diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 378c566..b2c4ec1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Online Analyzers * [Virustotal](https://www.virustotal.com/)-max 128MB * [Fraunhofer App-ray](http://app-ray.co/) - not free * [AppCritique](https://appcritique.boozallen.com) - Upload your Android APKs and receive comprehensive free security assessments. +* [NowSecure Lab Automated](https://www.nowsecure.com/blog/2016/09/19/announcing-nowsecure-lab-automated/) - Enterprise tool for mobile app security testing both Android and iOS mobile apps. Lab Automated features dynamic and static analysis on real devices in the cloud to return results in minutes. * ~~[CopperDroid](http://copperdroid.isg.rhul.ac.uk/copperdroid/)~~ * ~~[SandDroid](http://sanddroid.xjtu.edu.cn/)~~ * ~~[Stowaway](http://www.android-permissions.org/)~~ @@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ Dynamic Analysis Tools * [DroidAnalytics](https://github.com/zhengmin1989/DroidAnalytics) - incomplete * [Vezir Project](https://github.com/oguzhantopgul/Vezir-Project) - Virtual Machine for Mobile Application Pentesting and Mobile Malware Analysis * [MARA](https://github.com/xtiankisutsa/MARA_Framework) - Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework -* [NowSecure Lab Automated](https://www.nowsecure.com/blog/2016/09/19/announcing-nowsecure-lab-automated/) - Enterprise tool for mobile app security testing both Android and iOS mobile apps. Lab Automated features dynamic and static analysis on real devices in the cloud to return results in minutes. * ~~[Taintdroid](https://appanalysis.org/download.html)~~ - requires AOSP compilation Reverse Engineering