Building ======== First you must get the source of Cutter by cloning the repository: :: git clone --recurse-submodules The “official” way to build Cutter is by using qmake, but there are two alternatives – cmake and meson. In any case, there are obviously some requirements: * Radare2 installed from submodule * Qt 5.9 or above * Python3.6 * Breakpad installed using script (optional, disabled by default) Before compiling, note that we also provide binaries available for windows/linux/MacOS `here <>`_. -------------- Building options ---------------- Note that there are three major building options available: * ``CUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON`` compile with Python support * ``CUTTER_ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS`` automatically generate Python Bindings with Shiboken2, required for Python plugins! * ``CUTTER_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTS`` is used to compile Cutter with crash handling system enabled (Breakpad) -------------- Preparing Breakpad ------------------- If you want to build Cutter with crash handling system, you want prepare Breakpad before. For this simply run one of the scripts (according to your OS) from root Cutter directory: .. code:: sh source scripts/ # Linux source scripts/ # MacOS scripts/prepare_breakpad.bat # Windows Then if you are building on Linux you want to change ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` environment variable so it contains ``$CUSTOM_BREAKPAD_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig``. For this simply run .. code:: sh export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$CUSTOM_BREAKPAD_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" -------------- Building with Qmake ------------------- Compiling on Linux / macOS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The easy way is to simply run ``./`` from the root directory, and let the magic happen. The script will use qmake to build Cutter. If you want to manually use qmake, follow this steps: .. code:: sh mkdir build; cd build qmake ../src/ make cd .. Additional steps for macOS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On macOS you will also have to copy the launcher bash script: .. code:: sh mv cp ../src/macos/Cutter && chmod +x -------------- Building with Cmake ------------------- Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CMake >= 3.1 Building on Linux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The root for CMake is in src/. In-source builds are **not allowed**, so you **must** run CMake from a separate directory: .. code:: sh cd src mkdir build cd build cmake .. # Don't forget to provide build options If all went well, you should now have a working Makefile in your build directory: :: make -------------- Building on Windows ------------------- Alternatively, on Windows you can run something like this (depending on your Cmake installation) .. code:: batch set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\Qt\qt-5.6.2-msvc2013-x86\5.6\msvc2013\lib\cmake cd src mkdir build cd build cmake-gui .. Click ``Configure`` and select ``Visual Studio 14 2015`` from the list. After configuration is done, click ``Generate`` and you can open ``Cutter.sln`` to compile the code as usual. Troubleshooting --------------- Cmake: qt development package not found Depending on how Qt installed (Distribution packages or using the Qt installer application), CMake may not be able to find it by itself if it is not in a common place. If that is the case, double check that the correct Qt version is installed. Locate its prefix (a directory containing bin/, lib/, include/, etc.) and specify it to CMake using ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`` in the above process, e.g.: :: rm CMakeCache.txt # the cache may be polluted with unwanted libraries found before cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/Qt/5.9.1/gcc_64 .. Building with Meson (Windows) ----------------------------- Additional requirements: - Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017 - Ninja build system - Meson build system Download and unpack `Ninja <>`__ to the Cutter source root directory. Environment settings (example for x64 version): .. code:: batch :: Export MSVC variables CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 :: Add qmake to PATH SET "PATH=C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2015_64\bin;%PATH%" :: Add Python to PATH SET "PATH=C:\Program Files\Python36;%PATH%" Install Meson: .. code:: batch python -m pip install meson To compile Cutter run: .. code:: batch CALL prepare_r2.bat CALL build.bat