From dc11ccb61356d23c072f9238aa079eae55e2c67d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Akshay Kadam Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 19:57:37 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Resolved Conflict --- .fuse_hidden0000031200000002 | 478 ----------------------------------- 1 file changed, 478 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .fuse_hidden0000031200000002 diff --git a/.fuse_hidden0000031200000002 b/.fuse_hidden0000031200000002 deleted file mode 100644 index fd3b29c..0000000 --- a/.fuse_hidden0000031200000002 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,478 +0,0 @@ -

- awesome -

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- [Containers]( -- [macOS]( - - [Command-Line]( - - [Screensavers]( -- [watchOS]( -- [JVM]( -- [Salesforce]( -- [Amazon Web Services]( -- [Windows]( -- [IPFS]( -- [Fuse]( -- [Heroku]( -- [Raspberry Pi]( - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more. - - -## Programming Languages - -- [JavaScript]( - - [Promises]( - - [Standard Style]( - - [Must Watch Talks]( - - [Tips]( - - [Network Layer]( - - [Micro npm Packages]( - - [Mad Science npm Packages]( - - [Maintenance Modules]( - For npm packages. - - [npm]( - - [AVA]( - Test runner. - - [ESLint]( - - [Functional Programming]( - - [Observables]( -- [Swift]( - - [Education]( - - [Playgrounds]( -- [Python]( -- [Rust]( -- [Haskell]( -- [PureScript]( -- [Go]( -- [Scala]( -- [Ruby]( - - [Events]( -- [Clojure]( -- [ClojureScript]( -- [Elixir]( -- [Elm]( -- [Erlang]( -- [Julia]( -- [Lua]( -- [C]( -- [C/C++]( -- [R]( -- [D]( -- [Common Lisp]( -- [Perl]( -- [Groovy]( -- [Dart]( -- [Java]( - - [RxJava]( -- [Kotlin]( -- [OCaml]( -- [ColdFusion]( -- [Fortran]( -- [.NET]( - - [Core]( -- [PHP]( - - [Composer]( -- [Delphi]( -- [Assembler]( -- [AutoHotkey]( -- [AutoIt]( -- [Crystal]( -- [TypeScript]( -- [Frege]( - Haskell for the JVM. -- [CMake]( - Build, test, and package software. - - -## Front-End Development - -- [ES6 Tools]( -- [Web Performance Optimization]( -- [Web Tools]( -- [CSS]( - - [Critical-Path Tools]( - - [Scalability]( - - [Must-Watch Talks]( - - [Protips]( -- [React]( - - [Relay]( -- [Web Components]( -- [Polymer]( -- [Angular 2]( -- [Angular]( -- [Backbone]( -- [HTML5]( -- [SVG]( -- [Canvas]( -- [KnockoutJS]( -- [Dojo Toolkit]( -- [Inspiration]( -- [Ember]( -- [Android UI]( -- [iOS UI]( -- [Meteor]( -- [BEM]( -- [Flexbox]( -- [Web Typography]( -- [Web Accessibility]( -- [Material Design]( -- [D3]( -- [Emails]( -- [jQuery]( - - [Tips]( -- [Web Audio]( -- [Offline-First]( -- [Static Website Services]( -- [A-Frame VR]( - Virtual reality. -- [Cycle.js]( -- [Text Editing]( -- [Motion UI Design]( -- [Vue.js]( -- [Marionette.js]( -- [Aurelia]( -- [Charting]( -- [Ionic Framework 2]( -- [Chrome DevTools]( -- [PostCSS]( -- [Draft.js]( - Rich text editor framework for React. -- [Service Workers]( -- [Progressive Web Apps]( -- [choo]( - App framework. -- [Redux]( - State container for JavaScript apps. -- [webpack]( - Module bundler. -- [Browserify]( - Module bundler. -- [Sass]( - CSS preprocessor. -- [Ant Design]( - Enterprise-class UI design language. - - -## Back-End Development - -- [Django]( -- [Flask]( -- [Docker]( -- [Vagrant]( -- [Pyramid]( -- [Play1 Framework]( -- [CakePHP]( -- [Symfony]( - - [Education]( -- [Laravel]( - - [Education]( -- [Rails]( - - [Gems]( -- [Phalcon]( -- [Useful `.htaccess` Snippets]( -- [nginx]( -- [Dropwizard]( -- [Kubernetes]( -- [Lumen]( -- [Serverless Framework]( -- [Apache Wicket]( - Java web app framework. -- [Vert.x]( - Toolkit for building reactive apps on the JVM. - - -## Computer Science - -- [University Courses]( -- [Data Science]( -- [Machine Learning]( - - [Tutorials]( -- [Speech and Natural Language Processing]( - - [Spanish]( - - [NLP with Ruby]( -- [Linguistics]( -- [Cryptography]( -- [Computer Vision]( -- [Deep Learning]( - Neural networks. - - [TensorFlow]( -- [Deep Vision]( -- [Open Source Society University]( -- [Functional Programming]( -- [Static Analysis & Code Quality]( -- [Software-Defined Networking]( - - -## Big Data - -- [Big Data]( -- [Public Datasets]( -- [Hadoop]( -- [Data Engineering]( -- [Streaming]( - - -## Theory - -- [Papers We Love]( -- [Talks]( -- [Algorithms]( -- [Algorithm Visualizations]( -- [Artificial Intelligence]( -- [Search Engine Optimization]( -- [Competitive Programming]( -- [Math]( - - -## Books - -- [Free Programming Books]( -- [Free Software Testing Books]( -- [Go Books]( -- [R Books]( -- [Mind Expanding Books]( -- [Book Authoring]( - - -## Editors - -- [Sublime Text]( -- [Vim]( -- [Emacs]( -- [Atom]( -- [Visual Studio Code]( - - -## Gaming - -- [Game Development]( -- [Game Talks]( -- [Godot]( - Game engine. -- [Open Source Games]( -- [Unity]( - Game engine. -- [Chess]( -- [LÖVE]( - Game engine. -- [PICO-8]( - Fantasy console. -- [Game Boy Development]( - - -## Development Environment - -- [Quick Look Plugins]( - For macOS. -- [Dev Env]( -- [Dotfiles]( -- [Shell]( -- [Fish]( -- [Command-Line Apps]( -- [ZSH Plugins]( -- [GitHub]( - - [Browser Extensions]( - - [Cheat Sheet]( -- [Git Cheat Sheet & Git Flow]( -- [Git Tips]( -- [Git Add-ons]( - Enhance the `git` CLI. -- [SSH]( -- [FOSS for Developers]( -- [Hyper]( -- [PowerShell]( - Cross-platform object-oriented shell. - - -## Entertainment - -- [Science Fiction]( - Scifi. -- [Fantasy]( -- [Podcasts]( -- [Email Newsletters]( - - -## Databases - -- [Database]( -- [MySQL]( -- [SQLAlchemy]( -- [InfluxDB]( -- [Neo4j]( -- [Doctrine]( - PHP ORM. -- [MongoDB]( -- [RethinkDB]( -- [TinkerPop]( - Graph computing framework. - - -## Media - -- [Creative Commons Media]( -- [Fonts]( -- [Codeface]( - Text editor fonts. -- [Stock Resources]( -- [GIF]( -- [Music]( -- [Open Source Documents]( -- [Audio Visualization]( -- [Broadcasting]( - - -## Learn - -- [CLI Workshoppers]( - Interactive tutorials. -- [Learn to Program]( -- [Speaking]( -- [Tech Videos]( -- [Dive into Machine Learning]( -- [Computer History]( -- [Programming for Kids]( -- [Educational Games]( - Learn while playing. - - -## Security - -- [Application Security]( -- [Security]( -- [CTF]( - Capture The Flag. -- [Malware Analysis]( -- [Android Security]( -- [Hacking]( -- [Honeypots]( -- [Incident Response]( -- [Vehicle Security and Car Hacking]( - - -## Content Management Systems - -- [Umbraco]( -- [Refinery CMS]( -- [Wagtail]( – Django CMS focused on flexibility and user experience. -- [Textpattern]( - Lightweight PHP-based CMS. -- [Drupal]( - Extensible PHP-based CMS. - - -## Miscellaneous - -- [JSON]( - - [GeoJSON]( - - [Datasets]( -- [Discounts for Student Developers]( -- [Slack]( - - [Communities]( -- [Conferences]( -- [Sysadmin]( -- [Radio]( -- [Awesome]( -- [Analytics]( -- [Open Companies]( -- [REST]( -- [Selenium]( -- [Appium]( - Test automation tool for apps. -- [Endangered Languages]( -- [Continuous Delivery]( -- [Services Engineering]( -- [Free for Developers]( -- [Bitcoin]( -- [Answers]( - Stack Overflow, Quora, etc. -- [Sketch]( - Design app for macOS. -- [Places to Post Your Startup]( -- [PCAPTools]( -- [Remote Jobs]( -- [Boilerplate Projects]( -- [Readme]( -- [Tools]( -- [Styleguides]( -- [Design and Development Guides]( -- [Software Engineering Blogs]( -- [Self Hosted]( -- [FOSS Production Apps]( -- [Gulp]( -- [AMA]( - Ask Me Anything. - - [Answers]( -- [Open Source Photography]( -- [OpenGL]( -- [Productivity]( -- [GraphQL]( -- [Transit]( -- [Research Tools]( -- [Niche Job Boards]( -- [Data Visualization]( -- [Social Media Share Links]( -- [Microservices]( -- [Unicode]( - Unicode standards, quirks, packages and resources. - - [Code Points]( -- [Internet of Things]( -- [Beginner-Friendly Projects]( -- [Bluetooth Beacons]( -- [Programming Interviews]( -- [Ripple]( - Open source distributed settlement network. -- [Katas]( -- [Tools for Activism]( -- [Citizen Science]( - Resources for community-based and non-institutional scientists. -- [TAP]( - Test Anything Protocol. -- [Robotics]( -- [MQTT]( - "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. -- [Hacking Spots]( -- [For Girls]( -- [Vorpal]( - Node.js CLI framework. -- [OKR Methodology]( - Goal setting & communication best practices. -- [Vulkan]( -- [LaTeX]( - Typesetting language. -- [Network Analysis]( -- [Economics]( - An economist's starter kit. -- [Electric Guitar Specifications]( - Checklist for building your own electric guitar. -- [Funny Markov Chains]( -- [Bioinformatics]( -- [Colorful]( - Resources to choose your next color scheme. -- [Steam]( - Digital distribution platform. -- [Bots]( - Building bots. -- [Site Reliability Engineering]( -- [Empathy in Engineering]( - Building and promoting more compassionate engineering cultures. -- [DTrace]( - Dynamic tracing framework. -- [Userscripts]( - Enhance your browsing experience. -- [Pokémon]( - Pokémon and Pokémon GO resources and tools. -- [ChatOps]( - Managing technical and business operations through a chat. -- [Falsehood]( - Falsehoods programmers believe in. -- [Domain-Driven Design]( - Software development approach for complex needs by connecting the implementation to an evolving model. -- [Quantified Self]( - Self-tracking through technology. -- [Alfred Workflows]( - Productivity app for macOS. -- [SaltStack]( - Python-based config management system. -- [Web Design]( - Resources for digital designers. -- [Website Screenshots]( - Website Screenshots for different devices using different frames. - -## License - -[![CC0](]( - -To the extent possible under law, [Sindre Sorhus]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.