#include "IOModesController.h" #include "Cutter.h" #include #include bool IOModesController::canWrite() { return Core()->isIOCacheEnabled() || Core()->isWriteModeEnabled(); } bool IOModesController::prepareForWriting() { if (canWrite()) { return true; } QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Icon::Critical); msgBox.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("Write error")); msgBox.setText( QObject::tr("Your file is opened in read-only mode. " "Editing is only available when the file is opened in either Write or Cache modes.\n\n" "WARNING: In Write mode, any changes will be committed to the file on disk. " "For safety, please consider using Cache mode and then commit the changes manually " "via File -> Commit modifications to disk.")); msgBox.addButton(QObject::tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); QAbstractButton *reopenButton = msgBox.addButton(QObject::tr("Reopen in Write mode"), QMessageBox::YesRole); QAbstractButton *iocacheButton = msgBox.addButton(QObject::tr("Enable Cache mode"), QMessageBox::YesRole); msgBox.exec(); if (msgBox.clickedButton() == reopenButton) { Core()->setWriteMode(true); } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == iocacheButton) { Core()->setIOCache(true); } else { return false; } return true; }