Sometimes it is not necessary to include the whole Cutter.h file
Hence, it's been splitted so you can include only what you require
E.g. #include "core/CutterCommon.h" to have access to the common types
* Added export types feature in types widget
* Added load new types option
* Added delete types option
* Removed redundant files
* Fix for translation
* Added popups in TypesWidget and related dialogs
* Added addTypes() in CutterCore and changed code to use it.
* Update r2 submodule for r_parse_c_string()
* Added override keyword for overridden functions
* Added comments and removed popup question.
* Added comments and confirmation dialog for delete
* Small refactor for the widgets of Cutter
This refactor include the following :
* Creation of a new class
Creation of a new class, named CutterWidget, that inherits from QDockWidget and
is used to represent all of the widgets of the main window.
The goal of this class is to regroup all the behaviour shared by the widgets of
For example : in the constructor, instructions corresponding of those
present in the macro **ADD_DOCK** (in MainWindow.cpp) are executed.
This was made because I think that the macro **ADD_DOCK** which is used
to construct the widgets does not take advantage of the object structure.
* Ensure that every widget has a parent
Some widgets were created using the constructor QDockWidget, but using
**nullptr** (default) as argument, thus they haven't got any parent.
The constructor of a CutterWidget takes as argument the MainWindow and an
action (optional) and calls the constructor of QDockWidget with the main
window as argument. This is valid under the assumption that it is mandatory
for every widget to have the main window as a parent.
* Constructors removal
The constructors of some widgets are not used anywhere and does not seem not
fullfill any current usecase. They were removed.
* Renaming CutterWidget to CutterDockWidget