Merge pull request #1 from sindresorhus/master

This commit is contained in:
Guillermo de la Iglesia 2017-11-02 00:02:04 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 02a3233ffe
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 444 additions and 160 deletions

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root = true
indent_style = tab
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trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

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@ -6,18 +6,44 @@ But **what is awesome?**
## Only awesome is awesome ## Only awesome is awesome
Research if the stuff you're including is actually awesome. Put only stuff on the list you or another contributor can personally recommend and rather leave stuff out than include too much. Research if the stuff you're including is actually awesome. Only put stuff on the list that you or another contributor can personally recommend. You should rather leave stuff out than include too much.
## Awesome badge ## Awesome badge
[![Awesome](]( This badge is for Awesome lists.
Add an awesome badge to the top of your list, right to the title. [Example]( [![Awesome](](
Add an awesome badge to the top of your list, right next to the title. [Example](
```md ```md
[![Awesome](]( [![Awesome](](
``` ```
*The badge should not be modified in any way.*
## Awesome mentioned badge
This badge is for projects being mentioned in an Awesome list (**NOT for use in Awesome lists**). For example, the [Chalk]( project could feature this badge because it's listed in [Awesome Node.js]( It's totally optional for projects, but it's a nice way to show they've been featured in an Awesome list.
[![Mentioned in Awesome](](
**Fill in the placeholders (Name and URL):**
[![Mentioned in Awesome <INSERT LIST NAME>](](<INSERT LIST URL>)
[![Mentioned in Awesome Node.js](](
If you're an Awesome list maintainer, you could encourage projects in your list to add the badge.
*The badge should not be modified in any way.*
## Comment on why something is awesome ## Comment on why something is awesome
Apart from suggesting a particular item on your list, you should also inform your readers *why* it's on the list and how they will benefit from it. Apart from suggesting a particular item on your list, you should also inform your readers *why* it's on the list and how they will benefit from it.
@ -28,7 +54,7 @@ Have a succinct description at the top of your readme. Make sure your list cover
## Pay attention to grammar ## Pay attention to grammar
Ensure your list is grammatically correct, typo free and has no Markdown formatting errors. This should also apply to pull requests. Ensure your list is grammatically correct, typo-free and has no Markdown formatting errors. This should also apply to pull requests.
## Choose an appropriate license ## Choose an appropriate license
@ -38,7 +64,7 @@ Keep in mind that if you [haven't selected a license](
## Include contribution guidelines ## Include contribution guidelines
People who are contributing to your list should have a clear understanding how they should do so. People who are contributing to your list should have a clear understanding of how they should do so.
If you don't feel like writing one from scratch, feel free to take our []( and modify it to your own needs. If you don't feel like writing one from scratch, feel free to take our []( and modify it to your own needs.

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@ -1,24 +1,41 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct # Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of ## Our Pledge
fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who
contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating
documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality. size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery * The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Personal attacks advances
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments * Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment * Public or private harassment
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic * Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
addresses, without explicit permission address, without explicit permission
* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct * Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
@ -26,25 +43,32 @@ that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful. threatening, offensive, or harmful.
By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to ## Scope
fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing
this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of
Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting a project maintainer at All reported by contacting the project team at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Maintainers are is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], ## Attribution
version 1.3.0, available at
[][version] This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [][version]
[homepage]: [homepage]:
[version]: [version]:

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
# The pull request should have a useful title. Pull requests with `Update` as title will be closed right away because I'm so tired of nobody reading this document. Please carefully read everything in `Adding to this list`.
## Table of Contents ## Table of Contents
- [Adding to this list](#adding-to-this-list) - [Adding to this list](#adding-to-this-list)

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- Read the [awesome manifesto]( and ensure your list complies. - Read the [awesome manifesto]( and ensure your list complies.
- Search this list before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. If it is, try and contribute to the best one instead of making your own. - Search this list before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. If it is, try and contribute to the best one instead of making your own.
- Your awesome list should have the [awesome badge](, a [license](, and [contribution guidelines]( Adding a [code of conduct]( is also strongly recommended. - Your awesome list should be named `awesome-list-name` and have the [awesome badge](, a [license](, and [contribution guidelines]( Adding a [code of conduct]( is also strongly recommended. You might find [this Yeoman generator]( useful.
- Wait at least a couple of weeks after creating a list before submitting to this list to give it a chance to mature. - **Wait at least 30 days after creating a list before submitting it, to give it a chance to mature.**
- Make sure you read the [contribution guidelines]( before submitting a request for your list to be added here. - Make sure you read the [contribution guidelines]( before submitting a request for your list to be added here.
Thanks for being awesome! Thanks for being awesome!

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<!-- Congrats on creating an Awesome list! 🎉 -->
<!-- Please fill in the below placeholders -->
**[Insert URL to the list here]**
**[Explain what this list is about and why it should be included here]**
# By submitting this pull request I confirm I've read and complied with the below requirements.
**Please read it multiple times. I spent a lot of time on these guidelines and most people miss a lot.**
- I have read and understood the [contribution guidelines]( and the [instructions for creating a list](
- This pull request has a descriptive title.<br>For example, `Add Name of List`, not `Update` or `Add awesome list`.
- The entry in the Awesome list should:
- Include a short description about the project/theme of the list. **It should not describe the list itself.**<br>Example: `- [Fish](…) - User-friendly shell.`, not `- [Fish](…) - Resources for Fish.`.
- Be added at the bottom of the appropriate category.
- The list I'm submitting complies with these requirements:
- **Has been around for at least 30 days.**<br>That means 30 days from either the first real commit or when it was open-sourced. Whatever is most recent.
- It's the result of hard work and the best I could possibly produce.
- Non-generated Markdown file in a GitHub repo.
- **Includes a succinct description of the project/theme at the top of the readme.** [(Example)](
- The repo should have `awesome-list` & `awesome` as [GitHub topics]( I encourage you to add more relevant topics.
- Not a duplicate.
- Only has awesome items. Awesome lists are curations of the best, not everything.
- Includes a project logo/illustration whenever possible.
- Either fullwidth or placed at the top-right of the readme. [(Example)](
- The image should link to the project website or any relevant website.
- The image should be high-DPI. Set it to maximum half the width of the original image.
- Entries have a description, unless the title is descriptive enough by itself. It rarely is though.
- Includes the [Awesome badge](
- Should be placed on the right side of the readme heading.
- Should link back to this list.
- Has a Table of Contents section.
- Should be named `Contents`, not `Table of Contents`.
- Should be the first section in the list.
- Should only have one level of sub-lists, preferably none.
- Has an [appropriate license](
- That means something like CC0, **not a code licence like MIT, BSD, Apache, etc.**
- If you use a license badge, it should be SVG, not PNG.
- Has [contribution guidelines](
- The file should be named ``. Casing is up to you.
- Has consistent formatting and proper spelling/grammar.
- The link and description are separated by a dash. <br>Example: `- [AVA](…) - JavaScript test runner.`
- The description starts with an uppercase character and ends with a period.
- Drop all the `A` / `An` prefixes in the descriptions.
- Consistent and correct naming. For example, `Node.js`, not `NodeJS` or `node.js`.
- Doesn't include a Travis badge.<br>You can still use Travis for list linting, but the badge has no value in the readme.
- Go to the top and read it again.

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@ -1,31 +1,52 @@
<h1 align="center"> <h1 align="center">
<br> <img width="400" src="" alt="Awesome">
<img width="400" src="" alt="awesome">
<br> <br>
<br> <br>
</h1> </h1>
> A curated list of awesome lists <!--
<p align="center">
<b>✨ Prelaunching the <a href="">Awesome Weekly</a> newsletter! ✨</b>
<b> Vote it up on <a href="">Product Hunt</a></b>
- [What is an awesome list?]( <br>
- [Contribution guide]( -->
- [Creating a list](
- [Buy a sticker](
[![Awesome chat](]( <p align="center">
<a href="">What is an awesome list?</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="">Contribution guide</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="">Creating a list</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="">Twitter</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="">Sticker</a>
- <br>
Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter]( <div align="center">
<b>We now have a Twitter account: <a href="">@awesome__re</a></b>
<span>Follow for updates on new lists, community news, and other awesome stuff.</span>
<p align="center">
<sub>Just type <a href=""><code></code></a> to go here. Check out my <a href="">blog</a> and follow me on <a href="">Twitter</a>.</sub>
<a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''>
<img alt='Sponsor' width='888' height='68' src='' />
## Table of Contents ## Contents
- [Platforms](#platforms) - [Platforms](#platforms)
- [Programming Languages](#programming-languages) - [Programming Languages](#programming-languages)
- [Front-end Development](#front-end-development) - [Front-End Development](#front-end-development)
- [Back-end Development](#back-end-development) - [Back-End Development](#back-end-development)
- [Computer Science](#computer-science) - [Computer Science](#computer-science)
- [Big Data](#big-data) - [Big Data](#big-data)
- [Theory](#theory) - [Theory](#theory)
@ -38,62 +59,79 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Media](#media) - [Media](#media)
- [Learn](#learn) - [Learn](#learn)
- [Security](#security) - [Security](#security)
- [Content Management System](#content-management-system) - [Content Management Systems](#content-management-systems)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [Business](#business)
- [Work](#work)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [Decentralized Systems](#decentralized-systems)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
## Platforms ## Platforms
- [Node.js]( - [Node.js]( - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- [Frontend Development]( - [Frontend Development](
- [iOS]( - [iOS](
- [Android]( - [Android](
- [IoT & Hybrid Apps]( - [IoT & Hybrid Apps](
- [Electron]( - [Electron]( - Cross-platform native desktop apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
- [Cordova]( - [Cordova]( - JavaScript API for hybrid apps.
- [React Native]( - [React Native](
- [Xamarin]( - [Xamarin]( - Mobile app development IDE, testing, and distribution.
- [Linux]( - [Linux](
- [Containers]( - [Containers](
- [OS X]( - [macOS](
- [Command-Line]( - [Command-Line](
- [Screensavers]( - [Screensavers](
- [watchOS]( - [watchOS](
- [JVM]( - [JVM](
- [Salesforce]( - [Salesforce](
- [Amazon Web Services]( - [Amazon Web Services](
- [Windows]( - [Windows](
- [IPFS]( - [IPFS]( - P2P hypermedia protocol.
- [Fuse]( - [Fuse]( - Mobile development tools.
- [Heroku]( - [Heroku]( - Cloud platform as a service.
- [Raspberry Pi]( - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more.
- [Qt]( - Cross-platform GUI app framework.
- [WebExtensions]( - Cross-browser extension system.
- [RubyMotion]( - Write cross-platform native apps for iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS in Ruby.
- [Smart TV]( - Create apps for different TV platforms.
- [GNOME]( - Simple and distraction-free desktop environment for Linux.
## Programming Languages ## Programming Languages
- [JavaScript]( - [JavaScript](
- [Promises]( - [Promises](
- [Standard Style]( - [Standard Style]( - Style guide and linter.
- [Must Watch Talks]( - [Must Watch Talks](
- [Tips]( - [Tips](
- [Network Layer]( - [Network Layer](
- [Micro npm Packages]( - [Micro npm Packages](
- [Mad Science npm Packages]( - [Mad Science npm Packages]( - Impossible sounding projects that exist.
- [Maintenance Modules]( *(for npm packages)* - [Maintenance Modules]( - For npm packages.
- [npm]( - [npm]( - Package manager.
- [AVA]( *(Test runner)* - [AVA]( - Test runner.
- [ESLint]( - Linter.
- [Functional Programming](
- [Observables](
- [npm scripts]( - Task runner.
- [Swift]( - [Swift](
- [Education]( - [Education](
- [Playgrounds]( - [Playgrounds](
- [Python]( - [Python](
- [Rust]( - [Asyncio]( - Asynchronous I/O in Python 3.
- [Scientific Audio]( - Scientific research in audio/music.
- [Rust](
- [Haskell]( - [Haskell](
- [PureScript]( - [PureScript](
- [Go]( - [Go](
- [Scala]( - [Scala](
- [Ruby]( - [Ruby](
- [Ruby Events]( *(Conferences, Meetups, etc.)* - [Events](
- [Clojure]( - [Clojure](
- [ClojureScript]( - [ClojureScript](
- [Elixir]( - [Elixir](
- [Elm]( - [Elm](
- [Erlang]( - [Erlang](
@ -109,44 +147,49 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Dart]( - [Dart](
- [Java]( - [Java](
- [RxJava]( - [RxJava](
- [Kotlin]( - [Kotlin](
- [OCaml]( - [OCaml](
- [Coldfusion]( - [ColdFusion](
- [Fortran]( - [Fortran](
- [.NET]( - [.NET](
- [Core](
- [PHP]( - [PHP](
- [Composer]( - Package manager.
- [Delphi]( - [Delphi](
- [Assembler]( - [Assembler](
- [AutoHotkey]( - [AutoHotkey](
- [AutoIt]( - [AutoIt](
- [Crystal]( - [Crystal](
- [TypeScript]( - [Frege]( - Haskell for the JVM.
- [CMake]( - Build, test, and package software.
- [ActionScript 3]( - Object-oriented language targeting Adobe AIR.
- [Eta]( - Functional programming language for the JVM.
- [Idris]( - General purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types influenced by Haskell and ML.
## Front-end Development ## Front-End Development
- [ES6 Tools]( - [ES6 Tools](
- [Web Performance Optimization]( - [Web Performance Optimization](
- [Web Tools]( - [Web Tools](
- [CSS]( - [CSS](
- [Critical-Path (Above-the-fold) Tools]( - [Critical-Path Tools](
- [Scalability]( - [Scalability](
- [Must-Watch Talks]( - [Must-Watch Talks](
- [Protips]( - [Protips](
- [React]( - [React]( - App framework.
- [Relay]( - [Relay]( - Framework for building data-driven React apps.
- [Web Components]( - [Web Components](
- [Polymer]( - [Polymer]( - JavaScript library to develop Web Components.
- [Angular 2]( - [Angular]( - App framework.
- [Angular]( - [Backbone]( - App framework.
- [Backbone](
- [HTML5]( - [HTML5](
- [SVG]( - [SVG]( - XML-based vector image format.
- [Canvas]( - [Canvas](
- [KnockoutJS]( - [KnockoutJS](
- [Dojo Toolkit]( - [Dojo Toolkit](
- [Inspiration]( - [Inspiration](
- [Ember]( - [Ember]( - App framework.
- [Android UI]( - [Android UI](
- [iOS UI]( - [iOS UI](
- [Meteor]( - [Meteor](
@ -155,25 +198,42 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Web Typography]( - [Web Typography](
- [Web Accessibility]( - [Web Accessibility](
- [Material Design]( - [Material Design](
- [D3]( - [D3]( - Library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations.
- [Emails]( - [Emails](
- [jQuery]( - [jQuery](
- [Tips]( - [Tips](
- [Web Audio]( - [Web Audio](
- [Offline-First]( - [Offline-First](
- [Static Website Services]( - [Static Website Services](
- [A-Frame VR]( *(Virtual reality)* - [A-Frame VR]( - Virtual reality for web browsers.
- [Cycle.js]( - [Cycle.js]( - Functional and reactive JavaScript framework.
- [Text Editing]( - [Text Editing](
- [Motion UI Design]( - [Motion UI Design](
- [Vue.js]( - [Vue.js]( - App framework.
- [Marionette.js]( - [Marionette.js]( - App framework.
- [Aurelia]( - [Aurelia]( - App framework.
- [Charting]( - [Charting](
- [Ionic Framework 2]( - [Ionic Framework 2](
- [Chrome DevTools](
- [PostCSS]( - CSS preprocessor.
- [Draft.js]( - Rich text editor framework for React.
- [Service Workers](
- [Progressive Web Apps](
- [choo]( - App framework.
- [Redux]( - State container for JavaScript apps.
- [webpack]( - Module bundler.
- [Browserify]( - Module bundler.
- [Sass]( - CSS preprocessor.
- [Ant Design]( - Enterprise-class UI design language.
- [Less]( - CSS preprocessor.
- [WebGL]( - JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics.
- [Preact]( - App framework.
- [Progressive Enhancement](
- [Next.js]( - Framework for server-rendered React apps.
- [Hyperapp]( - Tiny JavaScript library for building web apps.
## Back-end Development ## Back-End Development
- [Django]( - [Django](
- [Flask]( - [Flask](
@ -181,46 +241,58 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Vagrant]( - [Vagrant](
- [Pyramid]( - [Pyramid](
- [Play1 Framework]( - [Play1 Framework](
- [CakePHP]( - [CakePHP]( - PHP framework.
- [Symfony]( - [Symfony](
- [Education]( - [Education](
- [Laravel]( - [Laravel]( - PHP framework.
- [Education]( - [Education](
- [Rails]( - [Rails](
- [Gems]( - [Gems]( - Packages.
- [Phalcon]( - [Phalcon](
- [Useful `.htaccess` Snippets]( - [Useful `.htaccess` Snippets](
- [nginx]( - [nginx](
- [Dropwizard]( - [Dropwizard](
- [Kubernetes]( - [Kubernetes](
- [Lumen](
- [Serverless Framework](
- [Apache Wicket]( - Java web app framework.
- [Vert.x]( - Toolkit for building reactive apps on the JVM.
## Computer Science ## Computer Science
- [University Courses]( - [University Courses](
- [Data Science]( - [Data Science](
- [Tutorials](
- [Machine Learning]( - [Machine Learning](
- [Tutorials]( - [Tutorials](
- [ML with Ruby]( - Learning, implementing, and applying Machine Learning using Ruby.
- [Core ML Models]( - Models for Apple's machine learning framework.
- [Speech and Natural Language Processing]( - [Speech and Natural Language Processing](
- [Spanish]( - [Spanish](
- [NLP with Ruby](
- [Linguistics]( - [Linguistics](
- [Cryptography]( - [Cryptography](
- [Computer Vision]( - [Computer Vision](
- [Deep Learning]( *(Neural networks)* - [Deep Learning]( - Neural networks.
- [TensorFlow]( - Library for machine intelligence.
- [Papers]( - The most cited deep learning papers.
- [Education](
- [Deep Vision]( - [Deep Vision](
- [Open Source Society University]( - [Open Source Society University](
- [Functional Programming]( - [Functional Programming](
- [Static Analysis & Code Quality]( - [Static Analysis & Code Quality](
- [Software-Defined Networking]( - [Information Retrieval]( - Learn to develop your own search engine.
## Big Data ## Big Data
- [Big Data]( - [Big Data](
- [Public Datasets]( - [Public Datasets](
- [Hadoop]( - [Hadoop]( - Framework for distributed storage and processing of very large data sets.
- [Data Engineering]( - [Data Engineering](
- [Streaming]( - [Streaming](
- [Apache Spark]( - Unified engine for large-scale data processing.
## Theory ## Theory
@ -233,15 +305,18 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Search Engine Optimization]( - [Search Engine Optimization](
- [Competitive Programming]( - [Competitive Programming](
- [Math]( - [Math](
- [Recursion Schemes]( - Traversing nested data structures.
## Books ## Books
- [Free Programming Books]( - [Free Programming Books](
- [Free Software Testing Books]( - [Free Software Testing Books](
- [Go Books]( - [Go Books](
- [R Books]( - [R Books](
- [Mind Expanding Books]( - [Mind Expanding Books](
- [Book Authoring](
- [Elixir Books](
## Editors ## Editors
@ -249,7 +324,7 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Sublime Text]( - [Sublime Text](
- [Vim]( - [Vim](
- [Emacs]( - [Emacs](
- [Atom]( - [Atom]( - Open-source and hackable text editor.
- [Visual Studio Code]( - [Visual Studio Code](
@ -257,20 +332,24 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Game Development]( - [Game Development](
- [Game Talks]( - [Game Talks](
- [Godot]( *(Game engine)* - [Godot]( - Game engine.
- [Open Source Games]( - [Open Source Games](
- [Unity]( *(Game engine)* - [Unity]( - Game engine.
- [Chess]( - [Chess](
- [LÖVE]( *(Game engine)* - [LÖVE]( - Game engine.
- [PICO-8]( *(Fantasy console)* - [PICO-8]( - Fantasy console.
- [Game Boy Development](
- [Construct 2]( - Game engine.
- [Gideros]( - Game engine.
## Development Environment ## Development Environment
- [Quick Look Plugins]( - [Quick Look Plugins]( - For macOS.
- [Dev Env]( - [Dev Env](
- [Dotfiles]( - [Dotfiles](
- [Shell]( - [Shell](
- [Fish]( - User-friendly shell.
- [Command-Line Apps]( - [Command-Line Apps](
- [ZSH Plugins]( - [ZSH Plugins](
- [GitHub]( - [GitHub](
@ -278,17 +357,22 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Cheat Sheet]( - [Cheat Sheet](
- [Git Cheat Sheet & Git Flow]( - [Git Cheat Sheet & Git Flow](
- [Git Tips]( - [Git Tips](
- [Git Add-ons]( - [Git Add-ons]( - Enhance the `git` CLI.
- [SSH]( - [SSH](
- [FOSS for Developers]( - [FOSS for Developers](
- [Hyper]( - Cross-platform terminal app built on web technologies.
- [PowerShell]( - Cross-platform object-oriented shell.
- [Alfred Workflows]( - Productivity app for macOS.
- [Terminals Are Sexy](
## Entertainment ## Entertainment
- [Science Fiction]( *(Scifi)* - [Science Fiction]( - Scifi.
- [Fantasy]( - [Fantasy](
- [Podcasts]( - [Podcasts](
- [Email Newsletters]( - [Email Newsletters](
- [IT Quotes](
## Databases ## Databases
@ -297,75 +381,127 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [MySQL]( - [MySQL](
- [SQLAlchemy]( - [SQLAlchemy](
- [InfluxDB]( - [InfluxDB](
- [Neo4j]( - [Neo4j](
- [Doctrine]( *(PHP ORM)* - [MongoDB]( - NoSQL database.
- [MongoDB]( - [RethinkDB](
- [TinkerPop]( - Graph computing framework.
- [PostgreSQL]( - Object-relational database.
- [CouchDB]( - Document-oriented NoSQL database.
- [HBase]( - Distributed, scalable, big data store.
## Media ## Media
- [Creative Commons Media]( - [Creative Commons Media](
- [Fonts]( - [Fonts](
- [Codeface]( *(Text editor fonts)* - [Codeface]( - Text editor fonts.
- [Stock Resources]( - [Stock Resources](
- [GIF]( - [GIF](
- [Music]( - [Music](
- [Open Source Documents]( - [Open Source Documents](
- [Audio Visualization](
- [Broadcasting](
- [Pixel Art]( - Pixel-level digital art.
## Learn ## Learn
- [CLI Workshoppers/Adventures]( - [CLI Workshoppers]( - Interactive tutorials.
- [Learn to Program]( - [Learn to Program](
- [Speaking]( - [Speaking](
- [Tech Videos]( - [Tech Videos](
- [Dive into Machine Learning]( - [Dive into Machine Learning](
- [Computer History]( - [Computer History](
- [Programming for Kids](
- [Educational Games]( - Learn while playing.
- [JavaScript Learning](
## Security ## Security
- [Application Security]( - [Application Security](
- [Security]( - [Security](
- [CTF]( *(Capture the Flag)* - [CTF]( - Capture The Flag.
- [Malware Analysis]( - [Malware Analysis](
- [Android Security]( - [Android Security](
- [Hacking]( - [Hacking](
- [Honeypots]( - [Honeypots]( - Deception trap, designed to entice an attacker into attempting to compromise the information systems in an organization.
- [Incident Response]( - [Incident Response](
- [Vehicle Security and Car Hacking](
- [Web Security]( - Security of web apps & services.
- [Lockpicking]( - The art of unlocking a lock by manipulating its components without the key.
## Content Management System ## Content Management Systems
- [Umbraco]( - [Umbraco](
- [Refinery CMS]( - [Refinery CMS]( - Ruby on Rails CMS.
- [Wagtail]( - Django CMS focused on flexibility and user experience.
- [Textpattern]( - Lightweight PHP-based CMS.
- [Drupal]( - Extensible PHP-based CMS.
- [Craft CMS]( - Content-first CMS.
## Hardware
- [Robotics](
- [Internet of Things](
- [Electronics]( - For electronic engineers and hobbyists.
- [Bluetooth Beacons](
- [Electric Guitar Specifications]( - Checklist for building your own electric guitar.
## Business
- [Open Companies](
- [Places to Post Your Startup](
- [OKR Methodology]( - Goal setting & communication best practices.
- [Leading and Managing]( - Leading people and being a manager in a technology company/environment.
- [Indie]( - Independent developer businesses.
## Work
- [Slack]( - Team collaboration.
- [Communities](
- [Remote Jobs](
- [Productivity](
- [Niche Job Boards](
- [Programming Interviews](
## Networking
- [Software-Defined Networking](
- [Network Analysis](
- [PCAPTools](
## Decentralized Systems
- [Bitcoin]( - Bitcoin services and tools for software developers.
- [Ripple]( - Open source distributed settlement network.
- [Non-Financial Blockchain]( - Non-financial blockchain applications.
- [Mastodon]( - Open source decentralized microblogging network.
## Miscellaneous ## Miscellaneous
- [JSON]( - [JSON](
- [Discounts for Student Developers]( - [GeoJSON](
- [Slack]( - [Datasets](
- [Communities]( - [Discounts for Student Developers](
- [Conferences]( - [Conferences](
- [GeoJSON](
- [Sysadmin]( - [Sysadmin](
- [Radio]( - [Radio](
- [Awesome]( - [Awesome]( - Recursion illustrated.
- [Analytics]( - [Analytics](
- [Open Companies](
- [REST]( - [REST](
- [Selenium]( - [Selenium](
- [Endangered Languages]( - [Appium]( - Test automation tool for apps.
- [Continuous Delivery]( - [Continuous Delivery](
- [Services Engineering]( - [Services Engineering](
- [Free for Developers]( - [Free for Developers](
- [Bitcoin]( - [Answers]( - Stack Overflow, Quora, etc.
- [Answers]( *(Stack Overflow, Quora, etc)* - [Sketch]( - Design app for macOS.
- [Sketch]( *(OS X app)*
- [Places to Post Your Startup](
- [PCAPTools](
- [Remote Jobs](
- [Boilerplate Projects]( - [Boilerplate Projects](
- [Readme]( - [Readme](
- [Tools]( - [Tools](
@ -374,41 +510,76 @@ Check out my [blog]( and follow me on [Twitter](ht
- [Software Engineering Blogs]( - [Software Engineering Blogs](
- [Self Hosted]( - [Self Hosted](
- [FOSS Production Apps]( - [FOSS Production Apps](
- [Gulp]( - [Gulp]( - Task runner.
- [AMA]( *(Ask Me Anything)* - [AMA]( - Ask Me Anything.
- [Answers]( - [Answers](
- [Open Source Photography]( - [Open Source Photography](
- [OpenGL]( - [OpenGL]( - Cross-platform API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics.
- [Productivity](
- [GraphQL]( - [GraphQL](
- [Transit]( - [Transit](
- [Research Tools]( - [Research Tools](
- [Niche Job Boards](
- [Data Visualization]( - [Data Visualization](
- [Social Media Share Links]( - [Social Media Share Links](
- [JSON Datasets](
- [Microservices]( - [Microservices](
- [Unicode Code Points]( - [Unicode]( - Unicode standards, quirks, packages and resources.
- [Internet of Things]( - [Code Points](
- [Beginner-Friendly Projects]( - [Beginner-Friendly Projects](
- [Bluetooth Beacons]( - [Katas](
- [Programming Interviews](
- [Ripple]( *(Open-source distributed settlement network)*
- [Katas](
- [Tools for Activism]( - [Tools for Activism](
- [TAP]( *(Test Anything Protocol)* - [Citizen Science]( - For community-based and non-institutional scientists.
- [Robotics]( - [TAP]( - Test Anything Protocol.
- [MQTT]( *(an "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol)* - [MQTT]( - "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol.
- [Hacking Spots]( - [Hacking Spots](
- [For Girls]( - [For Girls](
- [Vorpal]( *(Node.js CLI framework)* - [Vorpal]( - Node.js CLI framework.
- [OKR Methodology]( *(Goal setting & communication best practices)* - [Vulkan]( - Low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API.
- [Vulkan]( - [LaTeX]( - Typesetting language.
- [LaTeX]( *(Typesetting language)* - [Economics]( - An economist's starter kit.
- [Funny Markov Chains](
- [Bioinformatics](
- [Colorful]( - Choose your next color scheme.
- [Steam]( - Digital distribution platform.
- [Bots]( - Building bots.
- [Site Reliability Engineering](
- [Empathy in Engineering]( - Building and promoting more compassionate engineering cultures.
- [DTrace]( - Dynamic tracing framework.
- [Userscripts]( - Enhance your browsing experience.
- [Pokémon]( - Pokémon and Pokémon GO.
- [ChatOps]( - Managing technical and business operations through a chat.
- [Falsehood]( - Falsehoods programmers believe in.
- [Domain-Driven Design]( - Software development approach for complex needs by connecting the implementation to an evolving model.
- [Quantified Self]( - Self-tracking through technology.
- [SaltStack]( - Python-based config management system.
- [Web Design]( - For digital designers.
- [JMeter]( - Load testing and performance measurement tool.
- [Creative Coding]( - Programming something expressive instead of something functional.
- [No-Login Web Apps]( - Web apps that work without login.
- [Testing]( - Software testing.
- [Free Software]( - Free as in freedom.
- [Framer]( - Prototyping interactive UI designs.
- [Markdown]( - Markup language.
- [Dev Fun]( - Funny developer projects.
- [Events in the Netherlands]( - Tech-related events in the Netherlands.
- [Healthcare]( - Open source healthcare software for facilities, providers, developers, policy experts, and researchers.
- [Magento 2]( - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP.
- [TikZ]( - Graph drawing packages for TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt.
- [Neuroscience]( - Study of the nervous system and brain.
- [Effective Altruism]( - Evidence-driven philanthropy.
- [Ad-Free]( - Ad-free alternatives.
- [Esolangs]( - Programming languages designed for experimentation or as jokes rather than actual use.
- [Prometheus]( - Open-source monitoring system.
- [Homematic]( - Smart home devices.
- [Ledger]( - Double-entry accounting on the command-line.
- [Uncopyright]( - Public domain works.
- [Crypto Currency Tools & Algorithms]( — Digital currency where encryption is used to regulate the generation of units and verify transfers.
- [Open Source Supporters]( - Companies that offer their tools and services for free to open source projects.
- [Design Principles]( - Create better and more consistent designs and experiences.
- [Visual Regression Testing]( - Ensures changes did not break the functionality or style.
- [Theravada]( - Teachings from the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
## License ## License
[![CC0](]( [![CC0](](
To the extent possible under law, [Sindre Sorhus]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. To the extent possible under law, [Sindre Sorhus]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.