If the linux AppImage binary crashes upon startup, make sure your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable is empty. [#579](https://github.com/radareorg/cutter/issues/579)
If you installed radare2 and still encounter this error, could be your `PATH` environment variable is set improperly (doesn't contain `/usr/local/bin`). That can be, for example, due to `Qt Creator.app` being copied over to `/Applications`.
To fix this, append `:/usr/local/bin` to the `PATH` variable within the *Build Environment* section in Qt Creator. See the screenshot below should you encounter any problems.
Some people report that they have keyboard issues. Usually it is because the Xorg layout is wrong. You can check it with:
```setxkbmap -query``` Most of the time using ```setxkbmap us``` solves the issue, but it might not be enough and require some more advanced Xorg configuration.