#include "common/Helpers.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode scrollMode() { const bool use_scrollperpixel = true; return use_scrollperpixel ? QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel : QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerItem; } namespace qhelpers { QString formatBytecount(const long bytecount) { if (bytecount == 0) return "0"; const int exp = log(bytecount) / log(1000); constexpr char suffixes[] = {' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'}; QString str; QTextStream stream(&str); stream << qSetRealNumberPrecision(3) << bytecount / pow(1000, exp) << ' ' << suffixes[exp] << 'B'; return stream.readAll(); } void adjustColumns(QTreeView *tv, int columnCount, int padding) { for (int i = 0; i != columnCount; ++i) { tv->resizeColumnToContents(i); if (padding > 0) { int width = tv->columnWidth(i); tv->setColumnWidth(i, width + padding); } } } void adjustColumns(QTreeWidget *tw, int padding) { adjustColumns(tw, tw->columnCount(), padding); } QTreeWidgetItem *appendRow(QTreeWidget *tw, const QString &str, const QString &str2, const QString &str3, const QString &str4, const QString &str5) { QTreeWidgetItem *tempItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); // Fill dummy hidden column tempItem->setText(0, "0"); tempItem->setText(1, str); if (!str2.isNull()) tempItem->setText(2, str2); if (!str3.isNull()) tempItem->setText(3, str3); if (!str4.isNull()) tempItem->setText(4, str4); if (!str5.isNull()) tempItem->setText(5, str5); tw->insertTopLevelItem(0, tempItem); return tempItem; } /** * @brief Select first item of a QAbstractItemView if not empty * @param itemView * @return true if first item was selected */ bool selectFirstItem(QAbstractItemView *itemView) { if (!itemView) { return false; } auto model = itemView->model(); if (!model) { return false; } if (model->hasIndex(0, 0)) { itemView->setCurrentIndex(model->index(0, 0)); return true; } return false; } void setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView *tw) { tw->setVerticalScrollMode(scrollMode()); } void setCheckedWithoutSignals(QAbstractButton *button, bool checked) { bool blocked = button->signalsBlocked(); button->blockSignals(true); button->setChecked(checked); button->blockSignals(blocked); } SizePolicyMinMax forceWidth(QWidget *widget, int width) { SizePolicyMinMax r; r.sizePolicy = widget->sizePolicy(); r.min = widget->minimumWidth(); r.max = widget->maximumWidth(); QSizePolicy sizePolicy = r.sizePolicy; sizePolicy.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed); widget->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); widget->setMinimumWidth(width); widget->setMaximumWidth(width); return r; } SizePolicyMinMax forceHeight(QWidget *widget, int height) { SizePolicyMinMax r; r.sizePolicy = widget->sizePolicy(); r.min = widget->minimumHeight(); r.max = widget->maximumHeight(); QSizePolicy sizePolicy = r.sizePolicy; sizePolicy.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed); widget->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); widget->setMinimumHeight(height); widget->setMaximumHeight(height); return r; } void SizePolicyMinMax::restoreWidth(QWidget *widget) { widget->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); widget->setMinimumWidth(min); widget->setMaximumWidth(max); } void SizePolicyMinMax::restoreHeight(QWidget *widget) { widget->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); widget->setMinimumHeight(min); widget->setMaximumHeight(max); } int getMaxFullyDisplayedLines(QTextEdit *textEdit) { QFontMetrics fontMetrics(textEdit->document()->defaultFont()); return (textEdit->height() - (textEdit->contentsMargins().top() + textEdit->contentsMargins().bottom() + (int)(textEdit->document()->documentMargin() * 2))) / fontMetrics.lineSpacing(); } int getMaxFullyDisplayedLines(QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit) { QFontMetrics fontMetrics(plainTextEdit->document()->defaultFont()); return (plainTextEdit->height() - (plainTextEdit->contentsMargins().top() + plainTextEdit->contentsMargins().bottom() + (int)(plainTextEdit->document()->documentMargin() * 2))) / fontMetrics.lineSpacing(); } QByteArray applyColorToSvg(const QByteArray &data, QColor color) { static const QRegularExpression styleRegExp("(?:style=\".*fill:(.*?);.*?\")|(?:fill=\"(.*?)\")"); QString replaceStr = QString("#%1").arg(color.rgb() & 0xffffff, 6, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); int replaceStrLen = replaceStr.length(); QString xml = QString::fromUtf8(data); int offset = 0; while (true) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = styleRegExp.match(xml, offset); if (!match.hasMatch()) { break; } int captureIndex = match.captured(1).isNull() ? 2 : 1; xml.replace(match.capturedStart(captureIndex), match.capturedLength(captureIndex), replaceStr); offset = match.capturedStart(captureIndex) + replaceStrLen; } return xml.toUtf8(); } QByteArray applyColorToSvg(const QString &filename, QColor color) { QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); return applyColorToSvg(file.readAll(), color); } /** * @brief finds the theme-specific icon path and calls `setter` functor providing a pointer of an object which has to be used * and loaded icon * @param supportedIconsNames list of * @param setter functor which has to be called * for example we need to set an action icon, the functor can be just [](void* o, const QIcon &icon) { static_cast(o)->setIcon(icon); } */ void setThemeIcons(QList> supportedIconsNames, std::function setter) { if (supportedIconsNames.isEmpty() || !setter) { return; } const QString &iconsDirPath = QStringLiteral(":/img/icons/"); const QString &currTheme = Config()->getCurrentTheme()->name; const QString &relativeThemeDir = currTheme.toLower() + "/"; QString iconPath; foreach (const auto &p, supportedIconsNames) { iconPath = iconsDirPath; // Verify that indeed there is an alternative icon in this theme // Otherwise, fallback to the regular icon folder if (QFile::exists(iconPath + relativeThemeDir + p.second)) { iconPath += relativeThemeDir; } setter(p.first, QIcon(iconPath + p.second)); } } void prependQAction(QAction *action, QMenu *menu) { auto actions = menu->actions(); if (actions.empty()) { menu->addAction(action); } else { menu->insertAction(actions.first(), action); } } qreal devicePixelRatio(const QPaintDevice *p) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0) return p->devicePixelRatioF(); #else return p->devicePixelRatio(); #endif } } // end namespace