
This page regroups the common shortcuts available in Cutter.

Global shortcuts

| Shortcut   | Function            |
| .          | Focus console input |
| G/S        | Focus search bar    |
| Ctrl/Cmd+R | Refresh contents    |

Widget shortcuts

| Shortcut  | Widget  |
| Shift+F12 | Strings |
| Shift+G   | Graph   |
| Shift+I   | Imports |
| Shift+E   | Exports |

Disassembly view shortcuts
*Most of these shortcuts are also applied to Disassembly Graph view*

| Shortcut    | Function                         |
| Esc         | Seek to previous position        |
| Space       | Switch to disassembly graph view |
| Ctrl/Cmd+C  | Copy                             |
| ;           | Add comment                      |
| P           | Define a new function            |
| Shift+P     | Edit function                    |
| U           | Undefine a function              |
| N           | Rename current function/flag     |
| Shift+N     | Rename flag/function used here   |
| Y           | Edit\rename local variables      |
| L           | Link a type\struct to address    |
| A           | Set current address to String    |
| C           | Set current address to Code      |
| X           | Show Xrefs                       |
| Ctrl/Cmd+\+ | Zoom in                          |
| Ctrl/Cmd+\- | Zoom out                         |
| Ctrl/Cmd+=  | Reset zoom                       |

Graph view shortcuts

| Shortcut            | Function                          |
| Esc                 | Seek to previous position         |
| Space               | Switch to disassembly view        |
| Ctrl/Cmd+MouseWheel | Zoom                              |
| \+                  | Zoom in                           |
| \-                  | Zoom out                          |
| =                   | Reset zoom                        |
| J                   | Next instruction                  |
| K                   | Previous instruction              |
| T                   | Follow True/Unconditional branch  |
| F                   | Follow False/Unconditional branch |

Debug shortcuts

| Shortcut        | Function                                 |
| F9              | Start debug                              |
| F7              | Step into                                |
| F8              | Step over                                |
| F5              | Continue                                 |
| F2/(Ctrl/Cmd)+B | Add or Remove breakpoint                 |
| (Ctrl/Cmd)+F2   | Edit or open Advanced breakpoint dialog  |