The "official" way to build Cutter is by using qmake, but as an alternative, a [CMakeLists.txt]( is provided, so CMake can be used as well.
Alternatively, on Windows you can run something like this (depending on your Cmake installation)
set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\Qt\qt-5.6.2-msvc2013-x86\5.6\msvc2013\lib\cmake
cd src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake-gui ..
Click `Configure` and select `Visual Studio 12 2013` from the list. After configuration is done, click `Generate` and you can open `Cutter.sln` to compile the code as usual.
Depending on how Qt installed (Distribution packages or using the Qt installer application), CMake may not be able to find it by itself if it is not in a common place. If that is the case, double check that the correct Qt version is installed. Locate its prefix (a directory containing bin/, lib/, include/, etc.) and specify it to CMake using `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` in the above process, e.g.: