# Web Cache Deception Attack
## Tools
* [Param Miner - PortSwigger](https://github.com/PortSwigger/param-miner)
> This extension identifies hidden, unlinked parameters. It's particularly useful for finding web cache poisoning vulnerabilities.
## Exploit
1. Browser requests `http://www.example.com/home.php/non-existent.css`.
2. Server returns the content of `http://www.example.com/home.php`, most probably with HTTP caching headers that instruct to not cache this page.
3. The response goes through the proxy.
4. The proxy identifies that the file has a css extension.
5. Under the cache directory, the proxy creates a directory named home.php, and caches the imposter "CSS" file (non-existent.css) inside.
## Methodology of the attack - example
1. Normal browsing, visit home : `https://www.example.com/myaccount/home/`
2. Open the malicious link : `https://www.example.com/myaccount/home/malicious.css`
3. The page is displayed as /home and the cache is saving the page
4. Open a private tab with the previous URL : `https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/home/malicous.css`
5. The content of the cache is displayed
Video of the attack by Omer Gil - Web Cache Deception Attack in PayPal Home Page
## Methodology 2
1. Find an unkeyed input for a Cache Poisoning
Values: User-Agent
Values: Cookie
Header: X-Forwarded-Host
Header: X-Host
Header: X-Forwarded-Server
Header: X-Forwarded-Scheme (header; also in combination with X-Forwarded-Host)
Header: X-Original-URL (Symfony)
Header: X-Rewrite-URL (Symfony)
2. Cache poisonning attack - Example for `X-Forwarded-Host` unkeyed input (remember to use a buster to only cache this webpage instead of the main page of the website)
GET /test?buster=123 HTTP/1.1
Host: target.com
X-Forwarded-Host: test">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
## References
* [Web Cache Deception Attack - Omer Gil](http://omergil.blogspot.fr/2017/02/web-cache-deception-attack.html)
* [Practical Web Cache Poisoning - James Kettle @albinowax](https://portswigger.net/blog/practical-web-cache-poisoning)
* [Web Caching - SI9INT](https://si9int.sh/article/6)