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// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: Bmc.Broker.Proxy.ProxyInfo
// Assembly: ticketservice, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 3DFB8186-7053-43AF-8B45-70866071B1F2
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00001-msil\Trojan.Win32.Patched.mf-fd200e64412b6be5c177c3cfa7b94e83e807ff04211ce324f12e2ffa5537eb36.exe
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Bmc.Broker.Proxy
public class ProxyInfo : IWebProxy
public static readonly Regex schematizedProxyRegex = new Regex("^([a-zA-Z]+)=(.*)");
public static readonly Regex hostAndPortRegex = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9.]+:[0-9]+");
private static readonly char[] splitChars = new char[5]
' ',
private ICredentials creds;
public bool useProxy;
public Hashtable proxies;
public Uri defaultProxy;
public string[] bypassDomains;
public bool bypassLocal;
public ProxyInfo()
this.creds = (ICredentials) null;
this.useProxy = false;
this.proxies = new Hashtable();
this.defaultProxy = (Uri) null;
this.bypassDomains = new string[0];
this.bypassLocal = true;
private Uri UriFrom(string str) => str.IndexOf(':') == -1 || ProxyInfo.hostAndPortRegex.Match(str).Success ? new Uri("http://" + str) : new Uri(str);
public void LoadFrom(WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO wpi)
if (wpi.dwAccessType == 1)
this.useProxy = false;
this.useProxy = true;
foreach (string str in wpi.lpszProxy == null ? new string[0] : wpi.lpszProxy.Split(ProxyInfo.splitChars))
Match match = ProxyInfo.schematizedProxyRegex.Match(str);
if (match.Success)
this.proxies[(object) match.Groups[1].ToString()] = (object) this.UriFrom(match.Groups[2].ToString());
this.defaultProxy = this.UriFrom(str);
this.bypassDomains = wpi.lpszProxyBypass == null ? new string[0] : wpi.lpszProxyBypass.Split(ProxyInfo.splitChars);
this.bypassLocal = false;
foreach (string bypassDomain in this.bypassDomains)
if (bypassDomain == "<local>")
this.bypassLocal = true;
if (!this.bypassLocal)
string[] strArray = new string[this.bypassDomains.Length - 1];
int num = 0;
foreach (string bypassDomain in this.bypassDomains)
if (bypassDomain != "<local>")
strArray[num++] = bypassDomain;
this.bypassDomains = strArray;
public ICredentials Credentials
get => this.creds;
set => this.creds = value;
public Uri GetProxy(Uri dest)
if (!this.useProxy)
return (Uri) null;
return this.proxies.ContainsKey((object) dest.Scheme) ? (Uri) this.proxies[(object) dest.Scheme] : this.defaultProxy;
public bool IsBypassed(Uri dest)
if (!this.useProxy || this.bypassLocal && (dest.IsLoopback || dest.Host.IndexOf('.') == -1))
return true;
foreach (string bypassDomain in this.bypassDomains)
if (bypassDomain == dest.Host)
return true;
return false;