JWT None alternative + MS15-051

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Swissky 2019-08-22 23:03:48 +02:00
parent e0220d1f17
commit 6c161f26b2
2 changed files with 24 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ JWT Encoder Decoder: `http://jsonwebtoken.io`
JWT supports a None algorithm for signature. This was probably introduced to debug applications. However, this can have a severe impact on the security of the application.
None algorithm variants:
* none
* None
* nOnE
To exploit this vulnerability, you just need to decode the JWT and change the algorithm used for the signature. Then you can submit your new JWT.
However, this won't work unless you **remove** the signature

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
* [MS08-067 (NetAPI)](#ms08-067-netapi)
* [MS10-015 (KiTrap0D)](#ms10-015-kitrap0d---microsoft-windows-nt2000--2003--2008--xp--vista--7)
* [MS11-080 (adf.sys)](#ms11-080-afd.sys---microsoft-windows-xp-2003)
* [MS15-051 (Client Copy Image)](#ms15-051---microsoft-windows-2003--2008--7--8--2012)
* [MS16-032](#ms16-032---microsoft-windows-7--10--2008--2012-r2-x86x64)
* [MS17-010 (Eternal Blue)](#ms17-010-eternal-blue)
* [References](#references)
@ -775,6 +776,23 @@ Python: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18176
Metasploit: exploit/windows/local/ms11_080_afdjoinleaf
### MS15-051 (Client Copy Image) - Microsoft Windows 2003/2008/7/8/2012
printf("[#] usage: ms15-051 command \n");
printf("[#] eg: ms15-051 \"whoami /all\" \n");
# x32
# x64
use exploit/windows/local/ms15_051_client_copy_image
### MS16-032 - Microsoft Windows 7 < 10 / 2008 < 2012 R2 (x86/x64)
Check if the patch is installed : `wmic qfe list | findstr "3139914"`