), this, SLOT(refreshView())); connect(Config(), SIGNAL(colorsUpdated()), this, SLOT(colorsUpdatedSlot())); connect(Config(), SIGNAL(fontsUpdated()), this, SLOT(fontsUpdatedSlot())); connectSeekChanged(false); // ESC for previous QShortcut *shortcut_escape = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape), this); shortcut_escape->setContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(shortcut_escape, SIGNAL(activated()), seekable, SLOT(seekPrev())); // Branch shortcuts QShortcut *shortcut_take_true = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_T), this); shortcut_take_true->setContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(shortcut_take_true, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(takeTrue())); QShortcut *shortcut_take_false = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F), this); shortcut_take_false->setContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(shortcut_take_false, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(takeFalse())); // Navigation shortcuts QShortcut *shortcut_next_instr = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_J), this); shortcut_next_instr->setContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(shortcut_next_instr, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(nextInstr())); QShortcut *shortcut_prev_instr = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_K), this); shortcut_prev_instr->setContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(shortcut_prev_instr, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(prevInstr())); shortcuts.append(shortcut_escape); shortcuts.append(shortcut_next_instr); shortcuts.append(shortcut_prev_instr); // Export Graph menu actionExportGraph.setText(tr("Export Graph")); connect(&actionExportGraph, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(on_actionExportGraph_triggered())); // Context menu that applies to everything contextMenu->addAction(&actionExportGraph); static const std::pair LAYOUT_CONFIG[] = { {tr("Grid narrow"), GraphView::Layout::GridNarrow} , {tr("Grid medium"), GraphView::Layout::GridMedium} , {tr("Grid wide"), GraphView::Layout::GridWide} #ifdef CUTTER_ENABLE_GRAPHVIZ , {tr("Graphviz polyline"), GraphView::Layout::GraphvizPolyline} , {tr("Graphviz ortho"), GraphView::Layout::GraphvizOrtho} #endif }; auto layoutMenu = contextMenu->addMenu(tr("Layout")); horizontalLayoutAction = layoutMenu->addAction(tr("Horizontal")); horizontalLayoutAction->setCheckable(true); layoutMenu->addSeparator(); connect(horizontalLayoutAction, &QAction::toggled, this, &DisassemblerGraphView::updateLayout); QActionGroup *layoutGroup = new QActionGroup(layoutMenu); for (auto &item : LAYOUT_CONFIG) { auto action = layoutGroup->addAction(item.first); action->setCheckable(true); GraphView::Layout layout = item.second; connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, layout]() { this->graphLayout = layout; updateLayout(); }); if (layout == this->graphLayout) { action->setChecked(true); } } layoutMenu->addActions(layoutGroup->actions()); contextMenu->addSeparator(); contextMenu->addActions(additionalMenuActions); QAction *highlightBB = new QAction(this); actionUnhighlight.setVisible(false); highlightBB->setText(tr("Highlight block")); connect(highlightBB, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { auto bbh = Core()->getBBHighlighter(); RVA currBlockEntry = blockForAddress(this->seekable->getOffset())->entry; QColor background = disassemblyBackgroundColor; if (auto block = bbh->getBasicBlock(currBlockEntry)) { background = block->color; } QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor(background, this, QString(), QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog); if (c.isValid()) { bbh->highlight(currBlockEntry, c); } Config()->colorsUpdated(); }); actionUnhighlight.setText(tr("Unhighlight block")); connect(&actionUnhighlight, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { auto bbh = Core()->getBBHighlighter(); bbh->clear(blockForAddress(this->seekable->getOffset())->entry); Config()->colorsUpdated(); }); QAction *highlightBI = new QAction(this); actionUnhighlightInstruction.setVisible(false); highlightBI->setText(tr("Highlight instruction")); connect(highlightBI, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblerGraphView::onActionHighlightBITriggered); actionUnhighlightInstruction.setText(tr("Unhighlight instruction")); connect(&actionUnhighlightInstruction, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblerGraphView::onActionUnhighlightBITriggered); blockMenu->addAction(highlightBB); blockMenu->addAction(&actionUnhighlight); blockMenu->addAction(highlightBI); blockMenu->addAction(&actionUnhighlightInstruction); // Include all actions from generic context menu in block specific menu blockMenu->addSeparator(); blockMenu->addActions(contextMenu->actions()); initFont(); colorsUpdatedSlot(); connect(blockMenu, &DisassemblyContextMenu::copy, this, &DisassemblerGraphView::copySelection); // Add header as widget to layout so it stretches to the layout width layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); this->scale_thickness_multiplier = true; } void DisassemblerGraphView::connectSeekChanged(bool disconn) { if (disconn) { disconnect(seekable, &CutterSeekable::seekableSeekChanged, this, &DisassemblerGraphView::onSeekChanged); } else { connect(seekable, &CutterSeekable::seekableSeekChanged, this, &DisassemblerGraphView::onSeekChanged); } } DisassemblerGraphView::~DisassemblerGraphView() { for (QShortcut *shortcut : shortcuts) { delete shortcut; } } void DisassemblerGraphView::refreshView() { initFont(); loadCurrentGraph(); viewport()->update(); emit viewRefreshed(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::loadCurrentGraph() { TempConfig tempConfig; tempConfig.set("scr.color", COLOR_MODE_16M) .set("asm.bb.line", false) .set("asm.lines", false) .set("asm.lines.fcn", false); QJsonArray functions; RAnalFunction *fcn = Core()->functionIn(seekable->getOffset()); if (fcn) { currentFcnAddr = fcn->addr; QJsonDocument functionsDoc = Core()->cmdj("agJ " + RAddressString(fcn->addr)); functions = functionsDoc.array(); } disassembly_blocks.clear(); blocks.clear(); if (highlight_token) { delete highlight_token; highlight_token = nullptr; } emptyGraph = functions.isEmpty(); if (emptyGraph) { // If there's no function to print, just add a message if (!emptyText) { emptyText = new QLabel(this); emptyText->setText(tr("No function detected. Cannot display graph.")); emptyText->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum); layout()->addWidget(emptyText); layout()->setAlignment(emptyText, Qt::AlignHCenter); } emptyText->setVisible(true); } else if (emptyText) { emptyText->setVisible(false); } // Refresh global "empty graph" variable so other widget know there is nothing to show here Core()->setGraphEmpty(emptyGraph); QJsonValue funcRef = functions.first(); QJsonObject func = funcRef.toObject(); windowTitle = tr("Graph"); QString funcName = func["name"].toString().trimmed(); if (emptyGraph) { windowTitle += " (Empty)"; } else if (!funcName.isEmpty()) { windowTitle += " (" + funcName + ")"; } emit nameChanged(windowTitle); RVA entry = func["offset"].toVariant().toULongLong(); setEntry(entry); for (const QJsonValueRef &value : func["blocks"].toArray()) { QJsonObject block = value.toObject(); RVA block_entry = block["offset"].toVariant().toULongLong(); RVA block_size = block["size"].toVariant().toULongLong(); RVA block_fail = block["fail"].toVariant().toULongLong(); RVA block_jump = block["jump"].toVariant().toULongLong(); DisassemblyBlock db; GraphBlock gb; gb.entry = block_entry; db.entry = block_entry; db.true_path = RVA_INVALID; db.false_path = RVA_INVALID; if (block_fail) { db.false_path = block_fail; gb.edges.emplace_back(block_fail); } if (block_jump) { if (block_fail) { db.true_path = block_jump; } gb.edges.emplace_back(block_jump); } QJsonObject switchOp = block["switchop"].toObject(); if (!switchOp.isEmpty()) { QJsonArray caseArray = switchOp["cases"].toArray(); for (QJsonValue caseOpValue : caseArray) { QJsonObject caseOp = caseOpValue.toObject(); bool ok; RVA caseJump = caseOp["jump"].toVariant().toULongLong(&ok); if (!ok) { continue; } gb.edges.emplace_back(caseJump); } } QJsonArray opArray = block["ops"].toArray(); for (int opIndex = 0; opIndex < opArray.size(); opIndex++) { QJsonObject op = opArray[opIndex].toObject(); Instr i; i.addr = op["offset"].toVariant().toULongLong(); if (opIndex < opArray.size() - 1) { // get instruction size from distance to next instruction ... RVA nextOffset = opArray[opIndex + 1].toObject()["offset"].toVariant().toULongLong(); i.size = nextOffset - i.addr; } else { // or to the end of the block. i.size = (block_entry + block_size) - i.addr; } QTextDocument textDoc; textDoc.setHtml(CutterCore::ansiEscapeToHtml(op["text"].toString())); i.plainText = textDoc.toPlainText(); RichTextPainter::List richText = RichTextPainter::fromTextDocument(textDoc); //Colors::colorizeAssembly(richText, textDoc.toPlainText(), 0); bool cropped; int blockLength = Config()->getGraphBlockMaxChars() + Core()->getConfigb("asm.bytes") * 24 + Core()->getConfigb("asm.emu") * 10; i.text = Text(RichTextPainter::cropped(richText, blockLength, "...", &cropped)); if (cropped) i.fullText = richText; else i.fullText = Text(); db.instrs.push_back(i); } disassembly_blocks[db.entry] = db; prepareGraphNode(gb); addBlock(gb); } cleanupEdges(); if (!func["blocks"].toArray().isEmpty()) { computeGraph(entry); } } DisassemblerGraphView::EdgeConfigurationMapping DisassemblerGraphView::getEdgeConfigurations() { EdgeConfigurationMapping result; for (auto &block : blocks) { for (const auto &edge : block.second.edges) { result[ {block.first, edge.target}] = edgeConfiguration(block.second, &blocks[edge.target], false); } } return result; } void DisassemblerGraphView::prepareGraphNode(GraphBlock &block) { DisassemblyBlock &db = disassembly_blocks[block.entry]; int width = 0; int height = 0; for (auto &line : db.header_text.lines) { int lw = 0; for (auto &part : line) lw += mFontMetrics->width(part.text); if (lw > width) width = lw; height += 1; } for (Instr &instr : db.instrs) { for (auto &line : instr.text.lines) { int lw = 0; for (auto &part : line) lw += mFontMetrics->width(part.text); if (lw > width) width = lw; height += 1; } } int extra = static_cast(4 * charWidth + 4); block.width = static_cast(width + extra + charWidth); block.height = (height * charHeight) + extra; } void DisassemblerGraphView::cleanupEdges() { for (auto &blockIt : blocks) { auto &block = blockIt.second; auto outIt = block.edges.begin(); std::unordered_set seenEdges; for (auto it = block.edges.begin(), end = block.edges.end(); it != end; ++it) { // remove edges going to different functions // and remove duplicate edges, common in switch statements if (blocks.find(it->target) != blocks.end() && seenEdges.find(it->target) == seenEdges.end()) { *outIt++ = *it; seenEdges.insert(it->target); } } block.edges.erase(outIt, block.edges.end()); } } void DisassemblerGraphView::initFont() { setFont(Config()->getFont()); QFontMetricsF metrics(font()); baseline = int(metrics.ascent()); charWidth = metrics.width('X'); charHeight = static_cast(metrics.height()); charOffset = 0; mFontMetrics.reset(new CachedFontMetrics(font())); } void DisassemblerGraphView::drawBlock(QPainter &p, GraphView::GraphBlock &block, bool interactive) { QRectF blockRect(block.x, block.y, block.width, block.height); const qreal padding = 2 * charWidth; p.setPen(Qt::black); p.setBrush(Qt::gray); p.setFont(Config()->getFont()); p.drawRect(blockRect); breakpoints = Core()->getBreakpointsAddresses(); // Render node DisassemblyBlock &db = disassembly_blocks[block.entry]; bool block_selected = false; RVA selected_instruction = RVA_INVALID; // Figure out if the current block is selected RVA addr = seekable->getOffset(); RVA PCAddr = Core()->getProgramCounterValue(); for (const Instr &instr : db.instrs) { if (instr.contains(addr) && interactive) { block_selected = true; selected_instruction = instr.addr; } // TODO: L219 } p.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); if (db.terminal) { p.setBrush(retShadowColor); } else if (db.indirectcall) { p.setBrush(indirectcallShadowColor); } else { p.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 100)); } p.setPen(QPen(graphNodeColor, 1)); if (block_selected) { p.setBrush(disassemblySelectedBackgroundColor); } else { p.setBrush(disassemblyBackgroundColor); } // Draw basic block background p.drawRect(blockRect); auto bb = Core()->getBBHighlighter()->getBasicBlock(block.entry); if (bb) { QColor color(bb->color); p.setBrush(color); p.drawRect(blockRect); } const int firstInstructionY = block.y + getInstructionOffset(db, 0).y(); // Stop rendering text when it's too small auto transform = p.combinedTransform(); QRect screenChar = transform.mapRect(QRect(0, 0, charWidth, charHeight)); if (screenChar.width() * qhelpers::devicePixelRatio(p.device()) < 4) { return; } // Highlight selected tokens if (interactive && highlight_token != nullptr) { int y = firstInstructionY; qreal tokenWidth = mFontMetrics->width(highlight_token->content); for (const Instr &instr : db.instrs) { int pos = -1; while ((pos = instr.plainText.indexOf(highlight_token->content, pos + 1)) != -1) { int tokenEnd = pos + highlight_token->content.length(); if ((pos > 0 && instr.plainText[pos - 1].isLetterOrNumber()) || (tokenEnd < instr.plainText.length() && instr.plainText[tokenEnd].isLetterOrNumber())) { continue; } qreal widthBefore = mFontMetrics->width(instr.plainText.left(pos)); if (charWidth * 3 + widthBefore > block.width - (10 + padding)) { continue; } qreal highlightWidth = tokenWidth; if (charWidth * 3 + widthBefore + tokenWidth >= block.width - (10 + padding)) { highlightWidth = block.width - widthBefore - (10 + 2 * padding); } QColor selectionColor = ConfigColor("wordHighlight"); p.fillRect(QRectF(block.x + charWidth * 3 + widthBefore, y, highlightWidth, charHeight), selectionColor); } y += int(instr.text.lines.size()) * charHeight; } } // Render node text auto x = block.x + padding; int y = block.y + getTextOffset(0).y(); for (auto &line : db.header_text.lines) { RichTextPainter::paintRichText(&p, x, y, block.width, charHeight, 0, line, mFontMetrics.get()); y += charHeight; } auto bih = Core()->getBIHighlighter(); for (const Instr &instr : db.instrs) { const QRect instrRect = QRect(static_cast(block.x + charWidth), y, static_cast(block.width - (10 + padding)), int(instr.text.lines.size()) * charHeight); QColor instrColor; if (Core()->isBreakpoint(breakpoints, instr.addr)) { instrColor = ConfigColor("gui.breakpoint_background"); } else if (instr.addr == PCAddr) { instrColor = PCSelectionColor; } else if (auto background = bih->getBasicInstruction(instr.addr)) { instrColor = background->color; } if (instrColor.isValid()) { p.fillRect(instrRect, instrColor); } if (selected_instruction != RVA_INVALID && selected_instruction == instr.addr) { p.fillRect(instrRect, disassemblySelectionColor); } for (auto &line : instr.text.lines) { int rectSize = qRound(charWidth); if (rectSize % 2) { rectSize++; } // Assume charWidth <= charHeight // TODO: Breakpoint/Cip stuff QRectF bpRect(x - rectSize / 3.0, y + (charHeight - rectSize) / 2.0, rectSize, rectSize); Q_UNUSED(bpRect); RichTextPainter::paintRichText(&p, x + charWidth, y, block.width - charWidth, charHeight, 0, line, mFontMetrics.get()); y += charHeight; } } } GraphView::EdgeConfiguration DisassemblerGraphView::edgeConfiguration(GraphView::GraphBlock &from, GraphView::GraphBlock *to, bool interactive) { EdgeConfiguration ec; DisassemblyBlock &db = disassembly_blocks[from.entry]; if (to->entry == db.true_path) { ec.color = brtrueColor; } else if (to->entry == db.false_path) { ec.color = brfalseColor; } else { ec.color = jmpColor; } ec.start_arrow = false; ec.end_arrow = true; if (interactive) { if (from.entry == currentBlockAddress) { ec.width_scale = 2.0; } else if (to->entry == currentBlockAddress) { ec.width_scale = 2.0; } } return ec; } RVA DisassemblerGraphView::getAddrForMouseEvent(GraphBlock &block, QPoint *point) { DisassemblyBlock &db = disassembly_blocks[block.entry]; // Remove header and margin int off_y = getInstructionOffset(db, 0).y(); // Get mouse coordinate over the actual text int text_point_y = point->y() - off_y; int mouse_row = text_point_y / charHeight; int cur_row = static_cast(db.header_text.lines.size()); if (mouse_row < cur_row) { return db.entry; } Instr *instr = getInstrForMouseEvent(block, point); if (instr) { return instr->addr; } return RVA_INVALID; } DisassemblerGraphView::Instr *DisassemblerGraphView::getInstrForMouseEvent( GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QPoint *point, bool force) { DisassemblyBlock &db = disassembly_blocks[block.entry]; // Remove header and margin int off_y = getInstructionOffset(db, 0).y(); // Get mouse coordinate over the actual text int text_point_y = point->y() - off_y; int mouse_row = text_point_y / charHeight; int cur_row = static_cast(db.header_text.lines.size()); for (Instr &instr : db.instrs) { if (mouse_row < cur_row + (int)instr.text.lines.size()) { return &instr; } cur_row += instr.text.lines.size(); } if (force && !db.instrs.empty()) { if (mouse_row <= 0) { return &db.instrs.front(); } else { return &db.instrs.back(); } } return nullptr; } QRectF DisassemblerGraphView::getInstrRect(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, RVA addr) const { auto blockIt = disassembly_blocks.find(block.entry); if (blockIt == disassembly_blocks.end()) { return QRectF(); } auto &db = blockIt->second; if (db.instrs.empty()) { return QRectF(); } size_t sequenceAddr = db.instrs[0].addr; size_t firstLineWithAddr = 0; size_t currentLine = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < db.instrs.size(); i++) { auto &instr = db.instrs[i]; if (instr.addr != sequenceAddr) { sequenceAddr = instr.addr; firstLineWithAddr = currentLine; } if (instr.contains(addr)) { while (i < db.instrs.size() && db.instrs[i].addr == sequenceAddr) { currentLine += db.instrs[i].text.lines.size(); i++; } QPointF topLeft = getInstructionOffset(db, static_cast(firstLineWithAddr)); return QRectF(topLeft, QSizeF(block.width - 4 * charWidth, charHeight * int(currentLine - firstLineWithAddr))); } currentLine += instr.text.lines.size(); } return QRectF(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::showInstruction(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, RVA addr) { QRectF rect = getInstrRect(block, addr); rect.translate(block.x, block.y); showRectangle(QRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()), true); } // Public Slots void DisassemblerGraphView::colorsUpdatedSlot() { disassemblyBackgroundColor = ConfigColor("gui.alt_background"); disassemblySelectedBackgroundColor = ConfigColor("gui.disass_selected"); mDisabledBreakpointColor = disassemblyBackgroundColor; graphNodeColor = ConfigColor("gui.border"); backgroundColor = ConfigColor("gui.background"); disassemblySelectionColor = ConfigColor("lineHighlight"); PCSelectionColor = ConfigColor("highlightPC"); jmpColor = ConfigColor("graph.trufae"); brtrueColor = ConfigColor("graph.true"); brfalseColor = ConfigColor("graph.false"); mCommentColor = ConfigColor("comment"); initFont(); refreshView(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::fontsUpdatedSlot() { initFont(); refreshView(); } DisassemblerGraphView::DisassemblyBlock *DisassemblerGraphView::blockForAddress(RVA addr) { for (auto &blockIt : disassembly_blocks) { DisassemblyBlock &db = blockIt.second; for (const Instr &i : db.instrs) { if (i.addr == RVA_INVALID || i.size == RVA_INVALID) { continue; } if (i.contains(addr)) { return &db; } } } return nullptr; } const DisassemblerGraphView::Instr *DisassemblerGraphView::instrForAddress(RVA addr) { DisassemblyBlock *block = blockForAddress(addr); for (const Instr &i : block->instrs) { if (i.addr == RVA_INVALID || i.size == RVA_INVALID) { continue; } if (i.contains(addr)) { return &i; } } return nullptr; } void DisassemblerGraphView::onSeekChanged(RVA addr) { blockMenu->setOffset(addr); DisassemblyBlock *db = blockForAddress(addr); bool switchFunction = false; if (!db) { // not in this function, try refreshing refreshView(); db = blockForAddress(addr); switchFunction = true; } if (db) { // This is a local address! We animated to it. transition_dont_seek = true; showBlock(&blocks[db->entry], !switchFunction); showInstruction(blocks[db->entry], addr); } } void DisassemblerGraphView::zoom(QPointF mouseRelativePos, double velocity) { qreal newScale = getViewScale() * std::pow(1.25, velocity); setZoom(mouseRelativePos, newScale); } void DisassemblerGraphView::setZoom(QPointF mouseRelativePos, double scale) { mouseRelativePos.rx() *= size().width(); mouseRelativePos.ry() *= size().height(); mouseRelativePos /= getViewScale(); auto globalMouse = mouseRelativePos + getViewOffset(); mouseRelativePos *= getViewScale(); qreal newScale = scale; newScale = std::max(newScale, 0.05); mouseRelativePos /= newScale; setViewScale(newScale); // Adjusting offset, so that zooming will be approaching to the cursor. setViewOffset(globalMouse.toPoint() - mouseRelativePos.toPoint()); viewport()->update(); emit viewZoomed(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::zoomIn() { zoom(QPointF(0.5, 0.5), 1); } void DisassemblerGraphView::zoomOut() { zoom(QPointF(0.5, 0.5), -1); } void DisassemblerGraphView::zoomReset() { setZoom(QPointF(0.5, 0.5), 1); } void DisassemblerGraphView::takeTrue() { DisassemblyBlock *db = blockForAddress(seekable->getOffset()); if (!db) { return; } if (db->true_path != RVA_INVALID) { seekable->seek(db->true_path); } else if (!blocks[db->entry].edges.empty()) { seekable->seek(blocks[db->entry].edges[0].target); } } void DisassemblerGraphView::takeFalse() { DisassemblyBlock *db = blockForAddress(seekable->getOffset()); if (!db) { return; } if (db->false_path != RVA_INVALID) { seekable->seek(db->false_path); } else if (!blocks[db->entry].edges.empty()) { seekable->seek(blocks[db->entry].edges[0].target); } } void DisassemblerGraphView::seekInstruction(bool previous_instr) { RVA addr = seekable->getOffset(); DisassemblyBlock *db = blockForAddress(addr); if (!db) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < db->instrs.size(); i++) { Instr &instr = db->instrs[i]; if (!instr.contains(addr)) { continue; } // Found the instruction. Check if a next one exists if (!previous_instr && (i < db->instrs.size() - 1)) { seekable->seek(db->instrs[i + 1].addr); } else if (previous_instr && (i > 0)) { while (i > 0 && db->instrs[i].addr == addr) { // jump over 0 size instructions i--; } seekable->seek(db->instrs[i].addr); break; } } } void DisassemblerGraphView::nextInstr() { seekInstruction(false); } void DisassemblerGraphView::prevInstr() { seekInstruction(true); } void DisassemblerGraphView::seekLocal(RVA addr, bool update_viewport) { RVA curAddr = seekable->getOffset(); if (addr == curAddr) { return; } connectSeekChanged(true); seekable->seek(addr); connectSeekChanged(false); if (update_viewport) { viewport()->update(); } } void DisassemblerGraphView::copySelection() { if (!highlight_token) return; QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(highlight_token->content); } DisassemblerGraphView::Token *DisassemblerGraphView::getToken(Instr *instr, int x) { x -= (int) (3 * charWidth); // Ignore left margin if (x < 0) { return nullptr; } int clickedCharPos = mFontMetrics->position(instr->plainText, x); if (clickedCharPos > instr->plainText.length()) { return nullptr; } static const QRegularExpression tokenRegExp(R"(\b(?plainText); while (i.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next(); if (match.capturedStart() <= clickedCharPos && match.capturedEnd() > clickedCharPos) { auto t = new Token; t->start = match.capturedStart(); t->length = match.capturedLength(); t->content = match.captured(); t->instr = instr; return t; } } return nullptr; } QPoint DisassemblerGraphView::getTextOffset(int line) const { int padding = static_cast(2 * charWidth); return QPoint(padding, padding + line * charHeight); } QPoint DisassemblerGraphView::getInstructionOffset(const DisassemblyBlock &block, int line) const { return getTextOffset(line + static_cast(block.header_text.lines.size())); } void DisassemblerGraphView::blockClicked(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) { Instr *instr = getInstrForMouseEvent(block, &pos, event->button() == Qt::RightButton); if (!instr) { return; } currentBlockAddress = block.entry; highlight_token = getToken(instr, pos.x()); RVA addr = instr->addr; seekLocal(addr); blockMenu->setOffset(addr); blockMenu->setCanCopy(highlight_token); if (highlight_token) { blockMenu->setCurHighlightedWord(highlight_token->content); } viewport()->update(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::blockContextMenuRequested(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QContextMenuEvent *event, QPoint pos) { const RVA offset = this->seekable->getOffset(); actionUnhighlight.setVisible(Core()->getBBHighlighter()->getBasicBlock(block.entry)); actionUnhighlightInstruction.setVisible(Core()->getBIHighlighter()->getBasicInstruction(offset)); event->accept(); blockMenu->exec(event->globalPos()); } void DisassemblerGraphView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { GraphView::contextMenuEvent(event); if (!event->isAccepted()) { //TODO: handle opening block menu using keyboard contextMenu->exec(event->globalPos()); event->accept(); } } void DisassemblerGraphView::blockDoubleClicked(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) { Q_UNUSED(event); seekable->seekToReference(getAddrForMouseEvent(block, &pos)); } void DisassemblerGraphView::blockHelpEvent(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QHelpEvent *event, QPoint pos) { Instr *instr = getInstrForMouseEvent(block, &pos); if (!instr || instr->fullText.lines.empty()) { QToolTip::hideText(); event->ignore(); return; } QToolTip::showText(event->globalPos(), instr->fullText.ToQString()); } bool DisassemblerGraphView::helpEvent(QHelpEvent *event) { if (!GraphView::helpEvent(event)) { QToolTip::hideText(); event->ignore(); } return true; } void DisassemblerGraphView::blockTransitionedTo(GraphView::GraphBlock *to) { currentBlockAddress = to->entry; if (transition_dont_seek) { transition_dont_seek = false; return; } seekLocal(to->entry); } bool DisassemblerGraphView::event(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); int key = keyEvent->key() + keyEvent->modifiers(); if (key == KEY_ZOOM_OUT || key == KEY_ZOOM_RESET || key == KEY_ZOOM_IN || (key == (KEY_ZOOM_IN | Qt::ShiftModifier))) { event->accept(); return true; } break; } case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); int key = keyEvent->key() + keyEvent->modifiers(); if (key == KEY_ZOOM_IN || (key == (KEY_ZOOM_IN | Qt::ShiftModifier))) { zoomIn(); return true; } else if (key == KEY_ZOOM_OUT) { zoomOut(); return true; } else if (key == KEY_ZOOM_RESET) { zoomReset(); return true; } break; } default: break; } return GraphView::event(event); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(DisassemblerGraphView::GraphExportType); void DisassemblerGraphView::on_actionExportGraph_triggered() { QVector types = { {tr("PNG (*.png)"), "png", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::Png)}, {tr("JPEG (*.jpg)"), "jpg", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::Jpeg)}, {tr("SVG (*.svg)"), "svg", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::Svg)} }; bool hasGraphviz = !QStandardPaths::findExecutable("dot").isEmpty() || !QStandardPaths::findExecutable("xdot").isEmpty(); if (hasGraphviz) { types.append({ {tr("Graphviz dot (*.dot)"), "dot", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVDot)}, {tr("Graphviz json (*.json)"), "json", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVJson)}, {tr("Graphviz gif (*.gif)"), "gif", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVGif)}, {tr("Graphviz png (*.png)"), "png", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVPng)}, {tr("Graphviz jpg (*.jpg)"), "jpg", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVJpeg)}, {tr("Graphviz PostScript (*.ps)"), "ps", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVPostScript)}, {tr("Graphviz svg (*.svg)"), "svg", QVariant::fromValue(GraphExportType::GVSvg)} }); } QString defaultName = "graph"; if (auto f = Core()->functionIn(currentFcnAddr)) { QString functionName = f->name; // don't confuse image type guessing and make c++ names somewhat usable functionName.replace(QRegularExpression("[.:]"), "_"); functionName.remove(QRegularExpression("[^a-zA-Z0-9_].*")); if (!functionName.isEmpty()) { defaultName = functionName; } } MultitypeFileSaveDialog dialog(this, tr("Export Graph")); dialog.setTypes(types); dialog.selectFile(defaultName); if (!dialog.exec()) return; auto selectedType = dialog.selectedType(); if (!selectedType.data.canConvert()) { qWarning() << "Bad selected type, should not happen."; return; } QString filePath = dialog.selectedFiles().first(); exportGraph(filePath, selectedType.data.value()); } void DisassemblerGraphView::onActionHighlightBITriggered() { const RVA offset = this->seekable->getOffset(); const Instr *instr = instrForAddress(offset); if (!instr) { return; } auto bih = Core()->getBIHighlighter(); QColor background = ConfigColor("linehl"); if (auto currentColor = bih->getBasicInstruction(offset)) { background = currentColor->color; } QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor(background, this, QString(), QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog); if (c.isValid()) { bih->highlight(instr->addr, instr->size, c); } Config()->colorsUpdated(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::onActionUnhighlightBITriggered() { const RVA offset = this->seekable->getOffset(); const Instr *instr = instrForAddress(offset); if (!instr) { return; } auto bih = Core()->getBIHighlighter(); bih->clear(instr->addr, instr->size); Config()->colorsUpdated(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::updateLayout() { setGraphLayout(GraphView::makeGraphLayout(graphLayout, horizontalLayoutAction->isChecked())); refreshView(); onSeekChanged(this->seekable->getOffset()); // try to keep the view on current block } void DisassemblerGraphView::exportGraph(QString filePath, GraphExportType type) { bool graphTransparent = Config()->getBitmapTransparentState(); double graphScaleFactor = Config()->getBitmapExportScaleFactor(); switch (type) { case GraphExportType::Png: this->saveAsBitmap(filePath, "png", graphScaleFactor, graphTransparent); break; case GraphExportType::Jpeg: this->saveAsBitmap(filePath, "jpg", graphScaleFactor, false); break; case GraphExportType::Svg: this->saveAsSvg(filePath); break; case GraphExportType::GVDot: { QFile file(filePath); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qWarning() << "Can't open file"; return; } QTextStream fileOut(&file); fileOut << Core()->cmdRaw(QString("agfd 0x%1").arg(currentFcnAddr, 0, 16)); } break; case GraphExportType::GVJson: exportR2GraphvizGraph(filePath, "json"); break; case GraphExportType::GVGif: exportR2GraphvizGraph(filePath, "gif"); break; case GraphExportType::GVPng: exportR2GraphvizGraph(filePath, "png"); break; case GraphExportType::GVJpeg: exportR2GraphvizGraph(filePath, "jpg"); break; case GraphExportType::GVPostScript: exportR2GraphvizGraph(filePath, "ps"); break; case GraphExportType::GVSvg: exportR2GraphvizGraph(filePath, "svg"); break; } } void DisassemblerGraphView::exportR2GraphvizGraph(QString filePath, QString type) { TempConfig tempConfig; tempConfig.set("graph.gv.format", type); qWarning() << Core()->cmdRawAt(QString("agfw \"%1\"") .arg(filePath), currentFcnAddr); } void DisassemblerGraphView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { GraphView::mousePressEvent(event); emit graphMoved(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { GraphView::mouseMoveEvent(event); emit graphMoved(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { // when CTRL is pressed, we zoom in/out with mouse wheel if (Qt::ControlModifier == event->modifiers()) { const QPoint numDegrees = event->angleDelta() / 8; if (!numDegrees.isNull()) { int numSteps = numDegrees.y() / 15; QPointF relativeMousePos = event->pos(); relativeMousePos.rx() /= size().width(); relativeMousePos.ry() /= size().height(); zoom(relativeMousePos, numSteps); } event->accept(); } else { // use mouse wheel for scrolling when CTRL is not pressed GraphView::wheelEvent(event); } emit graphMoved(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { GraphView::resizeEvent(event); emit resized(); } void DisassemblerGraphView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { // DisassemblerGraphView is always dirty setCacheDirty(); GraphView::paintEvent(event); } bool DisassemblerGraphView::Instr::contains(ut64 addr) const { return this->addr <= addr && (addr - this->addr) < size; }