Merge pull request #1 from sindresorhus/master

Merge from origin repo
This commit is contained in:
Trần Đức Nam 2016-02-10 12:07:59 +07:00
commit 898fe1c330
6 changed files with 128 additions and 31 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
* text=auto * text=auto
*.ai binary *.ai binary merge=union

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ If you don't feel like writing one from scratch, feel free to take our [contribu
## Stylize your list properly ## Stylize your list properly
Create a table of contents, organize the content into different categories, and use images if suitable. Ensure all entries are consistent (e.g. all entry descriptions end in a `.`). Create a [table of contents](, organize the content into different categories, and use images if suitable. Ensure all entries are consistent (e.g. all entry descriptions end in a `.`).
## Accept other people's opinion ## Accept other people's opinion

50 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct
As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of
fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who
contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating
documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free
experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender
identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance,
body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery
* Personal attacks
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic
addresses, without explicit permission
* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to
fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing
this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of
Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting a project maintainer at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Maintainers are
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 1.3.0, available at

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# Contribution Guidelines # Contribution Guidelines
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
## Table of Contents ## Table of Contents
- [Adding to this list](#adding-to-this-list) - [Adding to this list](#adding-to-this-list)
- [Creating your own awesome list](#creating-your-own-awesome-list) - [Creating your own awesome list](#creating-your-own-awesome-list)
- [Adding something to an Awesome list](#adding-something-to-an-awesome-list) - [Adding something to an Awesome list](#adding-something-to-an-awesome-list)
@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. - Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Make sure the list is useful before submitting. That implies it has enough content and every item has a good succinct description. - Make sure the list is useful before submitting. That implies it has enough content and every item has a good succinct description.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion. - Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- Use [title-casing]( (AP style). - Use [title-casing]( (AP style).
- Use the following format: `[List Name](link)` - Use the following format: `[List Name](link)`
- Link additions should be added to the bottom of the relevant category. - Link additions should be added to the bottom of the relevant category.
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome. - New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome.

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Creating Your Own List # Creating Your Own List
- Read the [awesome manifesto]( and ensure your list complies. - Read the [awesome manifesto]( and ensure your list complies.
- Wait at least a couple of weeks after creating a list before submitting to this list to give it a chance to mature.
- Search this list before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. If it is, try and contribute to the best one instead of making your own. - Search this list before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. If it is, try and contribute to the best one instead of making your own.
- A link back to this list from yours, so users can discover more lists, would be appreciated. - Your awesome list should have the [awesome badge](, a [license](, and [contribution guidelines]( Adding a [code of conduct]( is also strongly recommended.
- Wait at least a couple of weeks after creating a list before submitting to this list to give it a chance to mature.
- Make sure you read the [contribution guidelines]( before submitting a request for your list to be added here. - Make sure you read the [contribution guidelines]( before submitting a request for your list to be added here.
Thanks for being awesome! Thanks for being awesome!

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@ -8,11 +8,16 @@
> A curated list of awesome lists > A curated list of awesome lists
[What makes for an awesome list?]( - [What is an awesome list?](
- [Contribution guide](
- [Creating a list](
- [Buy a sticker](
Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a list guide]( if you want to contribute. [![Awesome chat](](
**Check out my [blog]( 🦄 or say *hi* on [Twitter](** -
Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](
## Table of Contents ## Table of Contents
@ -30,9 +35,10 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Development Environment](#development-environment) - [Development Environment](#development-environment)
- [Entertainment](#entertainment) - [Entertainment](#entertainment)
- [Databases](#databases) - [Databases](#databases)
- [Resources](#resources) - [Media](#media)
- [Learn](#learn) - [Learn](#learn)
- [Security](#security) - [Security](#security)
- [Content Management System](#content-management-system)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
@ -48,6 +54,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [React Native]( - [React Native](
- [Xamarin]( - [Xamarin](
- [Linux]( - [Linux](
- [Containers](
- [OS X]( - [OS X](
- [Command-Line]( - [Command-Line](
- [Screensavers]( - [Screensavers](
@ -64,7 +71,13 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [JavaScript]( - [JavaScript](
- [Promises]( - [Promises](
- [Standard Style](
- [Must Watch Talks](
- [Tips](
- [Network Layer](
- [Swift]( - [Swift](
- [Education](
- [Playgrounds](
- [Python]( - [Python](
- [Rust]( - [Rust](
- [Haskell]( - [Haskell](
@ -89,6 +102,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Groovy]( - [Groovy](
- [Dart]( - [Dart](
- [Java]( - [Java](
- [Kotlin](
- [OCaml]( - [OCaml](
- [Coldfusion]( - [Coldfusion](
- [Fortran]( - [Fortran](
@ -104,11 +118,13 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
## Front-end Development ## Front-end Development
- [JavaScript Must Watch Talks](
- [ES6 Tools]( - [ES6 Tools](
- [Web Performance Optimization]( - [Web Performance Optimization](
- [Web Tools]( - [Web Tools](
- [Critical-Path (Above-the-fold) CSS Tools]( - [CSS](
- [Critical-Path (Above-the-fold) Tools](
- [Scalability](
- [Must-Watch Talks](
- [React]( - [React](
- [Web Components]( - [Web Components](
- [Polymer]( - [Polymer](
@ -124,20 +140,23 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Ember]( - [Ember](
- [Android UI]( - [Android UI](
- [iOS UI]( - [iOS UI](
- [Scalable CSS](
- [Meteor]( - [Meteor](
- [BEM]( - [BEM](
- [CSS Must-Watch Talks](
- [Flexbox]( - [Flexbox](
- [Web Typography]( - [Web Typography](
- [Web Accessibility]( - [Web Accessibility](
- [Material Design]( - [Material Design](
- [CSS](
- [D3]( - [D3](
- [Emails]( - [Emails](
- [jQuery]( - [jQuery](
- [Web Audio]( - [Web Audio](
- [Offline-First]( - [Offline-First](
- [Static Website Services](
- [A-Frame VR]( *(Virtual reality)*
- [Cycle.js](
- [Motion UI Design](
- [Vue.js](
- [Marionette.js](
## Back-end Development ## Back-end Development
@ -146,13 +165,14 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Flask]( - [Flask](
- [Docker]( - [Docker](
- [Vagrant]( - [Vagrant](
- [Pyramid]( - [Pyramid](
- [Play1 Framework]( - [Play1 Framework](
- [CakePHP]( - [CakePHP](
- [Symfony2]( - [Symfony](
- [Laravel]( - [Laravel](
- [Education](
- [Rails]( - [Rails](
- [Rails Gem]( - [Gems](
- [Phalcon]( - [Phalcon](
- [Useful `.htaccess` Snippets]( - [Useful `.htaccess` Snippets](
- [nginx]( - [nginx](
@ -174,6 +194,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Deep Vision]( - [Deep Vision](
- [Open Source Society University]( - [Open Source Society University](
- [Functional Programming]( - [Functional Programming](
- [Static Analysis & Code Quality](
## Big Data ## Big Data
@ -193,6 +214,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Artificial Intelligence]( - [Artificial Intelligence](
- [Search Engine Optimization]( - [Search Engine Optimization](
- [Competitive Coding]( - [Competitive Coding](
- [Math](
## Books ## Books
@ -207,7 +229,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
## Editors ## Editors
- [Sublime Text]( - [Sublime Text](
- [Vim]( - [Vim](
- [Emacs]( - [Emacs](
- [Atom]( - [Atom](
@ -220,6 +242,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Open Source Games]( - [Open Source Games](
- [Unity]( *(Game engine)* - [Unity]( *(Game engine)*
- [Chess]( - [Chess](
- [LÖVE]( *(Game engine)*
## Development Environment ## Development Environment
@ -228,11 +251,15 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Dev Env]( - [Dev Env](
- [Dotfiles]( - [Dotfiles](
- [Shell]( - [Shell](
- [Command-Line Apps](
- [ZSH Plugins]( - [ZSH Plugins](
- [Browser Extensions for GitHub]( - [GitHub](
- [Browser Extensions](
- [Cheat Sheet](
- [Git Cheat Sheet]( - [Git Cheat Sheet](
- [Git Tips]( - [Git Tips](
- [Git Add-ons]( - [Git Add-ons](
- [SSH](
## Entertainment ## Entertainment
@ -249,16 +276,18 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [MySQL]( - [MySQL](
- [SQLAlchemy]( - [SQLAlchemy](
- [InfluxDB]( - [InfluxDB](
- [Neo4j]( - [Neo4j](
- [Doctrine]( *(PHP ORM)*
## Resources ## Media
- [Creative Commons Media]( - [Creative Commons Media](
- [Images](
- [Fonts]( - [Fonts](
- [Codeface]( *(Text editor fonts)* - [Codeface]( *(Text editor fonts)*
- [Stock Resources]( - [Stock Resources](
- [GIF](
- [Music](
## Learn ## Learn
@ -268,17 +297,25 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Speaking]( - [Speaking](
- [Tech Videos]( - [Tech Videos](
- [Dive into Machine Learning]( - [Dive into Machine Learning](
- [Computer History](
## Security ## Security
- [Application Security]( - [Application Security](
- [Security]( - [Security](
- [CTF]( - [CTF]( *(Capture the Flag)*
- [Malware Analysis]( - [Malware Analysis](
- [Android Security]( - [Android Security](
- [Hacking]( - [Hacking](
- [Honeypots]( - [Honeypots](
- [Incident Response](
## Content Management System
- [Umbraco](
- [Refinery CMS](
## Miscellaneous ## Miscellaneous
@ -286,6 +323,7 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [JSON]( - [JSON](
- [Discounts for Student Developers]( - [Discounts for Student Developers](
- [Slack]( - [Slack](
- [Communities](
- [Conferences]( - [Conferences](
- [GeoJSON]( - [GeoJSON](
- [Sysadmin]( - [Sysadmin](
@ -293,12 +331,10 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Awesome]( - [Awesome](
- [Analytics]( - [Analytics](
- [FOSS for Developers]( - [FOSS for Developers](
- [GitHub Cheat Sheet](
- [Open Companies]( - [Open Companies](
- [REST]( - [REST](
- [Selenium]( - [Selenium](
- [Endangered Languages]( - [Endangered Languages](
- [Slack Communities](
- [Continuous Delivery]( - [Continuous Delivery](
- [Services Engineering]( - [Services Engineering](
- [Free for Developers]( - [Free for Developers](
@ -314,18 +350,15 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Readme]( - [Readme](
- [Tools]( - [Tools](
- [Styleguides]( - [Styleguides](
- [Blogs](
- [Design and Development Guides]( - [Design and Development Guides](
- [Software Engineering Blogs]( - [Software Engineering Blogs](
- [Self Hosted]( - [Self Hosted](
- [FOSS Production Apps]( - [FOSS Production Apps](
- [Gulp]( - [Gulp](
- [AMA]( *(Ask Me Anything)* - [AMA]( *(Ask Me Anything)*
- [AMA-answers]( - [Answers](
- [GIF](
- [Open Source Photography]( - [Open Source Photography](
- [OpenGL]( - [OpenGL](
- [JavaScript Standard Style](
- [Productivity]( - [Productivity](
- [GraphQL]( - [GraphQL](
- [Transit]( - [Transit](
@ -335,13 +368,23 @@ Please read the [contribution guidelines]( or the [creating a li
- [Social Media Share Links]( - [Social Media Share Links](
- [JSON Datasets]( - [JSON Datasets](
- [Microservices]( - [Microservices](
- [GitHub](
- [Unicode Code Points]( - [Unicode Code Points](
- [Internet of Things]( - [Internet of Things](
- [Open Source Documents]( - [Open Source Documents](
- [Umbraco](
- [Linux Containers](
- [Beginner-Friendly Projects]( - [Beginner-Friendly Projects](
- [Bluetooth Beacons](
- [Spanish Natural Language Processing (NLP)](
- [Programming Interviews](
- [Ripple]( *(Open-source distributed settlement network)*
- [Katas](
- [Tools for Activism](
- [TAP]( *(Test Anything Protocol)*
- [Robotics](
- [MQTT]( *(an "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol)*
- [Hacking Spots](
- [For Girls](
- [Vorpal]( *(Node.js CLI framework)*
- [OKR Methodology]( *(Goal setting & communication best practices)*
## License ## License