#ifndef DECOMPILERCONTEXTMENU_H #define DECOMPILERCONTEXTMENU_H #include "core/Cutter.h" #include #include #include class MainWindow; class DecompilerContextMenu : public QMenu { Q_OBJECT public: DecompilerContextMenu(QWidget *parent, MainWindow *mainWindow); ~DecompilerContextMenu(); bool getIsTogglingBreakpoints(); void setAnnotationHere(RzCodeAnnotation *annotation); RVA getFirstOffsetInLine(); signals: void copy(); public slots: void setCurHighlightedWord(QString word); void setOffset(RVA newOffset); void setDecompiledFunctionAddress(RVA functionAddr); void setFirstOffsetInLine(RVA firstOffset); void setAvailableBreakpoints(QVector offsetList); private slots: void aboutToShowSlot(); void aboutToHideSlot(); void actionCopyTriggered(); void actionCopyInstructionAddressTriggered(); void actionCopyReferenceAddressTriggered(); void actionAddCommentTriggered(); void actionDeleteCommentTriggered(); void actionRenameThingHereTriggered(); void actionDeleteNameTriggered(); void actionEditFunctionVariablesTriggered(); void actionXRefsTriggered(); void actionToggleBreakpointTriggered(); void actionAdvancedBreakpointTriggered(); void actionContinueUntilTriggered(); void actionSetPCTriggered(); private: // Private variables MainWindow *mainWindow; QString curHighlightedWord; RVA offset; RVA decompiledFunctionAddress; /** * Lowest offset among all offsets present in the line under cursor in the decompiler widget. */ RVA firstOffsetInLine; /** * When the actionToggleBreakpoint has been triggered, and it hasn't finished executing, * the value of this variable will be true, otherwise false */ bool isTogglingBreakpoints; /** * List of the offsets of all the breakpoints (enabled and disabled) that are present in the line under cursor. */ QVector availableBreakpoints; /** * Context-related annotation for the data under cursor in the decompiler widget. * If such an annotation doesn't exist, its value is nullptr. */ RzCodeAnnotation *annotationHere; // Actions and menus in the context menu QAction actionCopy; QAction actionCopyInstructionAddress; QAction actionCopyReferenceAddress; QAction *copySeparator; QAction actionShowInSubmenu; QList showTargetMenuActions; QAction actionAddComment; QAction actionDeleteComment; QAction actionRenameThingHere; QAction actionDeleteName; QAction actionEditFunctionVariables; QAction actionXRefs; QMenu *breakpointMenu; QAction actionToggleBreakpoint; QAction actionAdvancedBreakpoint; QMenu *breakpointsInLineMenu; QMenu *debugMenu; QAction actionContinueUntil; QAction actionSetPC; // Private Functions /** * @brief Sets the shortcut context in all the actions contained * in the specified QMenu to Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut. * * @param menu - QMenu specified */ void setShortcutContextInActions(QMenu *menu); void setupBreakpointsInLineMenu(); void setIsTogglingBreakpoints(bool isToggling); // Set actions void setActionCopy(); void setActionShowInSubmenu(); void setActionAddComment(); void setActionDeleteComment(); void setActionXRefs(); void setActionRenameThingHere(); void setActionDeleteName(); void setActionEditFunctionVariables(); void setActionToggleBreakpoint(); void setActionAdvancedBreakpoint(); void setActionContinueUntil(); void setActionSetPC(); // Add Menus void addBreakpointMenu(); void addDebugMenu(); /** * @brief Updates targeted "Show in" menu. * * Removes all actions from the existing targeted "show in" menu. If annotationHere * represents an item that has an address assigned to it, insert actions compatible with the * type of this item in the targeted "Show in" menu. */ void updateTargetMenuActions(); /** * @brief Check if annotationHere is a reference (function name, * global variable, constant variable with an address). * * @return True if annotationHere is a reference, otherwise false. */ bool isReference(); /** * @brief Check if annotationHere is a function variable * (local variable or function parameter). * * @return True if annotationHere is a function variable, otherwise false. */ bool isFunctionVariable(); /** * @brief Check if the function variable annotated by annotationHere is * present in Rizin. * * @return True if the variable is present, otherwise false */ bool variablePresentInR2(); }; #endif // DECOMPILERCONTEXTMENU_H