# Comprehensive Guide on Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Its Bypasses
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a widespread vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. This guide covers the types of XSS, methodologies for detection and exploitation, contexts of injection, and advanced techniques for bypassing protections.
1. Introduction to XSS
XSS attacks enable attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages. These scripts can execute in the context of a user's browser, allowing attackers to steal information, hijack sessions, or perform actions on behalf of the user.
1.1 Types of XSS
Stored XSS: The malicious script is permanently stored on the target server, such as in a database or comment field.
Reflected XSS: The malicious script is reflected off a web server, typically via a URL query parameter.
DOM-Based XSS: The vulnerability exists in the client-side code rather than the server-side code, and the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM environment.
2. Methodology for Detecting XSS
2.1 Identify Injection Points
Check if any value you control (parameters, path, headers, cookies) is reflected in the HTML or used by JavaScript code.
# Determine Reflection Context
Raw HTML: Can you create new HTML tags or use attributes/events that support JavaScript?
When working with complex XSS payloads, debugging client-side JavaScript can help understand how input is processed and reflected.
6.1 Tools for Debugging
Browser Developer Tools: Use the console, breakpoints, and step through the JavaScript code to understand the application flow and find XSS injection points.
7. Mitigations and Best Practices
7.1 Input Validation and Sanitization
Ensure all user inputs are validated and sanitized before being processed or rendered.
Prototype pollution in JavaScript occurs when an attacker can modify the properties of Object.prototype. This can lead to XSS if these properties are used in sensitive operations.
// Prototype pollution payload
Object.prototype.polluted = 'polluted';
If the application uses a polluted object property in a dangerous way, this can lead to XSS:
var obj = {};
alert(obj.polluted); // Outputs: polluted
# How to Bypass Internal Filtering for XSS
Bypassing internal filtering mechanisms such as Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) and input sanitization requires a deep understanding of how these filters operate and the techniques that can be used to circumvent them. This guide provides an in-depth look at various methods to bypass internal filtering mechanisms for XSS attacks.
Internal filters and WAFs are designed to prevent malicious inputs by inspecting, sanitizing, or blocking suspicious content. Common filtering techniques include:
Blacklisting: Blocking known malicious patterns or keywords.
Whitelisting: Allowing only specific safe inputs.
Encoding: Converting special characters to their HTML entities.
Normalization: Simplifying input to a consistent form for easier inspection.
Techniques for Bypassing Filters
2.1 Encoding and Decoding
Using various encoding methods can help bypass filters that don't decode inputs before inspection.
URL Encoding
Double URL Encoding
HTML Entities
Unicode Encoding
Case Variation
Altering the case of HTML tags and attributes can bypass filters that are case-sensitive.
Comment Insertion
Inserting comments within the payload can break up patterns that the filter is looking for.
Using Null Bytes
Null byte injection can terminate strings early or bypass certain filters.
Breaking Up Keywords
Using Concatenation
Leveraging Browser Parsing Quirks
Different browsers may interpret malformed HTML or JavaScript in ways that can be exploited.
Incomplete Tags
Inserting White Spaces and Line Breaks
Using white spaces and line breaks to bypass filters.
Combining Techniques
Combining multiple bypass techniques to create a payload that evades detection.
Using null bytes to terminate strings early or bypass certain filters.
Obfuscation and Concatenation
Using obfuscation and concatenation to avoid detection by filters.
# Understanding CSP
CSP works by allowing website owners to define a whitelist of trusted sources for content such as scripts, styles, images, and more. This is done through the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header. Key directives include:
default-src: The default policy for loading content types.
script-src: Defines trusted sources for JavaScript.
style-src: Defines trusted sources for CSS.
img-src: Defines trusted sources for images.
2. Common CSP Misconfigurations
Misconfigured CSP policies are often the root cause of bypasses. Common issues include:
Allowing unsafe-inline or unsafe-eval in script-src.
Overly permissive whitelists.
Failing to cover all possible directives, leaving certain content types unprotected.
# Bypassing CSP
JSONP (JSON with Padding) allows data to be fetched from a different domain using a <script>tag.IftheJSONPendpointisnotproperlysecured,itcanbeexploitedtoexecutearbitraryJavaScript.
Overly permissive CSP headers, such as those allowing unsafe-inline, can be exploited to run inline scripts directly.
Inline Script Allowances
When unsafe-inline is allowed, or if there is an oversight allowing inline scripts, attackers can inject their payload directly into inline scripts.
Data URIs
Data URIs can sometimes be used to bypass CSP if they are allowed in the policy.
Script gadgets are existing pieces of code on a website that can be exploited to perform unintended actions. This is particularly effective if unsafe-inline or unsafe-eval is used.
Find an existing inline script that can be manipulated.
Inject code that modifies the behavior of the script.
Content Injection via Whitelisted CDNs
If a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is whitelisted, and the attacker can upload content to that CDN, they can inject malicious scripts.
SRI is used to ensure that resources hosted on third-party servers have not been tampered with. However, if SRI is not used properly, it can be bypassed.
Mutation XSS exploits the way browsers handle dynamic content changes. If CSP allows unsafe-inline, attackers can inject payloads that mutate the DOM in unexpected ways.
Utilize libraries like DOMPurify to clean HTML inputs and prevent XSS.
Example DOMPurify Usage
var clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty);
8. References
Pentest-Tools Blog on XSS Attacks
Hacktricks XSS Documentation
Hacktricks on CSP Bypass
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of XSS, various attack scenarios, contexts of injection, advanced techniques, and best practices for mitigation. Understanding these concepts is crucial for both defending against and exploiting XSS vulnerabilities in web applications.