**[Insert URL to the list here]**
**[Explain what this list is about and why it should be included here]**
### By submitting this pull request I confirm I've read and complied with the below requirements 🖖
**Please read it multiple times. I spent a lot of time on these guidelines and most people miss a lot.**
## Requirements for your pull request
- [ ] Don't open a Draft / WIP pull request while you work on the guidelines. A pull request should be 100% ready and should adhere to all the guidelines when you open it. **Instead use [#2242](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/issues/2242) for incubation visibility**.
- [ ] **Don't waste my time.** Do a good job, adhere to all the guidelines, and be responsive.
- [ ] **You have to review at least 2 other [open pull requests](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen).**
Try to prioritize unreviewed PRs, but you can also add more comments to reviewed PRs. Go through the below list when reviewing. This requirement is meant to help make the Awesome project self-sustaining. Comment here which PRs you reviewed. You're expected to put a good effort into this and to be thorough. Look at previous PR reviews for inspiration. **Just commenting “looks good” or simply marking the pull request as approved does not count!** You have to actually point out mistakes or improvement suggestions. Comments pointing out lint violation are allowed, but does **not** count as a review.
- [ ] You have read and understood the [instructions for creating a list](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/main/create-list.md).
- [ ] This pull request has a title in the format `Add Name of List`. It should not contain the word `Awesome`.
- ✅ `Add Swift`
- ✅ `Add Software Architecture`
- ❌ `Update readme.md`
- ❌ `Add Awesome Swift`
- ❌ `Add swift`
- ❌ `add Swift`
- ❌ `Adding Swift`
- ❌ `Added Swift`
- [ ] Your entry here should include a short description about the project/theme of the list. **It should not describe the list itself.** The first character should be uppercase and the description should end in a dot. It should be an objective description and not a tagline or marketing blurb. It should not contain the name of the list.
- ✅ `- [iOS](…) - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.`
- ✅ `- [Framer](…) - Prototyping interactive UI designs.`
- ❌ `- [iOS](…) - Resources and tools for iOS development.`
- ❌ `- [Framer](…)`
- ❌ `- [Framer](…) - prototyping interactive UI designs`
- [ ] Your entry should be added at the bottom of the appropriate category.
- [ ] The title of your entry should be title-cased and the URL to your list should end in `#readme`.
- Example: `- [Software Architecture](https://github.com/simskij/awesome-software-architecture#readme) - The discipline of designing and building software.`
- [ ] No blockchain-related lists.
- [ ] The suggested Awesome list complies with the below requirements.
## Requirements for your Awesome list
- [ ] **Has been around for at least 30 days.**
That means 30 days from either the first real commit or when it was open-sourced. Whatever is most recent.
- [ ] Run [`awesome-lint`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-lint) on your list and fix the reported issues. If there are false-positives or things that cannot/shouldn't be fixed, please [report it](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-lint/issues/new).
- [ ] The default branch should be named [`main`, not `master`](https://www.zdnet.com/article/github-to-replace-master-with-alternative-term-to-avoid-slavery-references/).
- [ ] **Includes a succinct description of the project/theme at the top of the readme.** [(Example)](https://github.com/willempienaar/awesome-quantified-self)
- ✅ `Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.`
- ✅ `Prototyping interactive UI designs.`
- ❌ `Resources and tools for iOS development.`
- ❌ `Awesome Framer packages and tools.`
- [ ] It's the result of hard work and the best I could possibly produce.
**If you have not put in considerable effort into your list, your pull request will be immediately closed.**
- [ ] The repo name of your list should be in lowercase slug format: `awesome-name-of-list`.
- ✅ `awesome-swift`
- ✅ `awesome-web-typography`
- ❌ `awesome-Swift`
- ❌ `AwesomeWebTypography`
- [ ] The heading title of your list should be in [title case](https://capitalizemytitle.com/) format: `# Awesome Name of List`.
- ✅ `# Awesome Swift`
- ✅ `# Awesome Web Typography`
- ❌ `# awesome-swift`
- ❌ `# AwesomeSwift`
- [ ] Non-generated Markdown file in a GitHub repo.
- [ ] The repo should have `awesome-list` & `awesome` as [GitHub topics](https://help.github.com/articles/about-topics). I encourage you to add more relevant topics.
- [ ] Not a duplicate. Please search for existing submissions.
- [ ] Only has awesome items. Awesome lists are curations of the best, not everything.
- [ ] Does not contain items that are unmaintained, has archived repo, deprecated, or missing docs. If you really need to include such items, they should be in a separate Markdown file.
- [ ] Includes a project logo/illustration whenever possible.
- Either centered, fullwidth, or placed at the top-right of the readme. [(Example)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-electron)
- The image should link to the project website or any relevant website.
- **The image should be high-DPI.** Set it to maximum half the width of the original image.
- Don't include both a title saying `Awesome X` and a logo with `Awesome X`. You can put the header image in a `#` (Markdown header) or `