#include "helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode scrollMode() { const bool use_scrollperpixel = true; return use_scrollperpixel ? QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel : QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerItem; } namespace qhelpers { // TODO: wouldn't it be enough to setFont on the QWidget? void normalizeFont(QPlainTextEdit *edit) { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QFont anonFont("Inconsolata", 12); QTextDocument *out_doc = edit->document(); out_doc->setDefaultFont(anonFont); #endif } void normalizeEditFont(QTextEdit *edit) { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QFont anonFont("Inconsolata", 12); QTextDocument *out_doc = edit->document(); out_doc->setDefaultFont(anonFont); #endif } QString uniqueProjectName(const QString &filename) { const QByteArray fullHash(QCryptographicHash::hash(filename.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Sha1)); return QFileInfo(filename).fileName() + "_" + fullHash.toHex().left(10); } void adjustColumns(QTreeWidget *tw, int columnCount, int padding) { const int count = columnCount == 0 ? tw->columnCount() : columnCount; for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i) { tw->resizeColumnToContents(i); if (padding > 0) { int width = tw->columnWidth(i); tw->setColumnWidth(i, width + padding); } } } QTreeWidgetItem *appendRow(QTreeWidget *tw, const QString &str, const QString &str2, const QString &str3, const QString &str4, const QString &str5) { QTreeWidgetItem *tempItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); // Fill dummy hidden column tempItem->setText(0, "0"); tempItem->setText(1, str); if (!str2.isNull()) tempItem->setText(2, str2); if (!str3.isNull()) tempItem->setText(3, str3); if (!str4.isNull()) tempItem->setText(4, str4); if (!str5.isNull()) tempItem->setText(5, str5); tw->insertTopLevelItem(0, tempItem); return tempItem; } void setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView *tw) { tw->setVerticalScrollMode(scrollMode()); } void setCheckedWithoutSignals(QAbstractButton *button, bool checked) { bool blocked = button->signalsBlocked(); button->blockSignals(true); button->setChecked(checked); button->blockSignals(blocked); } } // end namespace