# Docker Configuration for Cutter These files provide an easy way to deploy *cutter* in a docker container. You can use the pre-built image like: ``` touch $PWD/radare2rc && \ mkdir -p $PWD/r2-config && \ mkdir -p $PWD/sharedFolder && \ xhost +local:root && \ sudo docker run \ -it \ --name cutter \ --cap-drop=ALL \ --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro \ -v $PWD/sharedFolder:/var/sharedFolder \ -v $PWD/radare2rc:/home/r2/.radare2rc \ -v $PWD/r2-config:/home/r2/.config/radare2 \ radareorg/cutter:latest ``` or by using the `Makefile` (after additional configuration to make it fit your needs) by executing `make build` and `make run`.