`wsrepl`, a tool developed by Doyensec, aims to simplify the auditing of websocket-based apps. It offers an interactive REPL interface that is user-friendly and easy to automate. The tool was developed during an engagement with a client whose web application heavily relied on WebSockets for soft real-time communication.
wsrepl is designed to provide a balance between an interactive REPL experience and automation. It is built with Python’s TUI framework Textual, and it interoperates with curl’s arguments, making it easy to transition from the Upgrade request in Burp to wsrepl. It also provides full transparency of WebSocket opcodes as per RFC 6455 and has an automatic reconnection feature in case of disconnects.
pip install wsrepl
wsrepl -u URL -P auth_plugin.py
Moreover, wsrepl simplifies the process of transitioning into WebSocket automation. Users just need to write a Python plugin. The plugin system is designed to be flexible, allowing users to define hooks that are executed at various stages of the WebSocket lifecycle (init, on_message_sent, on_message_received, ...).
The content of the message should contains the **[FUZZ]** keyword.
{"auth_user":"dGVzda==", "auth_pass":"[FUZZ]"}
Then you can use any tools against the newly created web service, working as a proxy and tampering on the fly the content of message sent thru the websocket.
- [HACKING WEB SOCKETS: ALL WEB PENTEST TOOLS WELCOMED by Michael Fowl | Mar 5, 2019](https://web.archive.org/web/20190306170840/https://www.vdalabs.com/2019/03/05/hacking-web-sockets-all-web-pentest-tools-welcomed/)