#include "GraphView.h" #include "GraphGridLayout.h" #ifdef CUTTER_ENABLE_GRAPHVIZ # include "GraphvizLayout.h" #endif #include "GraphHorizontalAdapter.h" #include "Helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH # include # include # include # include #endif GraphView::GraphView(QWidget *parent) : QAbstractScrollArea(parent), useGL(false) #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH , cacheTexture(0), cacheFBO(0) #endif { #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH if (useGL) { glWidget = new QOpenGLWidget(this); setViewport(glWidget); } else { glWidget = nullptr; } #endif setGraphLayout(makeGraphLayout(Layout::GridMedium)); } GraphView::~GraphView() {} // Callbacks void GraphView::blockClicked(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) { Q_UNUSED(block); Q_UNUSED(event); Q_UNUSED(pos); } void GraphView::blockDoubleClicked(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) { Q_UNUSED(block); Q_UNUSED(event); Q_UNUSED(pos); } void GraphView::blockHelpEvent(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QHelpEvent *event, QPoint pos) { Q_UNUSED(block); Q_UNUSED(event); Q_UNUSED(pos); } bool GraphView::helpEvent(QHelpEvent *event) { auto p = viewToLogicalCoordinates(event->pos()); if (auto block = getBlockContaining(p)) { blockHelpEvent(*block, event, p - QPoint(block->x, block->y)); return true; } return false; } void GraphView::blockTransitionedTo(GraphView::GraphBlock *to) { Q_UNUSED(to); } GraphView::EdgeConfiguration GraphView::edgeConfiguration(GraphView::GraphBlock &from, GraphView::GraphBlock *to, bool interactive) { Q_UNUSED(from) Q_UNUSED(to) Q_UNUSED(interactive) qWarning() << "Edge configuration not overridden!"; EdgeConfiguration ec; return ec; } void GraphView::blockContextMenuRequested(GraphView::GraphBlock &, QContextMenuEvent *, QPoint) {} bool GraphView::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { if (helpEvent(static_cast(event))) { return true; } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Gesture) { if (gestureEvent(static_cast(event))) { return true; } } return QAbstractScrollArea::event(event); } bool GraphView::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) return false; } void GraphView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { event->ignore(); if (event->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) { QPoint p = viewToLogicalCoordinates(event->pos()); if (auto block = getBlockContaining(p)) { blockContextMenuRequested(*block, event, p); } } } void GraphView::computeGraphPlacement() { graphLayoutSystem->CalculateLayout(blocks, entry, width, height); setCacheDirty(); clampViewOffset(); viewport()->update(); } void GraphView::cleanupEdges(GraphLayout::Graph &graph) { for (auto &blockIt : graph) { auto &block = blockIt.second; auto outIt = block.edges.begin(); std::unordered_set seenEdges; for (auto it = block.edges.begin(), end = block.edges.end(); it != end; ++it) { // remove edges going to different functions // and remove duplicate edges, common in switch statements if (graph.find(it->target) != graph.end() && seenEdges.find(it->target) == seenEdges.end()) { *outIt++ = *it; seenEdges.insert(it->target); } } block.edges.erase(outIt, block.edges.end()); } } void GraphView::beginMouseDrag(QMouseEvent *event) { scroll_base_x = event->x(); scroll_base_y = event->y(); scroll_mode = true; setCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor); viewport()->grabMouse(); } void GraphView::setViewOffset(QPoint offset) { setViewOffsetInternal(offset); } void GraphView::setViewScale(qreal scale) { this->current_scale = scale; emit viewScaleChanged(scale); } QSize GraphView::getCacheSize() { return #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH useGL ? cacheSize : #endif pixmap.size(); } qreal GraphView::getCacheDevicePixelRatioF() { return #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH useGL ? 1.0 : #endif qhelpers::devicePixelRatio(&pixmap); } QSize GraphView::getRequiredCacheSize() { return viewport()->size() * qhelpers::devicePixelRatio(this); } qreal GraphView::getRequiredCacheDevicePixelRatioF() { return #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH useGL ? 1.0f : #endif qhelpers::devicePixelRatio(this); } void GraphView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH if (useGL) { glWidget->makeCurrent(); } #endif if (!qFuzzyCompare(getCacheDevicePixelRatioF(), getRequiredCacheDevicePixelRatioF()) || getCacheSize() != getRequiredCacheSize()) { setCacheDirty(); } if (cacheDirty) { paintGraphCache(); cacheDirty = false; } if (useGL) { #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH auto gl = glWidget->context()->extraFunctions(); gl->glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, cacheFBO); gl->glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, glWidget->defaultFramebufferObject()); auto dpr = qhelpers::devicePixelRatio(this); gl->glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, cacheSize.width(), cacheSize.height(), 0, 0, viewport()->width() * dpr, viewport()->height() * dpr, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); glWidget->doneCurrent(); #endif } else { QPainter p(viewport()); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(0, 0), pixmap); } } void GraphView::clampViewOffset() { const qreal edgeFraction = 0.25; qreal edgeX = edgeFraction * (viewport()->width() / current_scale); qreal edgeY = edgeFraction * (viewport()->height() / current_scale); offset.rx() = std::max(std::min(qreal(offset.x()), width - edgeX), -viewport()->width() / current_scale + edgeX); offset.ry() = std::max(std::min(qreal(offset.y()), height - edgeY), -viewport()->height() / current_scale + edgeY); } void GraphView::setViewOffsetInternal(QPoint pos, bool emitSignal) { offset = pos; clampViewOffset(); if (emitSignal) emit viewOffsetChanged(offset); } void GraphView::addViewOffset(QPoint move, bool emitSignal) { setViewOffsetInternal(offset + move, emitSignal); } void GraphView::paintGraphCache() { #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH std::unique_ptr paintDevice; #endif QPainter p; if (useGL) { #ifndef CUTTER_NO_OPENGL_GRAPH auto gl = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); bool resizeTex = false; QSize sizeNeed = getRequiredCacheSize(); if (!cacheTexture) { gl->glGenTextures(1, &cacheTexture); gl->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cacheTexture); gl->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); gl->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); gl->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); gl->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); gl->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); resizeTex = true; } else if (cacheSize != sizeNeed) { gl->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cacheTexture); resizeTex = true; } if (resizeTex) { cacheSize = sizeNeed; gl->glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, cacheSize.width(), cacheSize.height(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr); gl->glGenFramebuffers(1, &cacheFBO); gl->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, cacheFBO); gl->glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, cacheTexture, 0); } else { gl->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, cacheFBO); } gl->glViewport(0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height()); gl->glClearColor(backgroundColor.redF(), backgroundColor.greenF(), backgroundColor.blueF(), 1.0f); gl->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); paintDevice.reset(new QOpenGLPaintDevice(cacheSize)); p.begin(paintDevice.get()); #endif } else { auto dpr = qhelpers::devicePixelRatio(this); pixmap = QPixmap(getRequiredCacheSize() * dpr); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); pixmap.fill(backgroundColor); p.begin(&pixmap); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.setViewport(this->viewport()->rect()); } paint(p, offset, this->viewport()->rect(), current_scale); p.end(); } void GraphView::paint(QPainter &p, QPoint offset, QRect viewport, qreal scale, bool interactive) { QPointF offsetF(offset.x(), offset.y()); p.setBrush(Qt::black); int render_width = viewport.width(); int render_height = viewport.height(); // window - rectangle in logical coordinates QRect window = QRect(offset, QSize(qRound(render_width / scale), qRound(render_height / scale))); p.setWindow(window); QRectF windowF(window.x(), window.y(), window.width(), window.height()); for (auto &blockIt : blocks) { GraphBlock &block = blockIt.second; QRectF blockRect(block.x, block.y, block.width, block.height); // Check if block is visible by checking if block intersects with view area if (blockRect.intersects(windowF)) { drawBlock(p, block, interactive); } p.setBrush(Qt::gray); // Always draw edges // TODO: Only draw edges if they are actually visible ... // Draw edges for (GraphEdge &edge : block.edges) { if (edge.polyline.empty()) { continue; } QPolygonF polyline = edge.polyline; EdgeConfiguration ec = edgeConfiguration(block, &blocks[edge.target], interactive); QPen pen(ec.color); pen.setStyle(ec.lineStyle); pen.setWidthF(pen.width() * ec.width_scale); if (scale_thickness_multiplier && ec.width_scale > 1.01 && pen.widthF() * scale < 2) { pen.setWidthF(ec.width_scale / scale); } if (pen.widthF() * scale < 2) { pen.setWidth(0); } p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(ec.color); p.drawPolyline(polyline); pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); p.setPen(pen); auto drawArrow = [&](QPointF tip, QPointF dir) { pen.setWidth(0); p.setPen(pen); QPolygonF arrow; arrow << tip; QPointF dy(-dir.y(), dir.x()); QPointF base = tip - dir * 6; arrow << base + 3 * dy; arrow << base - 3 * dy; p.drawConvexPolygon(arrow); }; if (!polyline.empty()) { if (ec.start_arrow) { auto firstPt = edge.polyline.first(); drawArrow(firstPt, QPointF(0, 1)); } if (ec.end_arrow) { auto lastPt = edge.polyline.last(); QPointF dir(0, -1); switch (edge.arrow) { case GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Down: dir = QPointF(0, 1); break; case GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Up: dir = QPointF(0, -1); break; case GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Left: dir = QPointF(-1, 0); break; case GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Right: dir = QPointF(1, 0); break; default: break; } drawArrow(lastPt, dir); } } } } } void GraphView::saveAsBitmap(QString path, const char *format, double scaler, bool transparent) { QImage image(width * scaler, height * scaler, QImage::Format_ARGB32); if (transparent) { image.fill(qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { image.fill(backgroundColor); } QPainter p; p.begin(&image); paint(p, QPoint(0, 0), image.rect(), scaler, false); p.end(); if (!image.save(path, format)) { qWarning() << "Could not save image"; } } void GraphView::saveAsSvg(QString path) { QSvgGenerator generator; generator.setFileName(path); generator.setSize(QSize(width, height)); generator.setViewBox(QRect(0, 0, width, height)); generator.setTitle("Cutter graph export"); QPainter p; p.begin(&generator); paint(p, QPoint(0, 0), QRect(0, 0, width, height), 1.0, false); p.end(); } void GraphView::center() { centerX(false); centerY(false); emit viewOffsetChanged(offset); } void GraphView::centerX(bool emitSignal) { offset.rx() = -((viewport()->width() - width * current_scale) / 2); offset.rx() /= current_scale; clampViewOffset(); if (emitSignal) { emit viewOffsetChanged(offset); } } void GraphView::centerY(bool emitSignal) { offset.ry() = -((viewport()->height() - height * current_scale) / 2); offset.ry() /= current_scale; clampViewOffset(); if (emitSignal) { emit viewOffsetChanged(offset); } } void GraphView::showBlock(GraphBlock &block, bool anywhere) { showRectangle(QRect(block.x, block.y, block.width, block.height), anywhere); blockTransitionedTo(&block); } void GraphView::showRectangle(const QRect &block, bool anywhere) { QSizeF renderSize = QSizeF(viewport()->size()) / current_scale; if (width * current_scale <= viewport()->width()) { centerX(false); } else { if (!anywhere || block.x() < offset.x() || block.right() > offset.x() + renderSize.width()) { offset.rx() = block.x() - ((renderSize.width() - block.width()) / 2); } } if (height * current_scale <= viewport()->height()) { centerY(false); } else { if (!anywhere || block.y() < offset.y() || block.bottom() > offset.y() + renderSize.height()) { offset.ry() = block.y(); // Leave some space at top if possible const qreal topPadding = 10 / current_scale; if (block.height() + topPadding < renderSize.height()) { offset.ry() -= topPadding; } } } clampViewOffset(); emit viewOffsetChanged(offset); viewport()->update(); } GraphView::GraphBlock *GraphView::getBlockContaining(QPoint p) { // Check if a block was clicked for (auto &blockIt : blocks) { GraphBlock &block = blockIt.second; QRect rec(block.x, block.y, block.width, block.height); if (rec.contains(p)) { return █ } } return nullptr; } QPoint GraphView::viewToLogicalCoordinates(QPoint p) { return p / current_scale + offset; } QPoint GraphView::logicalToViewCoordinates(QPoint p) { return (p - offset) * current_scale; } void GraphView::setGraphLayout(std::unique_ptr layout) { graphLayoutSystem = std::move(layout); if (!graphLayoutSystem) { graphLayoutSystem = makeGraphLayout(Layout::GridMedium); } } void GraphView::setLayoutConfig(const GraphLayout::LayoutConfig &config) { graphLayoutSystem->setLayoutConfig(config); } std::unique_ptr GraphView::makeGraphLayout(GraphView::Layout layout, bool horizontal) { std::unique_ptr result; bool needAdapter = true; #ifdef CUTTER_ENABLE_GRAPHVIZ auto makeGraphvizLayout = [&](GraphvizLayout::LayoutType type) { result.reset(new GraphvizLayout( type, horizontal ? GraphvizLayout::Direction::LR : GraphvizLayout::Direction::TB)); needAdapter = false; }; #endif switch (layout) { case Layout::GridNarrow: result.reset(new GraphGridLayout(GraphGridLayout::LayoutType::Narrow)); break; case Layout::GridMedium: result.reset(new GraphGridLayout(GraphGridLayout::LayoutType::Medium)); break; case Layout::GridWide: result.reset(new GraphGridLayout(GraphGridLayout::LayoutType::Wide)); break; case Layout::GridAAA: case Layout::GridAAB: case Layout::GridABA: case Layout::GridABB: case Layout::GridBAA: case Layout::GridBAB: case Layout::GridBBA: case Layout::GridBBB: { int options = static_cast(layout) - static_cast(Layout::GridAAA); std::unique_ptr gridLayout(new GraphGridLayout()); gridLayout->setTightSubtreePlacement((options & 1) == 0); gridLayout->setParentBetweenDirectChild((options & 2)); gridLayout->setLayoutOptimization((options & 4)); result = std::move(gridLayout); break; } #ifdef CUTTER_ENABLE_GRAPHVIZ case Layout::GraphvizOrtho: makeGraphvizLayout(GraphvizLayout::LayoutType::DotOrtho); break; case Layout::GraphvizPolyline: makeGraphvizLayout(GraphvizLayout::LayoutType::DotPolyline); break; case Layout::GraphvizSfdp: makeGraphvizLayout(GraphvizLayout::LayoutType::Sfdp); break; case Layout::GraphvizNeato: makeGraphvizLayout(GraphvizLayout::LayoutType::Neato); break; case Layout::GraphvizTwoPi: makeGraphvizLayout(GraphvizLayout::LayoutType::TwoPi); break; case Layout::GraphvizCirco: makeGraphvizLayout(GraphvizLayout::LayoutType::Circo); break; #endif } if (needAdapter && horizontal) { result.reset(new GraphHorizontalAdapter(std::move(result))); } return result; } void GraphView::addBlock(GraphView::GraphBlock block) { blocks[block.entry] = block; } void GraphView::setEntry(ut64 e) { entry = e; } bool GraphView::checkPointClicked(QPointF &point, int x, int y, bool above_y) { int half_target_size = 5; if ((point.x() - half_target_size < x) && (point.y() - (above_y ? (2 * half_target_size) : 0) < y) && (x < point.x() + half_target_size) && (y < point.y() + (above_y ? 0 : (3 * half_target_size)))) { return true; } return false; } // Mouse events void GraphView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton) { beginMouseDrag(event); return; } QPoint pos = viewToLogicalCoordinates(event->pos()); // Check if a block was clicked if (auto block = getBlockContaining(pos)) { blockClicked(*block, event, pos - QPoint(block->x, block->y)); // Don't do anything else here! blockClicked might seek and // all our data is invalid then. return; } // Check if a line beginning/end was clicked if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { for (auto &blockIt : blocks) { GraphBlock &block = blockIt.second; for (GraphEdge &edge : block.edges) { if (edge.polyline.length() < 2) { continue; } QPointF start = edge.polyline.first(); QPointF end = edge.polyline.last(); if (checkPointClicked(start, pos.x(), pos.y())) { showBlock(blocks[edge.target]); // TODO: Callback to child return; break; } if (checkPointClicked(end, pos.x(), pos.y(), true)) { showBlock(block); // TODO: Callback to child return; break; } } } } // No block was clicked if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { // Left click outside any block, enter scrolling mode beginMouseDrag(event); return; } QAbstractScrollArea::mousePressEvent(event); } void GraphView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (scroll_mode) { addViewOffset(QPoint(scroll_base_x - event->x(), scroll_base_y - event->y()) / current_scale); scroll_base_x = event->x(); scroll_base_y = event->y(); viewport()->update(); } } void GraphView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { auto p = viewToLogicalCoordinates(event->pos()); if (auto block = getBlockContaining(p)) { blockDoubleClicked(*block, event, p - QPoint(block->x, block->y)); } } void GraphView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { const int delta = static_cast(30.0 / current_scale); int dx = 0, dy = 0; switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Up: dy = -delta; break; case Qt::Key_Down: dy = delta; break; case Qt::Key_Left: dx = -delta; break; case Qt::Key_Right: dx = delta; break; default: QAbstractScrollArea::keyPressEvent(event); return; } addViewOffset(QPoint(dx, dy)); viewport()->update(); event->accept(); } void GraphView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (scroll_mode && (event->buttons() & (Qt::LeftButton | Qt::MiddleButton)) == 0) { scroll_mode = false; setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); viewport()->releaseMouse(); } } void GraphView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if (scroll_mode) { // With some mice it's easy to hit sideway scroll button while holding middle mouse. // That would result in unwanted scrolling while panning. return; } QPoint delta = -event->angleDelta(); delta /= current_scale; addViewOffset(delta); viewport()->update(); event->accept(); }