> That machine key is used for encryption and decryption of forms authentication cookie data and view-state data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification.
ViewState in IIS is a technique used to retain the state of web controls between postbacks in ASP.NET applications. It stores data in a hidden field on the page, allowing the page to maintain user input and other state information.
A machineKey in IIS is a configuration element in ASP.NET that specifies cryptographic keys and algorithms used for encrypting and validating data, such as view state and forms authentication tokens. It ensures consistency and security across web applications, especially in web farm environments.
The `validationKey` attribute specifies a hexadecimal string used to validate data, ensuring it hasn't been tampered with.
The `decryptionKey` attribute provides a hexadecimal string used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data.
The `validation` attribute defines the algorithm used for data validation, with options like SHA1, MD5, 3DES, AES, and HMACSHA256, among others.
The `decryption` attribute specifies the encryption algorithm, with options like Auto, DES, 3DES, and AES, or you can specify a custom algorithm using alg:algorithm_name.
The following example of a machineKey is from Microsoft documentation (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/troubleshoot/security-issues/troubleshooting-forms-authentication).
* [BApp Store > ViewState Editor](https://portswigger.net/bappstore/ba17d9fb487448b48368c22cb70048dc) - ViewState Editor is an extension that allows you to view and edit the structure and contents of V1.1 and V2.0 ASP view state data.
# --modifier = `__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR` parameter value
# --encrypteddata = `__VIEWSTATE` parameter value of the target application
* Then generate a ViewState using [pwntester/ysoserial.net](https://github.com/pwntester/ysoserial.net), both `TextFormattingRunProperties` and `TypeConfuseDelegate` gadgets can be used.
Default validation algorithm is `HMACSHA256` and the default decryption algorithm is `AES`.
If the `__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR` is missing but the application uses .NET Framework version 4.0 or below, you can use the root of the app (e.g: `--apppath="/testaspx/"`).
* [Deep Dive into .NET ViewState Deserialization and Its Exploitation - Swapneil Kumar Dash - October 22, 2019](https://swapneildash.medium.com/deep-dive-into-net-viewstate-deserialization-and-its-exploitation-54bf5b788817)
* [Exploiting Deserialisation in ASP.NET via ViewState - Soroush Dalili - April 23, 2019](https://soroush.me/blog/2019/04/exploiting-deserialisation-in-asp-net-via-viewstate/)
* [Exploiting ViewState Deserialization using Blacklist3r and YSoSerial.Net - Claranet - June 13, 2019](https://www.claranet.com/us/blog/2019-06-13-exploiting-viewstate-deserialization-using-blacklist3r-and-ysoserialnet)
* [Project Blacklist3r - @notsosecure - November 23, 2018](https://www.notsosecure.com/project-blacklist3r/)
* [View State, The Unpatchable IIS Forever Day Being Actively Exploited - Zeroed - July 21, 2024](https://zeroed.tech/blog/viewstate-the-unpatchable-iis-forever-day-being-actively-exploited/)